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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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aaah, this thread... haven't been here in a while.


why lvl 20 is too low as a drop off point. pretty much all specs don't really start coming together until about lvl 30. and they don't start working fully untill lvl 45. so limiting change to 20 doesn't give people an opportunity to decide with full knowledge if the spec is working for them.


While the talents may be level dependent, the general PLAYSTYLE is not. A vanguard is MELEE damage/tank while a commando is RANGED damage/heals. It makes no difference what spec you are as a vanguard, you are MELEE, while any commando spec is RANGED. I think most people will know within 5 levels, 10 at the most, whether they like melee combat or whether they would like to try ranged combat.


as another consequence - the more time you invest into a character, the more difficult it could be to reroll them.

concern about people not knowing how to play new specs HAS been addressed. and honestly - the solution to this issue would benefit current system whether AC change is implemented or not. - tutorials. tutorial requirements in a form of a sort quest chain, that teach you fundamentals of your new spec. why do I call it a spec, rather than class or even advanced class? because even between specs within the same advanced class - there's a great deal of difference in playstyle. so tutorial chain would allow people to use their abilities and learn how/why they work (and it should work pretty much the same way as tutorial sections for a lot of single player games where you are introduced to abilities and then given suggestions to use them successfully, before being able to progress you quest - freshest in my mind is Assasin's creed, because that's the game I was playing most recently - but you should get the idea at this point)


A simple quest chain is nowhere near as effective at teaching someone to use NEW skills as leveling is, especially since you get those new skills one or two at a time, rather than having a bunch thrown at you all at once. How do you determine what skills even need to be part of the quest chain, since a person changing class at level 15 does not have the same number of skills as a person who changes class at 55, not to mention all the spec specific skills as well.


Also, there is no guarantee that a player will even DO the tutorial quest chain. I do not see a way to make it mandatory. Are you going to stop a player completely from doing anything after they change their class until they complete the tutorial quest chain? How do you stop a player from doing anything in the game? Are you going to say that you cannot change your class until you complete the quest chain? How do you do that when the player does not have the skills for the new class yet?


why is it important to make sure your information is correct? because presenting incorrect information does put the rest of your argument in doubt.


What incorrect information did that poster post, or is this statement just an attempt to misdirect and mislead those reading this thread?


flash of the month concerns - limit how often you can change, and/or increase the cost of each change exponentially with reset of the cost being set to every 30 days or so. the way talent reset used to work (and still does for non subscribers, but stricter) having to pay a mil.. then 2 mill... then 5 mill... etc etc for each subsequent respec should discourage most people from abusing it.


Restrictions? So many people want to propose restrictions on class changes. They ignore one thing, though. We already have restrictions on class changes. Restrictions already exist, yet here we have a 300+ page thread, and countless other threads, full of people asking that those restrictions be lifted or lowered simply because some people don't want to be bothered top use mechanics already in place to play a new class.


If they allow class changes, with ANY restrictions, these forums will simply be full of people asking that THOSE restrictions be lifted or lowered. All you need to do is look at this thread full of people asking for the current restrictions to be lifted or lowered to see that.



gear concerns. with the exception of warrior/knight - most gear overlaps across advanced classes. there are nuances naturally, but just like you carry 2 different sets right now for tanking vs dps, or healing vs dps - you'd still have to carry separate sets. but you'll also be able to reuse a lot of the pieces regardless, especially as dps. a warning would need to be given to people before they finalize the switch, that their gear may no longer work for them, clarification exactly how gear changes (weapon differences and/or armor rating difference) and are they SURE they want to switch their AC?


A warning? Do you mean something like the 4 warnings that every player gets when they choose their AC that their choice is PERMANENT? Do you mean a confirmation box like the two confirmation boxes every player has to click to acknowledge that they know their choice is PERMANENT and that they are selecting the AC they want?



one of the primary reasons to want to switch AC rather than re roll is lack of desire to play through the same story all over again. while I don't share that particular dislike, I know people who don't like to revisit stories, they just don't have fun, because they already know what's coming. but they might still be attached to character, and may continue playing them if they can switch playstyles to something more to their liking. so... I definitely think that requiring having a finished character of the same advanced class before you are allowed to switch is an overkill. having a character that may be a mirror ac and not necessarily the same class/ story is a little more reasonable. but IMO - still too harsh. especially since it offers no actual guarantee that the person will know how to play their new AC significantly better than someone who is starting from scratch.


