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The insane (double XP) plan to get everyone to 55 fast


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Can you not "run your Guardian up to 55" anyway? And once your Guardian is at 55, what will you do with him?

He could also bang his head repeatedly on his desk. In other words, the leveling process is a grind, which is not fun IMO. At 55, the game begins. You finally have all of your abilities, full number of points to put into your specialization tree(s), you can start getting awesome gear. I mainly pvp at 55, so the motivation for me to get more characters to 55 is having more characters to play with that have all of their awesome abilities (I like variety), not watered-down versions that are still a work in progress. Plus, as a competitor, I want to know how my pvp opponents operate at 55, so I want to try out as many of the other classes as possible at 55 (all of them would be ideal, but that would take me years with a slow leveling grind - I'd probably die of boredom).


With that said, I do sympathize with those who enjoy the journey. I highly doubt that there is a technical reason why a double XP toggle switch cannot be added. It's likely just a matter of resources - is it worth it to them to spend manpower on implementing this? I have read enough posts since now and the first double XP weekends that would lead me to believe there are a significant number of people put off by this. I think it's worth it to throw them a bone somehow. Obviously, not my call. It would be nice to at least get a "hey guys, we can't implement a double XP toggle because our team is so heavily focused on X that it would be a potential schedule breaker for X. In this case, it's a 'majority rules' sort of thing...sorry." Then again, maybe that would be a little too honest and potentially be ill-received?

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Double XP weekends just get people playing and give the game positive attention.

I've given games a shot based on them offering a special weekend, and they always bring players back. And those lazy players are generally the ones who fork out real money for convenience and appearance stuff in the cash shop.


Not to mention it gives me an excuse to level alts. All in all I don't see why there's any reason to complain.

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Double XP weekends just get people playing and give the game positive attention.

I've given games a shot based on them offering a special weekend, and they always bring players back. And those lazy players are generally the ones who fork out real money for convenience and appearance stuff in the cash shop.


Not to mention it gives me an excuse to level alts. All in all I don't see why there's any reason to complain.


You may be right that it is an overall plus for BW. It's not the fact that there is 2XP that is the issue. Obviously, a lot of people are hot for it. It's the "all or nothing" forced nature of it. The alternative is to not play. If that's a plus for BW, OOOOOOK! They seem to think so.


However, I'm very wary of people who claim to KNOW, for certain, why BW did something. Whether it's "Every time BW does X Y happens" or "Only 14 people don't want 2xP," that kind of stuff is unsupported, unverified, hot air. There is no evidence. I think it's interesting to speculate on what BW is "really" up to, and I enjoy trying to puzzle it out with people here who have different insights. But we're all in the same boat here. We are not privy to game statistics, and unless we find a Deep Throat willing to spill the beans and risk his/her job, we're not going to.

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You may be right that it is an overall plus for BW. It's not the fact that there is 2XP that is the issue. Obviously, a lot of people are hot for it. It's the "all or nothing" forced nature of it. The alternative is to not play. If that's a plus for BW, OOOOOOK! They seem to think so.


However, I'm very wary of people who claim to KNOW, for certain, why BW did something. Whether it's "Every time BW does X Y happens" or "Only 14 people don't want 2xP," that kind of stuff is unsupported, unverified, hot air. There is no evidence. I think it's interesting to speculate on what BW is "really" up to, and I enjoy trying to puzzle it out with people here who have different insights. But we're all in the same boat here. We are not privy to game statistics, and unless we find a Deep Throat willing to spill the beans and risk his/her job, we're not going to.


Wait so you're complaining that you get a 2x XP weekend and want the option to only get normal XP?

I guess it is true what they say, people will complain about anything...

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He could also bang his head repeatedly on his desk. *snip*


Heres the thing, I enjoy PvE grinding. Makeb is fun, the stuff prior to Makeb isn't even bad the 3rd time around. Each story is different, and I really like that. I really like leveling, and the progression of skills and gear along with it. It's fun as hell to me, and why I play MMOs.


