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The insane (double XP) plan to get everyone to 55 fast


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I know lots of people love Double XP weekends and plenty don't.

Personally I hate them as it means I cannot play any of my lower level characters (because I don't want to be levelling them any quicker than the already insane standard levelling).

With the run-up to the expansion (?) there were numerous Double XP weekends. I think most people know that the plan here was to get as many people to 50 (or close) so that they would buy the expansion. Good marketing obviously.

Before the expansion there had been many, many, many people stuck in a "holding pattern" at level 50. They got there, they ran daily after daily, the did some ops - but very basically for months we were stuck at 50 with not that much to do (and we know what that did to subscription numbers).


So we have some more Double XP weekends coming up and I'm sure there will be many happy people. But all BW are doing is now getting even more people to level 55 and into a new "holding pattern".

People will only run dailies a finite amount of time - once your character and companion are in Basic gear then the need and I'm sure "want" to do dailies will diminish.


All I can hope is that there is plenty more content planned and I'm not just on about nightmare mode ops and the like. There is a high percentage of players who do not have the time or contacts to do operations. It is these people who are going to be stuck in the spiral of dailies, dailies, dailies at 55 and you have to wonder will everyone stick this out? If the next expansion comes after a similar time scale as the first - then we've effectively got 10 months now of being in the level 55 "hold" with, at the moment, just slightly harder versions of the same content providing a challenge.

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Your theory may not be far off. But I think it's more to push people to 50 and get stuck without much to do so that they are inclined to buy the expansion. Being that will happen between late June through July, then most of those folks will hit 55 and be ready for the "big" August PvE patch followed by the Octoberish PvP patch. That should then tide everyone over a few months until hopefully a full expansion is released next Spring.
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I don't really get the problem of leveling fast, it does not stop you from continuing doing the quests on each planet, just because you are a few levels above does not mean that you can't continue doing it. This game has actually one of the most brutal solo content, doing many of the quests at the level of the quest can at times be hard as nails, to be a few levels above makes it much more doable.
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I know lots of people love Double XP weekends and plenty don't.

Personally I hate them as it means I cannot play any of my lower level characters (because I don't want to be levelling them any quicker than the already insane standard levelling).

With the run-up to the expansion (?) there were numerous Double XP weekends. I think most people know that the plan here was to get as many people to 50 (or close) so that they would buy the expansion. Good marketing obviously.

Before the expansion there had been many, many, many people stuck in a "holding pattern" at level 50. They got there, they ran daily after daily, the did some ops - but very basically for months we were stuck at 50 with not that much to do (and we know what that did to subscription numbers).


So we have some more Double XP weekends coming up and I'm sure there will be many happy people. But all BW are doing is now getting even more people to level 55 and into a new "holding pattern".

People will only run dailies a finite amount of time - once your character and companion are in Basic gear then the need and I'm sure "want" to do dailies will diminish.


All I can hope is that there is plenty more content planned and I'm not just on about nightmare mode ops and the like. There is a high percentage of players who do not have the time or contacts to do operations. It is these people who are going to be stuck in the spiral of dailies, dailies, dailies at 55 and you have to wonder will everyone stick this out? If the next expansion comes after a similar time scale as the first - then we've effectively got 10 months now of being in the level 55 "hold" with, at the moment, just slightly harder versions of the same content providing a challenge.


Im going to level up 10 alts that im working on. And its going to be a complete blessing to be able to do it without having to do PvP, space missions, flashpoints, side quests or planetary quests as fillers between story missions.


Sure, you whine, but that "bring people to the 55 holding pattern" arguments only work if you choose to do that.

Take it as an opportunity to level up some alts without having to do all the filler that youve already done a gazillion times.


Wondering about how the Imperial Agent storyline is if you picked the other choices? Try it during double xp!

Wondering how the female sith inquisitor sounds during the storyline? Try it during double xp!

Always wanted to play that bounty hunter story as a die-hard bad guy? Try it during double xp!

Wishing that you had picked all the evil choices during your jedi knight run? Try it during double xp!


I could go on, but i think you get the gist of it.


Double xp weekends are there for you to try something different without having to suffer through the tediousness that is "sidequests & co."

