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PvP on this server


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I recently transferred here, been running a few warzones, I am far from great, but I noticed something, I got called a troll, an idiot, ******* etc... for not following the plan to send 2 west 6 mid, instead I broke off mid and took est, after I killed the two that tried to cap it, the other team sent over 4 to est, I call it, I try to stall, only one person came. We did out best to hold out. Killed a few used the speeder to prevent caps while calling for help, all while our team is fighting over mid which the other team currently has.


We lose est, now I know I am an ******e so I get a tad upset and ask *** was going on why only one person came to help. In the end 4 people ended up putting me on ignore because I did not follow the ops leader plan and have a side bias. Is this normal? I did not bring up how they were unable to take mid while the other team had 4 at est, since that is not really important to my question.


Was I in the wrong to get upset that our team refused to help me because I did not follow the leaders plan? Is this how pvp on this server really is? I love RP, but if that is the case I may just have to bite the bullet and transfer off the server when I get the chance, being as I used up my free one to come here. I do not want to give up on RP, but if that is how PvP is played here I am not sure why anyone who pvpers would stay.


I mean I understand that west / east leave less room for mistakes when it comes to responding to calls and defending, and from a pug perspective the ideal would be to control the two nodes closest to one another, but why give up a chance to win because it is simply harder to defend. We had two nodes they had 1, instead of defending what we had people tunneled mid, losing the match blaming me for not following the plan placing me on ignore. Which I do not mind, problem is being as I am tanked spec, I often find myself defending the node, if people put me on ignore defending the node would be a much harder task because they will be unable to see my calls.


So I guess what I am asking, should I simply played the sheep and followed the zerg? Is that how pvp is played on this server? Follow the cookie cutter plans? Or did I happen to pvp too early?

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Don't worry some people take PVP way too seriously on this server, but they are generally in the minority. If you managed to take east and then got swarmed you are right that the mid console should have been capped.


I wouldn't take it too heart most of the PUG PVPs on this server usually end up frustrating me too as even when you mark healers nobody likes attacking them and then they wonder why they lost when one healer on the otherside does 900k healing and only takes 100k dmg :D


There are probably 20-30 players on this server that are well known but most of those dont queue solo and go with their fellow guildies.


I would just put it down to the joys of running PVP on a PUG.

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So I guess what I am asking, should I simply played the sheep and followed the zerg? Is that how pvp is played on this server? Follow the cookie cutter plans? Or did I happen to pvp too early?


Solo que'ing as a tank is never fun, trust me I did it for a long time. Youll find a mix bag on this server as far as how people will treat you. There are a lot of bads and some what decent amount of goods.


Think if you did go mid as a tank, how much that taunt and intercede(assuming juggs) would have helped your team out rather than you stall a node that woulda been capped anyways. Different play styles I guess, I don't play a stalling tank i have to be in the action and mitigate as much damage as possible.

If you did that on hypergates I probably woulda called you a dummie for giving them free points lol.


~edit i read that as you didnt cap. And I would have yelled at my team if no one came after I capped.

Like I said there are a lot of bads sometimes on this server, especially imp side.

Edited by hulcalan
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I recently transferred here, been running a few warzones, I am far from great, but I noticed something, I got called a troll, an idiot, ******* etc... for not following the plan to send 2 west 6 mid, instead I broke off mid and took est, after I killed the two that tried to cap it, the other team sent over 4 to est, I call it, I try to stall, only one person came. We did out best to hold out. Killed a few used the speeder to prevent caps while calling for help, all while our team is fighting over mid which the other team currently has.



Umm... I can agree that some people are douchbags... but the fact that you (a tank) left for east while people were asking you to go mid seems kinda odd. We can't all be heroes darling :( if you would of went mid, we wouldn't even have this discussion. :rolleyes:



Edit: Now the question is, why didn't you go mid?



