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Keybinding in PvP


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Hi, my name is Matt and I'm a recovering Clicker.



I've always clicked and turned with my keyboard, first with WASD and at a later evolution ESDF.


When I say I MASTERED clicking, I mean it. Oh sure, I would hold down right-click to whip the camera around, or strafe out of the battle and jump-turn but at the end of the day I clicked 70% of my abilities.


I did work in some keybinds. It all worked very harmoniously together, so much so that noone could tell I was clicking. I had learned the art of strafing and jump turning, and utilized them far beyond their potential. It was a system that worked.

HERE you will see what became the norm for me. 300k damage/protection was easy (to be fair, you can only protect what damage gets dealt and I couldn't have done it at all without good healers) and I was satisfied knowing that I could contribute something positive to my team.




In a one on one with some assassin in Black Hole, I lost. After evaluating why, I realized that he was one hit from death and he won because he was able to turn around me faster at the end, resulting in my eventual demise. I pondered for a couple days about switching from clicking to binding before I made the decision. It's a big change and it's not something to undertake if you're easily frustrated. Clicking to me was natural and almost tradition, so changing just on the off-chance that it would be better for me wasn't something I was willing to dive blindly into.


I came to the conclusion that I should switch. Something about clicking felt a little over-complicated, and I'm all about simple and easy. So I went out and bought a Naga Hex (I have big thumbs, leave me alone) and an Anansi keyboard.


I won't bore you with the details of my keybinds or how many times I changed them to find something that flowed a bit better. I've had them for a week now, and the difference is HERE. I certainly FEEL like I'm playing more efficiently.


I haven't yet mastered using all my keybinds, and as such my utility has suffered. It's a learning process, and at some point I will be able to do the same sort of things I did before, only easier.


Side Note: I'm not a tank, per se. I play Vigilance in Soresu with a shield and some defense stacked. I play it because it's fun, and I only want to play my build to it's fullest. I've seen better players, so 300k Damage/Protection doesn't fool me into thinking I'm almighty. I haven't been guard-swapping, because that's an advanced tactic that I'm not prepared to attempt again until I've mastered other aspects of my keybinds.


If any of you have any advice, I'm all ears and it would be appreciated more than you know. It's a very difficult transition.

Edited by maverickmatt
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If you're actually serious (I can't open up those links at work), then you are in the same boat I was. This is the first game I learned how to "do it right".


Best bet? Start a lowbie. Start from scratch. You'll have double exp weekends this month coming up (first one is in two weeks). You'll figure it out that way.

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Good for you! :)


SWTOR was my first MMO, so when I started I had my abilities split 50/50 between keybinds and clicking. However, pretty quickly I realised that I was often dying because I couldn't reach an ability quickly enough. Sometimes, I'd die because I'd click the wrong ability. It was very frustrating. Over the space of two months I gradually changed my UI so that I now have every ability that I may use in-combat as a keybind. I still have some things like my class buff unbound, but everything else has been assigned a spot on my keyboard (I don't have a gaming mouse). I am FAR more efficient now, and I also spend a lot more time looking around the battlefield, rather than worrying about where my mouse is on the Quickbar. I really feel like I am in control of my character now, and the game is much more exciting and enjoyable.


I honestly struggle to understand why people go to such lengths to make clicking work, though. There are loads of amazingly good clickers in SWTOR and many other MMOs, but I just don't understand why they persist for so long that it becomes nearly impossible for them to switch to keybindings. If they'd made the switch early, they'd find it very easy to pick up. And how do they manage to put up with the boring combat? Staring at the Quickbar for an entire fight is just not a fun way to play (at least, not for me).

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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Good for you! :)


SWTOR was my first MMO, so when I started I had my abilities split 50/50 between keybinds and clicking. However, pretty quickly I realised that I was often dying because I couldn't reach an ability quickly enough. Sometimes, I'd die because I'd click the wrong ability. It was very frustrating. Over the space of two months I gradually changed my UI so that I now have every ability that I may use in-combat as a keybind. I still have some things like my class buff unbound, but everything else has been assigned a spot on my keyboard (I don't have a gaming mouse). I am FAR more efficient now, and I also spend a lot more time looking around the battlefield, rather than worrying about where my mouse is on the Quickbar. I really feel like I am in control of my character now, and the game is much more exciting and enjoyable.


