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Everything posted by DoomedtoDie

  1. The "gotta keep lightside force powers lightside!" thing is such a load of rubbish, has anyone seen force stasis on the knight? Suspending a guy in an airless stasis suffocating them without being able to move >>>> force choke on the cruelness factor. It's basically force kill. I always envisioned force breach as detonating the enemy heart via force powers, works for me.
  2. I prefer jedi over sith because of the whole monk zen thing, you don't need to be a whiny angry little sithface who dresses up in EDGY clothes to be confident in your own abilties, espcially since the lightside is as strong or stronger anyway. If only bioware actually made lightside interesting! It's just either 'save a starving child from a burning village for lightside' or 'save the whole village but for no logcial reason at all sacrifice the child' rubbish. Blah.
  3. The darkside and most neutral choices work very well with a sharp, mean looking face very similar to an inquistor pureblood (evil genius/pushed back hairstyle helps too), but the lightside choices end up not fitting at all. This is with my male human T2 guy anyway. You also kind of need to build a characters face for corruption, some of the complexion choices change dramatically with high darkside alignment, same deal with scars.
  4. ^ I didn't say the burst was instant the second I engaged it was a 1v1 fight, and he had no static charge. How is 2 VS' and popping cooldowns a rare occurrence? Mara is 4gcd+ for his burst in the carnage tree and does less damage, operative is strong opening requiring stealth but is stable dps after. I guess another problem I see with deception is that you need to be aware enough to LoS/forcespeed/cloak the second you are focused (or even better, before). Good players react to all dangerous melee dps players the same way as they would a dangerous deception sin, kite CC kite kite kite, it's not a problem with needing buildup as it is simply being melee.
  5. Why do people say deception has low dps? Are we playing different classes? Shadow/sins are one of the few classes that get a 50% surge talent, AND it's on two of the hardest hitting attacks in the game, I have seen and been a victim of a deception 'sins 15k burst in 3gcd as a sentinel, this is more than mara or operative believe it or not, even with adrenals ect. Also very little amount of people actually care if a sin is using VS, probably because of all the fail deception 'sins that try to maul non-stop and achieve nothing. It's deceptively(!) easy to underestimate one in battle and people don't know what the hell to do when fighting a good one. The only problem with the spec is that it's so squishy that guard damage completely owns the guardbot to the extent that it's actually a bad idea to guard a deception 'sin in organised team fights.
  6. Scourge is hella squishy, more so than me and im a sent. Weird since he technically has better gear for tanking (full T2) but dies more than 2x faster. Maybe companions take more damage in general?
  7. ATT: play other classes before calling sent OP. Being the best sentinel in the world won't mean much when you face an equally skilled powertech/assassin/sorc/operative, believe it or not your "skill" does not allow you to break GCD or hit harder than what is coded. You can play an amazing sentinel in the best gear available and mayyybeee turn a game around, it helps, play a great merc? everything dies instantly and you /lol at everything. Great sorc? Invincible. Operative? non-stop pain train. And it goes on and on... Sent is gimp, deal with it.
  8. Just here to agree with this guy, it's been a mixed experience with the sent as my main, sometimes I feel strong sometimes weak ect, no doubt it's a hard class to play, BUT... Rerolled sorc and my endgame T3 geared sent is nearly outdamaged at lvl 10-20 sorc, I can survive longer as sorc, I contribute CONSIDERABLY more to the team as a sorc and it is much more fun to play. It is basically godmode in comparison. Operatives are another good example, they are basically MDPS that work, unlike the infinity+1 bundle of hotkeys that is the sentinel. Not even a pure dps class either so you can try healing or ranged when bored. It really is the worst class in the game atm, viable? sure it is when conditions are met, best at what it does/worth the effort? Nope, enjoy your group buffs at the expense of being a hollow mdps that is barely a class in comparison to everything else in the game. I doubt bioware will buff them either, I would guess they will add on stuff based around the newer "zen" styles and buffs while assassins and operatives remain as the real mdps. On the plus side, we make a great PvE class! (ignoring that we are melee ofc)
  9. 700+ ataru procs and can proc 2x in one 2.1k blade rush, not hard hitting? k. People who say watchman has more viable burst than combat need to actually try combat and attack something that is not standing still.
  10. It's because 1v1 it's the strongest spec, the self heal is great, dots work well in 1v1, lower interrupt CD and insane fast centering build up. If you plan on actually killing things though combat is the way forward, just don't leave home without that pocket healer and guardbot.
  11. From experience only white dmg attacks are affected, so tracer missles and lolmeleetech knife stabs so go through 100%, good vs marauders and snipers though, and it's outright OP in PvE (protip: use it on 1shot mechanics, works like a charm).
  12. Only ever had problems with a BH healer, sorcs can kite but then they are not healing and go down fast when chain CC-ed. I group with a skilled pvp guild using vent and serious questions are had when it takes 2 minutes of two champ geared dps/CC and interrupts to down a solo BH healer.
  13. RDPS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melee. Unless it's a scrapper because they are downright broken and outdps everything with just sucker punch and backblast. Inspiration is nice, but it is also only 4 people affected.
  14. They get a much cooler looking zealous leap. We get the ultimate contender in cool looking abilities, master strike.
  15. Having to LoS a heavy armour turret =/= fair and balanced.
  16. I have killed plenty of stealthers who go stealth at 10/5% with cyclone slash. The ability sucks bigtime though, needs a rework imo. Also PRO TIP. You can pump centering after a fight in pvp with it, esp if you have the watchman talent, valor.
  17. For PvP use it on stealthers just before they vanish and it will knock them out of it.
  18. Killing blows don't count unless it's 100%, the enemy has to lose the exact amount of hitpoints as the damage says. No 5.5k dispatch medal for me .
  19. A "bug" to keep people from gearing up too fast for the dev crew to handle, same as no valor in Illum.
  20. Considering commando/merc sage/sorc deal more dps regardless and at range it's a problem yeah. But the damage in watchman or combat is high enough, and the encounters not impossible to work in as mdps, so it could be worse. (why do you think BW gave maras/sents the buffs anyway )
  21. One knockback works, but you need to time it when he loses the (2x KB req.) buff. We grapple pulled him to position and sage KB'ed as soon as he lost it between lightning channels.
  22. Almost always have enough focus for a slash or two while the dots burn on top of MS with full watchman. I don't think dropping slash on any sent build is a good idea frankly.
  23. ToFN Sents REPRESENT! http://i.imgur.com/re3TG.jpg But really, range >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> melee though sents have good dmg when played well with team support. A CC nerf will probably buff us to godlike levels sure, but the class still needs some cleaning up on with useless abilities and a shared tree built for the guardian. Watchman is one of the higher dps classes, not the highest, the dots are not that impressive compared to some classes overall raw damage (commando/scroundel).
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