But, now I hit 50/51 before even stepping foot in Corellia. I do use the XP bonus items from quests. Being still on hoth and hitting 55 is gonna be really annoying. It's way too much of a cakewalk when outlevel the content in the story arc you're in.


I disagree the game starts at 55, but that's a style consideration. PuG PvP before 55 is actually more fun at least on BC, as there is a lot less quitters and whiners. I'm also against hitting 55 (and really any level) without being prepared to gear for it, so its really rough to super fast through your 50s while trying to save up/farm up coms.


I'd say make it a toggle switch for people like me, and people like you that prefer endgame only, and people who just want to level alts super quick.


If XP gain rates were insane like some other FTPs, this wouldn't be an issue. But as is I outlevel the hell out of things, it should be slowed a bit. It's not like it takes more than 1-3 weeks to hit 55.

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OP speak for your self. I hardly get to play any more so this weekend double xp will help me get at least one character to 55 if not most of the characters I care about reaching lvl 55. Hopefully, paid transfers are available before the double weekend so that I can level my characters on a pve server instead of a pvp server.
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But, now I hit 50/51 before even stepping foot in Corellia. I do use the XP bonus items from quests. Being still on hoth and hitting 55 is gonna be really annoying. It's way too much of a cakewalk when outlevel the content in the story arc you're in.



My first 50, Which I started with head start, in December of 2011. Hit level 50 after only running a few quests on Voss, I also skipped a good bit of tatooine. Not to mention ALL of the planet quests are a "cakewalk", unless you tried soloing heroic 2 and 4's. Which on my tank spec shadow were also a "cakewalk".

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Leveling from 50-55 only takes 5-15 hours without double xp. I don't think people hitting the cap too fast will be any bigger of a problem.


Double XP is a great way to get max level alts, which helps fend off the feeling of repetition.

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Don't put that on me. I'm ok with an option to turn it off. I'm talking to the people who don't want the weekends for anyone.

And who's saying that, before you "put that" on someone?


Cause I already did that 5 times. I want it faster. I WANT a cartel unlock that makes the double XP permanent.

No argument from me if that's what you want. More options are good.

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Heres the thing, I enjoy PvE grinding. Makeb is fun, the stuff prior to Makeb isn't even bad the 3rd time around. Each story is different, and I really like that. I really like leveling, and the progression of skills and gear along with it. It's fun as hell to me, and why I play MMOs.

I get ya, and I can respect that. I'm totally in favor of being able to disable it. I find it a little dumbfounding that it has not even been acknowledged...


For me, I do like the class stories. I would play them over and over again, choosing different options each time, if it didn't take so dang long. I do enjoy leveling and the sense of my character growing in power. It's just that getting three or four characters to 50 took so much out of me that I can't take it any more. I want the variety of playing as multiple characters, but I just don't want to have to go back to the same planets and run the same quests for the 5th time. I played through KOTOR at least 20 times. The difference was that I could play through my character in under a week if I went at it hard, then make another character and go back and try things differently the next time. In SWTOR, it seems to take me about 6 months to level a single character, based on my play time. I understand that for people that don't see much to do at end game, this would be a disaster - they would quit after the first or second month. I think the solution is to cater to the individual - give people like me the option to speed up my leveling, skip side-quests and have at it in end-game pvp or raiding or whatever else they dream up.

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I know lots of people love Double XP weekends and plenty don't.

Personally I hate them as it means I cannot play any of my lower level characters (because I don't want to be levelling them any quicker than the already insane standard levelling).

With the run-up to the expansion (?) there were numerous Double XP weekends. I think most people know that the plan here was to get as many people to 50 (or close) so that they would buy the expansion. Good marketing obviously.

Before the expansion there had been many, many, many people stuck in a "holding pattern" at level 50. They got there, they ran daily after daily, the did some ops - but very basically for months we were stuck at 50 with not that much to do (and we know what that did to subscription numbers).


