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Mercs / Commandos need a Nerf!


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They have way too many defensive cool downs ... Why do they have bubble shields? Okay, they probably aren't bubble shields but more like shield generators, but you get the idea .. Plus an immunity cool down that resists stuns and roots? Al of this coupled with great DPS?
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Yeah those mercs and their heavy armor are so OP alright. Especially since electronet has no cooldown. Just got out of my 30th warzone in a row of 8 mercs vs 8 mandos. When is BW going to do something about this? Edited by Volxen
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PLEASE nerf this class. They have been overpowered since launch, they are impossible to lock down or kill because of all their defensives and amazing mobility!


Also, can we please nerf operatives? I get killed before the stun wears off!


ROFL, this thread is going to be great. It is giving me the feels already.

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I'm not sure the OP has been subtle enough to come across as "real"/honest rather than obvious-troll.




It's such an obvious attempt at trolling that it's not worth debating it with him, The guy's wrong, bad or a fool...possibly all 3, but I doubt he's a fool.

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can open u box and light chest sabre when open and box open sabre show. When light sabre put back box you can put chest back in and light no.


For the love of God, please no, just... no.

Back on topic, commandoes have heavy armor, a freaking huge gun, a green beam of life and bubble! Needs a nerf, for sure!








Also, nerf operatives

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PLEASE nerf this class. They have been overpowered since launch, they are impossible to lock down or kill because of all their defensives and amazing mobility!


Also, can we please nerf operatives? I get killed before the stun wears off!


ROFL, this thread is going to be great. It is giving me the feels already.


How should a heavy armor class have mobility? How does that make sense?

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nerf assassins too, i mean GEEZ they use a DOUBLE-BLADED saber???????????


Yeah, they look like freakin' DARTH MAUL!!! That has to count for something, eh?


No? Anyone? Just me that thinks that?

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seriously tho, if youre gonna try to QQ about mercs you need to do it right. here are some topic-starters:


1. cry about electronet being an instant kill

2. cry about heavy armor

3. cry about tracer missile/grav round spam

4. cry about demo round/HSM hitting too hard



choose a couple of those and people might take you more seriously.

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