Requiring a max level character of either the desired class or the mirror of the desired class is perfectly reasonable, as it gives some indication that the person who wishes to change their class has played that class and is familiar with the skills, even if the animation and names are different.


I was thinking lately about the concept of meaningful choices. and what I realized that for myself for a choice to have meaning? i need to have it in a first place. when my choices are limited, they start losing meaning. the more limited - the less meaningful. personally. so IMO - ability to switch AC will make our play style choices MORE meaningful, not less. but I also believe that class store is what sets classes apart.


IMO, this is complete and total BS. IMO, nothing makes a choice more meaningful than NOT being able to undo that choice.


Let me paraphrase what you are saying:


I have a choice to make at level 10. I know that choice is PERMANENT, as I receive 4 warnings that it is PERMANENT, and have to confirm twice that I know that the choice is PERMANENT. Yet, I want to claim that this choice lacks meaning. I want to claim that what will make this choice more meaningful is if I can make is allowing me to change my mind later.


How does this sound? A man wants to marry his girlfriend but wants to reserve the right to trade her for a new girl if he decides in 3 years he's bored with her. He claims that reserving the right to trade his girlfriend/wife in for a new girl will make his initial choice to marry his then girlfriend more meaningful.

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Daniel Ericson is excluded because I was replying to someone insisting that it needs to be CURRENT! Keep it CURRENT! November 2012 IS still current.


8 months old is not current. It may be the most recent, but it is not current.


I think it has much more tho do with DE's quotes not meshing with your desire to see class changes.

Edited by Ratajack
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Ratajack...that was a response to the silly contention that the devs have NEVER said anything since launch about adding AC change. I might be mistaken, but that is all it is.


It was a response to this comment....



I will not speak for others, but there are a few participants in this thread that continue to put forth that absolutely false contention, and still claim that no recent comment was made though it has been provided on multiple occasions...one member even had the gall to indicate that Duffy was being dishonest with the article.


Now...that said, there is no reason one could not concede that the silence since then, not to mention the FACT that they added species and appearance, but not AC change may speak to something about whether they will add it or not.


....But to say they have said nothing since launch is dishonest. It is in fact their most recent statement.


If that thread was a response to the claim that "the devs have NEVER said anything since launch about adding AC change", why did the poster choose a quote made BEFORE launch? A quote made BEFORE launch cannot be used to refute a claim that nothing was said AFTER launch.

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8 months old is not current. It may be the most recent, but it is not current.


I think it has much more tho do with DE's quotes not meshing with your desire to see class changes.


It took them a full freaking year to add a cat head to the game dude...8 months in an MMO (this MMO) is current.

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If that thread was a response to the claim that "the devs have NEVER said anything since launch about adding AC change", why did the poster choose a quote made BEFORE launch? A quote made BEFORE launch cannot be used to refute a claim that nothing was said AFTER launch.


That quote didn't "refute it", it confirmed that their stance hasn't changed since launch and that AC respecs remain a possibility.

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Where did I say ANYTHING about operatives tanking? Where did I say anything about EVERY character being able to tank or heal?


I said that the devs intentionally designed the classes such that no single character could fill all three roles AT ANY TIME, not just at the same time. I have yet to see a character in ANY game be both the tank and healer for a group at the same time.


Allowing class changes will negate the devs intentional design not to allow a single character to fill all three roles (AT ANY TIME) by allowing some(just to avoid confusion) characters to fill all three roles, even if they cannot fill all three roles at the same time.


So you say AC change will allow characters to perform all three roles at the same time.....then when I mention operatives all the sudden it's not true.


Nice logic there.


Then you keep using the words "same time", meaning if you are in a fight. Let's say I'm an assassin tank, then I can use all the sorc abilities in the middle of a boss fight. Since that would qualify as "same time".


Unlike what pro-AC change supporters are asking which is a 2 time switch with a 30 day CD slapped on it. So much for that "same time" deal huh? :rolleyes:

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His point is on wobbly legs barely able to withstand the force of gravity. The answer has been provided a number of times. It's just that you won't acknowledge it. It's an extremely weak argument if all you can come up with is "It won't affect you and...and....and....you're envious!" Envious of what, precisely? That isn't even an argument. It's desperation.