So we have some more Double XP weekends coming up and I'm sure there will be many happy people. But all BW are doing is now getting even more people to level 55 and into a new "holding pattern".

People will only run dailies a finite amount of time - once your character and companion are in Basic gear then the need and I'm sure "want" to do dailies will diminish.


All I can hope is that there is plenty more content planned and I'm not just on about nightmare mode ops and the like. There is a high percentage of players who do not have the time or contacts to do operations. It is these people who are going to be stuck in the spiral of dailies, dailies, dailies at 55 and you have to wonder will everyone stick this out? If the next expansion comes after a similar time scale as the first - then we've effectively got 10 months now of being in the level 55 "hold" with, at the moment, just slightly harder versions of the same content providing a challenge.



I wish you had not made this about double experience.


Your concern about the speed in which people will reach end game is only part of the problem


Your concern about end game is valid though


Even more than that though is when you start obtaining higher tier gear


Why? Well think about it this way, when my guild has level 72 armor what is there to do for challenge or acheivment.....TWO OPS. That is all really there is to do


This IMO is a problem with vertical progression, we don't need better gear we need more missions to do without leaving old content behind


So IMO hitting 55 is not the issue, it's hitting the gear cap that causes the issue and degrades old content


If we we had more rewards and not stronger gear we could have ops and flashpoints that ate more difficult mechanically and still go back and enjoy black talon

Edited by kirorx
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Could somebody who is against this (or demands the option for turning it off) explain this to me -


How will this affect you? Double XP is turned "on" and so you are leveling twice as fast. Well, if you just continue to do the same quests as you would with standard XP, you will be awarded with less (comparatively) as you outlevel the content. Eventually, you will receive only +6 xp until the quests catch back up to you in level. So..... due to deciding to not alter which quests you do, you still view the exact same content and it takes you (essentially) the same amount of time. Because the quests will even back out, you will also still most likely receive the same level of difficulty by the end of the story.


So I ask this sincerely, how will the double xp affect you? You can quite literally ignore it, effectively having the option to turn it off.

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Could somebody who is against this (or demands the option for turning it off) explain this to me -


How will this affect you? Double XP is turned "on" and so you are leveling twice as fast. Well, if you just continue to do the same quests as you would with standard XP, you will be awarded with less (comparatively) as you outlevel the content. Eventually, you will receive only +6 xp until the quests catch back up to you in level. So..... due to deciding to not alter which quests you do, you still view the exact same content and it takes you (essentially) the same amount of time. Because the quests will even back out, you will also still most likely receive the same level of difficulty by the end of the story.


So I ask this sincerely, how will the double xp affect you? You can quite literally ignore it, effectively having the option to turn it off.


I debunked all the ridiculous arguments already but people find anything to complain about.

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I debunked all the ridiculous arguments already but people find anything to complain about.


I still really want to know how just pretending it is still a standard xp weekend (aka any other day) would make things turn out any differently for them. If a viable case can be presented, I'm more than willing to say that something ought to be done. But lacking that, it seems more like people complaining just to complain.

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Could somebody who is against this (or demands the option for turning it off) explain this to me -


How will this affect you? Double XP is turned "on" and so you are leveling twice as fast. Well, if you just continue to do the same quests as you would with standard XP, you will be awarded with less (comparatively) as you outlevel the content. Eventually, you will receive only +6 xp until the quests catch back up to you in level. So..... due to deciding to not alter which quests you do, you still view the exact same content and it takes you (essentially) the same amount of time. Because the quests will even back out, you will also still most likely receive the same level of difficulty by the end of the story.


So I ask this sincerely, how will the double xp affect you? You can quite literally ignore it, effectively having the option to turn it off.



And if you don't upgrade your mods the content will still be "difficult" even if you're a few levels higher than it. I see zero logical reasons why double exp should have a turn off switch...