BTW, I fail to see how following a plan is being a sheep.... seems to me like someone wants to be a hero and doesn't like being called an idiot for it. Losing a wz because someone decided to be a lonewolf can become very frustrating. Think about that.

Edited by Yormik
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A lone wolf however who got results and managed to cap the node near solo.


The fact he captured the node but no one came to help once captured shows either the team are douchebag friends who do their own thing or that the team was filled with pvpers who either suck or are inflexible which then means you were always going to lose. PVP is not a static beast. BASED on what you said, it sounds like the team wanted to keep to its plan come hell or high water despite the dynamic change of situation with your node capture and if that is the case, they deserved to lose and you need to chalk it up to the pug you were part of being atrocious and care not for those 4 fools ignoring you. Many times in PVP I have done node captures alone (I admit most times I do announce I am going for it to my team) and even held it alone or with a tag team partner but still had players who did next to nothing but die a lot and dmg/kill very little cuss me out despite my kills, dmg and objectives being higher in that match then their pitiful effort. Go figure.


Still on the flip side, can I suggest next time that if you do run a node solo when everyone is going to a called plan of attack, you let the team know before the match begins. Then at least the 5 heading mid will know what the score is and fight accordingly.

Edited by kharathos
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Regardless what class he was he capped a node and they brought so many there to overwhelm him and the ones at mid were not able to cap for whatever reason. If mid was 6v3 and Snow was 4v2 they could have at the very least sent 1 and possibly kept that cap from being taken and still maintained an advantage.


They didn't do that and failed to cap mid this is assuming the other team had a solo guard at their node.


Solo queue's often get bad results and you will get roughed up with a team that has trouble break 100k damage or heals. Over the past few weeks it seems you get teams of smashers against teams of bads and everywhere you go it feels like 1v4 because things are dropping so fast. One person can only do so much in a game and sometimes you just have to take your medicine as frustrating as that can be at times.

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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Umm... I can agree that some people are douchbags... but the fact that you (a tank) left for east while people were asking you to go mid seems kinda odd. We can't all be heroes darling :( if you would of went mid, we wouldn't even have this discussion. :rolleyes:



Edit: Now the question is, why didn't you go mid?



BTW, I fail to see how following a plan is being a sheep.... seems to me like someone wants to be a hero and doesn't like being called an idiot for it. Losing a wz because someone decided to be a lonewolf can become very frustrating. Think about that.


I agree it was a gamble, but it paid off I was able to get the rest, so while I may had been a lonewolf, it provided a result, just because it was not the result they were expecting it seems fairly odd that one would simply give up a chance to win to follow a plan that clearly was not going to work.



Still on the flip side, can I suggest next time that if you do run a node solo when everyone is going to a called plan of attack, you let the team know before the match begins. Then at least the 5 heading mid will know what the score is and fight accordingly.


I agree I should had mentioned I was going off to east, I tend to forget I am not playing with friends anymore or and people cannot read minds. That was my fault, and I man up for that, but the mindset of Yormmik is what worries me most, I mean I base an action off the result, however, it seems a few here base it off the action. Live and learn, just a shame now that I have people who pvp ignoring me since that will only hurt the team if I ever get queued up with them again. :(

Edited by MahneWarrior
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I don't think going "lone wolf" caused the problem. The only time I see people get annoyed with people not following a declared plan (2/6/2 etc.) is when the whole team horrifically goes instead 2/2/4 or 1/1/6 or something.


Or when your team has the tic, there is an extremely close fight over mid, and someone abandons it to go try to solo the other team's node, leading to both nodes being lost and turning a victory into a defeat. But it doesn't sound like this was the case.


I recently transferred here, been running a few warzones, I am far from great, but I noticed something, I got called a troll, an idiot, ******* etc... for not following the plan to send 2 west 6 mid, instead I broke off mid and took est, after I killed the two that tried to cap it, the other team sent over 4 to est, I call it, I try to stall, only one person came. We did out best to hold out


I'm really surprised you were able to kill two people and cap a node as a tank. Was this at level 55? Maybe people are more peevish in lowbies; I don't play them much.


