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Win Trading and Que Dodging in Ranked Warzones


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A team, schmay team. When it was known that Ranked was running some of the more prominent members on Imp side put together an 8 man team of whoever they knew could hold their own. Nevermind that group included 4 Elite Warlords, at the time that was pretty much who was online. All things considered it probably could have gone well... right up until the smacktalking commenced. Talks of "wait until we're geared" and "so that's how you want to play it" and general calling into question the skill of some of the best PvP players on TEH. That's when things really went south.


Poke the bear and the bear will eat you.

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This team is coming from another server. They don't have legacy perks, cash or gear from other toons. They're starting from scratch. If they have to sneak some trades to gear up, who the hell cares??


I kinda have to agree with Jerc here. Although I don't really think win-trading is the proper way of getting a good name on this server, I also understand the fact that they want to come here and be competitive as quickly as possible. A few matches to get some extra coms, I don't have a problem with for these guys. If they do it constantly to get to the point where they are min/maxed faster than any other ranked team on this server then that's what I have a problem with.


For the most part, this guild has seemed to be friendly in warzones and have a decent attitude, saying gg after matches and all that.

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Just had my first run in with these guys in the lowest bracket...4 man premade against all PuGs and they were talking crap. Only beat us 100-0 in Civil War too...don't think they're going to come anywhere close to some of you guys' ranked teams :D
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A few matches to get some extra coms, I don't have a problem with for these guys.



I guess it's all a matter of perspective. What's the differences between exploiting the system to get free comms and using a speed hack to ensure a win in order to get more comms? Is it ok to speed hack in a couple of matches to help you get ahead? I guess one could claim that win-trading is a victimless crime since no one was directly affected by their actions - but considering that they will be using the gear gained from win trading in regular warzones, the people they face there who have been getting gear the normal way will be at a disadvantage...much like they would be if someone they were playing against was using third party content in order to weigh the odds in their favor.


That is of course, just my opinion. I understand completely that not everyone will agree with that.

Edited by DarthPanopticus
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For the most part, this guild has seemed to be friendly in warzones and have a decent attitude, saying gg after matches and all that.


I've had the opposite experience with them. Several "wait till we get gear" and "lol we have partisan gear and you have conq gear" Yeah, gear is the reason why you lost. :rolleyes: Did I mention none of us are full conq but mostly partisan? Most of the **** talk came from Aeonneta himself. Even when he was in lowbies, we got several "You just wait till we're 55 guerrilla". LOL well, we're waiting.


I have no problem with the new guild trying to help the pvp community, well good for them. But I hope they realize gear won't help players from being stealth capped on or help them play objectively. Also don't forget most don't know how to fully optimize their gear. Maybe that's something new-guild plans on helping out with? I dunno.

Edited by Clogski
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I'm not quite sure who you are referring to in the initial part of your post, SC has never been involved in win trading. If you're referring to Guerrilla or Game Genie, I don't think putting a team together that's capable of beating just about anyone who ques against them in ranked qualifies as win trading.


I've fought with and against them both in ranked situations more times than most people on this server and I can honestly say I've never seen that occur. If you have definitive proof otherwise, feel free to post it because that would most certainly be in line with the intent of this thread. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the competitiveness and skill level of those people would ensure that they would be more than willing to face anyone they happened to catch in a ranked que.


I will give a hint, it's definitely not SC, my run in's with them have generally been positive and I've seen no indication that they would exploit the game, as far as the rest of what you said --, and you are an optimist.

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No need to name names, you know who you are. Just be aware that the community as a whole is watching you and every single person I talked to today thought your actions were extremely cheap and basically amount to the worst kind of exploiting possible.


There's a need. Those of us who weren't on would like to know who we should be watching for more questionable actions in the future, as well as who to stomp every time we see them.


So send me the name in a PM if you don't want to mention it here, if you would. Our differences aside, this is something we see eye-to-eye on.


Oh wait, i see the name was mentioned later on. Not surprised.


However, I will keep the first part of my post as it is.


There is a need. Call out people by name. Let's make sure we keep pvp competitive like it should be, and not cater to those who exploit or win trade (which could also be considered an exploit if you wanted to really use the textbook definition of exploitation of game mechanics).