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Could somebody who is against this (or demands the option for turning it off) explain this to me -


How will this affect you? Double XP is turned "on" and so you are leveling twice as fast. Well, if you just continue to do the same quests as you would with standard XP, you will be awarded with less (comparatively) as you outlevel the content. Eventually, you will receive only +6 xp until the quests catch back up to you in level. So..... due to deciding to not alter which quests you do, you still view the exact same content and it takes you (essentially) the same amount of time. Because the quests will even back out, you will also still most likely receive the same level of difficulty by the end of the story.


So I ask this sincerely, how will the double xp affect you? You can quite literally ignore it, effectively having the option to turn it off.


Because they will "vastly outlevel content" as if there was no level cap for missions... When they complain they make it seem like you'll end up lvl 50 on balmorra...

Basically they are just whining.

They always put forth the same arguments of "but i want it challenging, i dont want to outlevel content, i want to do all the missions" and so on, without realizing that they WOULD still outlevel content if they played the way they say they do.

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So I ask this sincerely, how will the double xp affect you? You can quite literally ignore it, effectively having the option to turn it off.

Last double XP weekeds I turned 36 at the very start of Alderaan. Questing there, I got some level 28-29 gear. Though quests were still easy because of overlevel.

This is issue number 1. Easiness of story content.

Now, when I want to do flashpoints at 36, level 29 green gear sucks. To compete in pug FPs you need to spend a lot of money to get good gear from GTN or have decent crafter alts.

This is issue number 2. Outdated gear.


And yes, I enjoy questing. But making this process useless in terms of gear and challenge really frustrates me.

"Advices" not to play on weekends don't help.

Edited by space_mechanic
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Use the money you saved keeping your gear at planet level and buy with creds, buy with comms, or craft w/e you need to pug FP's. With FP's you generally can do lower leveled FP's that are 5 or so levels below you.
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Last double XP weekeds I turned 36 at the very start of Alderaan. Questing there, I got some level 28-29 gear. Though quests were still easy because of overlevel.

This is issue number 1. Easiness of story content.

Now, when I want to do flashpoints at 36, level 29 green gear sucks. To compete in pug FPs you need to spend a lot of money to get good gear from GTN or have decent crafter alts.

This is issue number 2. Outdated gear.


And yes, I enjoy questing. But making this process useless in terms of gear and challenge really frustrates me.

"Advices" not to play on weekends don't help.

well i really do not see any problems really.

If you are outleveling planets you can just do your story quest and move on to the next planet.

Their you get gear upgrades to.

And about gear. you can use youre planetairy coms to buy gear or mods according to youre lvl and then do a a couple of fps of youre lvl.

Problems solved no?

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I am looking foreward to the double XP weekends. Missed the last due to the lack of interest in my alts but now i have 3 new characters i want to level up. For me it is a good thing after doing the planetary quest on each side at least 3 times i am so done with it and happy that i can do just the story quest what makes the story experience deeper and more fun.
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Remember having the benefit of the first series of double XP week end. I was in Tatooine and the bonus quest reward were doubled. I ended overleveled so much, In Alderaan I could only gain a dozen of XP per quest (because it was doubled, otherwise it would have been 6). Nothing I could kill could level me up, and the quest rewards were for lesser level characters. That was terribly boring and I had to refrain running flashpoints to avoid it worsens.


People should be able to opt out from gaining more XP, especially when they already feel having too much. To avoid they feel they sacrifice something, it could be replaced by improved rewards (more credits or better loot whatever) if they choose to lessen their XP gains.

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well i really do not see any problems really.

You don't, I do.

Problems solved no?

No. I don't like to skip quests and I'm not having fun doing 5-level-below ones.

Side note. Look at all those 55 guys doing level 50 FPs at the speed of sound JUST TO GET DAILY. This is lame.


SWTOR is not meant to be hack-and-slash RPG or shooter without challenge.

Sad that developers are trying to make it so.

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