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[Heroic 4] The Alchemy of Evil Bug?


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Happened to me last night. I have the screenshot with the quest completion window to prove it: 100 DS points (indicating I did, in fact, select the correct option for the Dreadseed chest) and a Star Forager chestpiece as my reward.


And if I'm understanding the planned fix, it's going take the already-slim drop chance of the seeker droid finding Dreadseed armor and HALVE that by doubling the number of possibilities (1 duplicate Star Forager piece for every Dreadseed piece)?


That's absurd, and a bit of a middle finger to the folks who did nothing wrong here; it's not like I clicked the incorrect option and want a do-over. I just want the piece I chose, with the correct seeker droid loot table implemented on my character (i.e. Dreadseed drops, not Star Forager drops). Please, just take responsibility for this mistake and don't impose an even greater burden on your player base.


Waiting on a response from an in-game ticket, but I'm certainly not hopeful. Fingers crossed that someone will do the right thing here.

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So what are you supposed to do? My log says I have to click on the seed to complete the mission. If I leave the instance without clicking on the seed is it going to update the mission, or am I going to have to re-do the whole thing? Or can I break group and then click on the altar solo, would that work?
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I can confirm this bug as well. Our group had 2 LS characters and 2 DS. The LS roll won and the altar was not clickable afterwards according to the DS players. One of them turned in the quest and got a Star Forager chest to just confirm that this bug exists.


For the other guy, we turned in the quests, asked him to reset it and did it again for him.


Workaround: Only one group of people (LS or DS) should interact with the altar at the same time, the group that made the choice can go to Coruscant/Dromund Kaas and turn it in for the armor. Then they can return to Ilum, reset the quest and let the other group pick the other morality choice.

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Thanks for your reports regarding this mission and the associated fishiness where your light side and dark side choices are concerned. We’ve been working on a comprehensive solution to ensure that you receive both the Title and armor that are most appropriate for your character’s chosen side of the Force. These will be integrated into an upcoming patch, though we don’t have any definitive time frame yet.


So if this is a known/acknowledged issue, when can we expect to see it listed on the known issues thread? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641546


I'm still sitting around, waiting to be able to acquire the set I CORRECTLY chose but was denied access to, all due to BioWare's faulty quest design. Do we have an ETA on a fix for this yet?

Edited by Rhyft
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Happened to me last night. I have the screenshot with the quest completion window to prove it: 100 DS points (indicating I did, in fact, select the correct option for the Dreadseed chest) and a Star Forager chestpiece as my reward.


And if I'm understanding the planned fix, it's going take the already-slim drop chance of the seeker droid finding Dreadseed armor and HALVE that by doubling the number of possibilities (1 duplicate Star Forager piece for every Dreadseed piece)?


That's absurd, and a bit of a middle finger to the folks who did nothing wrong here; it's not like I clicked the incorrect option and want a do-over. I just want the piece I chose, with the correct seeker droid loot table implemented on my character (i.e. Dreadseed drops, not Star Forager drops). Please, just take responsibility for this mistake and don't impose an even greater burden on your player base.


Waiting on a response from an in-game ticket, but I'm certainly not hopeful. Fingers crossed that someone will do the right thing here.


As an update, the first ticket went unresolved. On the second ticket, they swapped my Star Forager chest for a Dreadseed one, but failed to correct the loot table for my seeker droid; so now I have 100 dark side points, a Star Forager title, a Dreadseed chest, but a Star Forager loot table (confirmed by unearthing a Star Forager belt) with no way of completing the rest of my Dreadseed set.


I still believe the proposed solution is the wrong one, as it reduces an already-slim drop chance by doubling the number of options.

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  • Dev Post

Hello again everyone,


I've got some updates for you!


Do we have an ETA on a fix for this yet?

