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Anyone else feel pvp should be free until new content comes out?


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Personally since the xpac came out I've hardly done any pvp, this is of course a combination of the poor bolster system, no new maps, the terrible new brackets and the time to kill issue many classes face. While I'm sure not everyone agree's on all those things are issues I do believe it can be agreed apon that the pvp community really got the short end of the stick with the xpac. While pvp is not my focus and never really has been I did use to enjoy it allot, I found it kept me in game even when I wasn't raiding or doing some sort of pve content. Now I can barely stand to do it, its not fun for me and judging by the long ques and seeing all the pvp focused players in my guild now doing pve I'd say allot of players feel the same way.


We found out yesterday that the next pvp content is not coming out for at least another 4 months, as we know the last pvp content came out in november of last year. So is this okay that pvp won't be touched for almost a full year? I'm going to say no its not okay. Where is biowares pvp team? What are they spending all cartel bucks on? While I understand having the 8 week content cycle it doesn't mean that they should be throwing out one thing, calling it an update and neglecting the rest of the community.


While I'm sure 2.4 will be a good update it doesn't counter the fact that pvp players have been paying their sub for no new content, paid 10 bucks for a xpac that if anything made pvp worse.


What I'd suggest bioware do at this point.

-Throw in some surpise pvp content in update 2.2


-Take away the free to play restriction for pvp until 2.4 comes out (Including wearing pvp gear)


Here is here my reasoning for this, people that strickly pvp are seeing no value for their sub right now which is fair. Let them play for free, I mean they have been supporting the game this whole time anyways yes? Do this and you might earn their sub back when new pvp content does launch. From reading the forums over the last couple weeks and reading general chat I know a very large amount of players will be leaving the game due to neglect of pvp, the least bioware could do is try to keep them in game by letting pvp be free. Even though Bioware might not have someones sub if they can keep them in game playing there is a better chance of them resubbing or spending money on the game vs someone unsubbing going to play something else and never coming back. Another reason to do this would be do have enough people queing for subscribers. As a subsriber the odd time that I do que up I find the wait sometime is a little much. This will not improve over the next 4 months, it will only get worse. Give me someone to que up against.


Futhermore even after 2.4 comes out I think Bioware needs a better plan for the pvp community and how their content comes out. I feel myself to keep pvp somewhat fresh they should be coming out with a new map every 2 updates at least, this could even be another huttball map which I know many of you want. This is something bioware could even turn to the community do help out with, have a section in the forums for map ideas and game mode ideas.


I'm sure Bioware would never consider any of this because being reactive rather then proactive is their specialty. But lets say they would, if you are going to unsub would this at least keep you playing the game? If you are a pvp player and you stay subbed do you feel that you are getting good value for the sub?



Edited by HoboWithAStick
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why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp. Edited by MiaRB
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why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp.


Why should they? Read the OP instead of asking what I already said. I gave a very valid argument.

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LOLL!!!! If you mean the SWTOR PvP devteam should work for free until they fix PvP, I have to agree with you but I would not give anything for free to anybody. IMHO F2P players already got way to much. I hate communism, leaches and those who want everything for free.
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why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp.


so long as there are subscription players that are waiting long times in the que, they should let the ftp'ers fill the spots - irrespective of how many they may have played before.


If i'm not mistaken they did say that the subscription player's experience was their priority in situations like this.

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so long as there are subscription players that are waiting long times in the que, they should let the ftp'ers fill the spots - irrespective of how many they may have played before.


If i'm not mistaken they did say that the subscription player's experience was their priority in situations like this.


Exactly, you ever try to que up for 10-29 bracket pvp after peek hours? Its not happening.

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Today I noticed a player in huttball with a name something like "xadsfsl" or something you would type in a split second. This person had no title or guild and was teleporting constantly so you couldn't target him. I assumed this was some kind of F2P hack with little or nothing to lose as his name wasn't attached to his account.


So I seriously think that until all kinds of hacks are worked out of the system there should be checks and balances to ensure that cheaters like the one I saw using some kind of speed hack don't become a regular occurrence.


PS -


If PVP were free then 40% of the subscriber population would most likely drop out.

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Swtor's Big problem is it has 2 games in it. PVE and PVP and neither of them is at a perfect state.

Was BW's bad choice about that. The team is not that huge as it once were at the starting period. Thus, you need to work on one aspect of the game (PVE for example) for quite some time to produce content. Then after that period comes the PVP's turn which needs lots of balancing in case of changes. You realize this takes way too long.

