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SWTOR Live Stream Event - Your Thoughts


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Please answer this one ^ !


My god i'm so happy im not the only one.


I came onto the live Stream SPECIFICALLY to ask this so i could relay it back to my guild, friends, and other players on the Server.


But it wasn't addressed. The sheer amount of Shadow/Assassin players that are not amused by this lack of urgency is fairly substantial.


As you can see from the thread i shared before, theres a few of us, and not a single Dev took time to contribute to it (However they were more than happy to post to the Threads made by these so called "guilds" who were testing the content).


Well the content was tested. And these are the results for Assassins/Shadows.


So please.

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My god i'm so happy im not the only one.


I came onto the live Stream SPECIFICALLY to ask this so i could relay it back to my guild, friends, and other players on the Server.


But it wasn't addressed. The sheer amount of Shadow/Assassin players that are not amused by this lack of urgency is fairly substantial.


As you can see from the thread i shared before, theres a few of us, and not a single Dev took time to contribute to it (However they were more than happy to post to the Threads made by these so called "guilds" who were testing the content).


Well the content was tested. And these are the results for Assassins/Shadows.


So please.


Its not that they are not feeling the pain - We have tried and tried with multiple posts recently to no response - Not to mention the balancing which is blatantly PVP Tank/dps geared orientated but also the horrible choice of animation on Dark ward (Kinetic Ward) which 1. Obscures other buffs for the class and 2. Induces ridicule and motion sickness.


To get to the point where numbers have clearly proved that with a sin tank your chances are lower of clearing content faster then with other tanks (due to the randomness of the damage - I'm not going to go into the whole post now) its really sad to see. I have cleared the content - It can be done but how much easier it is when you swap a sin for a jug or pt.. its horrible

Edited by Solar_Breeze
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Ok, let me follow here...

Weapons/Armor that have Expertise on them (I.E.PvP gear) does not get bolstered..

Most recent item power available is from the the new nightmare mode raid (I.E. lvl 55 gear)

Since PvP gear does not get bolstered, the damage and armor value increase must refer to PvE gear..

Basically, PvE gear which is already better then PvP gear in many circumstances is going to get even better??


I must be missing something here, what am I missing?? hmmmm.. low level maybe.. wait no, new items are for lvl 55 only... umm PvP gear getting bolstered?? hmm think that would have been on the top of the list of PvP changes if that was the case... soooo.. nope, doesn't appear I am missing anything.. PvE gear is getting even better I guess..

That confused me as well...it reads as though PvE armor will be superior in every way.

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I agree.


From what i could see the animation for the Sin Ward is due to be fixed (Fairly certain i saw that in the patch notes)


However i havent read, nor heard anything regarding the Spikyness issue that Assassin and shadow Tanks experience.


Also, the lack of a charge ability is an annoyance. And no. Force speed does NOT make up for it.

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I agree.

And no. Force speed does NOT make up for it.


^ Its more annoying that previously Force Shroud-able abilities now cannot be shrouded (but can be saber reflected), or that fights such as Thrasher NiM basically can't be tanked by a Sin tank due to lack of cooldowns / spike damage


I pray that the dark ward thing has an off button but will have to see..

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Its more annoying that previously Force Shroud-able abilities now cannot be shrouded, or that fights such as Thrasher NiM basically can't be tanked by a Sin tank due to lack of cooldowns / spike damage


I pray that the dark ward thing has an off button but will have to see..


The spikyness is what worry's me too much.


Who will want to take a Shadow to a NiM 55 op when Vanguards and Guardians yield a better chance of success.


That and from some of the posts that were added to the PTS forum, and some tests that a certain someone was running (Though his name escapes me) its clear that Shadows and Assassins need a tweak.

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Amber threw me some help on this one. Here are two Bolster bug fixes going live in Game Update 2.2:


  • Crit rating, accuracy rating, absorb rating, defense rating, and surge rating now respect diminishing returns for low level Bolstered characters.
  • The base damage and armor value granted by Bolster have been slightly increased to account to the most recent item power available to players.

Also we currently have two other bug fixes slated for 2.2.1, they aren't locked in 100% as they are still in testing. But just to give you some idea around "when will Bolster be fixed?"


Hope that adds some clarity!


Neither of those are bugs. They are adjustments at best. The second is just adjusting for the new set of pve gear.

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Neither of those are bugs. They are adjustments at best. The second is just adjusting for the new set of pve gear.


I am a mighty defender of bioware but I agree.


What they fed us about bolster (after you guys wailed and nashed your teeth) was really an adjustment.


I thinks the player community is way more concerned about:


1. PvE gear being superior to PvP gear because bolster is basically free stats on top of their already incredible set of PvE stats.

2. Obvious bugs. (Not saying all bugs are obvious. I worked on software, I know how it goes.)



I don't really have any beef about today's session. I'm not going to whine a cry like most of the forums but to give people a clue about what bolster problems you have solidified and then not even address the biggest issues is kind of...odd.



