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The insane (double XP) plan to get everyone to 55 fast


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I see no reason why BW can't make it optional; hell I can't see any reason why they can't do like EQ2 and just add an XP slider bar in that goes from 0-200% (make it a sub perk to be able to take the bar below 75% and above 125%) so that people can level at the speed they choose whenever they want.


Perhaps because there's better things to use their money on.

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There's enough people asking for the feature that BW should add it. Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't a feature to begin with. They already have the infrastructure in place to add buffs that can be debuffed. Would have been easy as cake to make it part of that, where if you log in during the event an auto-buff goes on giving you 2x xp and lasts for some reasonable amount of time, like 6-8 hours, and the player has the option to right click the buff and remove it.


So, even though it can be managed so that the event doesn't affect you, there are enough people ignorant of that fact that, from a customer service point of view, BW should make as many people happy as possible and fix the double-xp event so that these people can remove it. It really shouldn't take much dev time, and for the people that choose not to use it, there will be no effect on them.

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To be fair My self and many others love Double xp because its one of the few times people can literally Fly through the levels so for instance on my 40 Commando i normally earn 14k per PVP game now il be earning around 28 K .. Thats awesome that means i could level up multiple times in one day unlike normally I would get bored and turn off then levelling would be slow and tedious.


One of the other problems i dont understand is why people HATE double XP , Okay they may be at top level but that's no excuse to make another character and fly them through to a high rank because 1 could easily make a new char and get it to around 40 after 1 maybe 2 weekends of double xp and some time in between.

So if someone dislikes it they should stop Prioritising them selves over others !

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TBH i like the double xp weekends announced. I leveled ten toons or so to 50 before the DLC makeb. since then, I've taken six of those toons to 55; and have now another six toons between 51 and 53, and four more between 35 and 49.


at this point I've seen the stories, and have done the content, the wz's, the FPs billions of times. I know the strats back and forwards, and I've been there - done that at this point. now it's all about rushing to 55 and starting to end-game gear.


the double-xp weekends will really save me from having to do say corellia and hoth or running the same sub 50 FP's again, and again, and again. so i'm all for the weekends and am looking forward to getting up to 55 with at least my vanguard tank, shadow dps, and my mara. I've already completed these class quests before and have rolled through makeb both imp and pub side so i know the stories.. I just wanna get to 55 :)

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There's enough people asking for the feature that BW should add it. Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't a feature to begin with. They already have the infrastructure in place to add buffs that can be debuffed. Would have been easy as cake to make it part of that, where if you log in during the event an auto-buff goes on giving you 2x xp and lasts for some reasonable amount of time, like 6-8 hours, and the player has the option to right click the buff and remove it.


So, even though it can be managed so that the event doesn't affect you, there are enough people ignorant of that fact that, from a customer service point of view, BW should make as many people happy as possible and fix the double-xp event so that these people can remove it. It really shouldn't take much dev time, and for the people that choose not to use it, there will be no effect on them.


Enough people asking for it?

Hell, even during the first double xp weekend, when the anti-xp frenzy was at its top, i counted no more than 15-20 people asking for it to be optional.

20 people does not make up a substantial part of the playerbase...

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There's enough people asking for the feature that BW should add it. Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't a feature to begin with. They already have the infrastructure in place to add buffs that can be debuffed. Would have been easy as cake to make it part of that, where if you log in during the event an auto-buff goes on giving you 2x xp and lasts for some reasonable amount of time, like 6-8 hours, and the player has the option to right click the buff and remove it.


So, even though it can be managed so that the event doesn't affect you, there are enough people ignorant of that fact that, from a customer service point of view, BW should make as many people happy as possible and fix the double-xp event so that these people can remove it. It really shouldn't take much dev time, and for the people that choose not to use it, there will be no effect on them.


How many are asking for it since it's enough? 'Cause if it is the few in this thread and the other, then there's more that ask for most other things.

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I would really like to hear a dev comment on this request for an opt out option for people that do not want to level from 1 - 55 in three days. I have heard several people both in game and in the forums who also do not want to be a part of double xp weekends. I have also heard from many others in the other side of the issue that would be just as upset if we are allowed the ability to opt out of double xp, so no matter what some people are going to be upset.
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Enough people asking for it?

Hell, even during the first double xp weekend, when the anti-xp frenzy was at its top, i counted no more than 15-20 people asking for it to be optional.

20 people does not make up a substantial part of the playerbase...


lol! You're funny. I think the part that you are missing is that for everyone that comes to the forums, there may be thousands that don't bother. There really isn't a way to know an exact count, despite your childish attempt to pull one out of the air.


Also, what do you care? The fix is simple, and if you don't use it, you are not affected remotely. Take a pill... I personally wouldn't dream of ever using such a feature, but if the Devs take the 5 minutes to put in a feature that will make people happy....

Edited by Glowrod
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I personally would prefer a double xp boost consumable that you get via mail for the duration of the double xp weekend.