Please explain how that level 40 that decides to change AC, whom you never met affects your game play.


Don't leave out any details, please. :rolleyes:

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While the talents may be level dependent, the general PLAYSTYLE is not. A vanguard is MELEE damage/tank while a commando is RANGED damage/heals. It makes no difference what spec you are as a vanguard, you are MELEE, while any commando spec is RANGED. I think most people will know within 5 levels, 10 at the most, whether they like melee combat or whether they would like to try ranged combat.




A simple quest chain is nowhere near as effective at teaching someone to use NEW skills as leveling is, especially since you get those new skills one or two at a time, rather than having a bunch thrown at you all at once. How do you determine what skills even need to be part of the quest chain, since a person changing class at level 15 does not have the same number of skills as a person who changes class at 55, not to mention all the spec specific skills as well.


Also, there is no guarantee that a player will even DO the tutorial quest chain. I do not see a way to make it mandatory. Are you going to stop a player completely from doing anything after they change their class until they complete the tutorial quest chain? How do you stop a player from doing anything in the game? Are you going to say that you cannot change your class until you complete the quest chain? How do you do that when the player does not have the skills for the new class yet?




What incorrect information did that poster post, or is this statement just an attempt to misdirect and mislead those reading this thread?




Restrictions? So many people want to propose restrictions on class changes. They ignore one thing, though. We already have restrictions on class changes. Restrictions already exist, yet here we have a 300+ page thread, and countless other threads, full of people asking that those restrictions be lifted or lowered simply because some people don't want to be bothered top use mechanics already in place to play a new class.


If they allow class changes, with ANY restrictions, these forums will simply be full of people asking that THOSE restrictions be lifted or lowered. All you need to do is look at this thread full of people asking for the current restrictions to be lifted or lowered to see that.





A warning? Do you mean something like the 4 warnings that every player gets when they choose their AC that their choice is PERMANENT? Do you mean a confirmation box like the two confirmation boxes every player has to click to acknowledge that they know their choice is PERMANENT and that they are selecting the AC they want?





Requiring a max level character of either the desired class or the mirror of the desired class is perfectly reasonable, as it gives some indication that the person who wishes to change their class has played that class and is familiar with the skills, even if the animation and names are different.




IMO, this is complete and total BS. IMO, nothing makes a choice more meaningful than NOT being able to undo that choice.


Let me paraphrase what you are saying:


I have a choice to make at level 10. I know that choice is PERMANENT, as I receive 4 warnings that it is PERMANENT, and have to confirm twice that I know that the choice is PERMANENT. Yet, I want to claim that this choice lacks meaning. I want to claim that what will make this choice more meaningful is if I can make is allowing me to change my mind later.


How does this sound? A man wants to marry his girlfriend but wants to reserve the right to trade her for a new girl if he decides in 3 years he's bored with her. He claims that reserving the right to trade his girlfriend/wife in for a new girl will make his initial choice to marry his then girlfriend more meaningful.


vanguard starts out with the same abilities as merc. ranged abilities. 5 levels into the character - you have NO idea how to play that character. you are often times, still using those abilities you got before selecting your advanced class. lvl 15- 20 teaches you very little, especially since early talents are of "plus hit, plus crit" passive variety.


nothing can teach you how to play a class as much as leveling? I agree... to a point. that's why we get healers who cannot heal because they leveled as a dps and tanks who cannot tank, because they did the same. people tend to only really level as one spec at a time and there's a learning curve in learning a new spec. you claim that that learning curve is bigger when switching between advanced classes. Having played every single advanced class in this game? I say - nope. curve from going between roles and even specs is about the same as from switching between advanced classes. and yet... we are allowed to switch our specs as much as we'd like


and yes - just like that warning that you get ONCE... that is CURRENTLY permanent. it doesn't have to remain permanent any more than your appearance on character creation.


and I stand behind my assertion that flexibility in choices is what gives them degree of meaning. you already have to make a choice as to which story to play. from that point on? it should be more flexible than that.


and will people demand removal of restrictions? probably.


honestly? the only reason I speak of needing restrictions in place is to find a compromise and address concerns people have. if it were up to me? there will be NO restrictions to switching AC. it would work EXACTLY the way field respec works right now.

but since we're trying to (or at least I am) to find something that could work for the most amount of people and adress concerns - restrictions get brought into the conversation.


and btw - "NO CHANGE" is not a compromise and neither is allowing it in such a limited way as to render it pointless.