Oh well. I'm sure we will hear more.

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I have stopped PvPing for the most part. This game is bleeding PvPers.
While it may be bad for PVPers, it's way worse with roleplayers and socializers. We are still waiting for essential features like chat bubbles (which is a feature that could be compared to PVP's warzone queue interface or PVE's group finder in terms of importance for socializers and roleplayers) that were promised to us for launch or shortly thereafter after all, siting on chairs, and many other things. At least what PVPers get aren't things that cost cartel coins (even for subscribers!), unlike virtually anything of real interest to roleplayers and socializers that has been added since free to play went live.


Also, I don't understand why they just don't do away with bolster and expertise and replace it with stat normalization instead, so everyone (of the same advanced class/tree) in PVP has the exact same stats and it's really (ideally) only about player skill instead of who has the best gear. Maybe even change the skills for PVP so they are a separate set than PVE skills (and everyone has them no matter of level so there are no disadvantages and everyone is equal) and can be balanced easier without having to look at unbalancing PVE with it and vice-versa.

That alone wouldn't save PVP, of course, and would certainly be tricky to do and get right. Nothing is more frustrating than a team of premades (heck, we even get them in the low-level brackets now) with top-notch PVP gear and voice communication waltzing over a non-premade team of non-premades and discourages people from PVP and putting people on even ground would be a good step of giving the non-hardcore PVP crowd a fighting chance (and possibly encourage them to PVP more because it becomes enjoyable instead of it just being frustrating due to being cannon fodder to the top-geared crowd) instead of having themselves and two other teammates killed by a single player at the same time that doesn't even loose 5% by three people pounding on him before he kills all three of these.

Other concerns that PVPers have brought up certainly are valid and would still need to be addressed (I won't detail these as others have already brought it up and full-time PVPers are probably better to bring them up anyway), but I think that bringing everyone on the same level to begin with would make it a lot easier to balance PVP without affecting PVE (or vice-versa) in the future.

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Also, I don't understand why they just don't do away with bolster and expertise and replace it with stat normalization instead, so everyone (of the same advanced class/tree) in PVP has the exact same stats and it's really (ideally) only about player skill instead of who has the best gear. Maybe even change the skills for PVP so they are a separate set than PVE skills and can be balanced easier without having to look at unbalancing PVE with it and vice-versa.

It doesn't work that way. I myself had that idea before but ultimately it would destroy PvP. Your first reaction to that is probably going to be "Then get skill!" and mine would be too, for sure. Rest assured it's more complicated than that and is actually completely irrelivent to skill. It's a rather indepth explaination and I already wrote a twenty-line post on another thread so I'll explain it in the morning if you want



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While it may be bad for PVPers, it's way worse with roleplayers and socializers. We are still waiting for essential features like chat bubbles (which is a feature that could be compared to PVP's warzone queue interface or PVE's group finder in terms of importance for socializers and roleplayers) that were promised to us for launch or shortly thereafter after all, siting on chairs, and many other things. At least what PVPers get aren't things that cost cartel coins (even for subscribers!), unlike virtually anything of real interest to roleplayers and socializers that has been added since free to play went live..


I can sympathize with that, especially when you were told said feature (chat bubbs) were coming. Looking at the RP aspect, it looks quite bland I guess, and having to /pay cartel coins for stuff has got to be just awful. I do hope your gameplay gets the attention it deserves as well, as I do think it's been ignored just as much as the PvP aspect.

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The most common asked questions, even those that were topic appropriate were never asked.


We wanted to know about Bolster, Guild Functionality, Chat Bubbles, Guild Ships, Guild /war, Guild Benefits, Guild Management, and NONE of it was addressed.


It was asked over and over by dozens of people and completely ignored.


Live Stream was a waste of time

Very true. It certainly seems that EA/Bioware only answers the questions they wish to promote/push, not the ones the players really want to have answered unless they coincide with it.

I wouldn't even be surprised if some of the "questions" they actually do give answers to are sent by plants if a certain question doesn't come up from the players at all.


And by now we should already have realized know that things that would benefit socialisers and roleplayers with such as the highly requested features you listed aren't something they feel is important, even though socializers and roleplayers are the staples of any MMORPG's community and are the ones that will remain loyal to the game from launch until shutdown if treated right. They also ignore people with disabilities (where is the color blind mode that was promised around the time of launch?! Where are the speech bubbles?). In this game, we aren't being treated right, only ignored. It saddens me that anything added to the game that would interest the socializers and roleplayers is only done because they can milk us for cartel coins by adding it (best example is the appearance designer kiosk which is only usable with cartel coins even to subscribers, all the new apparel and even emotes and moods(!) added to the game which are only available via cartel market and mostly even only through gambling boxes where you have no clue what's in them upon buying, etc.). They have already managed to alienate so many of these types of players due to their constant (in-)actions in that department, and are continuing to alienate more and more by not finally addressing their issues that were promised to be addressed soon such a long time ago.


