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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Summer of SWTOR


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Okay thanks for the laugh. PvP did NOT keep this game afloat and in fact PvP has NEVER kept any game afloat as the PvP'ers are a very small but vocal minority in any MMO. You can believe what you want but that is a fact.


I guess we will get to test that premise this summer huh?

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Anyone else hoping that significant graphic upgrades means:


1) Day/night cycle

2) shadows that aren't baked into textures aka dynamic shadows

3) Makeb like water on all the planets

Edited by Aramyth
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while I understand the frustration of no fresh content for pvp, to claim that majority of the mmo players are pvpers and they were what saved the game is beyond laughable. if majority of the people were pvpers, pvp centric MMO's wouldn't be so niche. there would be far FAR more of them and they would be a lot bigger.


the fact is - majority of MMO players dabble in BOTH pvp and pve. that said, people who claim that pvpers should just shut up since they got a whole new warzone some patches ago? seriously? I don't pvp nearly as much as I pvp and I'm getting tired of certain warzones. my SO who is primarily a pvper got bored of playing the same warzones over and over in under a month.


pvp needs more content as much as pve does. hopefully they will come up with something either around the same time as new flashpoint, or soon after (or possibly even before)

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while I understand the frustration of no fresh content for pvp, to claim that majority of the mmo players are pvpers and they were what saved the game is beyond laughable. if majority of the people were pvpers, pvp centric MMO's wouldn't be so niche. there would be far FAR more of them and they would be a lot bigger.


the fact is - majority of MMO players dabble in BOTH pvp and pve. that said, people who claim that pvpers should just shut up since they got a whole new warzone some patches ago? seriously? I don't pvp nearly as much as I pvp and I'm getting tired of certain warzones. my SO who is primarily a pvper got bored of playing the same warzones over and over in under a month.


pvp needs more content as much as pve does. hopefully they will come up with something either around the same time as new flashpoint, or soon after (or possibly even before)


One of the first sensible people in this thread, I'll agree that the PVP community needs some love but acting like you guys are the "only thing keeping this game afloat" is truly laughable, face it this game was more centered to PVE, you came into this game expecting groundbreaking PVP and constant PVP updates, honestly you really failed a spot check then.


That said it WOULD be nice to see a new warzone or two for the PVP community

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Bolded for emphasis, for those saying "is that all?". Those were just the talking points in the OP.


Sorry, but the people saying "is that all?" are 100% correct. Come on, a global chat channel for the fleets is a key feature of a game update? With the exception of an NM operation, every patch note for 2.2 is something that could have been done on a weekly patch. And FFS, that's not even new content! It's a recycled version of a months-old raid! There is really nothing new until 2.3, and for all we know the 'new' flashpoints could be recycled.


Rest assured though that there will be plenty of new things to plop down Cartel Coins on though between now and 2.3/2.4.


More transparency is only a good thing when it shows that content development is actually happening as rapidly it should. They might as well change the 'content cadence' to say "New cash shop items every 6-8 weeks. Substantial new PvE content every 6-8 months. Substantial new PvP content every 12-14 months".

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I try to be optimistic about these things so here's the things I'm optimistic about in SWTOR Update2.2.


1. They are trying to be more transparent.

It worked, more people are able to see right through BW with less effort.

Guys repeating that made me feel better 6 months ago, now it feels..rather less than genuine. Either you are being honest with us, or you're not. Can't ride that fence too many times before it falls over.


2. Perhaps there will be supplemental info on fansites for 2.2, much as it was with 2.1. So maybe they are just holding all kinds of awesome in their back pocket.

NOPE! The only time they responded in this messed up thread is to tell us PTS notes are up.

Thanks I'll just go check Dulfy in an hour or two and that will be that for 2.2. O well at least teh QQ threads in PTS will be fun. They will probably push the silly CC breaker idea through to live- no matter how many times we tell them it's dumb.


3. PvE people will be happy to have new sparkly gear skins exclusively from the uber-leet NiM runs they can soon play!

Except one is just a rebalanced 8 month old operation, but hey new gear! with new UV skins, that are like 5 years old...

For Realishness BW?!?! I had those sets in many other games and they are beyond easy to make once you get your scroll patterns sorted. You will just use existing outlines from armor sets and fill them in with multiple texture fields. Let me guess-There will be star-field background, a glowing background (like the gree armor stripes) and there will be fractal scrolls. And you will put these into existing armors instead of the color/texture they already have, and you will recolor them and sell them back to us.


Oh well..I haven't been able to raid since my 3rd or 5th guild disbanded, but it's nice for people who are in successful guilds. Maybe one day I can enjoy this content. Till then Ill just buy the other gear with the new skins off the GTN, because we all know there will be some UV skinned armor on the CM for resale on the GTN. Especially if they make them look at least halfway decent.


4. August is only 3 months away! Calenders are cool! In 3 months time BW will no longer have to spend any more labour developing PVP for their game! Now they can spend that time doing other-more lucrative-things!!

BW, Remember your official "Update:Last Minute Ranked Warzones Rug-Pull" ??