We lose est, now I know I am an ******e so I get a tad upset and ask *** was going on why only one person came to help. In the end 4 people ended up putting me on ignore because I did not follow the ops leader plan and have a side bias


Maybe they ignored you because you came off as "ragey." It sounds like they derped, but people may be more prone to get offended by raging when they know they made a mistake.


That said, I'm not surprised they were not able to take mid even with 4-v-2 at one node.


  • First, if two of those at the side got soloed by a tank, so the other team probably didn't miss much having them at mid.
  • Second, if you had two at east node, and one at west node, that means it's 5-v-4 at mid. If one of the enemy 4 at mid is a good healer, that's an advantage that takes a while to play out.
  • Third, it may have been 4-v-4 at mid. You would normally two-guard each side once you have two nodes, and someone might have abandoned mid to duo-guard west because they anticipated that would be the more vulnerable of the two sides.

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Actually I was in a level 55 wz 2 days ago and we had 9 people on our team. We only had 8 on frame, but there was an extra merc in there as well. That used to be a bug back in the day but looks like it is back.

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Op's team had 6 mid he said only he and another were at East Snow if he was Pub Grass if he was Imp.

6+2 = 8 go figure.the other team was 4 at his location 1 possible guarding the other cap and that leaves 3-4 mid for them.


The plan was the standard 2 / 6, instead one went west, six mid, I broke off for east. So at the start it was 6 v 6, it was cool though since I got lucky with the two they to cap east. What really is eating at me is that only one person broke off mid to help me. That is what is eating at me, and the rest of the group bashed the trooper and myself, mostly me because I was vocal about it.


I know I am beating a dead horse, but whoa. :( It just sucks since I love playing defense, but having people on their ignore list really hinders that since I may get unlucky and up on the same team with those four again, and if they have me on ignore they cannot see my calls, and at that point it is not really their fault but my own. I play def while pugging on my sent because I love it so much. I find it thrilling stalling people while I see the friendly dots on the mini map get closer. Also those rare moments where you get a steady trickle of players that keep trying to one v one and up with 11 solo kills. Ranked play will never happen for me due to being deaf, I highly doubt I will ever find a ranked team willing to take on a deaf player and place that handicap on their team. In the end it is what it is right?


Yeah it was lowbies, I am not great, just happens the people I fought were just worse. When they started to come back to east to I simply did the standard " 4 E / SNOW " I just raged because only one person showed up and we did a decent job holding them off, waiting for help to arrive. I mean the people we were fighting were honestly not that great that either, I mean the trooper and myself were able to use the speeders twice to prevent a cap. Sadly our luck ran out, this is when I raged at our team.


I mean I hate dwelling on things, but I cannot seem to get this match out of the my head, I know why they were unable to get middle, and even during the match I did not bring it up since that was not why I was upset. I simply got upset because I was bashed for taking east and deviating from the leaders plan. I am not sure if they were a premade or friends, but for some damn odd reason that **** stuck with me. I have played on other servers, and this is the first time I was called bad for providing results.


I am not sure what the skill cap is like on this server, but I have only been here for a day leveling my shadow, and have already been called a hacker, ***** for guarding and peeling off our healers, taunting etc... however, this is neither here nor there.


Maybe I simply just needed to rant, and I know it is silly to let words bother me, or even allow people to get to me to the point where I doubt myself, and worry needlessly over something so trivial. I will just chuck it up as a **** happens moment.


Main question though; Does it get better? Or should I try out for a pvp guild on my 55's forgoing joining an RP guild? Well off to the great void.

Edited by MahneWarrior
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Op's team had 6 mid he said only he and another were at East Snow if he was Pub Grass if he was Imp.

6+2 = 8 go figure.the other team was 4 at his location 1 possible guarding the other cap and that leaves 3-4 mid for them.


