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Are there any changes that can be made to current companions to give them more appeal


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.....Skadge is useful to have stand around behind my mercs at the GTN in a pink speedo and irritate all the guys :p (Speedo Skadge is my counterpount to all you guys dressing your "female" toons, Jaesa/Mako/Vette et cetera as h°°kers)




:( drops mic and searches for extra strength brain bleach....lol

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Anything that allows us to have more interactions with our companions is an awesome thing.


I can, in particular get behind letting them have originating orange gear, I believe that was #9. I've been wanting Scourge's armour to be moddable, since, oh, forever. I like the look he came with, but it's not practical for use later, as we level up. There are Sith sets, but they change to Jedi sets on the other side. I'm using a cash shop stuff/pack stuff atm, but I would definitely buy a set for my Lord Scourge.


As for letting companions get dark as you do, this is great, because Ashara, would die aboard my ship otherwise. I'm also not completely against people bumping off their comps as well...because it would mean I could rid of all the ones I hate. I'm looking at you Ashara. <.<


Definitely want more story lines with them. New ones. :) I would also like to see some that aren't romanceable become romanceable. I'm looking at you Scourge and Zenith.


Also new romanceables would be great, because some classes get shafted. Like female trooper, male inquisitor and female bh. I do not love ToastBoi Beiberfett. Thanks. :p

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Anything that allows us to have more interactions with our companions is an awesome thing.


I can, in particular get behind letting them have originating orange gear, I believe that was #9. I've been wanting Scourge's armour to be moddable, since, oh, forever. I like the look he came with, but it's not practical for use later, as we level up. There are Sith sets, but they change to Jedi sets on the other side. I'm using a cash shop stuff/pack stuff atm, but I would definitely buy a set for my Lord Scourge.


As for letting companions get dark as you do, this is great, because Ashara, would die aboard my ship otherwise. I'm also not completely against people bumping off their comps as well...because it would mean I could rid of all the ones I hate. I'm looking at you Ashara. <.<


Definitely want more story lines with them. New ones. :) I would also like to see some that aren't romanceable become romanceable. I'm looking at you Scourge and Zenith.


Also new romanceables would be great, because some classes get shafted. Like female trooper, male inquisitor and female bh. I do not love ToastBoi Beiberfett. Thanks. :p


Well, the Bieber cut can be replaced with a Comp Customization set. And I heard it was worse before the current default.


But if F!BH is jipped according to you, what about the clearly-not early twenties M!BH dating the barely-legal Mako?


And the Trooper romance choices do seem kinda forced. And both are technically breaking anti-fraternization protocols. Even if Elara can find the paperwork around it.


Scourge seems like he would be fun to romance, if he were a romance option. And Khem, just for the double entendre about him wanting to eat the Inquisitor, if no other reason.


Maybe a more customizable Comp customization system, like say hair cuts x, y, z are available for comp N, and the skin tone a, b, c to choose from and so forth. Maybe not as wide of a system as the character customization, but more choices. Love Mako's implants and skin, but hate the hair, personally.


More comp lines while running on planets, like CH 1 worlds could have comments made by comps found in CH 2. I was surprised to hear Torian on Makeb as often as I did, because he almost never says anything on any planet I'm running on.

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My answers in lavender....

Well, the Bieber cut can be replaced with a Comp Customization set. And I heard it was worse before the current default.


True, I suppose I can replace the look, but I haven't found one yet that I like. You're right, they need more choices. Pity there isn't a personality customization too. My BH uses Torian for secks...but relies on Gault for intelligent conversation lol. Twisted I know.


But if F!BH is jipped according to you, what about the clearly-not early twenties M!BH dating the barely-legal Mako?


I have no probs with that, daddy issues etc etc, without going into my life history lol.


And the Trooper romance choices do seem kinda forced. And both are technically breaking anti-fraternization protocols. Even if Elara can find the paperwork around it.