Grats you did it again!! You completely devalued your PvP locust population and they will be buzzing off for the summer for greener fields. Talk about making the most of that opportunity!


P.S.-incentives for death in a warzone and ignoring your player population's feedback on the issue=not savvy


5. If you can tweak the Gree event for 55, you can tweak the Rhakghoul event to 55.

I was out of the country last year for the event, and I missed it, and everyone speaks so fondly of it. I'd sure like to see this plague. I'm dying to get my own recolored Tionese Trooper armor set!!


In conclusion, I would have been happier seeing a significant portion of your known bug list being addressed. I'd have been happier if there was some server optimization and server transfers. I would have been happier seeing something sandboxy, like pazzak or chat bubbles or hood toggles. I would have been happier reading about Space PvP or SSSP or guild ships.

I would have been happier seeing you address the real Quality of Life issues that you promised.

As it is- 2.2-2.4 looks like another extremely lackluster update from your content team. i won't even speak about the 2.4 because something tells me the new quest hub will not continue the storylines any further.


Now it's time to let the sub run out and check out unlocks in the GTN. I was gonna get to legend tonight with the Gree, but I want to have something to look forward to this summer.



TLDR: I just don't get the feeling that your dev team is truly passionate about this game, or the dwindling community. So I made a nice long snarky response about it.

Instead of just going home for the weekend, you guys should be doing some overtime and engaing us to find out how to correct this before it goes live. But you won't. :rak_02:

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Thanks CelCawdro. Folks are just giving us flak because they care about their game – we appreciate their passion and would rather have that than the alternative. :) Now that I've uncorked our schedule here I've promised Eric to make time to post updates here on how we are progressing toward it. He’s promised to come kick me if I fail to do that. Transparency is only good if we keep it up, right?


So more pve gear to own us in Warzones? also 4 months till any pvp content are you kidding us all? Suppose i can check back in 4 months.

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Imagine what this game could have been with the right developers and publisher. Just imagine! Maybe Disney monitors the forums and is seriously looking at a complete revamp, hopefully. Edited by Zsavooz
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Great, so now everyone can have the best gear again without actually having to raid...This is a terrible change.


72 gear will no longer be the bestt when 2.2 comes out. So no.


Although what you describe already happened just prior to 2.0 when people could craft 63 level gear. Funny thing was, most people I knew wearing all 63 crafted gear still sucked too much to do anything past storymode operations.

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PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.


So we should unsub till then since it will be a yr since we've seen anything?

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Is this some kind of joke? You're really just going to recycle content over and over? rofl


Well all ops eventually get nightmare mode. Did you somehow expect they will NOT give TFB and S&V Nightmare modes this time for some reason?

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Anyone else hoping that significant graphic upgrades means:


1) Day/night cycle

2) shadows that aren't baked into textures aka dynamic shadows

3) Makeb like water on all the planets


I wonder why MMO's are a dying business?


Could it be because we are hoping that our new features are things that were in Everquest 15 years ago?

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Just Unsubbed (CE owner and subscriber since launch) until I see some real updaes to content for subscribers. Tired of running the same WZ/s over and over...how hard is it to even make new hutball map?


Re-cycled ops and FP's are NOT new content, what they are dingis taking the lazy way out, like working 3 days and getting paid for 5. Everything even remotely interesting only comes out in the cartel market to suck more money out. I wouldnt be so mad at that if there were actual updates to in game stuff to keep me interested as well. Looks like space revamp isnt coming anytime in the forseeable future either.


I would have liked to see new companions/ ranked wz season 1, new pvp maps, new FP, SPACE REVAMP, guild ships, rare crafting schematics drop from OPS/FP's so crafters can make some unique stuff. etc.


Done paying a sub for recycled content just made "harder"


Glad i was so excited about this announcement today. At least i can save some money.

Edited by Jahosefat
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PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.


PvP dev team : yes i hope you work very hard...after 9 month in complete holiday..:mad:


- nothing for PvP except a warzone.

- illum dead and nether replaced (was very fun finally).

- world PvP impossible due to the engine..

- wild PvP nonexistent.

- a pre-season since one year.

- no individual rank.

- rbg : LOL

- PvP stuff useless.




and you don't want to tell us more about what's coming for PvP ... look the PvP servers !! what do you think it will happen this summer ?!? :(


it's star wars !!! wars !!! :eek: duels, jedi vs sith ! this game needs a good PvP.

Edited by Thaladan
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I wonder why MMO's are a dying business?


Could it be because we are hoping that our new features are things that were in Everquest 15 years ago?

Lol, that's sooo true. But it's just how people are. We want things to be better, but we don't like change and everything is always "better the way it was." If you ever want an easy example of this, just walk to up anyone over, say, 45 and ask them what the problem is with kids these days. ;)
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I'm not going to read through all 45 pages, but I;m fairly certain no one asked this:


Are we going to get a restoration of codex entries for Flashpoints and Operations, and...


...will we have the ability to petition for the entries we were not given, for the time period when this particular feature was disabled?

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