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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Summer of SWTOR


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Hi Warforever!


We are listening and do care. For what it’s worth I’m a PvPer too. PvP is one of our priorities and we are not going to do away with it. I’m not a big believer in making excuses, and can understand why it might feel like we are not focused on PvP, but here’s a bit of an explanation why the next big PvP update is several months out:


PvP and Class Balance are the same team of guys. It makes sense that the designers working on one also work on the other. This means that raising the level cap to 55 for Rise of the Hutt Cartel last month and redoing all the talent trees for all classes and extending the PvP game to level 55 and redoing the PvP gear for Rise of the Hutt Cartel has kept them busy. In fact, it took a heroic effort on their part to accomplish all this. This team plays PvP every day and share your and my passion for it. Now that Rise of the Hutt Cartel is behind them they don’t want to just service PvP by adding another warzone to the rotation, they want to address PvP with a meaningful update. We’ve given them the go ahead to do this and that’s why the big PvP features are several months out.


Which PvP features might this be?


This'll probably be one of my last posts, as I go premium/FTP tonight or tommorrow. I'll still log on for the same warzone business most nights for a couple hours, but that's it. Do my dailies, grind out items for my primary alt on the pub side (because I really enjoy my sniper!).


If the "PvP patch" in the fall actually delivers, I'll re-sub then. Until then, you'll have to understand, as a "PvPer" yourself, why I can't reconcile continuing to subscribe after being a subscriber since the very beginning.

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Hi Warforever!


We are listening and do care. For what it’s worth I’m a PvPer too. PvP is one of our priorities and we are not going to do away with it. I’m not a big believer in making excuses, and can understand why it might feel like we are not focused on PvP, but here’s a bit of an explanation why the next big PvP update is several months out:


PvP and Class Balance are the same team of guys. It makes sense that the designers working on one also work on the other. This means that raising the level cap to 55 for Rise of the Hutt Cartel last month and redoing all the talent trees for all classes and extending the PvP game to level 55 and redoing the PvP gear for Rise of the Hutt Cartel has kept them busy. In fact, it took a heroic effort on their part to accomplish all this. This team plays PvP every day and share your and my passion for it. Now that Rise of the Hutt Cartel is behind them they don’t want to just service PvP by adding another warzone to the rotation, they want to address PvP with a meaningful update. We’ve given them the go ahead to do this and that’s why the big PvP features are several months out.


While I appreciate this response, I feel as if it does very little to address the real concerns PvPers have regarding the future of this game.


Hearing that 2.4 is a meaningful PvP update is nice and all, and I think everyone understands that big updates take time to produce, but at the end of the day, it is very difficult for PvP only players such as myself to justify paying an additional $60 worth of subscription fees during a time where there will be no meaningful changes to PvP.


However, a little bit of transparency could go a long way towards getting the PvP community behind you during this time. There have been a lot of legitimate, and in my opinion, very imporant questions that have either been left completely unanswered, or replied to with an extreme amount of vagueness.


For example, with paid character transfers on the way with 2.2, many PvPers are curious regarding Cross Server queueing for both normal and rated warzones. Cross server warzones were mentioned as being pretty much necessary for ranked warzones and were announced as "in the works" dating back to well over a year ago at the guild summit.Since then, we have heard next to nothing about them besides a developer interview on a small website that said it was "on the back-burner".


Many guilds from across the game, including my own, are considering moving to another server in order to get consistent ranked queue pops. If this does end up going down, and then shortly after, cross server warzones are announced as one of the upcoming features in 2.4, Bioware will end up suffering from another PR hit from the gaming media for "intentionally holding back information to generate sales".


In short, if you want us to continue supporting you, especially during a time where we receive basically nothing new, I think it would be pretty reasonable of you guys to share a bit more of your plans for PvP than you have lately.

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The dev has spoken, and it makes sense. You can't take not having new PVP content for a few months? Take a break from the game. Or level another character. Its no big deal people.


Do you consider 10 months to be a few months? Because unless you consider grinding up new sets of gear to be "content", thats how long it will have been since the last PvP update when 2.4 comes out.

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Hi Warforever!


We are listening and do care. For what it’s worth I’m a PvPer too. PvP is one of our priorities and we are not going to do away with it. I’m not a big believer in making excuses, and can understand why it might feel like we are not focused on PvP, but here’s a bit of an explanation why the next big PvP update is several months out:


PvP and Class Balance are the same team of guys. It makes sense that the designers working on one also work on the other. This means that raising the level cap to 55 for Rise of the Hutt Cartel last month and redoing all the talent trees for all classes and extending the PvP game to level 55 and redoing the PvP gear for Rise of the Hutt Cartel has kept them busy. In fact, it took a heroic effort on their part to accomplish all this. This team plays PvP every day and share your and my passion for it. Now that Rise of the Hutt Cartel is behind them they don’t want to just service PvP by adding another warzone to the rotation, they want to address PvP with a meaningful update. We’ve given them the go ahead to do this and that’s why the big PvP features are several months out.


