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Exploit or Just Me...


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Anyone else have the issues where cloakers are capable of capturing a turret or planting a bomb on a door, in what seems to me WHILE cloaked? That they finally appear OUT of cloak, and the meter above them is over half way done? Mind you, the uncloak animation and sound play AS they appear to me, so it doesn't seem like just a graphical problem.

Is this something cloakers are exploiting?

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I've seen this myself. Always thought it was graphical lag, but when I tried on my assassin I don't seem to get that same convenience. :p Lately too we've had people cap entirely from stealth. Once on a civil war, another on a hypergate. And no it wasn't a ninja cap. Edited by PoliteAssasin
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The problem is that you can't say for sure if it is a bug or an exploit.

I have quite often seen some stealther attack me and he /her remained invisible except for the lightsaber for about 5-7 seconds into the fight.

I have seen stealthers plant the bomb in Voidstar and stay invisible without any sign of planting and when there was 1 second left on the plant the Player finally appeared with the bar over his head. Needless to say there was no time to react and Interrupt that one.


I also encountered a really nice bug in Huttball last weekend, where I used Forcecloak with Blackout exactly the same time as I "accidentally" recieved the ball through a pass.

Normally the ball should have reset itself but this time I was able to stealth the ball to the goalline.


Maybe I was visible to the other players and just invisible for myself, but I doubt it since I was able to run it from the mid to the enemy goalline without being attacked.

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It's more then stealth that this happens with. I had a sniper come into cap a door in VS. Soon as he kneeled into cover he disappeared except for the red cover shield facing the door. Couldn't be targeted or aoe'd, once he capped the door he came out of cover and was visible. Wish to hell I'd been recording that day.
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Id ask everyone to consider this question. Have you ever seen a team mate have this happen and cap the turret/bunker/door/pylon?


For myself never since beta/game launch have I ever had this happen to a team mate. Not once have I seen a teammate invisible and cap. Further Im a stealthier and have never never been able to do this or have it happen to me.


Always always when this occurs its the other team. Ive personally seen the "mysterious" bomb plant in Voidstar more than once.


With all the crap Ive seen in warzones I tend to believe its another exploit someone is using.


Originally it was a exploit that Bioware "fixed", basically players had figured out a way to plant from the other side of the door..I guess porting or some such loser tactic.


Oh wait I forgot I either don't understand abilities, its a glitch oh and I need to learn to play...never mind

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Id ask everyone to consider this question. Have you ever seen a team mate have this happen and cap the turret/bunker/door/pylon?


For myself never since beta/game launch have I ever had this happen to a team mate. Not once have I seen a teammate invisible and cap. Further Im a stealthier and have never never been able to do this or have it happen to me.


Always always when this occurs its the other team. Ive personally seen the "mysterious" bomb plant in Voidstar more than once.


With all the crap Ive seen in warzones I tend to believe its another exploit someone is using.


Originally it was a exploit that Bioware "fixed", basically players had figured out a way to plant from the other side of the door..I guess porting or some such loser tactic.


Oh wait I forgot I either don't understand abilities, its a glitch oh and I need to learn to play...never mind


Originally you could get out of spawn before the match started and actually sit on the other side of the door and cap it from the other side. If you failed though it kinda sucked because it could totally screw up your respawn locations for your entire team lol. And it was possible to fail - required someone to run out and immediately AOE the door. Was really bad.


I wonder if this is a lag switch issue - is the game client really that bad that it accepts a node cap without mutual acknowledgement server side?

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Here is what they are doing


o Stealth

o Disconnect from internet

o Plant Bomb

o Reconnect to the internet

o Internet recatches up. They are 6 seconds through the cap before you see them.


This doesn't work. Why? Disconnecting from SWToR will boot you to server select.

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Here is what they are doing


o Stealth

o Disconnect from internet

o Plant Bomb

o Reconnect to the internet

o Internet recatches up. They are 6 seconds through the cap before you see them.


Interesting. I've seen this myself on CW, there were 5 of us fighting ON the turret when it got flipped on us...the only way we saw who had done it was one of the guys I was with, had died, while laying there dead, he could see the guy capping for some reason.

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This doesn't work. Why? Disconnecting from SWToR will boot you to server select.



You don't disconnect right away, it gives you a few seconds to reconnect.


It is in those few seconds these people are unstealthing, start planting the bomb, and reconnect their internet.

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You don't disconnect right away, it gives you a few seconds to reconnect.


It is in those few seconds these people are unstealthing, start planting the bomb, and reconnect their internet.

I would think that it would make more sense for the server side to look at the data client side and compare and go "server side says you are cloaked and sitting there, client side says you are decloaked and planting the bomb....sorry, you go back to being cloaked and sitting there."

