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Its pretty unbalanced right now, so many imperial premades. I dunno, I would not find it fun all day to rofl stomp group after group. but than again, i dunno what else could be done. just wish some imperials would actually made republics to even it out some. but that is wishful thinking.
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Its pretty unbalanced right now, so many imperial premades. I dunno, I would not find it fun all day to rofl stomp group after group. but than again, i dunno what else could be done. just wish some imperials would actually made republics to even it out some. but that is wishful thinking.


You're either a lowbie, a troll, or an absolute idiot

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You're either a lowbie, a troll, or an absolute idiot




Sub 55 PVP pub side is a joke for the most part. People "Trying it out" and then bailing when they screw it up. Walking away from capped nodes, pylons, etc...



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Imp pugs in PVP in a nut shell

Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off it burns.


Imp Premade shack there heads looks around at the pugs saying the statement above and says my back pack is not big enough to carry this warzone. BW request bigger back pack for future warzones.

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Imp pugs in PVP in a nut shell

Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off it burns.


Imp Premade shack there heads looks around at the pugs saying the statement above and says my back pack is not big enough to carry this warzone. BW request bigger back pack for future warzones.


heh. that kind of reminds me...you may have noticed over the year that I block for the natural node on CW. slipperz and kief always go for the off node. blunti always goes for the off node. certain ppl do the same, predictable things for various reasons.


well here's what I notice about pub tendencies in CW:

I will continue to drop on the natural node to block no matter what toon I'm on (predictable to a fault). 80% (at least!) nobody will drop down to cap the node, and I will have to make a 90 degree turn halfway across the field to start the cap. either I get ganked or nobody shows and I cap a little later than the opposing team, who sent someone straight for the cap.


here's what I notice about imp tendencies in CW:

I do exactly the same thing. and as I look at my map, at least two other imps will jump down (always behind me for some reason) and head toward the cap. I sigh and make my way to mid or sometimes go underneath to inspect the off node.


the really ironic thing? it doesn't matter whether I'm playing on a team with a premade, in a premade myself, or in a full on pug. the same outcome is entirely predictable. I would say 80% is a fair guess, 65% to be conservative.


my guess is the pubs want to be scoreboard heroes and the imps are so accustomed to losing that they want to start farming defensive medals asap.

Edited by foxmob
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Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off Get it off it burns.


That's how I feel late night pub side when I have 5 angry dragons chasing me because no one guards or peels. Which for some reason I find kind of fun. Sort of a pervert that way, I guess.:rak_02:

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That's how I feel late night pub side when I have 5 angry dragons chasing me because no one guards or peels. Which for some reason I find kind of fun. Sort of a pervert that way, I guess.:rak_02:


Im gonna say one night with a pretty good group we were focusing you to a fault.

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well here's what I notice about pub tendencies in CW:

I will continue to drop on the natural node to block no matter what toon I'm on (predictable to a fault). 80% (at least!) nobody will drop down to cap the node, and I will have to make a 90 degree turn halfway across the field to start the cap. either I get ganked or nobody shows and I cap a little later than the opposing team, who sent someone straight for the cap.


I end up guarding more often that I really care to because either nobody else will, or the person guarding is less of a liability with the attacking group. I know I'm not some leet commando, but I can do more damage than most can. I don't mind if I'm with a solid premade onthe other side of the ops frame though.

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Im gonna say one night with a pretty good group we were focusing you to a fault.


how can you even decide which pub healer to go after? there seems to be a minimum of 3 per WZ...and only slightly fewer imp healers. throw a stone at any contested node, and you're guaranteed to hit a healer or a smasher. :rolleyes:

Edited by foxmob
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how can you even decide which pub healer to go after? there seems to be a minimum of 3 per WZ...and only slightly fewer imp healers. throw a stone at any contested node, and you're guaranteed to hit a healer or a smasher. :rolleyes:


Well not many sorc or sage dps out there so most heal, scoundrel and op dps is a complete joke, only ever see dps from unicorns(I guess you all are behind the curve or something?). You still don't see many commando healers, as their dps spec is pretty solid now. That being said the RG dps commandos are the only ones that stick out.


Also healing in its current state helps bad players seem good, just how things are right now.

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how can you even decide which pub healer to go after? there seems to be a minimum of 3 per WZ...and only slightly fewer imp healers. throw a stone at any contested node, and you're guaranteed to hit a healer or a smasher. :rolleyes:


They go after the one who doesn't get guarded or peeled for. And yes... Way too many healers pub side. I would've ditched by now but Oscarmex needs his pocket healer.

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They go after the one who doesn't get guarded or peeled for. And yes... Way too many healers pub side. I would've ditched by now but Oscarmex needs his pocket healer.


Even when you receive a guard, many a time, the person shielding you thinks that's all they need to do and goes about being a war hero as of late on the Pub side.

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Even when you receive a guard, many a time, the person shielding you thinks that's all they need to do and goes about being a war hero as of late on the Pub side.



I know this all too well as I'm usually the unguarded, unpeeled for healer.

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Thinking about leveling a scoundrel even though I am a dirty pub hater :p


I have one in the waiting on Ord Mantel right now I'll start leveling after I get my Guardian and Vanguard up a bit. :D I like the determination the Smuggler has..."Where's my ship!" lol

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