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To the "if you don't like it, leave" crowd...


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Every time I see someone post about how they would like XYZ feature or that SW:TOR is missing something that made their previous MMO experience better, a whole slew of people come out of the woodwork saying things like:


"If you like WoW so much why don't you go play it!"




"Nobody is forcing you to play this game!"


Seriously? What's so wrong with stating your opinion of a game in its infancy, and trying to provide some constructive feedback in hopes that things can get fixed. SW:TOR isn't perfect, Bioware knows this, so why are these fanboys so adamant about defending the game like it was crafted by God himself?


If someone is obviously trolling or needlessly ************ (like the guy who was threatening to return his copy because he chose the wrong AC... what a tool) then flame on. But if someone is just saying how a customizable UI makes their gaming experience better, then how about you just keep your nerd-***** for Bioware to yourself?


TL;DR: Can't we all just get along?

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Because they're not providing constructive criticism that's why. its all "QQ, game doesn't have feature X, please patch in before Christmas or I cancel Sub", and they don't actually seem to have any comprehension of the development, graphical design and QA testing of game features and the time it takes.


It would be fine if they asked nicely to implement things in the future and be reasonable about the time-scale expectations, but they're not, they're acting like spoiled little kids. They seem to think that everything can be done right this minute, and rushed into the game with no testing for bugs or balance issues.

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Every time I see someone post about how they would like XYZ feature or that SW:TOR is missing something that made their previous MMO experience better, a whole slew of people come out of the woodwork saying things like:


"If you like WoW so much why don't you go play it!"




"Nobody is forcing you to play this game!"


Seriously? What's so wrong with stating your opinion of a game in its infancy, and trying to provide some constructive feedback in hopes that things can get fixed. SW:TOR isn't perfect, Bioware knows this, so why are these fanboys so adamant about defending the game like it was crafted by God himself?


If someone is obviously trolling or needlessly ************ (like the guy who was threatening to return his copy because he chose the wrong AC... what a tool) then flame on. But if someone is just saying how a customizable UI makes their gaming experience better, then how about you just keep your nerd-***** for Bioware to yourself?


TL;DR: Can't we all just get along?



Because usually the posts you are referring to are not constructive at all.


The intelligent people in the community realize that TOR could learn from other MMOs and make some improvements, but the vast majority of threads "asking for improvements" are not constructive and are demanding, rather than suggesting. And since most of the non-constructive whine threads are from players from WoW... well, that's how the reputation comes about.

Edited by Kashaan
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Every time I see someone post about how they would like XYZ feature or that SW:TOR is missing something that made their previous MMO experience better, a whole slew of people come out of the woodwork saying things like:


"If you like WoW so much why don't you go play it!"




"Nobody is forcing you to play this game!"


Seriously? What's so wrong with stating your opinion of a game in its infancy, and trying to provide some constructive feedback in hopes that things can get fixed. SW:TOR isn't perfect, Bioware knows this, so why are these fanboys so adamant about defending the game like it was crafted by God himself?


If someone is obviously trolling or needlessly ************ (like the guy who was threatening to return his copy because he chose the wrong AC... what a tool) then flame on. But if someone is just saying how a customizable UI makes their gaming experience better, then how about you just keep your nerd-***** for Bioware to yourself?


TL;DR: Can't we all just get along?




The part you have a weeeee bit kinda iffy is the part about "constructive feedback in hopes THAT THINGS CAN GET FIXED"... that statement is kinda interesting.




Now if something is broke, I understand that and cannot stress enough that all bugs should be worked on as always and as most of us did in the beta over the last year beg for them to be fixed period.


But be clear on opinion being different then complaining about a bug/broken XXX. I think you mixed the two in your statement which is unfair.


I agree, the "I MESSED UP MY AC".. post's are old and how in the world someone makes that mistake after being asked twice.. and seeing a HUGE PICTURE CHOICE ON YOUR SCREEN OF WHAT YOU WANT TO BE is almost unreal you could mess that up.


However out of every 1000 that do it right there will always be that 1 that screws up... the good news is you can reroll instantly and in a few hours be good to go.


Unless of course that was not the intent and the person is too lazy to do that, which is a whole other issue.


None the less.. I think you should have defined the broken over the opinion concept better.


Just saying...

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"Constructive feedback" is the key term. As pointed out up-thread, most criticism is in no way "constructive", and usually consists of biased, amateurish "reviews", laced with ad hominems and facetious suggestions, often ending with a prediction that this game will be dead within a year. Can you really blame people who react to this with vitriol?
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Because 90% of the time it's not constructive criticism.


It's "waaaaaa this game doesn't have this feature! this game sucks! QQQQQQQQQQQ"




If someone wants to make a proper, constructive post, most people will listen. Complaints like "Why do I have to have a companion" or "The game needs mods NOW" should be ridiculed.

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And a lot of the features they are asking for are features that helped ruin other games. MMO's are meant to be time sinks and take players time to do things not insta queues, hand me loot now type of experiences. That is what frustrates most of the people here. I don't want this game to copy every concept that has been done previously but come up with their own solutions to issues. Some people just subscribe to a game to tell everyone how bad it is when in reality they never gave the game a chance because they don't want competition to their said MMO. So those people who want to play a SW version of their previous game, then there is no place for their trolling in these forums.
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Because 90% of the time it's not constructive criticism.


It's "waaaaaa this game doesn't have this feature! this game sucks! QQQQQQQQQQQ"


I've done a few constructive criticism posts but guess what?! They last about as long on the front page as a whore's knickers stays on due to all the whiney posts. Grrrr haha

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I have to say that "if you don't like it leave" is one of the cheapest and weakest come backs that anyone can come out with when they don't agree with a suggestion. It's no wonder it's so common, it takes zero thought and has the best win vs effort ratio of any response. It's the equivelant to "no u" and people using it are usually lacking any reasoned argument to fall back on. Edited by Jargonaut
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Because 90% of the time it's not constructive criticism.


It's "waaaaaa this game doesn't have this feature! this game sucks! QQQQQQQQQQQ"







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"Constructive feedback" is the key term. As pointed out up-thread, most criticism is in no way "constructive", and usually consists of biased, amateurish "reviews", laced with ad hominems and facetious suggestions, often ending with a prediction that this game will be dead within a year. Can you really blame people who react to this with vitriol?


Well said.

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People who liked to voice their complaints in regards of "constructive" feedback, are just same as same as the people who voice their opinions regarding the post.


Everyone is eager to be heard, some want to complain, others wants to shut the complainers up.


It's the general forums at the end of the day, just like you, who thought this thread would be a great idea because you felt the need to be heard.

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