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My thoughts exactly, bro. Looks like TEH is already running off more PvPers. This thread is nothing short of justification for why ranked will never happen on this server.


Running off more PvPers? How is win trading PVP?


Back in DAOC there were some people who would go off into corners of the frontier and farm their own characters to get realm points to buy realm abilities with. They'd do this till they hit around rank six or seven (max in that game was 13, though most never made it past 12) and then claim they did so in order to be 'competitive' even though every other guild worked their way from rank 1 to rank 12.


Work for what you get, and you deserve it.


Farm yourself or your friends for gear or ranks, and the only thing you deserve is a swift kick with the ban boots and/or to be blacklisted by every real guild on the server.


Sigh. Can't wait till our vacationing player comes back.

Edited by silvershadows
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I've had the opposite experience with them. Several "wait till we get gear" and "lol we have partisan gear and you have conq gear" Yeah, gear is the reason why you lost. :rolleyes: Did I mention none of us are full conq but mostly partisan? Most of the **** talk came from Aeonneta himself. Even when he was in lowbies, we got several "You just wait till we're 55 guerrilla". LOL well, we're waiting.


I have no problem with the new guild trying to help the pvp community, well good for them. But I hope they realize gear won't help players from being stealth capped on or help them play objectively. Also don't forget most don't know how to fully optimize their gear. Maybe that's something new-guild plans on helping out with? I dunno.


Realized I was in a lowbie with these guys not too long ago...


They were encouraging our team to overcommit 6 people to fight 1 inc at snow in a Civil War. When I told them not to teach people that overcommiting was good, they went on a 5 minute rant about how they've NEVER EVER lost a node when they had someone solo guarding it, not EVER EVER EVER on their old server, not ONCE, during ranked or regular play!


My response was - Welcome to a server that doesn't suck. Overcommitment is bad.

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Realized I was in a lowbie with these guys not too long ago...


They were encouraging our team to overcommit 6 people to fight 1 inc at snow in a Civil War. When I told them not to teach people that overcommiting was good, they went on a 5 minute rant about how they've NEVER EVER lost a node when they had someone solo guarding it, not EVER EVER EVER on their old server, not ONCE, during ranked or regular play!


My response was - Welcome to a server that doesn't suck. Overcommitment is bad.


Well one of them lost snow and a match by attacking our off node yesterday when they were supposed to be defending. A pug went to check just by sheer luck, and took it.

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They're originally from Jedi Covenant and first rerolled here under their old name, <Lorechasers> before changing it to <The Watchmen>. I've spoken to a few of them, and of course naturally, trolled the others. Yes, they are gearing up for ranked matches here, and from what I've gathered, mostly because they think we're just a bunch of RPers they can steamroll.


Having played against and with the best on TEH, we have nothing to fear from these guys. They're mediocre at best.

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They're originally from Jedi Covenant and first rerolled here under their old name, <Lorechasers> before changing it to <The Watchmen>. I've spoken to a few of them, and of course naturally, trolled the others. Yes, they are gearing up for ranked matches here, and from what I've gathered, mostly because they think we're just a bunch of RPers they can steamroll.


Having played against and with the best on TEH, we have nothing to fear from these guys. They're mediocre at best.


The thing is, in any other MMO the RPers are the least skilled players*. For some reason the hardest hardcore starwars nerds tend to be good at starwars video games and care about the end results of each battle. At least those of us (I use this lightly, I'm good but I still have way more to prove to TEH) at the top care.



* No hate but the LOTRO RP server would rather argue over page numbers in the Silmarlion, Farstriders in WoW was dead besides ERP in silvermoon, and god help moonguard and it's wretched inhabitants. EQ2 has great players on its RP server for some of the same reasons we do here. It's a way nerdier game and RP players are serious about game mechanics as much as they are their characters themselves. Oh and BURN IN THE FLAMES OF SOLUSEK RO!

Edited by Battyone
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Alright, swore I would not reply, but I just want to clear one thing up here for certain people. Those who think we do not want competitive PvP, this is not true. It is just that our idea of competitive PvP is an equal playing field. Right now, the people who have fully min/maxed partisan have about a 30-50% stat advantage over us(and yes I actually did the math on this.)


