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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scoundrel/Operative Roll


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the only thing i find annoying about the roll is they can roll with the ball in huttball.


the only reason i find that annoying is because if a sorc uses his 51 shield it resets the ball.


either the scoundrel should reset the ball when he roll's or the sorc's shield should not reset the ball.

its not that big of a deal but i dont see why a sorc's shield is considered OP enough to reset the ball while the operatives roll is not.


im not QQ'ing, i just dont see the logic behind that decision.


If you want the roll to reset the ball then being pulled by a Sorc/Sage should also reset the ball, that can get people further than a 6 meter roll that costs 25 (out of 100/105) energy.

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uhhhhg please learn about the ability....



Force Speed (inquis) distance takes roughly 4.3 sec

Same distance using roll 6.2 sec


Force Speed = no resource

3 rolls = HUGE amount of resource


Do you guys just QQ over and over and not actually have a class to test it out? Did I miss something that somehow everyone else is just running across the entire map?


I like pvp going faster and if an op wants to roll let em. They are dead in the water after it. I'll test this later with predation but I am sure the time is going to be similar.



Larger distance

Video 1 :

"Basically the video shows that Scamper allows Scoundrel's to cover 130m in 10 seconds... AND Combat sentinels can cover that same 130m in 12 seconds. So they are only 2 seconds slower... BUT they aren't starved for resources AND transcendence is a group buff, Scamper is not. So a Combat sentinel can take a whole group across 130m in 2 seconds longer than one Scoundrel can get there..."


Video 2 :

"To be fair and as unbiased as I could, I decided to test how good transcendence would be given the 30% boost combat spec can have. I went to the same location on Tatooine and did the 75m run like all the other tests. Transcendence with the extra 30% from Combat spec made the run in roughly 6.5 seconds. So again Scamper is faster... but by a very small margin." Group buff zero cost


Fun video before you rage like a qq

Edited by Kegparty
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If you want the roll to reset the ball then being pulled by a Sorc/Sage should also reset the ball, that can get people further than a 6 meter roll that costs 25 (out of 100/105) energy.


Sages to pull that off take the Sage AND the other person with the ball so its a team effort and that ability has a CD on it. Roll is just the OP constantly rolling by himself with NO CD on it.

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Sages to pull that off take the Sage AND the other person with the ball so its a team effort and that ability has a CD on it. Roll is just the OP constantly rolling by himself with NO CD on it.


Much rather have transcendence with the 30% boost with my whole team...


Video 2 :

"To be fair and as unbiased as I could, I decided to test how good transcendence would be given the 30% boost combat spec can have. I went to the same location on Tatooine and did the 75m run like all the other tests. Transcendence with the extra 30% from Combat spec made the run in roughly 6.5 seconds. So again Scamper is faster... but by a very small margin." Group buff zero cost

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Typing this from a phone so I apologize for any errors.


For one thing you are instantly snared when yoh have the huttball. We aren't rolling across the map with it.


Also if you haven't noticed most games of huttball when played on a high level of play is not determined by who can kill the ball carrier wigh abilities but who can get there team to key spots on the map to recieve passes. The op roll is no more advantageous than hold the line, and doesn't even hold a candle to resilience/force speed, or double predation runs.


I'm just not seing the obvious advantage


I saw a scoundrel roll from the middle to the goal line constantly. In under 6 seconds.

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I dont understand, where are these bads that dont know how to slow? In rateds I tend to have a minimum amount of 3 slows on my scoundrel at any given time >_>


First not all classes have the same amounts of roots available. Secondly any operative can cleanse off snares from non-glow stick classes, and dodge also removes all snares/roots

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Lot of trolling going on. I was in a Civil War and same Assassin Force Pulled my roll twice in a row, putting it on cooldown and teleporting me back to him for the easy kill (him and a Warrior were on me). I also get rooted/teleported back a lot after using it, too. The rubberbanding definitely hurts the rollers just as much if not more than the Grapplers/rooters.
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I fail to see the sense in having this ability be based on resources and not just on a cool down like every other classes speed ability. The roll is just plain obscene in Huttball and they can get to any cap points faster than any other class. Because they can also pop their resource recovery ability as well for even more rolls. Again, please look at putting this ability on a CD.


what is it with people bashing WHAT WORKS. Its like Calling a brand new fully functioning car a lemon and demanding an old broken car as a replacement. or Firing an employee for doing too good at their job and paying their useless, lazy, and incompetent replacement twice their salary. Its ridiculous, it makes no freakin sense, and that's what you want, something that works to become useless just because it does what it is supposed to do. and by the way scoundrels and operatives can't roll forever the energy cost is its own cooldown anyway.

Edited by Sangrar
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Lot of trolling going on. I was in a Civil War and same Assassin Force Pulled my roll twice in a row, putting it on cooldown and teleporting me back to him for the easy kill (him and a Warrior were on me). I also get rooted/teleported back a lot after using it, too. The rubberbanding definitely hurts the rollers just as much if not more than the Grapplers/rooters.


Force pull with no cool down that's a new one. Oh try the roll and sorc pull combo. If done right you will appear to roll through the sky to land on the ramp and roll in.

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Even in alderaan civil war it's OP.


Interrupt cap. Roll away around the corner. -troll face-


Nobody chases them because 1) Their escape/speed ability is on CD or 2) They don't bother because operative/scoundrel will just roll from the middle to their own cannon almost instantly and lure you into a death trap. Or they will roll away, then stealth, come up behind you and 3 hit you in the back.


If they don't get chased they just stealth and interrupt again, roll away. trollface.jpg Repeat.


On top of that you can't target them when rolling or use abilities on them while they roll. (Unless you have a very far 30+ meter range which can stun them or snare or pull them) psst... no class has that except the long CD on Powertech/Commando and Shadow/Assassin Tanks.


Put it on a 15 second CD and have it use no energy. Just like the Sniper's ability or the force speed ability. Although the sniper ability isn't an escape or speed ability at all really. Rolling and going into cover then leaving cover and continuing to run away is only slightly faster than just running straight. - In other words Snipers have no escape ability but that's nothing to complain about with all their push backs snares and roots and stuns.


Overall it's an escape mechanism that gives them an impossibly huge advantage in most war games. AND completely outclasses every other 'escape' ability by the fact that it has a huge distance and no cooldown. Granted it costs energy but nobody cares about energy when they are looking to escape. Just use up all your energy rolling away and then stealth or hide and regenerate. This is the definition of OP.


if it were up to me they wouldn't have the ability at all because they already have an escape. Stealthing during a battle and simply running away. You throw a the possibility to roll 50 meteres almost instantly on top of that and you a freaking OP class and ability.

Edited by Monkfishysnow
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