I would prefer a double XP boost consumable that is permanently availiable from the Cartel Market.

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Leveling is very easy. Being always overleveled makes the process ridiculous.

What BW really does with Double XP is: "Come on, skip the content we made!"

That means you end knowing nothing of class rotation, even CC and other stuff. Not funny.

Ok, real example. GF pug of 50s - 54s wiping on first (!) EC SM trash pull... 3 quitters right away, another queue...

Double XP weekends is one of the worst ideas ever, along with XP boosts as mission rewards.

Make it optional please.

Somebody's mad, maybe you should check to see if you're getting pugged in a guild run. As soon as I see I'm in a ops group with a bunch of randoms I jump ship.


On topic, I personally like the Dbl XP Weekends because that way I don't have to go through the planet quests for the 20th time on a new toon. I beta tested this game (Disregard the date on my frozen signature) and I've done the planet quests way too many times. With the Dbl XP Weekends I can power through toons by only doing their class quests and a little bit of PvP on the side.


I swear if I have to do Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia planet quests again then C2-N2 is gonna have an accident.

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Somebody's mad, maybe you should check to see if you're getting pugged in a guild run. As soon as I see I'm in a ops group with a bunch of randoms I jump ship.


On topic, I personally like the Dbl XP Weekends because that way I don't have to go through the planet quests for the 20th time on a new toon. I beta tested this game (Disregard the date on my frozen signature) and I've done the planet quests way too many times. With the Dbl XP Weekends I can power through toons by only doing their class quests and a little bit of PvP on the side.


I swear if I have to do Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia planet quests again then C2-N2 is gonna have an accident.


I agree.It gets old.I just finished NS bonus earlier.I had to keep from falling asleep.I am just interested in class quest and some side quests i enjoy.Dbl xp weekends makes it so much more fun.You can concentrate on class quest in my case and not do all the slogging thru mobs.

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lol! You're funny. I think the part that you are missing is that for everyone that comes to the forums, there may be thousands that don't bother. There really isn't a way to know an exact count, despite your childish attempt to pull one out of the air.


Also, what do you care? The fix is simple, and if you don't use it, you are not affected remotely. Take a pill... I personally wouldn't dream of ever using such a feature, but if the Devs take the 5 minutes to put in a feature that will make people happy....


Oh come now, you cannot say "enough people are asking for it" and then say that "thousands are silent" to back up that claim. You are the one pulling claims out of the air by saying that alot of people are asking for it without any proof to back that up.


And the fix is not "simple". Its not something that would take "5 minutes".

Anything you change in an MMO will take time and most of the time introduces bugs. Have you forgotten what happens every time they release a patch? Something else breaks.


But instead of going the "but its so eeeeasy to implement" route of arguing, how about you adress my previous questions here on the thread about why there even is a need for an option in the first place?


You dont because you cant. There is no need for it to be optional. Its an unnecessary "fix" that would take time to implement without any real benefits.


Here, ill just repeat my previous post so you dont have to look for it.

Adress this and i might continue this discussion, but if all you can come up with is "but its an easy fix" then this discussion is over.


my original post:

All of you complaining about the double XP weekend, explain a few things to me.


1: You say you will overlevel content. But you already overlevel content if you play all missions in the game. Overleveling will stop you from earning XP once you are 5 levels above the missions. So its not like you'll reach lvl 50 on Tatooine.


2: You say overleveling content will make the game too easy. Compared to what? Compared to how it is now when you still overlevel content? Sure, it will happen more often, but it wont be that big a difference if you just skip some of the content.


3: You say you dont want to be forced to skip content (ie. side missions and planetary quests) because you'll outlevel the planet if you dont. Well you already do that if you dont skip any content.


4: You say you'll be left behind in gear if you do skip content and only do the storyline missions. Well, with the new planetary comms, that wont happen (especially if you throw in a flashpoint between planets). And the GTN prices for mods are cheaper than ever now, so buying what you cant get with comms should be a piece of cake.


those are the general complaints ive seen. So please tell me if im wrong here, but double XP weekend wont change much for you.


Oh, then theres the "but it will make people get to lvl 55 too fast and then they will just be stuck there" argument that the OP used, but thats pretty invalid since you can always make alts. Either you make an alt to level up during the double xp weekends, or you make an alt when your main reaches 55.


Of course, there is the tiny core of people that refuse to play more than one character... but most of them are already at lvl cap, so this wont affect them the slightest.

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my original post:

All of you complaining about the double XP weekend, explain a few things to me.


1: You say you will overlevel content. But you already overlevel content if you play all missions in the game. Overleveling will stop you from earning XP once you are 5 levels above the missions. So its not like you'll reach lvl 50 on Tatooine.


2: You say overleveling content will make the game too easy. Compared to what? Compared to how it is now when you still overlevel content? Sure, it will happen more often, but it wont be that big a difference if you just skip some of the content.


3: You say you dont want to be forced to skip content (ie. side missions and planetary quests) because you'll outlevel the planet if you dont. Well you already do that if you dont skip any content.


