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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Well said sir. Every argument against boils down to either a punitive reason or a selfish one...there's no real reason this shouldn't be allowed. As you've demonstrated, an MMO is fluid in trying to continually make the game "MORE FUN" for it's players - this would certainly fit that criteria and I fully support AC swapping.


You know what is funny.. The reasons people have for not wanting AC swapping, is still volumes more than your reasons for wanting it.. You really only have one reason.. Laziness..


I won't go into the other reasons not to have AC swapping. I mean is isn't like you all will read them anyways.. You haven't yet.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Thanks :)

I honestly feel that if you ask a player to invest a reasonable cost (1,000 cc so about £4.50) every time they wanted to swap their AC they would be more incentivised to play that AC well.


You must be joking, people will be swapping all the time if it only costs the same as a pint.


Call it 10k CC and I would perhaps go for it. Personally though, no. It takes a couple of weeks or so to level a toon to 55 if you only play that one and use all the boosts etc.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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You must be joking, people will be swapping all the time if it only costs the same as a pint.


Call it 10k CC and I would perhaps go for it. Personally though, no. It takes a couple of weeks or so to level a toon to 55 if you only play that one and use all the boosts etc.


Even 10k CC would still make it a bad idea if it could be done whenever wanted imo. It would just turn it into a roll to FoTM tool for the ones with a lot of disposable income. I'd say if they decide to implement it, make it affordable for everyone, but limit its uses to a single opportunity or at least make the lockout last somewhere around 6 month.

Edited by Knorlac
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You know what is funny.. The reasons people have for not wanting AC swapping, is still volumes more than your reasons for wanting it.. You really only have one reason.. Laziness..


I won't go into the other reasons not to have AC swapping. I mean is isn't like you all will read them anyways.. You haven't yet.. :rolleyes:


Awwwwe...name calling? Calling people "lazy" for wanting this? What a joke. It's a flipping video game dude...you sit on your *** to play it! I'd argue it's a helluva lot LAZIER to want to spend hours in front of your computer grinding a new toon from your chair than it is to want a way to swap the same class AC's.


You have NO arguments...you call people names who want this. There's NO VALID REASON that YOU should give a **** what AC I am...it has NO IMPACT on YOU...NONE!!!! NOTHING! ZERO! ZIP! NADA!


I do read the "arguments" which all boil down to name calling and nosy folk who think they know better. Don't like this feature? Here's a suggestion...DON'T USE IT! It won't impact you at all!!! Not AT ALL!

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Awwwwe...name calling? Calling people "lazy" for wanting this? What a joke. It's a flipping video game dude...


The joke is on you pal.. I am just calling it like it is.. No name calling involved..


You have to understand here.. The people don't want AC swapping don't need a reason.. We aren't asking for a game change.. You on the other hand are... You all need something much better than laziness to give a viable reason for Bioware to make major changes to the game..


Bioware went through extra effort to make sure that people understood their choice of AC was a permanent one.. You all want to just ignore that.. Bioware stated they didn't want a single class to both heal and tank.. You want them to go back on that.. You better have a good reason.. And stop worrying about my arguments.. My arguments are just fine and backed by Bioware.. Yours?? Well... We know about the lazy one..


See.. That is where you are wrong.. We are the only side with arguments.. The people that want AC swapping have no arguments.. Well... except laziness.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Why? What makes this a bad idea? Are you also against respec's? If not, why?


It is a bad idea.. Changing your class should never be allowed.. Bioware doesn't want it, or we wouldn't be told at least 4 times in game that our choice is permanent.. Changing classes would be rampant in other games and it just isn't.. I have yet for anyone to tell me a game that allows class changing.. For such a good idea.. Why doesn't anyone do it??


Now instead of giving us the third degree.. Do yourself a favor and come up with an actual reason of your own.. Why is it a good idea?? As I said.. We like the game the way it is.. As does Bioware.. We don't need any reasons.. You want to change the game then you better start selling the idea..


There is a huge difference between your spec and your class.. They are not comparable.. Your spec is not your class.. Your AC is your class.. You can disagree with that point all you like.. Your opinion on that point is of little value.. Bioware has already stated that our AC is our class.. That is all that matters.. Bioware is the only authority that gets to decide what is or isn't a class.. Not you and not me.. When you convince Bioware that our AC is not our class then you can make that point.. Until then you are wasting your time..


While you are thinking of reasons other than laziness consider this.. It would give people more excuses to roll need on stuff.. Not that they need them as it is.. It would diminish the value of the classes.. Bioware would make less money than with alts if they allowed AC swapping.. There.. There are 3 reasons, none of which involve laziness.. Are you still keeping score?? Yes?? You are losing, and I don't even need to give you any reasons..


Don't use it?? It won't impact me??? Sorry.. That is just to lame to really respond to.. You think about that really hard and maybe you will come to understand what a BS statement that is..


Oh.. In case you haven't heard.. Laziness isn't going to cut it for a reason.. Just saying.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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The joke is on you pal.. I am just calling it like it is.. No name calling involved..


You have to understand here.. The people don't want AC swapping don't need a reason.. We aren't asking for a game change.. You on the other hand are... You all need something much better than laziness to give a viable reason for Bioware to make major changes to the game..


