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A new difficult mode isn't new content.


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But for the few hundred, if that, players that will do the hard mode it'll be new content ;)


Won't it just be "harder" content? It's not "new," it's still the same content. Do you finish a shooter or action game and then go back, play it on a harder difficulty and think "wow, new content!"

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I'm one of those people who will be running the new nightmare modes. That said, I'm sick of doing S&V. It's too long and really boring - plus nothing good ever drops until the third boss anyway.


Every week, it's TfB HM, S&V HM, Toborro's, ... rinse, repeat, fall asleep.

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Bioware could pump out new content every single hour and still, some people wouldn't be satisfied... :cool:


True, but hard-mode is not "new" content, it's at the most "remastered" content. That's like your favorite band saying "we have a new album coming out" and it's just a remastered version of their last album you just bought.

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True, but hard-mode is not "new" content, it's at the most "remastered" content. That's like your favorite band saying "we have a new album coming out" and it's just a remastered version of their last album you just bought.


Please dont talk about "remastered" and star wars... :(

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I appreciate the addition of new difficult modes modes, but adding one or two new boss mechanics to month old operations can't seriously be considered as new content.


i find it funny that the people not good enough to raid are the ones complaining...


everyone constantly talks about wow well look at wow a second... its been over 3 months since their last raid and all they have added is hard modes to the 3 person 10minute senarios.


EAware has added far more to this game in the last few months then Blizzard has added to wow.

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well HM TFB has been out for 9 months. so yea kind of a bummer to raid it again after so long. but that's NIM so it really has to come out. SnV hopefully does not take 9 months before nim version comes out
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HM FP and HM Opps in this game do seem lame.


My initial problem is with HM FP - these are just the low level ones with the same mobs/bosses just made lv 50 / 55. I know that most people skipped the missions as they played through and so the first time we see them is at lv 50 / 55 at which point the story makes no sence. A game which's second selling point is story (after being star Wars) has all the repeatable content with Stories that make no sense.


HM Opps while they dont suffer as badly with the story are the same. Again what we tend to see is a few tweaks to the the boss mobs meaning 95% of the content is the same just more stats and the minor tweaks dont make it a new OPP its the same OPP as before.


I can not see why at least the dialog was not redone for HM FP and shake things up a bit. These are the bits of content people will run 100's of tims where as the world arc on Tattoine is run by most people 2 or 3 times. When making a HM FP or OPP they should go back and think "What can we do to give the player more choice, update the story and make them want to go back and try the opp/FP in more ways".

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I'm really expecting a new operation for 2.4, NiMM modes will do for the moment. It's good to have an interesting content with new mechanics, and new content for our nightmares :rak_03:


However, if a new operation comes in with an expansion and thats the business model they want to adopt, i might as well abandon ship. It pains me enough that i paid for an expansion pack with a single new operation as endgame content. Subscribers must not be forced to pay for every operation you make Bioware, please don't do this mistake.

Edited by Hakkology
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"New" and "content" are just words, and their meanings are apparently subject to continual redefinition.


Content in particular is an amazingly pliant word that means completely different things when it is applied to the game pre and post Cartel Market.

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i find it funny that the people not good enough to raid are the ones complaining...


everyone constantly talks about wow well look at wow a second... its been over 3 months since their last raid and all they have added is hard modes to the 3 person 10minute senarios.


EAware has added far more to this game in the last few months then Blizzard has added to wow.


Hmmm, a lot of the features SWTOR has been adding has been in WoW for like 6 years... so ... once SWTOR copies every feature that WoW has for their QOL... well then ... it will be the same as it is over in WoW land.

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I appreciate the addition of new difficult modes modes, but adding one or two new boss mechanics to month old operations can't seriously be considered as new content.


I like new hard modes and nightmare modes. However they have already stated that new flashpoints are coming and a new recurring event in 2.3. I would like to see more story driven class quests at max level you could choose to do, or even some more in depth companion quests. I think that would be fun to do.

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i find it funny that the people not good enough to raid are the ones complaining...


everyone constantly talks about wow well look at wow a second... its been over 3 months since their last raid and all they have added is hard modes to the 3 person 10minute senarios.


EAware has added far more to this game in the last few months then Blizzard has added to wow.


No they haven't. We've gotten an "expansion" which is a content patch essentially, which is free in WoW. They've added new daily zones, a new raid, a new battleground, new tier of gear and a ton of mounts in the with the thunder king patch up to now.


SWTOR just recolors armor and mounts and brings in nightmare mode content as "new" content. Claims the next patch will be "exciting" and then it's just the same old crap we've done before. Hell even the "expansion" launched with THE SAME DUNGEONS WE ALREADY HAVE!


How anyone can sit there and say SWTOR puts out more content then wow is just a fool and has a blind hatred for a superior game.


The only reason anyone plays this game is because it's star wars, not because it's a good game.

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The only reason anyone plays this game is because it's star wars, not because it's a good game.