4: You say you'll be left behind in gear if you do skip content and only do the storyline missions. Well, with the new planetary comms, that wont happen (especially if you throw in a flashpoint between planets). And the GTN prices for mods are cheaper than ever now, so buying what you cant get with comms should be a piece of cake.


those are the general complaints ive seen. So please tell me if im wrong here, but double XP weekend wont change much for you.


Oh, then theres the "but it will make people get to lvl 55 too fast and then they will just be stuck there" argument that the OP used, but thats pretty invalid since you can always make alts. Either you make an alt to level up during the double xp weekends, or you make an alt when your main reaches 55.


Of course, there is the tiny core of people that refuse to play more than one character... but most of them are already at lvl cap, so this wont affect them the slightest.


1: Once you stop getting xp the difficulty is trivial and hence the game no longer is fun to play. One or two levels is ok, anything above that makes the game too easy.


2: And here comes the big IF - if you just skip content - which is what most of us complaining about this don't want to do. I for one is running out of things to do and I want my content to last. And don't tell me to go make an alt, I have all 16 ACs, 3 at 55, another 5 at 50 (those are my salvation now when double xp weekend comes back since you can't overlevel that much 50-55) and 8 lower levels (18-45) that I don't want to play during these weekends.

Leveling is crazy fast as it is and I can play a planet in one evening if I like. If I'm supposed to skip content to keep it non-trivial and only do class quests I'll finish three planets in one evening. I'd run out of things to do real fast.

And once again no, not everyone want to do the pointless operation gear grind so I can get the gear to grind for yet some more gear.


3: You'll be fine at 2-3 levels above if you don't do flashpoints, heroics and warzones, normal quests keeps you at an acceptable level.


4: I don't give a damn about the gear aspect, with crafters of all kinds and planetary comms it's one problem I don't have.


I've written this in several posts but people don't really want to read and try to understand. They come to these posts to post over and over again how they don't have any problems and they can't understand and thus no one else can have any issues *sigh*. What is even more fascinating is their need to come tell us how absolutely wrong we are for not wanting to play the game exactly like they do...

Oh, and their favourite - "don't play". Well, I pay to play this game and to be told to just shut up and don't play the game is not much of a solution.


As for the "easy fix" it could be. I wouldn't mind jumping to fleet to interact with an NPC or object to remove the double xp or rather give me a 50% xp debuff for the day. Heck, I'd go there once per hour if I had to and the people loving the double xp wouldn't even notice.


Short version: Double xp means you either have to skip content or play trivial content. Some people just don't want that - how hard can that be to understand?

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Short version: Double xp means you either have to skip content or play trivial content. Some people just don't want that - how hard can that be to understand?


Everyone else's short version: ALL leveling content is already trivial, 2xp doesn't matter in this regard. Random reQQuests like this are just silly.

Edited by Astygia
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Everyone else's short version: ALL leveling content is already trivial, 2xp doesn't matter in this regard. Random reQQuests like this are just silly.


Shorter anti option version: It's good to ME. YOU have to stick with it.

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Oh come now, you cannot say "enough people are asking for it" and then say that "thousands are silent" to back up that claim. You are the one pulling claims out of the air by saying that alot of people are asking for it without any proof to back that up.


The fact that we are here having this conversation is proof that it's an issue for people.


And the fix is not "simple". Its not something that would take "5 minutes".

Anything you change in an MMO will take time and most of the time introduces bugs. Have you forgotten what happens every time they release a patch? Something else breaks.


You make it sound like any change in the game requires an act of congress, and any change WILL break the game and make it unplayable for everyone. Seriously? If this were true, nothing would ever be changed. Stop being such a drama queen. As I said before, most of the infrastructure is already there. They already have xp bonus packs that you keep in your inventory, and pop when you want 1 or 3 hours of 25% xp boost. This is in place now and working. you can even debuf them! All they would need to do is have a function that checks, when you log in, to see if the 2x xp event is currently running, and apply a buff if it is. All they would need to do is add a check when you log in, and create the buff that is 100% rather than 25%, and adjust the time that it's active. I'll grant that 5 minutes may be a little short, but not by much.


But instead of going the "but its so eeeeasy to implement" route of arguing, how about you adress my previous questions here on the thread about why there even is a need for an option in the first place?


I agree with most of your points. The feature really isn't NEEDED, but adding it would be such a simple thing that there almost isn't a reason not to have done it to begin with. If taking a few minutes and doing it right will make people happy, then they really should add it.

Edited by Glowrod
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Ok then don't login during double xp weekend so people won't have to deal with your *******.


I'm so looking forward to double xp weekend because besides the class stories, it's SO BORING AND HORRIBLE to level IN SWTOR. The planets are so static and so boring. The side quests are awful, there's no replayability at all. Their generic as hell and bad overall.


Anything that gives you the opportunity to skip planets entirely is a fantastic thing.

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