P.S. what exactly is the problem in allowing a single character ability to perform all 3 roles exactly? why is it such a bad thing? replayability of this game is mainly in its story first and foremost anyways.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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That quote didn't "refute it", it confirmed that their stance hasn't changed since launch and that AC respecs remain a possibility.


If only the devs hadn't made those pesky statements IN BETWEEN the one that you quoted and the one from November 2012 that they WOULD NOT be allowing class changes, you could claim that their stance has not changed since the statement that you quoted.


As it stands, we can absolutely state the devs have not changed their stance since launch because we could NOT change class at launch, and we CANNOT change class now.

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honestly? the only reason I speak of needing restrictions in place is to find a compromise and address concerns people have. if it were up to me? there will be NO restrictions to switching AC. it would work EXACTLY the way field respec works right now.

but since we're trying to (or at least I am) to find something that could work for the most amount of people and adress concerns - restrictions get brought into the conversation.


and btw - "NO CHANGE" is not a compromise and neither is allowing it in such a limited way as to render it pointless.

Great post!!! Sorry I *snipped* any of it - that was only to highlight these last two ideas which I feel are KEY!


I too would allow unrestricted respecs...doesn't impact me one bit and I want players to play whatever makes them happy. But I also understand the desire to control it somewhat, so I'm completely accepting of a reasonable cooldown (30 days).

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So you say AC change will allow characters to perform all three roles at the same time.....then when I mention operatives all the sudden it's not true.


Nice logic there.


Saying that allowing class changes will allow characters to fill all three roles is NOT the same as saying allowing class changes will allow EVERY character to fill all three roles. You chose to deliberately misrepresent what I said, as seems to be your modus operandi.


Then you keep using the words "same time", meaning if you are in a fight. Let's say I'm an assassin tank, then I can use all the sorc abilities in the middle of a boss fight. Since that would qualify as "same time".


Unlike what pro-AC change supporters are asking which is a 2 time switch with a 30 day CD slapped on it. So much for that "same time" deal huh? :rolleyes:


I specified "at the same time" and "at any time" since several posters have tried to make the argument that even if a player can tank and heal on the same character, they would not be able to do so "at the same time". As I stated before, the devs intended that no single character be able to fill all three roles AT ANY TIME. Allowing class changes will undermine and negate this design intent by allowing some characters to fill all three roles, even if not every character can fill all three roles.

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If only the devs hadn't made those pesky statements IN BETWEEN the one that you quoted and the one from November 2012 that they WOULD NOT be allowing class changes, you could claim that their stance has not changed since the statement that you quoted.


As it stands, we can absolutely state the devs have not changed their stance since launch because we could NOT change class at launch, and we CANNOT change class now.


Your assumption that they haven't changed their stance because it's not in-game yet is just silly. Read Damion's comments again:

Damion Schubert:

We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well.

It's likely to happen...eventually. What don't you get about that?

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If only the devs hadn't made those pesky statements IN BETWEEN the one that you quoted and the one from November 2012 that they WOULD NOT be allowing class changes, you could claim that their stance has not changed since the statement that you quoted.


As it stands, we can absolutely state the devs have not changed their stance since launch because we could NOT change class at launch, and we CANNOT change class now.


Yes because the devs give real-time responses for everything a player mentions. :rolleyes:


I guess hood toggle won't ever be in the game or new races like tortuga. Since people asked for them but the devs never gave them monthy updates or told us what they were eating for lunch.


Like I said- How does that level 45 player that changes AC, that you never met, affect you?

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As I stated before, the devs intended that no single character be able to fill all three roles AT ANY TIME. Allowing class changes will undermine and negate this design intent by allowing some characters to fill all three roles, even if not every character can fill all three roles.

You keep using the same argument: they can't change because they can't change. That's your argument. They can change anything about the game they want.

