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What happened to marauder??!!!

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i´ve always loved melee dps; i loved my mara. used to play carnage all the way and could actually kill healers awesomely fast. even with anni. i´ve played this class since beta. then i tried the assassin deception.***

5 cds and target is down; getting 700k + on wz, die 2 to 5 times with over 60 - 70 kills. Mara can hardly stay at target now; before last patch the damage was good for skilled player tio kll almost everything with all cd´s up. What is the point of all that damage if you get cc´d into oblivion. The deception sin has the same function right? + cc, + anti cc+ stealth + insane burst. BUT I WANNA PLAY MY MARA AGAIN.


sorry for the rant, but god freeking dam it IM MAD.

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Warrior in general has been fine since beta, the tweaks have obviously helped but things have been good for us. As for learning to play, I think it depends on who you are facing. I know there are some matches that I come up against a pre made and I barely get 200k damage, but then I get into a good match and im upwards of 600k in the 55 bracket.


Generally I stay in the lower brackets though since I enjoy it more, the lack of expertise in general makes things far more interesting.

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  • 1 month later...

Marauder is fine. Of all the classes I play (see sig), I've always been sub-par on my Marauder. Just never really got the hang of how to manage all my defensive CDs to stay alive long enough to dish out damage. Dusted the Mara off last night for the first time in months...wrecked face in all 3 specs.


Rage. Well, duh. It's derpsmash. Always hated it, but it's hard to deny how hard it hits. Not my spec of preference because it's so FOTM and boring...but it gets the job done. Carnage has incredible single target burst. Nuff said. Annihilation got its self-heals nerfed, and it's less viable than before, and probably the worst Marauder spec for PvP, but still playable.

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rage is the only good spec for marauder for pvp but assassin isn't much better so I am not sure what you are talking about. All of marauder/assassin dps trees need a buff besides overpowered rage. Edited by MarkXXIV
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah. No idea how ops haven't been nurfed yet.


(This post is from a pvp point of view)


it took them a year to nerf the pt (2.0) and when they did, they completely destroyed the spec.

It took them half a year to nerf sorcs (1.2) and when they did, they destroyed the class.

It took them half a year to nerf mercs (1.2) and when they did, they destroyed the class


The smashmonkeys are still waiting for their deserved nerf as well and I hope that the dev's learned from their prior mistakes and do not swing the nerfhammer as hard and more precise

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Marauder hasn't changed very much for PvP recently... nothing 'happened to marauder', you were just blind to the other classes. Your personal realization of the greater PvP viability of other classes does not mean Marauder has been negatively impacted.


The difference between a Marauder DPS and an Assassin DPS is that, for the most part, Marauder will focus on dealing damage in general, whereas Assassin focuses more on shutting down specific players. Certain Marauder specs are focus-target, of course, but the Assassin's dependance on a position behind the target (which hinders the opponent's ability to attack you) coupled with the wide variety of stuns and slows they possess allows them to reduce their own damage taken, on the target they attack. It is for this reason that Assassins are especially useful for duels and dueling situations within Warzones.


The Marauder, however, generally relies more on pure damage to get the job done. Dispite popular belief, any of the three Marauder specs are viable for both Warzones and dueling, though the skill required does vary between the specs. A Marauder can either focus on team-wide damage, or single-target damage upon key opponents (such as healer, commandos, tanks who use guard, etc.)


In summary, you have found only a class you perceive to be superior. It is not. An Assassin DPS is neither better nor worse than a Marauder; it is different.

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Carnage has not been nerfed. It just went from a combo system to a cooldown priority system play style.


Where are you getting your info. Carnage was nerfed big time in 2.0 and has never been the same. Not even my Combo attack will kill as fast as it use to. Hell I can't even get my combo finish without being mass CC'ed.

Try play a carnage mara yourself.... I give it a month before your on here complaining to CS

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Where are you getting your info. Carnage was nerfed big time in 2.0 and has never been the same. Not even my Combo attack will kill as fast as it use to. Hell I can't even get my combo finish without being mass CC'ed.

Try play a carnage mara yourself.... I give it a month before your on here complaining to CS


You need to improve. Carnage is a very strong spec for PvE and PvP. The OP's thread is from 2 months ago. He probably wasn't 55 yet...Assassins wreck the 51-54 bracket. I was getting like 12k Mauls and 8-9k Assassinates when leveling my sin to 55. That stops at 55. If you're getting mass CC'd, don't jump into the middle of the enemy team. You're not Rage. And switch up your rotation to make it less obvious. If you're Charge+Gore+Ravaging and complaining about getting CC'd its your own fault.

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You need to improve. Carnage is a very strong spec for PvE and PvP. The OP's thread is from 2 months ago. He probably wasn't 55 yet...Assassins wreck the 51-54 bracket. I was getting like 12k Mauls and 8-9k Assassinates when leveling my sin to 55. That stops at 55. If you're getting mass CC'd, don't jump into the middle of the enemy team. You're not Rage. And switch up your rotation to make it less obvious. If you're Charge+Gore+Ravaging and complaining about getting CC'd its your own fault.


non rage warrior and assassin dps are both pretty weak in pvp. They have extremely low dmg output compared to any ranged dps/rage. You can still duel with these specs but they aren't very good for 8v8 imo.

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non rage warrior and assassin dps are both pretty weak in pvp. They have extremely low dmg output compared to any ranged dps/rage. You can still duel with these specs but they aren't very good for 8v8 imo.

Agree about assassin DPS. I play Carnage for Huttball and defending round in Voidstar when I do rateds. Sometimes on Civil War. Otherwise I roll Rage, because its better. But in regs I can play Carnage and not feel weak or like I'm underperforming at all. I think Carnage is fine for regs and if you're struggling (like the person I responded to was) its a l2p issue. Rage is only better because its op and has been for ages. It doesn't mean Carnage is weak at all. It's also the best spec for killing healers.

Edited by Aetrus
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Where are you getting your info. Carnage was nerfed big time in 2.0 and has never been the same. Not even my Combo attack will kill as fast as it use to. Hell I can't even get my combo finish without being mass CC'ed.

Try play a carnage mara yourself.... I give it a month before your on here complaining to CS


You are clueless. People are nearly breaking 3200 dps with carnage.

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Carnage Marauders feel like they have been nerfed, whether they are fine or not or people need to learn to play isn't an issue for me. But in the last few patches they seem to have lowered the Marauders survivability which was the opposite to what the design plan with level 55 and a new stacking defence buff.


Now to a degree the Marauder is ment to be a glass cannon, but being a melee dps they are more likely to get hit by aoe attacks around boss mobs and have less flexibility in positioning as they have to stay close to hit their opponent. So unless there is some balance to allow them to do dps without soaking lots of damage they will find it much harder to get a place on an OP or Flashpoint or any group content. And while there are ways round this it should be a lack of skill that causes the healer to sign not when they see your class and know your going to take a lot of damage.

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