We came here to this server without any legacy perks or credits, and we had to start our gear grind a month behind you all. I've seen quite a few fully min/maxed players from checking them already. It is just our idea of competitive PvP is not to lose because of such a gear difference to where each player on the enemy team has 30-50% more stats than us. We are working to even the playing field and hopefully improve the PvP further on this server. We're not out to steamroll people, we just want it to be competitive.


All we ask is that you please be patient while we try to narrow this gear gap. We are working hard to gear up for the sake of a competitive PvP environment, rather than an environment where one side has a vast gear disadvantage.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Alright, swore I would not reply, but I just want to clear one thing up here for certain people. Those who think we do not want competitive PvP, this is not true. It is just that our idea of competitive PvP is an equal playing field. Right now, the people who have fully min/maxed partisan have about a 30-50% stat advantage over us(and yes I actually did the math on this.)


We came here to this server without any legacy perks or credits, and we had to start our gear grind a month behind you all. I've seen quite a few fully min/maxed players from checking them already. It is just our idea of competitive PvP is not to have us be steamrolled by such people because of such a gear difference to where each player on the enemy team has 30-50% more stats than us. We are working to even the playing field and hopefully improve the PvP further on this server. We're not out to steamroll people, we just want it to be competitive.


All we ask is that you please be patient while we try to narrow this gear gap. We are working hard to gear up for a sake of a competitive PvP environment, rather than one where one side has a vast gear disadvantage.


I'd suggest you do so more tactfully. /laughing and talking smack in a lowbie premade against a full pug team isn't exactly the best way to make a first impression when you've already rubbed some the wrong way w/ the win trading. Things probably could have been handled better if you wanted to be part of the community.

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Partisan gear is more than enough to be successful on TEH. I wish you had realized that before angering the PvP community of the server. The teams you were dodging that night were almost randomly formed, with some undergeared people. Ahem.


I hope you can clear your name by avoiding such behaviour in the future. You can start by taking queues against other guilds.

Edited by Advanderer
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I hope you can clear your name by avoiding such behaviour in the future. You can start by taking queues against other guilds.


Basically this. Considering the current state of PvP on the server the "some people are wearing conqueror pieces!" excuse sounds pretty hollow.


I do hope y'all get your **** together and do something positive, though. We could use some fresh blood with a strong sense of self. Since you're coming in established and experienced and clearly committed to your guild, I have some hope that you won't be rolling alts in the big three. That would probably be the death knell for this most recent spurt ranked PvP enthusiasm.

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I Ran into them in Lowbies too. I did see some **** talk, which really wasn't even all that warranted. I do hope they come see us in 55s.



Let them Gear up.. I just hope they are a team that will consistently que for ranked.



Maybe they wont QQ and go play GW2 if things don't go their way. And by all means.. If they win, we will have new tactics and gearing problems to sort out.. Either way them being here is a net positive.


RE: They came to an RP server to troll.

lol.. hey watchdudes.. watch this :D

Edited by DarthBror
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How many ranked comms do you get from a ranked win where you dont play anyone? I'm genuinely curious, because if the goal is to itemize your partisan set, I feel like this is a pretty inefficient way to gear up... it can't be more than like, 100 ranked comms. Which you're converting back to warzone comms (painful for me to even type that). So, why not just queue for regs, actually *play games* so you can get to know the people/skill here, get maybe more like 150+ wz comms/game, and not piss anyone off?


I've never won a ranked game by it being empty, so I could be totally off the mark here. /shrug


edit after reading the rest of the boards today: Also, if you're hitting numbers to be in our records thread, then you're probably doing okay on gear. Just sayin.

Edited by NadirPalo
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edit after reading the rest of the boards today: Also, if you're hitting numbers to be in our records thread, then you're probably doing okay on gear. Just sayin.


Honestly Min Max Parti gear is more than sufficient for even Ranked matches. Why there is a like a 2 % diff for Conq is beyond me. I thought it should be a little more than that considering the length of grind it is..


Hell it takes 1 week of Moderate WZ play to garnish a complete set of Parti that is fully optimized.

Yet it will take weeks of consistent play to match that level of completeness in Conq.


For this reason I will be only min maxing my Parti gear then move on to gearing up alts. Not until Ranked become a regular thing do I see any need to spend weeks gearing for a 2% advantage.

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