I honestly struggle to understand why people go to such lengths to make clicking work, though. There are loads of amazingly good clickers in SWTOR and many other MMOs, but I just don't understand why they persist for so long that it becomes nearly impossible for them to switch to keybindings. If they'd made the switch early, they'd find it very easy to pick up. And how do they manage to put up with the boring combat? Staring at the Quickbar for an entire fight is just not a fun way to play (at least, not for me).


It is a very arduous thing, keybinding. Switching is even more so, but I would venture to guess that it settles down to something akin to autopilot, like brushing teeth. I can't say I've brushed every set of teeth on the planet, but I can say that I don't have to think about how to brush each tooth and when to brush one tooth before another tooth. It's all...... autopilot.

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To be honest, I don't know how I can play with most of my abilities keybinded.


In all, I'm a hybrid, but I have most abilities set-to-click. The rest are keybinded. I just find a huge problem with keybinding. When I keybind, it feels like I'm playing with my feet and it's uncomfortable. At the end of a PvP match, I see myself do a lot worse. I have my UI setup to where I can click very, very easily while being able to watch the action on the screen.


As for keyboard turning, I'm not sure how that works. How do you turn a keyboard to help you win? What does this "keyboard turning" entail anyways? I just have to say I am pretty much a master clicker, and I might stay that way because keybinding has become such a complicated thing for me.


A few abilities I can tell you I always keybind are interrupts, CC breaker, ball passing, adrenals, medpacks, stims, buffs, health restore, certain abilities that are instant when finishing someone off, instant when healing to keep someone up, and almost all my other defense cooldowns. Other than that, I'm majorly a clicker and I feel comfortable with that.


I don't get why there are elitists out there who have to make such a big deal out of it. I perform my best out of mostly clicking. They're just going to have to deal with it because keybinding may not be for everyone. :cool:

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To be honest, I don't know how I can play with most of my abilities keybinded.


In all, I'm a hybrid, but I have most abilities set-to-click. The rest are keybinded. I just find a huge problem with keybinding. When I keybind, it feels like I'm playing with my feet and it's uncomfortable. At the end of a PvP match, I see myself do a lot worse. I have my UI setup to where I can click very, very easily while being able to watch the action on the screen.


As for keyboard turning, I'm not sure how that works. How do you turn a keyboard to help you win? What does this "keyboard turning" entail anyways? I just have to say I am pretty much a master clicker, and I might stay that way because keybinding has become such a complicated thing for me.

To answer: Keyboard turning is using a combination of forward movement (default W) side movement (defaults A and D) and the strafe OPPOSITE your desired direction (default Q and E). Turning quickly requires forward, side, opposite strafe, and jump.


A few abilities I can tell you I always keybind are interrupts, CC breaker, ball passing, adrenals, medpacks, stims, buffs, health restore, certain abilities that are instant when finishing someone off, instant when healing to keep someone up, and almost all my other defense cooldowns. Other than that, I'm majorly a clicker and I feel comfortable with that.


I don't get why there are elitists out there who have to make such a big deal out of it. I perform my best out of mostly clicking. They're just going to have to deal with it because keybinding may not be for everyone. :cool:


I never listened to the elitists, whose only response to a player-made video was "nice clicking LOLZNOOBSUK". I chose keybinding at this point because I was bested, and I hate that.

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To answer: Keyboard turning is using a combination of forward movement (default W) side movement (defaults A and D) and the strafe OPPOSITE your desired direction (default Q and E). Turning quickly requires forward, side, opposite strafe, and jump.

Then I do that, but I turn very fast and make sure that I'm not out-turned to the best of my ability. It was a bit hard at first, but I got it to work to my advantage. :)


I never listened to the elitists, whose only response to a player-made video was "nice clicking LOLZNOOBSUK". I chose keybinding at this point because I was bested, and I hate that.

