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The Empire's go to guy.


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The Republic's heroes seem to be ready and able to serve. The Knight and the Consular are duty bound to protect the republic. The Trooper pretty much is the Republic. And the Smuggler is basically a Republic privateer. Basically the Republic has these great assets to call upon when ever they need them.


But the Sith Empire is a different story. The Dark Council runs the show now. The only Empire hero really duty bound to help them is Darth Nox/Imp/Occ since he/she is on the council. But the Agent, depending on your choices erases all data of himself and becomes a free agent, the Wrath pretty much does whatever he wants, and the Bounty Hunter needs to be paid to serve the Empire. Compared to the Republic the Empire does not really have people to depend on.

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Part of the problem (which I have been saying since the beginning because I wanted them on Rep side) is that bounty hunters aren't a viable empire "troop." Bounty hunters fight for whoever pays them and for the game's sake, they should choose whether or not to fight for the Republic or the Empire. I understand that Bioware/EA didn't want 100% replicated classes but there are clearly Imperial trooper NPCs in the game, so I don't get it is a stretch to have them as a class.
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Part of the problem (which I have been saying since the beginning because I wanted them on Rep side) is that bounty hunters aren't a viable empire "troop." Bounty hunters fight for whoever pays them and for the game's sake, they should choose whether or not to fight for the Republic or the Empire. I understand that Bioware/EA didn't want 100% replicated classes but there are clearly Imperial trooper NPCs in the game, so I don't get it is a stretch to have them as a class.


The issue is rather that the classes are based on archetype characters from the movies. The BH class is based on Boba Fett, who made his introduction to the audience as a bad guy who's in league with Vader.


Other than that, there's the quote from the class trailer, "The only law in this galaxy, is the one a man makes for himself". That is probably considered "too renegade" to be reasonally employed as a Republic class. It seems more reasonable for a Bounty Hunter to kill someone with a clear concience or let that person go than say, a Smuggler or a Jedi.


Besides, I never really got the impression that the Bounty Hunter is really quite Imperial-sided. It is merely a source of contracts to them, since the Empire employs their uses more frequently and without remorse than the Republic.

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But the Agent, depending on your choices erases all data of himself and becomes a free agent, the Wrath pretty much does whatever he wants, and the Bounty Hunter needs to be paid to serve the Empire. Compared to the Republic the Empire does not really have people to depend on.


But they still are the "go-to" guys, apparently, I mean, they went out of there way to go to us for Makeb. :D

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I'm gonna note that the Wraith isn't bound to help the council, but barring orders from the emperor not to, he'll help as klikely as the inqusitor. the thing to bare in mind is the wraith is basicly "seperate but equal" to the dark council in how he stands. in short when he talks to say... Darth Marr he's one of the only people in the empire who a dark council member must speak to, as a peer.
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Its just when I think of the Republic, if they tell the Trooper to jump he says "how high." If the Republic needs a Jedi strike team Grand-master Shan can count on the Knight to already be on his way to the target. But the Empire heroes have to be bribed or convinced to serve. Edited by MasterRoberts
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Its just when I think of the Republic, if they tell the Trooper to jump he says "how high." If the Republic needs a Jedi strike team Grand-master Shan can count on the Knight to already be on his way to the target. But the Empire heroes have to be bribed or convinced to serve.


I don't really agree. IMO that applies only to bounty hunter. But anyway. How does that matter at all? ;-) Empire can bribe pretty much everybody. When the war is over, there will be plenty of slaves, planets and everything else so everybody involved will get his share.

Edited by zzoorrzz
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I don't really agree. IMO that applies only to bounty hunter. But anyway. How does that matter at all? ;-) Empire can bribe pretty much everybody. When the war is over, there will be plenty of slaves, planets and everything else so everybody involved will get his share.

When you use the Duke of Alba's solutions, you get the Duke of Alba's results.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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The Imperial Agent was the only real Imperial patriot, but then the Sith went and pissed him off.


So far, I think the only Sith my Imperial Agent has liked, has been Silithar (spelling is very likely wrong) from the Tatooine planet storyline.


Same for my BH. Basically, most Sith are not nice people. :p But this isn't so bad really. This allows the players to either be the dime a dozen power mad psycho/sociopath Sith or a rare diamond in a pile of coal. :)

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Bounty hunters fight for whoever pays them and for the game's sake, they should choose whether or not to fight for the Republic or the Empire.


I can't remember where I heard this during the BH storyline, but I remember someone saying at some point the reason the BH is aligned with the Empire is because the Republic finds the idea of BHs abhorrent, so won't hire them. That makes the Empire and their willingness to pay the BHs for work the only viable faction in the galaxy.

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