We do indeed. There is full solution going into place for this to fix those who have already completed the mission as well as to fix it for folks in the future. With tomorrow's Game Update, we'll be starting the implementation. Here's the corresponding patch note:


• Players who have completed Uprooting the Last Seed (Republic)/The Alchemy of Evil (Imperial) can now dig up both the Star Forager and Dreadseed armor pieces from the treasure dig sites, regardless of the Light or Dark Side choice made during the mission.


Additionally, the current plan is to finish the solution in Game Update 2.2.2. We'll be updating the mission itself and adding the ability to dig up each of the Titles as consumables. If the time frame changes, I'll post to let you know, as the testing for the 2.2.2 changes has not been completed.

So if this is a known/acknowledged issue, when can we expect to see it listed on the known issues thread? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641546

The primary reason this specific problem isn't listed is because there are a series of things that combine to cause issues with this mission in relation to the alignment choice, group status, and mission rewards. If a bug is sufficiently complicated such that the conditions and resulting behavior are confusing and/or inconsistent, the communication around it is better suited in threads such as these.


Thanks again to everyone who reported this issue and for your patience while we get it fixed for you!

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Hello again everyone,


I've got some updates for you!



• Players who have completed Uprooting the Last Seed (Republic)/The Alchemy of Evil (Imperial) can now dig up both the Star Forager and Dreadseed armor pieces from the treasure dig sites, regardless of the Light or Dark Side choice made during the mission.


I don't know how others feel about this but I really don't want the ability to dig up BOTH sets on the same character. That will make it take even longer to get a full set of either armor variety. This seems to be a poor solution IMO.


Come on. You can do better than that! Just wait and fix it right please.

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I don't know how others feel about this but I really don't want the ability to dig up BOTH sets on the same character. That will make it take even longer to get a full set of either armor variety. This seems to be a poor solution IMO.


Come on. You can do better than that! Just wait and fix it right please.


Same here, but it's too late for that now :rolleyes:

So yeah, suck it up, because it was too easy to find your whole set already :rolleyes:

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First off, thanks Amber for the update. Very much appreciate you keeping us informed, rather than just letting us figure out the change for ourselves tomorrow.


Second, I'll add my voice to the others in pointing out that this "solution" is mediocre at best, as it takes an already-slim chance at loot and makes it even slimmer, thereby substantially increasing the time needed to assemble a complete set of gear.


Please pass on our concerns to the team designing this fix, so that it can hopefully be addressed in the future. It is, nevertheless, understood that this was a bit of an emergency fix to stop any further damage from being done.

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Same here, but it's too late for that now :rolleyes:

So yeah, suck it up, because it was too easy to find your whole set already :rolleyes:


Heh. Yeah. At this point they should just dump the sets into the Cartel Market for sale like everything else, cut the heroic from the questline, and be done with it.

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Did you up the chance to find armor pieces as well? If I now have a chance to pull armor that I don't want along with armor that I do want it would sure be nice if I saw them more often.


Same here, but it's too late for that now :rolleyes:

So yeah, suck it up, because it was too easy to find your whole set already :rolleyes:


Yeah, it's definitely been too easy. After getting seven belts on Makeb I gave up trying to finish my set. This change will definitely make searching for that last piece a more enjoyable process. :(

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We do indeed. There is full solution going into place for this to fix those who have already completed the mission as well as to fix it for folks in the future. With tomorrow's Game Update, we'll be starting the implementation. Here's the corresponding patch note:


Additionally, the current plan is to finish the solution in Game Update 2.2.2. We'll be updating the mission itself and adding the ability to dig up each of the Titles as consumables. If the time frame changes, I'll post to let you know, as the testing for the 2.2.2 changes has not been completed.


Hello Amber,

I just wrote a similar posting a couple of days ago over there in the german forums, I will tell it here once again. The Title was the most important thing to me as reward for finishing this quest. My char is a full light side played jedi, so I also gave the light answer in this quest, and what did I earn? Yes, the dreadseed-title. This is annoying in first. Now the solution for me to get the right title (I just want to use it, it has a bit mystic style in german translation) is to dig at least hours and hours for broken bones, rusty cans and at least some mobs to receive the title I choosed finishing the quest? This sounds like a really bad joke, sorry.