Edited by zaknaphein
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From reading allot of the responses I think allot of you are missing what my post is about. I am not trying to say that Bioware should have pvp always free to play, but just the fact it will be 8 months between content cycles for pvp players really devalues their sub and allot of them I'm sure are unsubcribing (Just look at forums). Until bioware does a big rehall of pvp and add new content on top of it the pvp in this game alone is not worth the sub free. Keep those people in game by letting it be free for the time being, Bioware will have sucked 10 Bucks plus months and months of subs free's anyways without actually giving them any content.
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It is free to everbody already (with a limit). I you play more you use more resources so you should pay. If you are not happy then dont play, but bioware is still giving you an option to just visit for free.


Bioware will never say it, but a $10 month subscription does not buy alot. I can easily see the worst service and in game mechanics from BioWare easily still being worth more than 2 trips to McDs.

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  • 2 months later...
why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp.


Lol at you calling them freeloaders. The game went f2p for a reason and attitudes like this only help to kill it. Without f2p the game would be in much worse shape, I started f2p before I subbed.


Pvp needs more content, way better rewards, and balancing. What is the purpose of the pts if the devs are just going to leave the game in an unbalanced mess for 6months.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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Why should they? Read the OP instead of asking what I already said. I gave a very valid argument.


Your argument is just another réchauffé of the old line that giving F2Pers even more for free would benefit everybody. It simply doesn't wash.

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Personally since the xpac came out I've hardly done any pvp, this is of course a combination of the poor bolster system, no new maps, the terrible new brackets and the time to kill issue many classes face. While I'm sure not everyone agree's on all those things are issues I do believe it can be agreed apon that the pvp community really got the short end of the stick with the xpac. While pvp is not my focus and never really has been I did use to enjoy it allot, I found it kept me in game even when I wasn't raiding or doing some sort of pve content. Now I can barely stand to do it, its not fun for me and judging by the long ques and seeing all the pvp focused players in my guild now doing pve I'd say allot of players feel the same way.


We found out yesterday that the next pvp content is not coming out for at least another 4 months, as we know the last pvp content came out in november of last year. So is this okay that pvp won't be touched for almost a full year? I'm going to say no its not okay. Where is biowares pvp team? What are they spending all cartel bucks on? While I understand having the 8 week content cycle it doesn't mean that they should be throwing out one thing, calling it an update and neglecting the rest of the community.


While I'm sure 2.4 will be a good update it doesn't counter the fact that pvp players have been paying their sub for no new content, paid 10 bucks for a xpac that if anything made pvp worse.


What I'd suggest bioware do at this point.

-Throw in some surpise pvp content in update 2.2


-Take away the free to play restriction for pvp until 2.4 comes out (Including wearing pvp gear)


Here is here my reasoning for this, people that strickly pvp are seeing no value for their sub right now which is fair. Let them play for free, I mean they have been supporting the game this whole time anyways yes? Do this and you might earn their sub back when new pvp content does launch. From reading the forums over the last couple weeks and reading general chat I know a very large amount of players will be leaving the game due to neglect of pvp, the least bioware could do is try to keep them in game by letting pvp be free. Even though Bioware might not have someones sub if they can keep them in game playing there is a better chance of them resubbing or spending money on the game vs someone unsubbing going to play something else and never coming back. Another reason to do this would be do have enough people queing for subscribers. As a subsriber the odd time that I do que up I find the wait sometime is a little much. This will not improve over the next 4 months, it will only get worse. Give me someone to que up against.


Futhermore even after 2.4 comes out I think Bioware needs a better plan for the pvp community and how their content comes out. I feel myself to keep pvp somewhat fresh they should be coming out with a new map every 2 updates at least, this could even be another huttball map which I know many of you want. This is something bioware could even turn to the community do help out with, have a section in the forums for map ideas and game mode ideas.


I'm sure Bioware would never consider any of this because being reactive rather then proactive is their specialty. But lets say they would, if you are going to unsub would this at least keep you playing the game? If you are a pvp player and you stay subbed do you feel that you are getting good value for the sub?




Sub or get out. That is all.

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As an almost exclusively pvp focused player, while I find frustrating that we are getting shafted by BW as far as updates frequency, I don't mind suscribing for pvp since I love it and have a lot of fun with it. The day I stop having fun, I'll leave. I don't expect them to work and to put out quality content updates for free.
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why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp.


Just for the lolz I'll give ya a few reasons why this would be a good idea.


1. It will pop more and faster if f2p players dont have a limit on how many wz's they can do. This benefits me as a subscriber. I hate the waiting.


2. More nubs in the wz = easy ganks and we all luv that right!


3. If more people pvp, the pvp community on the server I'm on will grow.



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