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vanguard starts out with the same abilities as merc. ranged abilities. 5 levels into the character - you have NO idea how to play that character. you are often times, still using those abilities you got before selecting your advanced class. lvl 15- 20 teaches you very little, especially since early talents are of "plus hit, plus crit" passive variety.


The point is NOT that you have most of your class skills or know how your class will play at end game, but rather that within 5 or 10 levels MOST players should know whether they like melee combat or if they would want to try ranged, or vice versa.


nothing can teach you how to play a class as much as leveling? I agree... to a point. that's why we get healers who cannot heal because they leveled as a dps and tanks who cannot tank, because they did the same. people tend to only really level as one spec at a time and there's a learning curve in learning a new spec. you claim that that learning curve is bigger when switching between advanced classes. Having played every single advanced class in this game? I say - nope. curve from going between roles and even specs is about the same as from switching between advanced classes. and yet... we are allowed to switch our specs as much as we'd like


That is your opinion, and it may be the case for you, but it will not be the case for everyone. How familiar is that commando going to be with the new taunt skills he gets when he changes his class to vanguard? How familiar is that vanguard going to be with healing when he changes to commando? A commando going from DPS to heals has at least an idea of what the heal spells do since he has probably been using them to keep himself alive while he leveled. A vanguard going from tank to heals has NEVER had a heal spell to even think about using, let alone any experience using those heal spells.


and yes - just like that warning that you get ONCE... that is CURRENTLY permanent. it doesn't have to remain permanent any more than your appearance on character creation.


You get at least FOUR separate and distinct warnings that your choice is PERMANENT not just one. You even have to click the confirm box on two of them. Those warnings from at least two different NPC's in different parts of the fleet. How can you claim that FOUR separate warnings from two different NPC's in two different parts of the fleet equate to "that warning that you get ONCE".


and I stand behind my assertion that flexibility in choices is what gives them degree of meaning. you already have to make a choice as to which story to play. from that point on? it should be more flexible than that.


So, by your definition, they should make the choice you make at character creation with regards to story line able to be changed to make it more meaningful, since " flexibility in choices is what gives them degree of meaning".



and will people demand removal of restrictions? probably.


honestly? the only reason I speak of needing restrictions in place is to find a compromise and address concerns people have. if it were up to me? there will be NO restrictions to switching AC. it would work EXACTLY the way field respec works right now.

but since we're trying to (or at least I am) to find something that could work for the most amount of people and adress concerns - restrictions get brought into the conversation.




and btw - "NO CHANGE" is not a compromise and neither is allowing it in such a limited way as to render it pointless.


I do not believe it will be possible to find a "compromise" that is not declared so limited as to render it pointless by those desiring class change and yet satisfies the concerns of those against class changes. The same goes the other way. I don't think it will be possible to find a "compromise" that addresses the concerns of those desiring class changes that is not declared "not restrictive enough".


It's a good thing that the decision is in the hands of the devs and is not left up to the players in this case, since I fear it will be impossible for the players to reach a "compromise".


P.S. what exactly is the problem in allowing a single character ability to perform all 3 roles exactly? why is it such a bad thing?


The "bad" thing about allowing characters the ability to fill all three roles is that it will likely lead to a higher number of assassins/sorcerers, vanguards/commandos, shadows/sages and powertechs/mercenaries as those class combinations can fill all three roles while marauder/juggernaut, sentinel/guardian, sniper/operative and gunslinger/scoundrel can only fill two roles.


replayability of this game is mainly in its story first and foremost anyways.


Then why is their a need to allow class changes? You want to argue that class changes are needed so people don't have to go through the story line again, and then make this statement? That's almost as illogical as claiming that allowing a PERMANENT choice to be undone will make that choice more meaningful.

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I specified "at the same time" and "at any time" since several posters have tried to make the argument that even if a player can tank and heal on the same character, they would not be able to do so "at the same time". As I stated before, the devs intended that no single character be able to fill all three roles AT ANY TIME. Allowing class changes will undermine and negate this design intent by allowing some characters to fill all three roles, even if not every character can fill all three roles.


And so the backpedaling begins.


So even though it has been already suggested many times, yet you continue to ignore it. What if they limited the AC change to 2 times per character with a 30 day CD per use?


That pretty much nullifies you're "AT ANY TIME" talking point. ;)

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Your assumption that they haven't changed their stance because it's not in-game yet is just silly. Read Damion's comments again:


It's likely to happen...eventually. What don't you get about that?