It depends on how you look at it, I suppose. The fully voiced environment and realistic conversation system makes for a fantastic leveling experience, so that you (I at least) want to see all class stories. In every other previous MMO I had 2 max-level characters at most because I couldn't stomach the boredom of going through the same boring story again. Here I have 8 level 55 characters and I enjoyed each and every playthrough. So if you look at the dialogues in this game, it's definitely the best MMO as far as leveling goes.


You only start to feel let down when you get to endgame and realize that the developers basically don't give a rat's *** about how players feel the game should progress. Dailies, flashpoints, operations etc. (repeatable content) are necessary in every MMO, no doubt about that. But I believe what's making so many people quit is that they stopped producing new stories. There aren't any stories or dialogues in the new patches, when it was dialogues that drew people here in the first place. The lack of class stories on Makeb was the biggest letdown.


Dialogues and story are the strongpoints of this game and it appears Bioware is slowly letting both die in favor of reusable content and Cartel Market upgrades. Makeb was a perfect example of this. There are barely any dialogues on Makeb! Only bloody daily terminals everywhere. gosh darn GSI terminals. Before that we had Black Hole and Section X terminals. Gree event terminals....we can see the trend.


The devs should ask themselves this question. Where are the new dialogues? The people are where the dialogues are and if there aren't any new dialogues, there won't be any new people.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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"New" and "content" are just words, and their meanings are apparently subject to continual redefinition.


Content in particular is an amazingly pliant word that means completely different things when it is applied to the game pre and post Cartel Market.


Many people are tolerant of cartel market additions and will even spend money buying them, with the incredibly important caveat that there must be enough things to do in game to keep us interested. I don't care how great my character looks if I have nothing to do with him/her. At this point, many of us are down to only playing for achievements which isn't exactly exciting.

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Ill put it this way. After 4 months of not playing any game (was in the hospital with my husband) I returned to both swtor and wow. In wow I was actually pretty overwhelmed with all the new stuff I had to catch up on and this doesnt include raiding or pvp neither of which I do. In swtor I am doing the same things I did before I left. Hmmmm....




Add: This inlcudes both games xpacs. Take them out of the equation and it still applies. Sorry, but wow has more content in its little pinky than swtor has in its entire hand.


I am not whining so dont tell me to go play wow. I do. And I play swtor which I think over all is a fun game. Im just saying that comparing the two for content wow wins hands down.



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Part of the problem is new content with any story is harder than just a little open world element, and so they really can't give us more new content with story over more to reuse old stuff, because they don't want open world elements and breach their rule on no non story based open world elements. Blackhole was as close as to a non story place we have seen and that has gone from being a daily area to a weekly area.


Really in the last year, a pretty awesome list of all new story content that has been given from game release to now - Karaaga's palace, Black Hole, Rackgoul event, Novre Coast, Kaon Under Seige and Lost Island, Section X, Explosive Conflict, Chevin Conglomerate event, Hypergate WZ, Terror from Beyond, Gree-peating event, Makeb, Macro Binoculars and Seeker droid, Scum and Villainy, and finally Cathar (And I probably missed some). Really that isn't bad for 18 months.


The problem is that a lot of it was already in production at release. We have known about so many of them through the advertising and data-mining that we knew there a was this future content. I have come to fully doubt that Bioware still has the staff to be making this stuff themselves anymore. The Macrobinoculars and Seeker droid stuff to me seems like recent development but that is because it feels like it was added on, not an integrated idea.


The recent developer tease that 2.3 will have new flashpoints (plural), combined with no advertising screenshots or leaks, feels like we get level 55 Hard mode Coloidal wargame and Red Reaper, not a new two part flashpoint like KUS and LI.


Advertising for this game is attrocious (the freaking Chevin event is still on SWTOR.COM page), but this is so frustrating as it feels like Bioware has shifted focus to the cash shop, and not to more content that this game is going to get bigger. I don't know if WoW or any other MMO advertises what they have coming out ahead or are just as silent, I don't play those games, but since we have had screen elemets of Makeb and Cathar on the adverts since release, there has always been something more on the horizon.


Now, developer's give written teasers in a forum you have to dig through a lot of hate on.


New NiM Ops are technically content, but since I am an APAC player about to lose my server and have a ping unable to do NiMs without dying often enough to memorise the sequences, so they are not content I will get to ever use. Worse on Gav Daragon my guild is one of the few who even do HM TFB and SV, so it is new content that will not be played by more than a few by my guild or server, so this is a dry spell for content that will lose more disillusioned members from the game.


Bioware, here is a hint, without more guild accomplish-able content, guilds will not keep your players in the game night after night. If not in night after night, they will be back every few months, but then not doing elder game content.


tl/dr - Bioware fed us too much to keep it up so now we feel we are starving. They don't even have a shopping list to show what will be in the fridge in the future to get salivating over. If you can't feed majority of the locusts, the horde moves on.

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