Thanks for the update Bruce, looking forward to what is in store!

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I'm not sure if this has been said already because I really don't feel like browsing through all 70 pages here x) buuut with the graphics updates, does this mean that the Engine will be getting improved as well? Better graphics on the current Hero Engine specs will make it worse for some people.
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Please do not listen to this.... First off Arena is a completely new pvp system and they haven't even gotten the first system they implemented working correctly yet. Second, demanding all 8 ACs to enter a ranked warzone will completely ruin a large aspect of ranked, and that is designing successful comps.


I would suggest;

Ladder system for ranked

Cross server ranked

Online leaderboards

Spectator mode

Automatic reconnects for people who get knocked out due to DC or crash to desktop

Fixing netcode so we don't have missed GCDs

Fixing bugs/sploits like being able to corner cap with body type 1 and using /stuck

New WZ maps and new Huttball maps

Rewards for ranked rating that are actually cool and unavailable elsewhere (different tiers of rewards).


This is just the start but this is the type of vision I am talking about, you need a complete system rework and to button up the issues that currently exist. How long is a pre-season supposed to last?


All of this, great post.

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I see you didn't post about server transfers but understand that the plan is 2.2. I understand you can't give a specific date.


That being said, please comment on the prices. Surely that has been decided.

Price per character, per server, per account?


More importantly, can we use cartel coins? I've been saving all of my coins. If cartel coins will not be allowed, I'd like to know that now.

Also, if coins are not allowed, I would like a reason.


Also, will transfers be allowed across server types. PVE -> PVP, PVP -> PVE, etc.


Since we are just waiting for the code bugs to be worked out, throw us a bone with some info.




I would like to know all of this as well. I'm afraid that if the cost is too low, all PvPers will merge onto one server, and PvP will be dead on all but that server. The same thing could happen with PvE as well. Paid transfers could become "mandatory" transfers. The cost should be high enough that only desperate individuals will transfer. It should not be so low as to be conducive to mass migrations, unless you really want everyone on one server, which is probably bad from a logistical/hardware/technical standpoint.


I think the minimum cost per character should be 6,912 cc (same as a hypercrate), but that may be too low. It should cost more to transfer to a more heavily populated server and less to transfer to a less heavily populated server. Transferring between server types should likewise incur an additional charge.

Edited by LetoAtreidesII
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The dev has spoken, and it makes sense. You can't take not having new PVP content for a few months? Take a break from the game. Or level another character. Its no big deal people.


Says the PvE guy who gets content every couple months?

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"Now that Rise of the Hutt Cartel is behind them they don’t want to just service PvP by adding another warzone to the rotation"



Erm, why not? A well-designed, well-thought-out new WZ would be bloody great. Two would be even more betterer!

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Hearing that 2.4 is a meaningful PvP update is nice and all, and I think everyone understands that big updates take time to produce, but at the end of the day, it is very difficult for PvP only players such as myself to justify paying an additional $60 worth of subscription fees during a time where there will be no meaningful changes to PvP.


This is what happened in 1.2 when Ranked WZ's were dropped only there was a much larger exodus. Quite honestly, I don't know how people that just want to PVP are still here, hell, it's still preseason a YEAR later.

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The dev has spoken, and it makes sense. You can't take not having new PVP content for a few months? Take a break from the game. Or level another character. Its no big deal people.


Glad you're ok with it. I'm not, nor are most PvPers. You'll get your new NiM Ops and a new FP to chum around in...PvPers haven't gotten anything in months...besides deceived.

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Glad you're ok with it. I'm not, nor are most PvPers. You'll get your new NiM Ops and a new FP to chum around in...PvPers haven't gotten anything in months...besides deceived.


Eh, as a PvEer who sometimes PvPs -- I'm not happy with either situation.


PvPers aren't getting anything.

PvEers aren't getting anything new. Except maybe a FP.


End of story -- content is coming out at a snails pace, and they need to ramp it up if they want to keep people.

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Eh, as a PvEer who sometimes PvPs -- I'm not happy with either situation.


PvPers aren't getting anything.

PvEers aren't getting anything new. Except maybe a FP.


End of story -- content is coming out at a snails pace, and they need to ramp it up if they want to keep people.


Part of the reason it comes out at a slower pace is because lots of the heavy new content needs all the voice acting & facial expression mapping. That's basically what this game is centered around, & since so much effort was put into the conversation aspect of this game to make it incredible (which it is, though) the rest of the game suffered for it.

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Part of the reason it comes out at a slower pace is because lots of the heavy new content needs all the voice acting & facial expression mapping. That's basically what this game is centered around, & since so much effort was put into the conversation aspect of this game to make it incredible (which it is, though) the rest of the game suffered for it.


That's an excuse. I'm not saying it's not valid, but it's an excuse. Most new Ops/FPs don't even include voice acting, the aliens are just like the daily aliens...they rattle off some incoherent chatter and you read the text. Content comes at a snails pace because they're milking what they have.