Did they say class changes WILL happen? Oh, they DIDN'T. Did they give us any kind of time frame in that quote? Oh, that's right, they DIDN'T.


Did they also mention race and appearance changes in that quote? Yes. Did those race and appearance changes come to pass? Yes.


So we have an ambiguous quote from 8 months ago, with NOTHING further from the devs since. We have the race and appearance changes that were mentioned in the SAME quote, but NO class changes. We've had countless threads, including this 300+ page thread, full of people clamoring for class changes, and STILL not ONE PEEP from the devs about class changes, despite and 8 month old ambiguous quote. What does that say to you? What does that say to any reasonable person?

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You keep using the same argument: they can't change because they can't change. That's your argument. They can change anything about the game they want.


I keep saying that they CAN change the rules at any time. They are under NO obligation to do so simply because some people are too averse to the minimal work or effort (there's a word for that, what's that word again?) to be bothered with using the existing mechanics to play the new class.


I've also pointed out that so far they have NOT chosen to change the game mechanics, thankfully.

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Did they say class changes WILL happen? Oh, they DIDN'T. Did they give us any kind of time frame in that quote? Oh, that's right, they DIDN'T.


Did they also mention race and appearance changes in that quote? Yes. Did those race and appearance changes come to pass? Yes.


So we have an ambiguous quote from 8 months ago, with NOTHING further from the devs since. We have the race and appearance changes that were mentioned in the SAME quote, but NO class changes. We've had countless threads, including this 300+ page thread, full of people clamoring for class changes, and STILL not ONE PEEP from the devs about class changes, despite and 8 month old ambiguous quote. What does that say to you? What does that say to any reasonable person?


Can you link the dev response and source that says the following "Never allowing AC change in this game now or in the future."- "AC change will never be an option."- Make sure it's the most recent one.


It doesn't have to be exactly that, but something with the words "never" or "not going to happen" in there. If you can provide that, then it just won't happen. Then again, they changed quite a few things before that they said weren't going to happen.

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And so the backpedaling begins.


So even though it has been already suggested many times, yet you continue to ignore it. What if they limited the AC change to 2 times per character with a 30 day CD per use?


That pretty much nullifies you're "AT ANY TIME" talking point. ;)


That would nullify nothing. Would that sorcerer be able to tank if he changed to assassin? Would allowing that single character to be able to fill all three roles? First, DPS and heals as a sorcerer and then DPS and tank as an assassin?

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Can you link the dev response and source that says the following "Never allowing AC change in this game now or in the future."- "AC change will never be an option."- Make sure it's the most recent one.


It doesn't have to be exactly that, but something with the words "never" or "not going to happen" in there. If you can provide that, then it just won't happen. Then again, they changed quite a few things before that they said weren't going to happen.


That quote is going to be as hard to find as the one that says "Class changes WILL be allowed". Then again, the devs have said some things would happen and then later decided NOT to allow those things.


The devs have the final say. They have so far chosen NOT to cave to those unwilling to use the existing mechanics to play that new class, and they have remained totally silent for 8+ months.


We may see class changes at some undetermined point in the future, but I do not expect to see them in the foreseeable future.

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You keep using the same argument: they can't change because they can't change. That's your argument. They can change anything about the game they want.


And everyone else is still using the same argument: They should change because they can. Whats with the hypocrisy.

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And everyone else is still using the same argument: They should change because they can. Whats with the hypocrisy.

I can't speak for others, but since you are replying to me, I don't say they should change. That's the difference between us. You say they shouldn't change (thus limiting player options just because it's something you'd rather not do). I say it'd would be nice if they did change (thus expanding player options, even if I wouldn't be likely to do it myself). I am capable of recognizing that people play differently from the way I play.

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Im at the point that I hope they allow a 1 time only change. That way I can come read the thread, of all the whiners, begging for 1 more because they made a mistake and don't like the other AC now.


Yeah, I guess I might be OK with a one-time change, just to get people to shut up about this already. I do not ever want for us to be able to freely change between ACs. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that they share the same class story doesn't mean that they should necessarily be the same class through and through. I prefer to keep the classes separate and distinct from one another.

Edited by belialle
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