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I've also seen this bug / exploit, while guarding a door at voidstar and suddenly... a guy appeared with just 2 seconds left to cap the door! I was like "oh", and had no time to react.... I thought that there was something with the connection as that day the lag was being pretty bad, but I see now that thi might be an exploit
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Here is what they are doing


o Stealth

o Disconnect from internet

o Plant Bomb

o Reconnect to the internet

o Internet recatches up. They are 6 seconds through the cap before you see them.



This doesn't work. Why? Disconnecting from SWToR will boot you to server select.


It is called a Lag Switch. Not that common anymore, but it does work and exists. Was common in SWTOR for a while but have not seen it all that much now.


If you lag every time you are around a certain player they are probably using one. Mark them and ask your team if they are lagging around the certain marked player. If it is only around him then it is a lag switch program.

Edited by KillaDeuce
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The old stealth cap exploit had to do with 2 stealthers working together. (Not sure if you would call it an exploit cause it was all done using normal abilities within the game.) I thought this was fixed by slightly changing how group stealth worked. But you never know it was patches ago and could have come back.


It was some thing along the lines of this. Has been a while though I may have it wrong.


-One stealth being an operative with the group stealth ability. Other being any stealth.


-basically other stealth goes stealth, and operative uses group stealth on both of them


- other stealth leaves his own personal stealth but stays stealthed in group stealth.


-games acts as if he had come out of stealth and allows capping even thought he is still under group stealth.

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I would think that it would make more sense for the server side to look at the data client side and compare and go "server side says you are cloaked and sitting there, client side says you are decloaked and planting the bomb....sorry, you go back to being cloaked and sitting there."


It's stupid and very amateurish, as any half-wit who can google can essentially cheat the verifications. I do wonder though... it seems client data takes precedence over server data, except in situations where rubberbanding occurs. Then it feels like, "He who leaps first leaps to the correct spot". So there must be some sort of server and client comparing going on.


EDIT: Nevermind. It's now, " He who leaps first SOMETIMES leaps to the correct spot, provided the game doesn't cut his leap short by 15 meters".

Edited by maverickmatt
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There really needs to be a "lolPvP" Meme thread.




I had issues with my net for about a week, I will confirm that even accidental crazy stuff happens in about 3-5 (sometimes more) seconds of lag & disconnects. In a controlled disconnect, there are some really sick possibilities for exploits.

Edited by Maelael
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I've seen this several times fairly recently including once 3 days ago. I submitted an in-game ticket each time since, on the last two occasions, I happened to be looking right at the door in Voidstar when all of a sudden an assassin appeared simultaneously as the bomb was successfully planted. In the earlier of the two instances the player re-stealthed immediately.


I also submitted a ticket when I saw two different players on a team I was on plant on two different doors while stealthed. I had never seen it on my own team before and was surprised and even asked in Ops chat how they did that, which got no reply, of course. I submitted the ticket anyway since it's a pretty crappy thing to do. The first time I saw it I thought it was lag or my imagination or something, but when I saw it again in that same round on the last door, there was no doubt, except for who the perpetrator was since there was a group of 4 stealthers huddled around that last door. Incidentally, no one DC'd during that match, in case that's relevant info.


In early may, I'd subbmitted a ticket when in a Civil War, I saw it happen at mid, so they've known about this for a very long time.

Edited by BoushhDC
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Good question. It seems the theory of it being an exploit is far from out the door. The possible method in which to recreate it is also on the table still. I hope someone can look into this with a few tests, seeing as I have no cloaker I cannot join in the tests but await the results of others.

My team experience is also limited since I usually run with my guild with four more for the rest of the team. And I will say if a cloaker is in charge and tells us all to go to one door while the cloaker caps the other door, I cannot say how but they do do their job. But how?

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Its not an exploit. On my assassin I go in and I stealth while I get guys to distract the guards and draw them out. from there I destealth and take the node. I literally did this while standing 3 meters behind an oblivious gunslinger in Voidstar yesterday. I do it all the time sometimes they think I was stealthed part of the way through it as this thread suggests but I was not I just caught them by complete and utter surprise and most of the time before they realize the threat was not the guys distracting them, but from behind them.
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Its not an exploit. On my assassin I go in and I stealth while I get guys to distract the guards and draw them out. from there I destealth and take the node. I literally did this while standing 3 meters behind an oblivious gunslinger in Voidstar yesterday. I do it all the time sometimes they think I was stealthed part of the way through it as this thread suggests but I was not I just caught them by complete and utter surprise and most of the time before they realize the threat was not the guys distracting them, but from behind them.


You're missing the part where were staring at the door or were just looking at it 2 seconds ago. I literally camera pan/mouse look back and forth, its like 2 seconds or less.


What you're describing I've seen. This is not the case.

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