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Everything posted by Spomo

  1. Sorry, but saying you are going to fix PVP by turning it into PVE, does not seem like the way to go. While I could get behind this possibly if it was done in another area and was merely like bosses not, capping stuff against another faction. It seems like it would take far too long as well as promote faction imbalances just as much as it is today. If you think it won't promote faction imbalance look at it this way. if there are even just 2:1 imp to rep(most servers are more) that means with purely those numbers, imps can have one op downing bosses and another killing us while we try to down, turning into just another one sided battle, instead now they also get special items that are near impossible for us to get, as well as making it near impossible for reps to get a valor buff.
  2. Starter, I am combat specced(something similar[at work]). t7=undergeared my gear= mostly champion/centurion gear this was pretty easy once I saw the mechanics of it. popped transcendence right after the fight started as i tab killed the clones via valorous call and popped rebuke as well. try to kick as many things as you can(seemed like the kick was working), pop medpacks. t7 dropped pretty early. I never really use zen since it doesn't do that much in ataru in comparison to the other forms. MAKE SURE you use saber ward early as well so that you can use guarded by the force for the heal and free reset of saber ward. also using pacify is nice as well. i got this on my second try(first try i didn't know mechanics)
  3. Spomo

    Champion bag update?

    I did read the patch notes, and I saw they only listed battlemasters, but there was still a part of me that was hoping that they would silently or not have listed the change for champion bags.
  4. Spomo

    Champion bag update?

    Did patch 1.1 affect only battlemaster bag tokens to be generic or are champion bags also generic tokens now? Can anyone confirm this?
  5. cc is bad, but i think you you play correctly with a team,(ie. if they allow premades) i think it will be more of an issue of keepign track of focus, since you would have assitance for the lcokdowns etc.
  6. cc is bad, but i think you you play correctly with a team,(ie. if they allow premades) i think it will be more of an issue of keeping track of focus, since you would have assistance for the lockdowns etc.
  7. I am not high level yet, just around 30, but I think the biggest issue with our class in PVP or even in game with awareness, is the lack of mods. Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like the lack of the ability to see focus points at a convenient part of our screen really holds us back, since we are melee especially. The second it takes to look down and glance at my focus to make sure I am not trying to use an ability mid fight that I don't have the focus for my target can get out of range of me , or at least behind me. Maybe once i reach 50 I will be able to constantly keep track of it, but it seems like this is something that would be huge for our class, any thoughts?
  8. someone just ban this girl from trolling. Tired of hearing nothing but qq. The game hasn't started. What you are saying DOES NOT always happen and all you are doing is whining. I had no problem with AH on my server because it was HIGH POP. No issues occurred until people just stopped playing wow, which had nothing to do with imbalance, merely boredom. Close this thread in my opinion, she is trying to base a year into the future after playing the game for 2 days of live, and qqing like she is a 10 year old girl who got 1 less present than the kid next door.
  9. There is also the fact that I am still in act one and my stuff says she should "be with me" but I haven;t seen her since.
  10. You are also complaining about PVP as if everyone is at endgame level. Many people aren't leveling up through PVP alone. I am sure there are a ton of people who want to reach max level, when things balance out more. I mean why would i as a jedi sentinel want to PVP when I don't have any slows yes and my stuns don't work in pvp. I only have one trinket as well. Just what i want, to be a melee, with one leap, one trinket. oh look, i get stunned, trinket, oh i leap, oh wait pushed away. Oh now i have no catchup and no trinket. just where i want to be. Why on earth would i want to play not max level?
  11. You people need to learn to qq less. Imbalance of faction means absolutely nothing. I am not sure if you ever heard of Mal'ganis in WoW but that is where I played, on Alliance. We were like 8:1 or something ridiculous cause we had goonsquad and somewhere else. I had a blast. There were always horde to kill, and pve content it meant jack. And then queuing for PVP meant nothing. I had fast queue times because there weren't a ton of people. you need to relax.
  12. OK, so its not that I can queue up a bunch of missions or gathering and have them just constantly go, it's just that if the mission/gathering goes longer than I am online, they will finish that one mission?
  13. Is it possible to craft/gather while offline? While watching the video on here it seems that you can set your companions to do this but I am unsure how to do it if it is even possible. Any help on this?
  14. nvm, bad commentary adn skipping al cut scenes +random clicking makes it annoying to watch.
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