I despise Elara, she'd be one I'd shoot out the airlock to keep Ashara company. Arik is ok personality wise, but I guess I'm racist and don't want to date a cat. He makes a fine pet tho...Personally my lady trooper had a thing for that SIS agent...whats his face...you know the one. :D


Scourge seems like he would be fun to romance, if he were a romance option. And Khem, just for the double entendre about him wanting to eat the Inquisitor, if no other reason.


Love Scourge! *wants* As for Khem, I already role played that he and my SI had/have a thing on the sly. Twisted I know. :D


Maybe a more customizable Comp customization system, like say hair cuts x, y, z are available for comp N, and the skin tone a, b, c to choose from and so forth. Maybe not as wide of a system as the character customization, but more choices. Love Mako's implants and skin, but hate the hair, personally.


More comp lines while running on planets, like CH 1 worlds could have comments made by comps found in CH 2. I was surprised to hear Torian on Makeb as often as I did, because he almost never says anything on any planet I'm running on.


I agree, they need to figure out how to let us customize our comps better. Change out the things we don't like.

I didn't take Toast Boi out to Makeb, because frankly, I just got tired of hearing "Toast!" and "Insert Random Mando jibberish here". Now that I've offended all the Mandalorians and Cathars, I'm gonna go lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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My answers in lavender....



I agree, they need to figure out how to let us customize our comps better. Change out the things we don't like.

I didn't take Toast Boi out to Makeb, because frankly, I just got tired of hearing "Toast!" and "Insert Random Mando jibberish here". Now that I've offended all the Mandalorians and Cathars, I'm gonna go lol.


Yer not twisted, just different from I. And Torian needs more lines. I love him, but I turn off sound when fighting from time to time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder, would it really increase the load on the system that much if we would customize the appearance of our companions using the appearance kiosk? it seems to me that we can already alter the appearance using kits....which has the same effect.


It would, of course, substantially increase the size of the database.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, the Bieber cut can be replaced with a Comp Customization set. And I heard it was worse before the current default.


But if F!BH is jipped according to you, what about the clearly-not early twenties M!BH dating the barely-legal Mako?


And the Trooper romance choices do seem kinda forced. And both are technically breaking anti-fraternization protocols. Even if Elara can find the paperwork around it.


Scourge seems like he would be fun to romance, if he were a romance option. And Khem, just for the double entendre about him wanting to eat the Inquisitor, if no other reason.


Maybe a more customizable Comp customization system, like say hair cuts x, y, z are available for comp N, and the skin tone a, b, c to choose from and so forth. Maybe not as wide of a system as the character customization, but more choices. Love Mako's implants and skin, but hate the hair, personally.


More comp lines while running on planets, like CH 1 worlds could have comments made by comps found in CH 2. I was surprised to hear Torian on Makeb as often as I did, because he almost never says anything on any planet I'm running on.


The dark side influence is one that I would like to see. You would expect, as the group leader, to have some effect on those that do like or love you.


Naturally it means nothing if they are dark or light, but it would still be nice to see it.

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Sorry if I missed it, but what about giving companions more than one possible specialization, so that players have more freedom to take the comp with them that they want?


Yea, that is how it was in beta. I would suggest they revamp the current companion system as follows....


1) Remove appearance kits, and instead give the companions "ability" kits that can override the current skills. Kits could naturally be limited to different roles within a particular AC.


2) Allow companions access to the appearance kiosk in the same way players have access. Options would of course be limited, but this way players could choose to customize the look of their companion more decisively.


3) Original companion follows a light or dark path based on the alignment of your character.


4) Make the original companion equipment kits orange armor, like Treek, with mods installed for the proper level.

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I would love a skyrim type of companions... Make a dozen of npc with missions across sw world and if we like them we can take them as companions... hirelings or after a series of missions.


I want a JAWA slave market event... do missions, earn contracts or jawa money and buy a slave. I also wish to have all slaves in order, so I can interview them.


I also want companion gear missions, so my companions can have their own tirs


and most of the things you''ve said above in the first post. I also wish to send home many of my companions and get others. They could activate the companion exile and slave event at high lvls...so everybody gets the story and then do whatever they want with their companions.

Edited by Oyranos
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Extend companion affection to -10000, so we can have companions that hate you but are too fearful for their lives to flake out on crafting and mission skills.