I hope, you and your team will find another solution for those people who has already earned the wrong title. The armor-set as a abylity to dig for is okay for me, perhaps I will do this when I have some spare time. To do this with the title by the small dropping rate in the digging grounds is really like someone wrote before like the middle finger.

I'm sorry, if I lost my politeness, but let me tell you one more thing: I was just a small tick away from kicking the char after this happend to me and after the first very negativ answer I received from the ingame support. This was the first time I lost all the fun the game gave to me all the time before, and I was a total noob to this genre of games until I started up with SWTOR.


Best regards from Germany!

Edited by Testopfer
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I might be (slightly) off topic since this started as a thread that was supposed to be about the Heroic 4, but just in case anyone's wondering I managed to find both Headpieces (Dreadseed and Star Forager) with my Operative that had chosen the Dark Side option at the end of the Heroic.


I got both headpieces and the area didn't get depleted, although I later found a purple 28 enhancement, after which it did.


Personally, I don't think a 28 enhancement or anything like that should deplete the area, but at least you can find your armor pieces from both sets.


Thank you for this, Amber.

I've been trying to find a group for Alchemy of Evil with another toon for a few days now with no luck, just so that I could get the Star Forager armor.

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This fix only makes it harder to get the set you want. I now have 4 star forrager pieces that I don't want from the seeker droid. Haven't gotten any Dread Seed. This thing takes way to long, even with the consumables you mostly get green gear for "something interesting" Why not make the rare 'special armor find' a box with a choice of either the star forrager or dread seed piece? At least that wouldn't further reduce you chances post fix.
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  • 2 weeks later...


i investigate this

in mission rewards for last Heroic4 for seeker droid i find


"Dreadseed Storage Case (Binds to Legacy)

Secured lockbox containing the Dreadseed Armor and Title.

Right-click to open."




"Star Forager Storage Case (Binds to Legacy)

Secured lockbox containing the Star Forager Jacket and Title.

Right-click to open."

Edited by EnmaAii
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So am I to understand that the 'solution' was to make it harder for me to find the armor I should have been give as a reward to begin with? I appreciate that you tried to provide a solution but would n't have been easier to give the armor to the paying customer they chose to begin with rather then diluting the dig sites with even more items that I don't want?


Disappointed :confused:

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So am I to understand that the 'solution' was to make it harder for me to find the armor I should have been give as a reward to begin with? I appreciate that you tried to provide a solution but would n't have been easier to give the armor to the paying customer they chose to begin with rather then diluting the dig sites with even more items that I don't want?


Disappointed :confused:


Let me ask you this: Wouldn't it be easier if they gave us each a loot drop when we kill a raid boss?

It would.

But it doesn't work that way.

Seeker droid is a time sink. You invest time if you are really interested in the set. And, if anything, they made it easier to get the set, not harder, since now areas don't deplete when you find an armor piece.

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Let me ask you this: Wouldn't it be easier if they gave us each a loot drop when we kill a raid boss?

It would.

But it doesn't work that way.

Seeker droid is a time sink. You invest time if you are really interested in the set. And, if anything, they made it easier to get the set, not harder, since now areas don't deplete when you find an armor piece.


I am not talking about a raid, I get that concept, however, when I play through a quest arc, the Seeker droid in this case, and I do not receive the reward that I chose at the end of the quest arc, that is different. They can take back the starforger armor, I really don't want it just give me the DreadSeed that I selected according to their rules. Which BTW everyone on that quest arc gets their own reward thus me saying not like a raid.


And I still disagree about it being faster to find, just because it doesn't deplete after you find the armor does not mean that you are going to find either the same piece you found already or some 28Mod. it just puts more in to the RNG which waters down the pool of and decreases the probability of you ever finding what it is you're looking for.

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