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[POT5] [Quesh World PvP Event THIS SATURDAY!]


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Highest I saw on the rep side was 57 (in instance 1), which quickly dropped down to 37 after a few minutes of the endless AOE bombing of the med center. Someone on the imp side said in /say that there were 132 imps.


So no, the turnout on both sides is not even close. It's just an imp steamroll.

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Man, it was a great idea. I don't see Bastion organizing anything close to this.


Cilas, I'd love to see a Galactic PvP event, like the old SWG ones. Sort of.. but more silmultaneous maybe.


The faction imbalance wouldn't be quite as bad if there was at least agreement to not camp the medcenter, and if the fighting took place by the rep champion mobs.


Of course, the lag would still be unbearable.

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I had so much lag I couldn't even fire off one single ability before I was dead. And then nowhere to respawn except right back in the med center, where all that AOE was killing me to begin with. I was trapped there the whole time after my first death! Oh well, it was a cool setup anyway. Thanks for doing this Cilas!
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The faction imbalance wouldn't be quite as bad if there was at least agreement to not camp the medcenter, and if the fighting took place by the rep champion mobs.


Of course, the lag would still be unbearable.


I think I Cilas thought the instance cap would level the numbers a bit. Turns out the instance cap for Quesh isn't as low as other planets.

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Lol, just logged back in and there are 22 reps on instance 1.


Kind of pointless to organize something like this, to only ruin it by camping the medcenter. This event was literally over with in less than 15 minutes. The effort was good, but this event was just a complete and utter failure.

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Yeah my FPS sky-bombed to like...1


I had to leave at that point. Sadly, this is a prime example why World PvP fails @ SWTOR, servers are just garbage at best. Props to Cilas and crew for organizing it though.

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Yes, these events unfortunately always serve as a reminder of just how bad the faction imbalance is on this server. It's extremely disappointing.


I don't think it's a "faction imbalance" at all, the issue stems from having way too many carebear Republic teams.

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I don't think it's a "faction imbalance" at all, the issue stems from having way too many carebear Republic teams.


I believe that Cilas and his group are all about fairness and a good fight. With that said, it would be more fun if so many people didn't see "ZOMG WORLD PVP" and immediately jump on the imp side to add to the steamroll.


Those who did that are not interested in OWPVP. They are interested in the next steamroll.


Just Sayin.

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I don't think it's a "faction imbalance" at all, the issue stems from having way too many carebear Republic teams.


The faction imbalance causes a ripple affect. Why play pub when you can over power in numbers? The server lag is icing on the doom cake.

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The faction imbalance causes a ripple affect. Why play pub when you can over power in numbers? The server lag is icing on the doom cake.


From what I've been told, the factions were like 60'ish (Pubs) to 120'ish (Imps)...


It doesn't mean there are more "epic PvP'ers" on Imp side, it means Cilas was able to communicate with his faction very well (coupled with Imps being interested in PvP) as opposed to the majority of Pubs, who'd rather farm EV for social points as opposed to PvP. The Imp side has no qualms working together for this stuff, however there is a very small contingent on the Pub side that wants to fight but not enough allies to go with...which sucks...because no matter how hard they try to rally, most of the Pub guilds are carebears.


It's fact, lol. I do agree the server lag plays into not wanting to attend, but that's something both factions deal with mutually so, it's just evident the Imps rally to this more than Pubs. And it's NOT because the Pubs don't have a lot of peeps either...

Edited by Pistols
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Fighting still going. I just wanted to say that we have plans for an even bigger event spread across multiple planets. Clearly the engine can't handle 250+ people in the same area (which is what we had) so I'll coordinate something with battles more spread out across the planets.


Stay tuned for more info!

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From what I've been told, the factions were like 60'ish (Pubs) to 120'ish (Imps)...


It doesn't mean there are more "epic PvP'ers" on Imp side, it means Cilas was able to communicate with his faction very well (coupled with Imps being interested in PvP) as opposed to the majority of Pubs, who'd rather farm EV for social points as opposed to PvP. The Imp side has no qualms working together for this stuff, however there is a very small contingent on the Pub side that wants to fight but not enough allies to go with...which sucks...because no matter how hard they try to rally, most of the Pub guilds are carebears.


It's fact, lol. I do agree the server lag plays into not wanting to attend, but that's something both factions deal with mutually so, it's just evident the Imps rally to this more than Pubs. And it's NOT because the Pubs don't have a lot of peeps either...



You miss what would seem to be an apparent actuality. Quite a few of those Pub-side main-having players jump on the Empire side because... let's face it: Better to join the side with more numbers. It is less about Pubs not working together and more about pubs hopping sides.

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You miss what would seem to be an apparent actuality. Quite a few of those Pub-side main-having players jump on the Empire side because... let's face it: Better to join the side with more numbers. It is less about Pubs not working together and more about pubs hopping sides.


Lol no it's not. I'm sure a few peeps may do this, but I didn't see one established Pub guild hop over.


There really is no need make-up "apparent actualities", it's really not that hard to deduce, as I explained earlier. You can either except that, or just assume "all these Pub guilds" magically hop onto their Imp toons for numbers. :rolleyes:

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From what I've been told, the factions were like 60'ish (Pubs) to 120'ish (Imps)...


It doesn't mean there are more "epic PvP'ers" on Imp side, it means Cilas was able to communicate with his faction very well (coupled with Imps being interested in PvP) as opposed to the majority of Pubs, who'd rather farm EV for social points as opposed to PvP. The Imp side has no qualms working together for this stuff, however there is a very small contingent on the Pub side that wants to fight but not enough allies to go with...which sucks...because no matter how hard they try to rally, most of the Pub guilds are carebears.


It's fact, lol. I do agree the server lag plays into not wanting to attend, but that's something both factions deal with mutually so, it's just evident the Imps rally to this more than Pubs. And it's NOT because the Pubs don't have a lot of peeps either...


What is so hard to understand? There are many, MANY more imps on this server than pubs. The imp:pub ratio is clearly 2:1 or worse. Who knows, it may even be closer to 3:1. I'm sure there are "carebear" guilds on both sides, but that has nothing to do with the faction imbalance with respect to open world PVP events.

Edited by Volxen
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So how'd it go?


Seems like there is some issues with lopsidedness? I really wish I could be there, and I would like to try to get my Slinger to 55 or something, sometime. Then I can just show up for these as F2P.


biggest lag fest you could imagine.

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So how'd it go?


Seems like there is some issues with lopsidedness? I really wish I could be there, and I would like to try to get my Slinger to 55 or something, sometime. Then I can just show up for these as F2P.


The lag was unbearable. Example - I'd toss a Sticky Grenade, with a 15 sec cooldown...by the time it showed it leave my hands, it was already reset on the cooldown. It wasn't MY lag, as I could run around and still move (to an extent), it was abilities taking 15-20 seconds to trigger. Cloning and standing there, unable to buff for 20 seconds.


It just seems like far too many calculations for combat are made server side. I don't know how other games do it, but it's terrible here.


Cilas, many thanks for starting this event. I wish it would have been a bit smoother, but even in the lag, it was enjoyable. The turnout was great on both sides...thanks to all who showed up!

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