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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Change dark ward back


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yes it looks like something i leave in the toilet in the morning!darkward looks just crap.the rocks stuff of shadow looks cool but this thing on the asassin sry to say has notthing to do with the class it self,i think darkward should never have changed anyway it looked just fine.my suggestion make it look like an lightning barrier around the tank or just change it back!! get with the program BIOWARE DESIGNERS... as so far most changes and gear looks blehhh!! endgame bountyhunter gear for instance. what the f??? where you guys high on meth while implementing that??:p Edited by darthwretch
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Jesus, you people will complain about anything. Personally I think the animation looks cool as hell, and I hope they never change it. If an ability animation change causes you to stop playing a class completely, I really don't know what to say to you other than stop being so damn picky.
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Jesus, you people will complain about anything. Personally I think the animation looks cool as hell, and I hope they never change it. If an ability animation change causes you to stop playing a class completely, I really don't know what to say to you other than stop being so damn picky.


+1 on this response.


Fix tanking - the Dark Ward is cool as hell, and I love it, and leave it!

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I was hoping that i'll get used to it over time, but time passes and i still can't stand the new animation. Too flashy purple aura, too annoying Jedi holocron. Please at least give us an option to turn the new animation off in game settings.


Jesus, you people will complain about anything. Personally I think the animation looks cool as hell, and I hope they never change it. If an ability animation change causes you to stop playing a class completely, I really don't know what to say to you other than stop being so damn picky.

So tired of this stupid "you will complain about anything" statement.

Anyway, it's absolutely understandable when people stop playing a class because of it. They got used to how things were before, and now every time their character is in combat he resembles a luminous purple ball of who knows what with some stupid thingy rotating around it.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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Incidentally, during the free xp weekend I was leveling a sage and trying to forget how much this ability makes me angry. That is when I noticed that in the Jedi Academy on Tython, when you access the archive at some point.....the holocron that rests on top opens up and performs the exact same animation as is currently being used for Dark Ward. This just adds to my frustration in a way that is probably not wise to express honestly...so instead....


My rational question would be....what did we do to deserve this as customers and as fans? Why was an animation from a jedi story cinematic then used as a sith ability animation? Changing the previous animation was enough of a priority to allow anyone to commit this horrible travesty?


How did it pass through quality control even though it clips into the lightsaber blade when it is ignited and obscures our other active state animations?


At a technical level, I feel that it is scrap material straight out since every time we cast the ability it ignites the lightsaber and clips into both the front, and the back blade. I hope it gets removed and I have no faith in a fix since our cloaks still clip into our speeders over a year after release and that is a good place to stop and a good example of why we should continue to DEMAND to have this ability animation rolled back and left ALONE!

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Are you @#$OIU@#O blind, a dev, or just a troll....GET THIS @)#$( CRAP, OUT OF THE GAME! I hate this animation with an intensity best used as a Padme force choke and rightly so, its so piss poorly executed that it makes me want to delete my character.
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Change it back.

There's nothing nice that I can say about the current version, it has no redeeming qualities. It is simply awful in every way - worse, it is actively detrimental as it obscures the character.

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Seriously, I can't be the only person who honestly gives 0 ****s about this. I don't mind the Shadow rocks, I don't mind the holocron. Come complain when you're surrounded by male genitalia. THEN I'll say 'Yeah, the animation is a top priority fix."
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Sorry but this is annoying IMO. The devs HAVE to PLEASE tone down the purple glow on this animation. My entire screen is purple it glows so bright. Totally kills playing tank'sin for me.


There is nothing star warsy or iconic about a holocron box floating around my waist with a giant purple aura blinding my screen... It looks, it looks so much like darth maul from the movies!!! :rolleyes:

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I'm not a fan either, it's too bright personally. I kept track of my ward charges anyway like I'm sure everyone else does, but while I think it's great they added a visual indicator, I feel it's too in my face. Not a fan of the spinny thing either personally.
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On a somewhat unrelated note, the Fury stacks animation for Marauders is completely over the top too.


In-game feedback for game mechanics is absolutely a good thing and should be pursued... but in s slightly less ham-fisted way, please.

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I realize some people like the color purple and epileptic seizures caused by extreme flashing and glowing animations. I however do not care for them. And greatly miss the old animations (and more so) the appearance of the old dark ward.


I get, if the devs NEED to make a visual indicator. I don't particularly care for the way they did it though in this case.


Please tone down the extreme-in-your-face-purple-glow. I hate the holocron too, but i care more about the blinding glow.

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