I was never called a keyboard turner or clicker, and I'm guessing that's because I'm too good at it for people to call me that.


One day I may revert to almost all keybinds at least, but I don't think that day will come for a long, long time. I'm happy to see your transition went smoothly, though. My first time, it sucked. Couldn't get over 100k anything in Warzones, and the combat was just horrible for me—having to actually look down to perform my next ability. :(

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Maddison, an I am also an ex clicker. I became a keybind user about 5 years ago, and since mastering it, I could never go back. At first, I didn't like it. When I decided to make the change, I was always unsure of myself. I would look for a particular keybind on my quickbars (say Shift+F for example) and make sure the skill I wanted to use was there. I also didnt have a gaming mouse, so using my fingers to reach numbers while running was a pain in the butt too. Once I got used to it, there's no way I could ever go back. I will share a few of the methods I used to follow through with learning how to be a full on keybinder.


1) get a gaming mouse. Trust me, you can bind just about anything to a gaming mouse, I myself am using the Logitech G600, it has 12 buttons under your thumb and a third "click" button, set for control. That's 24 keybinds in my right hand alone.


2) practice on dummies. If you try to hop right into PvP combat to test your keybinds, you'll do awful and it will discourage you. Learn your keybinds before hopping into PvP again.

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Then I do that, but I turn very fast and make sure that I'm not out-turned to the best of my ability.


It's physically impossible to turn faster using A+D then it is when someone holds right click and flicks the mouse. A+D speeds are set internally and only go one speed, that's it. A person using the mouse to run and turn has total control over how fast or slow they wish to turn. Fact.



Best piece of advise I can give to anyone thinking of switching but isn't comfortable with it; just practice moving with the mouse by holding left and right click down. Don't even worry about the keybinds now, they fall into place once you get the hang of the movement. This was the biggie for me, coming from all the singleplayer rpg's I was so use to moving with wasd that it was overwhelming at first. Now that I have the feel for it, to use an analogy it feels like I am 'driving my toon, taking hairpin turns, stopping on dimes and doing 360's with ease. After that, then you can start mapping out your key abilities with shorter CD's within reach of your left hand, longer CD's can go a little further away or with a modifier (shift/ctrl/alt).

Edited by Ridickilis
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It's physically impossible to turn faster using A+D then it is when someone holds right click and flicks the mouse. A+D speeds are set internally and only go one speed, that's it. A person using the mouse to run and turn has total control over how fast or slow they wish to turn. Fact.



Best piece of advise I can give to anyone thinking of switching but isn't comfortable with it; just practice moving with the mouse by holding left and right click down. Don't even worry about the keybinds now, they fall into place once you get the hang of the movement. This was the biggie for me, coming from all the singleplayer rpg's I was so use to moving with wasd that it was overwhelming at first. Now that I have the feel for it, to use an analogy it feels like I am 'driving my toon, taking hairpin turns, stopping on dimes and doing 360's with ease. After that, then you can start mapping out your key abilities with shorter CD's within reach of your left hand, longer CD's can go a little further away or with a modifier (shift/ctrl/alt).


I hadn't thought about mapping by cooldown.. Interesting indeed. I may have to give that a go.

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I hadn't thought about mapping by cooldown.. Interesting indeed. I may have to give that a go.


Well, don't mistake that as the 'best way'. It just works for me because I'm a bit clumsy with modifiers so I'd rather something on (U, J, K, N, 7 and 8 etc) than using alt-1 and so fourth.

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These threads always make me laugh because I'm a clicker/keybind hybrid.


I'm a woman and therefore have small hands and then add on the fact my thumb is proportionally too small for the rest of my hand and it becomes impossible to use a mouse with 3+ buttons on the side effectively. I just cannot reach them all without having to awkwardly move my entire hand over the mouse. So I click for the most part.


I've tried to compensate using a mouse by turning the sensitivity all the way up (6400 dpi) which means I barely have to move the mouse, physically, to go from ability to ability. I have never died because I couldn't use an ability fast enough.


It's become a weird mix of tab targeting, click targeting, keyboard moving, mouse turning, hot keys and clicking all at the same time.

