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Our biggest problem for sentinel PVP?


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I am not high level yet, just around 30, but I think the biggest issue with our class in PVP or even in game with awareness, is the lack of mods.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like the lack of the ability to see focus points at a convenient part of our screen really holds us back, since we are melee especially. The second it takes to look down and glance at my focus to make sure I am not trying to use an ability mid fight that I don't have the focus for my target can get out of range of me , or at least behind me. Maybe once i reach 50 I will be able to constantly keep track of it, but it seems like this is something that would be huge for our class, any thoughts?

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CC easy.


Any combination of non-warrior classes can keep us chain CC'ed until death with the only counter to CC in the game right now being your own CC (which we don't have). Hard CC aside, nearly every one of our targets as a mdps also has KB on low CD with roots/snares. It's pretty miserable right now when you come up against people who press their CC buttons.


The focus thing can be annoying, and procs are hard to follow too, but it's nothing that can't be improved by practice unlike the CC.

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unless, you're 1v1-ing in the warzone, sentinel who's on combat tree is F*-ed up... you need to interrupt the opponent alot... and if they run away from you, it's quite hard to close gap as well as keeping the focus up to use throw/ storm once your zealous is used. :mad::mad:
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cc is bad, but i think you you play correctly with a team,(ie. if they allow premades) i think it will be more of an issue of keeping track of focus, since you would have assistance for the lockdowns etc. Edited by Spomo
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Our CC is crap. We don't need a ranged stun that is channeled, we need a short range instant cast stun.


A short ranged insta-cast 3 second stun would help amazingly at balancing things.




Get up on a Sniper.

Sniper pops knock back and root.

Pop CC break and stun them back then close distance.

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A short ranged insta-cast 3 second stun would help amazingly at balancing things.




Get up on a Sniper.

Sniper pops knock back and root.

Pop CC break and stun them back then close distance.


It really would. I've posted this 3-4 times already, and I'll continue to. It makes ZERO sense to give a Sage a ranged INSTANT stun, and give a Sentinel a ranged CHANNELED stun. Stationary channeling has ZERO synergy with a melee dps class. The Sage should have a RANGED CHANNELED stun, while Sentinels should have a 4m INSTANT stun.

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To be honest i dont see peoples problem here.... I am Watchman



PvP 1v1 80% of the time i can win...yeh sometimes i get stunned alot and i think the resistance bar should fill up faster.


PvP vs more then 1 i basaclly try to keep them busy while i call out for support, yeh i die doing it but i save what ever i was trying to do weather its defending something or helping some one run the ball.


PvP group vs group i just kill it all over run around putting dots up force jumping when i can its easy.



some games i am 20-3 other games i am 9-12 depending on my team and how well they are working together in the team objective.



i dont consider my self a pro in PVP, but if you are dieing alot my best advice is work with your team it makes knight and day difference working with people then trying to solo everyone.


Then when it comes to seeing your force points... dont tunnel vision them out. i know how much i have the majority of the time, there are a few times when i tunnel them out and i run out but just keep a good rotation to keep the force up and u are set.

Edited by Dagimpster
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It really would. I've posted this 3-4 times already, and I'll continue to. It makes ZERO sense to give a Sage a ranged INSTANT stun, and give a Sentinel a ranged CHANNELED stun. Stationary channeling has ZERO synergy with a melee dps class. The Sage should have a RANGED CHANNELED stun, while Sentinels should have a 4m INSTANT stun.


+ 100


I will say that makes no sense at all, We should DEF. have a instant cast stun over a channeled one, who ever let that one slip by was just being plain stupid.

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CC easy.


Any combination of non-warrior classes can keep us chain CC'ed until death with the only counter to CC in the game right now being your own CC (which we don't have). Hard CC aside, nearly every one of our targets as a mdps also has KB on low CD with roots/snares. It's pretty miserable right now when you come up against people who press their CC buttons.


The focus thing can be annoying, and procs are hard to follow too, but it's nothing that can't be improved by practice unlike the CC.

This, a million times. I've only messed with PvP a bit, and that's mostly because I get destroyed by a combo of KB and CC. Also because the groups I've gotten into do nothing but disorganized-ly charge the Sith like a bunch of suicidal lemmings. Though that latter part may be my own fault for hoping to play PvP matches as a Republic class on a PvE server. :p

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the biggest problem is the fact that all the dps do about the same damage so its balanced BUT when you bring into account the fact that we are melee while other classes are ranged that's how you come to the conclusion that we are underpowered, we either need more gap closers or a bit more damage to compete, range having the same damage, more cc ect and being able to still dps even if they are in melee range is a pretty large problem


personally i think were in a pretty good state, sents are easily one of the best 1v1 AC's and were still viable and useful for group pvp you just have to work a bit harder, are we underpowered? yes of course we are you really can't argue that we aren't just to be on par with other classes we have to put in 2x the work, but is it really as big of a problem that everyone complaining is making it out to be? i don't think so, i rarely lose a 1v1 in open world pvp and i top charts in both damage and objective scores in structured pvp.

Edited by RageFit
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No class can compare to a Marauder/Sentinel in pure DPS in my experience, their only hope is to keep us at a distance. You may have some bad experiences with CC... but I don't think that's nearly as demoralizing as successfully CC'ing a Sent/Mar, keeping them away from you for a while, getting them to half health, and then losing the fight abruptly because they stealthed and jumped on your face and quickly burst you down.


Also, I would be very sad if Force Stasis was taken away. It is critical as a focus-builder and to help you regain momentum in a fight.

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I am not high level yet, just around 30, but I think the biggest issue with our class in PVP or even in game with awareness, is the lack of mods.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like the lack of the ability to see focus points at a convenient part of our screen really holds us back, since we are melee especially. The second it takes to look down and glance at my focus to make sure I am not trying to use an ability mid fight that I don't have the focus for my target can get out of range of me , or at least behind me. Maybe once i reach 50 I will be able to constantly keep track of it, but it seems like this is something that would be huge for our class, any thoughts?


Everyone is playing on the same terms.

You not having mods wont hurt you anymore then say a caster not having mods.


I personally like that there are no mods in the game because it makes my window for improvement and outplaying people even further.


Right now I cant really think of anything specific that Sentinels have problem with in PvP, and its a solid class. Only thing that really bugs me is Huttball and the amount of knockbacks.

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