Bioware went through extra effort to make sure that people understood their choice of AC was a permanent one.. You all want to just ignore that.. Bioware stated they didn't want a single class to both heal and tank.. You want them to go back on that.. You better have a good reason.. And stop worrying about my arguments.. My arguments are just fine and backed by Bioware.. Yours?? Well... We know about the lazy one..


See.. That is where you are wrong.. We are the only side with arguments.. The people that want AC swapping have no arguments.. Well... except laziness.. :rolleyes:


Ah! I see...I also see you haven't even bothered to read the very first post of this thread. Come back after you read the part where Damion Schubert of Bioware said they're sure it'll eventually happen. I support his idea to make it happen - it would benefit the game.


What you call "laziness" is the stupid **** that costs Bioware customers. I don't want to grind another toon to 55 playing the EXACT SAME story I just did...you want to penalize people for a heads-or-tails pick they made at level freaking 10. You're argument against it is simply name calling or punitive. My argument in favor of allowing the swap is that if that's what it takes to keep a player in the game, big freaking deal...let em swap. We all know it's the EXACT SAME story, hell, AC's even have a common tree they share as well as all base class skills. Allowing this change impacts the community in a GOOD way...not a negative one.


Also...if you don't like it, don't use it...stick to your guns...roll your alts...nobody cares what YOU playo, stop caring what others like to play...it's none of your business.

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Also...if you don't like it, don't use it...stick to your guns...roll your alts...nobody cares what YOU playo, stop caring what others like to play...it's none of your business.

I'm not sure what's more entertaining, being on the same side of an issue as you or being on the opposite side.



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I don't think his point was how they spend their CC.. It was the point that they would be swapping all the time.. It is also a valid point.. :)


Nosy. That's all this is...mind your own business...if I wanna swap 10 times a day, who are you to care? Geezus dude...seriously, it doesn't impact you at all...it's no different than me swapping toons.

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I don't get it...you're so rational here...what happens to you on every other topic? :p

There was another topic where we agreed. You must have been sober at the time.


I'm still waiting for someone to explain how going between DPS and tank or heal is a piece of cake but going between heal and tank is mind-numbingly game-altering.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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There was another topic where we agreed. You must have been sober at the time.


I'm still waiting for someone to explain how going between DPS and tank or heal is a piece of cake but going between heal and tank is mind-numbingly game-altering.


That just proves that it's noting personal Bran...you should agree with me more. ;)


There is no difference...that's the dirty little secret that these people want to ignore. An "AC" swap would be no different than a respec in terms of a learning curve. All base skills are still the same...hell, when I swap between Assault and Gunnery (both DPS specs) on my Commando, I have MORE skills to swap around on my toolbar than I do when I switch to my Vanguard.

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There was another topic where we agreed. You must have been sober at the time.


I'm still waiting for someone to explain how going between DPS and tank or heal is a piece of cake but going between heal and tank is mind-numbingly game-altering.


What is mind-numbing is that you want Bioware, a company that makes more money the more time you spend in-game, to take away a reason for you to be spending time leveling, in-game. How does that make any sense?

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What is mind-numbing is that you want Bioware, a company that makes more money the more time you spend in-game, to take away a reason for you to be spending time leveling, in-game. How does that make any sense?


Because the reality is, not everyone is going to roll an alt. Some will just quit and find a new game before grinding ANOTHER toon. I know plenty of people who have quit instead of rolling again. It's an MMO - the players, the classes and class balance is fluid - allowing players to adapt to that fluidity is needed.

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Nosy. That's all this is...mind your own business...if I wanna swap 10 times a day, who are you to care? Geezus dude...seriously, it doesn't impact you at all...it's no different than me swapping toons.


The problem is, it DOES impact me. I don't want to group with someone who 30 seconds ago was a commando healer and suddenly thinks they can play a vanguard tank in a HM operation. OR someone who was playing a guardian tank and suddenly splits to sentinel DPS (sentinels think they are tanks enough already). OR a sage DPS jumping into OPS as a shadow Tank having never played it before. And it starts costing me $$ in repair costs and time.


Over time that player may understand how to play and have good gear, but more often than not, they will have little idea on how to play that class.


I play a vanguard tank, there is no way I could walk in and play a commando healer and expect to play as well as someone who has been playing that class since day one.

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The problem is, it DOES impact me. I don't want to group with someone who 30 seconds ago was a commando healer and suddenly thinks they can play a vanguard tank in a HM operation. OR someone who was playing a guardian tank and suddenly splits to sentinel DPS (sentinels think they are tanks enough already). OR a sage DPS jumping into OPS as a shadow Tank having never played it before. And it starts costing me $$ in repair costs and time.


Over time that player may understand how to play and have good gear, but more often than not, they will have little idea on how to play that class.


I play a vanguard tank, there is no way I could walk in and play a commando healer and expect to play as well as someone who has been playing that class since day one.

Then form your own group - stop depending on GF to find you your socialization and become a leader since you seem to want control over what "I" am able to do. It's no different than me switching toons or respec'ing.

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