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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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The argument the guy offered is typical of the anti-AC swap crowd. They spin totally nonsensical hypothetical scenarios like that guy's "Players will be switching ACs (and gear, presumably) mid-WZ with the click of a button."

I know. I just can't seem to help myself when it comes to this thread :)


Fortuitous as it is, I ran my sixteenth character through Yavin 4 today (the weekly for the 192 legacy bound companion gear). I now have one of each AC sat at 60 on Yavin 4 twiddling their thumbs :)


As I don't really like end game content I guess it's back to a new alt and finish off some experiments like my Bountyhunter brawler (not selecting an advanced class and primarily using the legacy unlocked valour punching attacks) or my second sorcerer but this time without a companion.

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The respec NPCs on the fleet say something about unlearning what you have learned to reach greatness. Advanced classes are just another set of learned skills that should be unlearnable. If you're afraid of it happening too often, make it expensive and put a 6-month cooldown on it. But it should still be an option.
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They'll never give AC change.


Hell I'm still waiting on the dual spec they promised way back for 1.2

Should be any day now right...


/cricket chirping


/tumbleweed rolling


I'd say it's unlikely at this stage, but 'never' is a bit harsh ;)


The implementation of 'Field Respecialisation' was SWTOR's dual spec. It lacks a little finesse, actually expecting the player to make the effort to track 3-4 abilities and replace them on the quickbars, set the active stance (for those Specs that have them) and equip the right equipment. If you respec a lot this becomes second nature (you don't even need to drag the majority of the equipment, just right click it in your inventory screen, the only issue is with offhand weapons, second implant and second relic) and you'll likely set up your quickbar to make the Spec abilities easy to swap over.


When it was introduced it was far more functional than dual spec, allowing you to have as many options as you liked, yes a little bit of memory work was required but again if you had a couple of strong builds it was easy to assign the points. In fact respeccing between tank and DPS so often (dailies/FPs) became second nature and highlighted that very little was lost with the introduction of the fixed path progression seen in the Discipline system, you tended to max out the desired tree and then scatter a few points in the other two.


Now any one can reset their utilities, if you have Field Respec you can reset your Spec (role) out in the field... surprisingly enough ;)


Allowing an AC swap isn't that greater leap in scope from the existing spec swap.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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  • 2 months later...
Maybe even limit availability to level <30. By then, a player should have a good feel about whether they like the AC they've picked. If they've decided they want to change before they hit 30, then they should be able to do so; utilize an AC swap feature.
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How is it an ongoing topic, we can change ACs.


I think you are confusing advanced class with specializations. we can change specializations WITHIN chosen AC and could do so since release. they just made it more convenient with implementation of field respec.


so... case in point. advanced class for sith warrior is either marauder or juggernaut currently you pick one of the other and whatever you picked out is what that character will stay. say you chose Juggernaut. now, within your talent selection, you have option of 2 dps specs and one tanking spec. THOSE you can change whenever you feel like. you cannot however switch to playing dual wielding, medium armor wearing marauder. and many people would like to, given that they share story, ship, companions, main stat, one of the specialization options, gear vendors, etc.


For the 1000000000000th time.


You will NEVER get the ability to change advanced classes.

It will NEVER happen.




New class stories is more likely to happen than this.


heh. no.


new class stories would require a LOT more work to implement than advanced class change. mind you, given their push towards getting people to level more alts with all the double xp and now 12xp - ac change is highly unlikely, but... not nearly as definitively never, for the sole reason of resource investment.



me at this point? I would take more than 22 character slots per server. cause if you are going to "encourage" me to reroll, at least give me some more room to do so.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Oh really? Do tell, I must have missed the feature in the patch notes.


It was in the latest patch notes. It is in the text right above the fix for the slot machines, and below the new pvp warzone maps pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a single Shadow that I should have made a Sage. I don't want to destroy and remake her, and regrind her all the way up again. Plus, she has Cartel gear that can't be reclaimed anymore. I'd rather just pay a CC fee and have that Shadow symbol above her head become the Sage symbol.


The Shadow moveset will disappear, I will have to train in the Sage moves, and any gear she is no longer proficient in -saberstaff and shield generator- should simply auto-dequip. It shouldn't be that hard to implement, and the devs have already demonstrated an ability to reset advanced classes.


Just make the gear legacy bound through collections. But you czn keep necroing this thread all you want, they wont change the policy on Advanced Class.

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I rolled a Paladin but I want to be a Warrior now, wah wah let me pay money to convert so I don't have to level again.


Worst idea ever, last thing an MMO needs is class conversion, enough people already suck at playing the AC they have, never mind letting them change to another without having to level with it to learn the ropes.


Outmoded thinking. In WoW you can pay a cool $60 (I think, maybe more) to get a FREE level 90 of any class you choose, and it comes with a tutorial on how to play it. If bioware charged the equivalent in CC JUST to change your advanced class, the sky would not fall. I personally would not use it (never even used the free 90 I got with the WoW expansion) but "learning to play the class as you level" is largely a myth anyway. You can be bad and still level, you need guides more than you need leveling if you want to be any good.

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I definitely want it. I have lots of level 55 characters I'd rather delete, but I don't want to lose 450 crew skills, including synthweaving and hundreds of schematics. If I could make my character a Merc instead of Powertech(or Vanguard, or whatever), then I'd give her a new life.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Would love to see this, for me personally it would mean changing a crafting alt from an AC that sucks to play, to one that is fun to play, without having to level up again, max affection on all companions, max all 3 crafting skills, and RE all the hot items all over again. Yes give it to me, I'll pay you $60.
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About time we got the opportunity to jump straight into the game and start playing instead of grinding.


This game is nowhere near a grind... Killing stuff is part of the game. The levels of self entitlement some players have in this game is unreal.

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This thread is made invalid by the fact that you will be able to BUY a level 60 from CM in the expac.


actualy. the fact that we CAN buy level 60 invalidates any argument AGAINST AC change. (and yes, I would still like to have it. hell, make it cost the same amount as buying fresh 60)

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