If you, for some reason, feel that you just HAAAVE to play your main for those 3 weekends, then ok... you might have a bad time. But you could just skip a few side quests on that one too and it wouldnt make that much of a difference.


Of course, there will always be those who have to do EVERY mission on EVERY planet and EVERY flashpoint and so on...

But those people will outlevel their content anyway, so who cares if they get double xp?

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Leveling is very easy. Being always overleveled makes the process ridiculous.

What BW really does with Double XP is: "Come on, skip the content we made!"

That means you end knowing nothing of class rotation, even CC and other stuff. Not funny.

Ok, real example. GF pug of 50s - 54s wiping on first (!) EC SM trash pull... 3 quitters right away, another queue...

Double XP weekends is one of the worst ideas ever, along with XP boosts as mission rewards.

Make it optional please.

Edited by space_mechanic
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Also, with upcoming +10% guild XP bonus what would it be? +20%?

So you get basic 100% + 100% (on weekends) = 200%. And +20% from guild. 220%. *** is going on?!


Come on, just make "GET ME TO 55 NOW" button. For Cartel Coins, of course. Make achievement for it. "Leveled X characters to 55 by pressing 'Level Me Now' button".

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I really disliked the first double xp weekends, this time it's not that bad.

I still have five 50s to get to 55 and in that short span you can't overlevel that much :p


But yeah, my lower level alts will have to take a break but I can live with that for just a weekend or two or whatever they end up doing.


I can't say I get the reasoning behind having more of them besides catering to the crowd begging for them.

It's like someone posted above "hurry, skip the content and run out of things to do..."

That is, I get why the players want them but not why BW would give it to them.

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Leveling is already too fast in this game with sub bonus plus guild bonus. I have stacks of free XP boosts sitting unused on all my characters. But I enjoy questing, so I do the quests anyway. Dailies are still good for crafting mats and gearing up companions (not in a large guild with NM raids, etc.).
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Leveling is very easy. Being always overleveled makes the process ridiculous.

What BW really does with Double XP is: "Come on, skip the content we made!"

That means you end knowing nothing of class rotation, even CC and other stuff. Not funny.


Um I usually level my characters in a dps spec (since I solo level usually) and when I hit level cap I have no idea what talents to even use as a healer or for that matter what some of the abilities do. Know what I do instead of level as a healer to learn to heal? I look it up online to get a base working knowledge. Maybe people who level during double xp weekends really ARE NOT at a disadvantage if they take the time to google the info they're missing?


Some of us simply want to fill out and cap all classes at level cap. We know how to play the game, we know how to CC, we know most of the abilities (as we have raided with people at max level with those classes or done end game pvp), some of us even have the mirror of one class on one faction and want to level it up on the other side (I have a Merc I'm leveling because I already had a Commando at level cap), and a whole list of other things. Having a double xp weekend does not suddenly erase this knowledge and experience from our minds.


Playing as many warzones as I have on my main, it's obvious that even dps can hit level cap and have no idea what they're doing. This is during normal gaming time where people DON'T level faster. My favorite is seeing someone CC their target and then auto attack that target to break said CC after less than 2 seconds have passed. Taking more time to level does not equal skill or a working knowledge of a class.


It also doesn't guarantee that they will be too lazy to do their research. Most alt-o-holics will put in the time to at least google a proper spec (cookie cutter talents) and a normal rotation. The double xp weekends do not in any way gimp their ability to play. People who are too lazy to learn are gimping themselves. Double xp has nothing to do with that.

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Double XP will revive me, to be honest. I am at a point with my main tank, that I really need a break from, since end game gearing is crap for that class (alacrity on everything), it will be nice to take some of the toons, I have not fully leveled yet and get them up.


I can see the issue with why people hate it if they want to have a bit more challenge in the leveling game, I was one of those people as I never bothered with end game. However, if you really want a challenge, as I have learned, its not the leveling game, it is the end game HMFP's and OPS....


I do think double XP should be permanent, but should also be toggled off or on as desired by the player if it was to become permanent. It is probably unlikely it will though, so these short time frames, when it happens, to me, and MANY others with lots of toons, a nice break from end game, to get more alts in the mix without the torture, of repeating these planet and side quests, over and over and over again.... its a BORING grind TBH and one, that if I personally can't bypass, would mean my time, as a sub, would be GREATLY diminished.


