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Imperial Entanglements - A web comic


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Thanks! I'm glad you like my comics. :) I do plan to include Mendiloquence's sister in at lest one other strip for sure possibly more. There is also a chance some of my other characters might show up in the strip. I want to do all the flash points and those would involve other player characters but I haven't decided how I plan to write that.


There are several possibilities I've been tossing around. One of the ideas I had was to use reader's player characters for flash points. But I would have really really strict requirements of would I could use in terms of gear and class. The parts would already be pretty much all written ahead of time, because of this I don't know if there would be that much interest in it from my readers or if it'd be worth the effort. The characters would need to look like what I need them to look like and act like I need them to act which might not be how the owner of those characters wants them to look or act. i.e. wearing gear that a character at that level could wear and looks like something that the character I had written would wear (so for example, Sith would need to look like Sith bounty hunters would need to look like bounty hunters ect...). It might be easier just for me to make something up that I know will work and possibly avoid any hurt feelings. Other then that probably no there won't be much in the way of other player characters.


It's going to take me forever to get through the agent and warrior class stories as it is I think straying too far from it will bog things down. It's not to say I don't want to but I'm not a good enough artist or writer to pull it off at this point. I might be some day but I suspect that some day is pretty far away. Right now I'm just trying to get fast enough for 2 strips a week and try and figure out how I'm going to write the dark temple and beyond.

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I could volunteer my Bounty Hunter Mercenary, Zevrax. I have most of the armour that I wore throughout the game. I wore the level 20 BH PvP Red and White armour for a while, I forget what it's called. If you want to use him, do what you will. I won't mind.


You're doing a great job, I'm sure you'll figure something out. After seeing your work, and some other web comics here, I'm thinking of trying my hand at it too.

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Id love to see the Flashpoint comics...With 'Players' that rush in and aggro large groups of mobs wiping the group....The guy complaining its taking too long and we should skip this 'Target'....The guy thats supposed to heal but instead decides to drop some damage.


Theres so many directions you could go with the characters that would be hilarious. And I look forward to reading them.

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You can have J'mpok for a run, if you want. :D


He's a Marauder, body type 3, with green and black Eradicator armor. I even named his lightsabers: Argentum (Silver-bladed) and Aurum (Gold-bladed).


It'll be fun to see what you come up with.

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Love the comic, keep up the good work. Really looking forward to when you start doing stuff with Baras, that is a comdey show.


Thank-you I'm glad you like my comic. :) Baras makes his debut in comic 45, so that's something to look forward to.

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Did you know I have a Tumblr account for this comic? Well now you do! I post this comic and random bits of Star Wars fan art there. http://impe-comic.tumblr.com/

Edited by Ilayas
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"I'm gonna sing the DOOM Song!"


Hehe I was wondering if some one would get that reference. :)


I like the way baras's helmet looks in here a lot more then I do in game, here it's more sharp and fitted when in game it's just kinda round./thumbsup


Thanks I actually spent a lot of time trying to work out the design for his helmet.

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