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Hi Warforever!


We are listening and do care. For what it’s worth I’m a PvPer too. PvP is one of our priorities and we are not going to do away with it. I’m not a big believer in making excuses, and can understand why it might feel like we are not focused on PvP, but here’s a bit of an explanation why the next big PvP update is several months out:


PvP and Class Balance are the same team of guys. It makes sense that the designers working on one also work on the other. This means that raising the level cap to 55 for Rise of the Hutt Cartel last month and redoing all the talent trees for all classes and extending the PvP game to level 55 and redoing the PvP gear for Rise of the Hutt Cartel has kept them busy. In fact, it took a heroic effort on their part to accomplish all this. This team plays PvP every day and share your and my passion for it. Now that Rise of the Hutt Cartel is behind them they don’t want to just service PvP by adding another warzone to the rotation, they want to address PvP with a meaningful update. We’ve given them the go ahead to do this and that’s why the big PvP features are several months out.


You know, blaming the lack of pvp content on class balance is pretty weak imo. Yes, sure the team was busy with Makeb and level 55 - but the pvpers never asked for that either, so you weren't really doing us any favors.


-You decided to launch Makeb.

-You decided to raise the level cap.

-You decided to focus on those 2 items along with the CM, and thereby making pvp content a last priority.


It really is that simple. Im sure your team did a heroic job balancing stuff, the problem is YOU told them to do that instead of creating pvp content. It doesn't "Feel" you're not focused on pvp - it's a fact that you haven't been.


Ill ask again: Can we from now on expect you to live up to your promise of delivering new warzones and pvp content on a regular basis?


You say "Adding just another warzone to the rotation" like it was a common thing. Well let me assure you, it's not! But since you seem to brush new warzones off so easily i will happily expect one or two to be "just added" to the rotation while we wait for the real update. Fair enough, right?


-That would at least bring some new blood into the current pvp...

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That's an excuse. I'm not saying it's not valid, but it's an excuse. Most new Ops/FPs don't even include voice acting, the aliens are just like the daily aliens...they rattle off some incoherent chatter and you read the text. Content comes at a snails pace because they're milking what they have.


Yeah, unfortunately this game is also (mostly) now based on the Cartel Market..

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Part of the reason it comes out at a slower pace is because lots of the heavy new content needs all the voice acting & facial expression mapping. That's basically what this game is centered around, & since so much effort was put into the conversation aspect of this game to make it incredible (which it is, though) the rest of the game suffered for it.



I really think the issue is with the size of the development team, not what needs to be done. They are still working with a skeleton crew, in comparison to pre-mass-layoffs. I'm hoping that, with the latest earnings call showing great numbers -- they'll try to pump some more resources into SWTOR to keep people around, so they can continue to make a profit.


Voice acting is cheap, as they've stated before. No reason that should hold up non-voice-acted content, though. Don't need a full development team working with the actors to get stuff done -- nor do you need a full team for facial mapping.

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That's an excuse. I'm not saying it's not valid, but it's an excuse. Most new Ops/FPs don't even include voice acting, the aliens are just like the daily aliens...they rattle off some incoherent chatter and you read the text. Content comes at a snails pace because they're milking what they have.


I'm not quite in agreement with the last statement. I don't think it is truly coming slowly because they are milking it -- at least, BW isn't milking it.


I do wonder what EAs plan is. Are they shafting BWs budget and forcing them to run around like morons, trying to increase profit with a smaller budget? That is exactly what it looks like from the outside.


I think BW is more noble than people give them credit for -- but we have some incompetent folks pushing papers around, with no idea how to manage an MMO from a business standpoint.


I really think some big-wig moron said, "Oh! Lets copy WoW. That didn't work -- quick, slash the budget for the game, and add in as many MicroTransactions as you can! Milk em for as long as we can. Forget about "content." You need to prepare them for the "future" of video games!"


I still think, if BW didn't exist, EA would've put in complete P2W features from day 1. In much worse ways than I could think of -- consider them saying that they charge for bullets during combat, to make people more likely to pay.

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Glad you're ok with it. I'm not, nor are most PvPers. You'll get your new NiM Ops and a new FP to chum around in...PvPers haven't gotten anything in months...besides deceived.


You dont even like this game, everything you post is negative. I doubt you even pvp.

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You dont even like this game, everything you post is negative. I doubt you even pvp.


Well unless you can point on something he posted negative about and claim otherwise, what's it to you? =)


Also, im willing to bet there's alot of stuff he didnt post about at all, which he likely then is fine with - or do you mean we all should make a thread when we find something in game we find entertaining? =P

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You dont even like this game, everything you post is negative. I doubt you even pvp.


What number am I thinking of? Don't tell me what I like/don't like when there's no possible way for you to know. I'm realistic, not negative. I do PvP - did 8 wz's yesterday as well as a S&V and a courtyard thingy on Makeb. Would you like to know what I had for lunch?

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