If Bioware/EA knew what was good for the game, they'd have given us features like speech bubbles, sitting on chairs, a customizable biography, as well as all the stuff they promised at the guild summit almost a year and a half ago and beyond to improve rolepay, socializing, guild improvements, etc. already. But they clearly don't give a kark about it or us, the players! They just want to push their own agenda, no matter what it is the players want!

Many of the players that Bioware/EA has alienated due to ignoring their requests will likely return to give the game another shot once these things are implemented (heck, I know that countless socializers and roleplayers I know that have quit the game and some that have stayed out of it due to the lack of chat bubbles would gladly give the game another chance if only the chat bubbles functionality from beta back in. I know I would, but I refuse to renew my subscription until that feature is finally added).

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If Bioware/EA knew what was good for the game, they'd have given us features like (...) sitting on chairs

I'm generally pretty chill about this kind of stuff. Not a roleplayer, don't plan to be.. but chairs. Seriously. I'd gain a thousand subs and satisfy ten thousand more for the game just by being hired for six hours. You copy the chair, you paste it, make it it's own group, make it invisible, cut it, and paste it in every place in the game that already has stools/chairs/benches. Then you attach the static mesh to the chair commands by making it clickable. Done. It's not rocket science here. I wouldn't say I'd prioritize it over getting 2.2 online or fixing server transfers or big issues like that, but this has been delayed for so long and is so simple to impliment. You can't make an RP game update. Both the PvP commmunity and PvE community would flip out. Add the RP features over time, and everyone will be happy. You have three main types of servers. One is RP. Don't forget it.

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Why are they so evasive ? what is the point of beeing so secret.Players hate it ! Anyways

this summer you will lose alot of players when this is how to treat people, when will you learn to

value your customers ?


What i get from this was:


1 We changed our mind from what we said on the forums that there will never be cross server to might happen

because we want to hold on to PvP players even thou will will of course never put in cross server ranked !!!

Anyone who dont get this should really wake up, they say these things to try and keep you around longer for $


2 NO hood toggle ever ! period.


3 Bolster is fine PvE gear is still king in WZ !


4 NO talk about minigames so people will still idle on fleet to the point were they get bored and leave.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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You are apparently misinformed.


TOR is one of the top cash creators for EA right now. No company, big or small, ignores their top cash earners. You don't take a product that is making money and ignore it.


Your little soapbox rant might sound good to the ignorant, self important MMO gamer but it has no basis in reality. We've had a steady stream of releases and patches for the past 6 months. The game has never been in a better state even WITH the current problems with bolster. We even know that whatever this super space project is still being developed and probably has something to do with free roaming space (based on today's event).


So you can continue to speak freely but just know that your words don't mean much to those of us who actually pay attention to detail.


Keep sayimg this to yourself while subscribers unsubscribe and SWTOR have to try and make money

out of the F2P players only.Reality check, if EA want this game to anywere and grow they have to fire the

friend gang at BioWare and put in developers in charge that understand how to keep people around.

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Well it was held on the first day of the work week and many people in the US were at work or busy with other things. Now had they held this on a Saturday or Sunday evening it probably would have had a ton more people.


Well considering it is the US, a ton more people would be what, 6-7 more people?

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I say that BW should go into politics. Lying and being a hypocrite is the EA motto and BW is no exception.


Next live stream you should stay home. You say that the community and subs are important yet you treat us like idiots. Since day one the lies been piling up. And after watching you guys it seemed like watching a politician lying to save his career.


I'll start believing the day you integrate all that you've promised before launch...

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As a rule I love the community team and think they do a great job. However I really feel they let the live stream down yesterday. Yes there was a load of spam about the bolster system but there were also a load of questions about guilds and other 2.2. content. Instead the 2 live stream questions she asked were jokey rubbish about Bruce appearing in a future video and Jedi Hoods... Oh and the SSSP... Then when she was specifically asked if there was more from the stream she said 'That was about it' which felt like a slap in the face of those of us there, not spamming the channel, but asking meaningful questions.


On a more positive note, other than the PVPers crying over bolster, and the Q&A not really being a Q&A, I loved hanging out and talking away before the event.


Much Love, Eid

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On a more positive note, other than the PVPers crying over bolster, and the Q&A not really being a Q&A, I loved hanging out and talking away before the event.


Much Love, Eid


(emphasis mine)


The Q&A's have never really been Q&A's though. Bioware always picked out the easiest and most irrelevant questions, utterly ignoring everything else (they didn't even have the decency to say 'sorry, we know there were a lot of questions about x, y and z, but we can't address those at the moment') and when the community denounced the Q&A in that state as being useless, instead of improving their communication and involvement, Bioware got rid of the Q&A.


And it seems also several months ago they scrapped the Developer Blog, which was supposedly our replacement, though that two was a great farce.

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By the way, I don't care the Super Secret Space Project while this game has no Pazaak and no Swoop Races. It just does not deserve the name 'Old Republic' without Pazaak!


QFT ! well what can we do, they dont understand what a great star wars game looks like.

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