You might want to re-read what I quoted :p


Yeah it was lowbies, I am not great, just happens the people I fought were just worse. When they started to come back to east to I simply did the standard " 4 E / SNOW " I just raged because only one person showed up and we did a decent job holding them off, waiting for help to arrive. I mean the people we were fighting were honestly not that great that either, I mean the trooper and myself were able to use the speeders twice to prevent a cap. Sadly our luck ran out, this is when I raged at our team.


I mean I hate dwelling on things, but I cannot seem to get this match out of the my head, I know why they were unable to get middle, and even during the match I did not bring it up since that was not why I was upset. I simply got upset because I was bashed for taking east and deviating from the leaders plan. I am not sure if they were a premade or friends, but for some damn odd reason that **** stuck with me. I have played on other servers, and this is the first time I was called bad for providing results.


I am not sure what the skill cap is like on this server, but I have only been here for a day leveling my shadow, and have already been called a hacker, ***** for guarding and peeling off our healers, taunting etc... however, this is neither here nor there.


Maybe I simply just needed to rant, and I know it is silly to let words bother me, or even allow people to get to me to the point where I doubt myself, and worry needlessly over something so trivial. I will just chuck it up as a **** happens moment.


Main question though; Does it get better? Or should I try out for a pvp guild on my 55's forgoing joining an RP guild?



Lowbies impside is a very bad joke. Pugs in lowbies make our 55 pugs look like pros :D

Edited by J_Fred
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You might want to re-read what I quoted :p





Lowbies impside is a very bad joke. Pugs in lowbies make our 55 pugs look like pros :D


I don't need to re-read it .


I had posted the higher number first not which side was which that's why I clarified it.

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I am not sure what the skill cap is like on this server, but I have only been here for a day leveling my shadow...

Main question though; Does it get better? Or should I try out for a pvp guild on my 55's forgoing joining an RP guild? Well off to the great void.


I take it you were in lowbie pvp from that statement? There are definitely a ton of inexperienced players in lowbie and a ton of slightly experienced players who are adamant about certain strategies (some of them being ones I disagree with) and might not have the experience to know that they should be more flexible. I wouldn't judge a pvp server based on lowbie pvp. A lot of players are figuring things out there. I wouldn't worry about anything said in there.


It is way better at lvl 55. I solo queue as a shadow tank all the time and am having fun pvping. I would imagine joining a guild can help you get grouped with good players, but I don't think it's a necessity in order to enjoy pvp.

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Well OP, it varies greatly on this server, (as I'm sure it does on every server.). Typically I PUG wz's in every tier and you can have your terribad teams (which to me it sounds like you had) and your great teams that take down a premade.


I freakin hate that 2/6/0 bs of just freely giving the other team a node right off the start. Don't let it deter you from queueing just know that's the risk. As others have said, if you have the time in the future, I would say something in ops chat beforehand. Look at the team make-up to see if some one else would be better going for theirs or just straight up say, "I'm gonna stall them at east and then respawn mid." Most groups seem to respond well to just knowing intentions ahead of time rather than having a "rogue" player ignoring a plan.


And actually I think holding the sides is easiest with the direct speeder access from spawn and the tunnel under mid with the speed boosts. Soooo... poo on those punks. :D

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It gets better and it varies from day to day. 55 is generally much better than lowbie, and of course it helps immensely to queue with 3 competent friends. 30-54 is much more a grab bag, with some good pugs and a lot of bad. When I drop down into 10-29 though its just nuts. I regularly see people just wander off...it would be *good* if they did something productive like went to mid to fight. At that level folks are still learning the game and I see people who clearly don't know how to cap or where to go next. And then you have good games...but mostly in 10-29 I try to level through as fast as possible.


I don't think its any better on other servers and I certainly haven't found it to be any better in other games. You have to develop a bit of a thick skin or just do something else. It absolutely does not help to rage at folks...usually they don't know better and won't learn by being screamed at. I did rage quit last week when an experienced group of 55ers repeatedly left me to solo guard the Pylon against two stealthers, ignored calls, and we lost our pylon two rounds in a row, but that's highly unusual (common to lose once, but folks usually get alert after that).