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These threads always make me laugh because I'm a clicker/keybind hybrid.


I'm a woman and therefore have small hands and then add on the fact my thumb is proportionally too small for the rest of my hand and it becomes impossible to use a mouse with 3+ buttons on the side effectively. I just cannot reach them all without having to awkwardly move my entire hand over the mouse. So I click for the most part.


I've tried to compensate using a mouse by turning the sensitivity all the way up (6400 dpi) which means I barely have to move the mouse, physically, to go from ability to ability. I have never died because I couldn't use an ability fast enough.


It's become a weird mix of tab targeting, click targeting, keyboard moving, mouse turning, hot keys and clicking all at the same time.

It's not so much the OP this time, but the responses it'll generate of those who generally look down upon clickers, keyboard turners, etc.


In my opinion, they're just ignorant and for some reason cannot stand the fact that some people prefer a play style they think is "nooby". I'm comfortable as a hybrid clicker, and it hasn't really caused me any harm in PvP. I make sure to have certain abilities, movements, targeting, etc. keybinded to be the best I can be competitively.

Edited by MrJurgens
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These threads always make me laugh because I'm a clicker/keybind hybrid.


I'm a woman and therefore have small hands and then add on the fact my thumb is proportionally too small for the rest of my hand and it becomes impossible to use a mouse with 3+ buttons on the side effectively. I just cannot reach them all without having to awkwardly move my entire hand over the mouse. So I click for the most part.


I've tried to compensate using a mouse by turning the sensitivity all the way up (6400 dpi) which means I barely have to move the mouse, physically, to go from ability to ability. I have never died because I couldn't use an ability fast enough.


It's become a weird mix of tab targeting, click targeting, keyboard moving, mouse turning, hot keys and clicking all at the same time.


That's what I was doing. I didn't have the same problems with my hands, though. I can comfortably hit Caps Lock with my pinkie and touch the left end of Enter with my thumb.


I picked the Hex, but it's having some Right Click sticking issues, so Best Buy is going to have a busted Naga Hex in the back if anyone is interested. I may go for the Naga Epic, though I'm not sure how those 12 tiny keys will work out.

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In my opinion, they're just ignorant and for some reason cannot stand the fact that some people prefer a play style they think is "nooby".


It's not that, really. And in all honesty if you play a ranged/turret class not many will even notice the difference. It's when you play a melee class and need to hit abilities at the same time you're moving around is when it shows. Two Sins or two Marauders dueling with one moving with the keyboard and one moving solely with the mouse, the one with the mouse can feasibly win the duel without ever getting hit once by staying behind you the whole time.


So, yeah there is some elitism within keybound crowd, just as there is stubborn defiance on the part of keyboard turners to at least give it an honest shot.

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These threads always make me laugh because I'm a clicker/keybind hybrid.


I'm a woman and therefore have small hands and then add on the fact my thumb is proportionally too small for the rest of my hand and it becomes impossible to use a mouse with 3+ buttons on the side effectively. I just cannot reach them all without having to awkwardly move my entire hand over the mouse. So I click for the most part.



We don't want to hear your "I'm a woman" excuses here in SWTOR.


Use your Lee Press On Nails. It will give you the extra reach on your thumb to hit all the buttons.

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It's not so much the OP this time, but the responses it'll generate of those who generally look down upon clickers, keyboard turners, etc.


In my opinion, they're just ignorant and for some reason cannot stand the fact that some people prefer a play style they think is "nooby". I'm comfortable as a hybrid clicker, and it hasn't really caused me any harm in PvP. I make sure to have certain abilities, movements, targeting, etc. keybinded to be the best I can be competitively.


The thing is - you don't know that it 'doesn't cause you harm in PVP'. My best friend IRL always thought being a clicker was fine, until we did a 1vs1 and I wiped the floor with him and still had like 90% health left. Most clickers don't realize how much worse than keybinders they actual are. It's night and day.


It's not a debatable thing - mouse turning and keybind'ing are necessary to maximize your abilities. If you're not doing those then you're underperforming. Clearly I can't force you to "want to be good" at the game but lets not pretend its almost the same thing because its not.

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