I hate being married to Mako. God I didn't even get the chance to say no, she just went ahead and did it. That could be construed as rape.


If you married a companion and didn't want to, you set yourself up for it.

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i dont think bioware will ever rly add to companions anymore, can't rly make any cash off them, and to advance every companion in the game would take alot of resources, stuff I'm sure players would rather goes into ops, pvp, new features etc
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To be honest, nearly all of these suggestions cannot happen. It would cost too much development time, too much money for additional VO, and probably alter some class stories.


In my opinion, once you unlock a companion via the legacy page, you should be able to use that companion on another character that has completed Chapter III. Obviously, you would have to sub out a current companion to use them, but it would allow for more interesting combos and companions that actually fit your class.


For example, my Trooper would run with Jorgan, Rusk, Dorne, Forex, and Iresso. I want Havoc Squad, a squad of the best Republic soldiers. My Shadow would run with Nadia, Ashara, Kira, Guss, and Scourge. I would want all of the Force sensitives and to keep an eye on Scourge. So on and so forth.


I would also love to have custom squads too. I just think it would be interesting and make players more invested in their teams. I, for one, like one maybe two companions per character because I don't think most of them fit well. I use them out of necessity, not because I like my companions. This isn't like Mass Effect where picking squadmates was a difficult decision because I want to bring them all. In SW:TOR I'd prefer most of them to stay on the ship and keep quiet (Skadge, Guss, and Scourge, I'm looking at you in particular).

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You can finish a comp's storyline without romancing them -- how do you think female BH's get that perk?


I was about to say that.


Never romance Kira nor Elara, the whole mentor/boss thing made it feel... Squicky, wrong, and just... Against the characters' character with the latter, since she loves rules and regulations.


Edit: I have never romanced

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Well gee, I imagine it's the same way I got it? By finishing a companions quest chain?


I'm confused now -- what does finishing a comp's quest chain have to do with being forced into a romance?


There are places along the way where you can cut that path off with every romanceable companion.

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No, there aren't. As I said before, I never had the chance to say no. Every new quest Mako forgets that I'm giving her the cold shoulder. Then on her very last quest I get 3 choices:


1. Marry her and have a wedding

2. Marry her and don't have a wedding

3. She goes and forges some marriage document on the holo-net, with or without my consent


Then you missed it.



Mako was featured in a development diary released by BioWare[2] and later received her own page on the official Old Republic website in the holonet section[3] She will be one of the companion characters open to players who choose Bounty hunter class in the game.[4] For male Bounty Hunter Classes, Mako may be romanced and married. If the player chooses not to romance her, she may begin a romantic relationship with another of the Hunter's companions, Torian Cadera.



Torian Cadera is a companion character to the bounty hunter character class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. He is a romance option for the female bounty hunter. If not romanced, he may begin a romantic relationship with another of the Hunter's companions, Mako. He is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch.


Dig around a bit -- as far as I've seen and read, every romanceable companion can be maxed out and the legacy perk unlocked without romancing them.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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No, there aren't. As I said before, I never had the chance to say no. Every new quest Mako forgets that I'm giving her the cold shoulder. Then on her very last quest I get 3 choices:


1. Marry her and have a wedding

2. Marry her and don't have a wedding

3. She goes and forges some marriage document on the holo-net, with or without my consent


Oh dear, you didn't get very far in the Torian conversation line, did you?


That might have been what happened.

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Another thread on this subject.

The marriage part wasn't required. Only finishing all available conversations. If you start a relationship you need to finish all conversations until you can't have anymore. But breaking things off accomplishes that goal. As does turning down proposals. My BH fixed Mako up with Torian instead, bypassing the entire relationship.


Some classes have multiple romances available for a gender. In that case it would be impossible to marry them both.


Notice this guy doesn't mention having to romance a romanceable companion to unlock their legacy perk.

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I have always loved the idea of mix matching companions. Like once you reach max affection they are tied to your legacy and can use that family tree thing or some other window to trade out companions. I would be sending ashara back to the Jedi and moving scourge back to the empire
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