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Honestly it does get better to a point at 55. Remember pvp is Darwinism in action coming up through the ranks to 55. Some of those once they hit 55 will stop queuing,some will get better and less (insert what you want to call it here) and some will do the same thing they have always done,claim they are the greatest and get rolled/roflstomped on a regular basis. I did notice coming up in pvp that there is a lot more blaming,raging,name calling,insults etc. I see a lot less of that in 55 (or 50 when it was max).



Edited by Ravenschild
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I did a couple of lowbie PVPs today on my merc and the quality of players seem to be getting worse. During ACW there were 5 ppl guarding against 2 after an onslaught on snow (which we had) and as the healer I thought better make it back to mid quick before the rest respawn. Half way there and suddenly we have lost snow.


Now your all thinking okay maybe the other 4 ppl followed me to mid, you would be wrong, instead 4 ppl were attacking 1 guy and left the other guy completely alone so he solo capped while they were dosing. Okay so I turn around and after helping the 4 ppl take down the 2 guys (at which time I am thinking we are losing middle) I go back to middle. Luckily at middle a decent tank was stopping the cap so I got there just in time to stall for re-enforcements so now we have 4 ppl taking on 6 at mid and holding them. I look up and yep you guessed it we lost snow again.


Luckily we were able to hold mid for the win but come on guys the simple rule of these "objective" PVP games is stop ppl capping the objective.


and dont even get me started on a NC I was in this morning, after capping East the defender decided to go on walkabout without informing anyone :eek:

Edited by bsbrad
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This one made me both fume and chuckle.


Last night on fleet there was this level 46 sorc who said to general "I am the greatest healer ever" and then quoted his spec. I then got him on 3 straight wzs, me on my 54 healer sorc. My numbers were mediocre, but I did get 3x the heals and 2x the dmg he did...and yet he called for the tanks to guard him and after our defeat asked everyone to "MVP me for heals!" (that was the game he had about 160k and I had 510k heals).


He also lost us 2 matches, one by not calling inc, and the other by not passing or hiding when we needed to turtle at the end of the match. His comment: "Don't pass to me, I'm healing".


I usually don't see players at lvl 46 that are that bad, to the point I wondered if he was trolling.

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i would let all those that acting like little QQers get to you and put you down. Hey we all tend to forget ITS A GAME PEOPLE. The point is learn from your mistakes and fix them and get better, thats all you can do. Practice makes perfect.
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  • 4 weeks later...

They were probably lashing out because even with the opposing team 4 down at mid they couldn't take it, obviously a pretty ***** team innit. But there are 2 sides to every story, and as the resident "bossiest person on the team" in most of the matches I play, I'll tell you I argue for the cookie cutter plans. It's not because it's the only method that works, it's just because there is such a high percentage of players who aren't experienced in group pvp and aren't sure what to do. I can't tell you how many times I've volunteered to defend (because I know I can do it, and another player is an unknown factor) and called for the rest of the team to go mid, only to have people follow me east. I swear to god I had a group of 4 people all follow me to grass, to the effect that we're running 5//3/0... that's gonna be a short game.


No generally I'll call for the cookie cutter plan, and argue to have it followed, but I do this with one thing in the back of my mind. The smart player doesn't give a **** what I think. i find that if I call for the team to go left and the stealths to go right, we'll end up in a cluster**** because people will just follow whoever they see first (the players that don't know what they're doing) so I'll call hard left or right, or heavy mid, what have you, with the expectation that if tt's prudent a stealth capper will go for the double cap. I guess what I'm saying is you make a plan to account for the newbs or the cannonn fodder on your team, you want to baby-sit them a little bit for the sake of organization, they need it. That doesn't mean punish the competent players when they're being maverick, they're going to play to win regardless of how.

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