My wife, feels the same exact way as I do on this....


Now, if this game was less railed, had more exploration during leveling, that process would not be so eagerly bypassed. But with a game on rails, the only thing left for leveling that is enjoyable, is the pleasure of the class stories, which is all I care about now, outside of end game.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Well I don't agree about running dailies a finite amount of time. I love doing the dailies. I may be a bit insane but I really like them as opposed to leveling some times and look forward to doing them every day. Plus it's what, 40 minutes to an hour to do all of them. I am looking forward to double XP weekend because I'm leveling 2 tanks for HM and OPs. One I am leveling the slow way, the other I'll wait until double XP weekend.
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I can't say I get the reasoning behind having more of them besides catering to the crowd begging for them.

It's like someone posted above "hurry, skip the content and run out of things to do..."

That is, I get why the players want them but not why BW would give it to them.


This pretty well sums up my feelings, quite bizarre for a business model that revolves around keeping you around, handing out ways to not keep you around???

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I really disliked the first double xp weekends, this time it's not that bad.

I still have five 50s to get to 55 and in that short span you can't overlevel that much :p


But yeah, my lower level alts will have to take a break but I can live with that for just a weekend or two or whatever they end up doing.


I can't say I get the reasoning behind having more of them besides catering to the crowd begging for them.

It's like someone posted above "hurry, skip the content and run out of things to do..."

That is, I get why the players want them but not why BW would give it to them.


When you've done the content a few times it's good to skip it.

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Also, with upcoming +10% guild XP bonus what would it be? +20%?

So you get basic 100% + 100% (on weekends) = 200%. And +20% from guild. 220%. *** is going on?!


Come on, just make "GET ME TO 55 NOW" button. For Cartel Coins, of course. Make achievement for it. "Leveled X characters to 55 by pressing 'Level Me Now' button".



it'll be more like 340% with all the perks. Taken from Dulfy's


100% From Base game

25% From Cartel Market Xp boost

30% From legacy perks for space, WZ, FP, Exploration and story

5% From the guild bonus introduced in update 2.0

10% From the guild bonus introduced in update 2.2 ( up to a max of 10% )


Total : 170% xp doubled at 340%


I know i'll be leveling my lowbies :D

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I can't WAIT! Loved double xp weekends as I mainly play on weekends. I still do every quest and wind up being waaaay over leveled which is fine with me. I think they should add a button to turn it off for those crying about it, and let those of us who enjoyed it ENJOY IT.


#drops Mic & dyes armor blue & red (Super Jedi!) in preparation for double xp weekends

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It's excellent for getting characters off the first two planets and into their ships. That's a big thing for me. And skipping a lot of the side quests you do a million times, I have 13 characters.


This is exactly what my wife and I both did the last double XP, I have 12 toons, she has 14.... We slwo wanted the extra cargo bay, and you need to be a LvL 20... so, we leveled a bunch of toons, to a LvL 20-22, into their ships, right after the first 2 planets..... We also stacked the XP boost we buy from GTN.


NOW... we will take our favorite few and bring them to 55. The joy of skipping side quests.... :)

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I don't get you, guys. Doing dailies is fine and leveling is boring grind? :eek:


Yep, but I do not bother much with the dailies myself.... I stick to OPS and HMFP's. I assume, you took that from my earlier reply, since I said exactly that "boring grind".

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I’ve got alts and mains to max level! Plus, think of the F2P silent majority of this game who need every break from EA’s dictatorship on their gameplay.


Double XP weekends should be always on, not just for special occasions! And extend that bonus to Valor and Crafting bonuses too!

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It's excellent for getting characters off the first two planets and into their ships. That's a big thing for me. And skipping a lot of the side quests you do a million times, I have 13 characters.


This is precisely why I like double XP. I've seen the side missions and starter planets. I've done them over and over again. I level characters mainly to experience the class storylines and I like being able to pick and choose what side missions and bonus series I do. It's not about fast levelling or rushing to the level cap, not for me.


And incidentally, I loathe dailies :D


That's not to say I lack sympathy for people who dislike double XP, far from it. I understand why some players feel levelling is fast enough already, or that they'd rather do side missions at level and experience them as intended. It'd be great to have the option to turn it off, or to have it off by default and allow players to opt in.

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