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They'll be here once they get over the shock themselves :)


It's the weakest content patch since the cycle began last July and if it launches with just the NiM TfB then few will be confident about the direction the game is heading.


2.0 being paid content (expansion);

2.1 having zero content;

2.2 having wafer thin content;

2.3 though, will be epic :p:p:p

Don't really disagree... I'm not a pvp'er, but I can see there's basically nothing for PvP'ers for months. And even for us raiders there's just NiM modes for existing raids for the next few months. It's EC all over again where we spent 5+ months with the same operation... that wasn't fun.

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So we getting no new content (PvP and PvE), except same ops on harder difficulty.


The update mentioned nothing about class balance, which is completely F**d up since 2.0.


When I saw the patch notes for version 2.1 I scrolled down to the class updates and PvP section, when I saw no changes I unsubbed. I was hopping version 2.2 will have something to get me back again before my sub ends. I will defiantly not wait 5 more month for PvP update. And quite frankly, the same 2 ops and 4 FPs as end game PvE content has become very old. There was not even an attempt to level up some of the older ops and FPs to max level.


What a disappointment.

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Would it be... that the lighsabers would not have a lighter inner layer around the core anymore, and that green ones would not be lime anymore ?
Technically, they did have the different colored layer around the core in the movies, too. Look at Luke's from RotJ. Also, it's visible in a few scenes in RotS, if I remember correctly.
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I disagree, Logisitics. I love graphical updates...


That's actually the only thing that really has me worried - I don't exactly have the greatest track record with the client and tinkering with it in any capacity usually means bad things for me.

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I seem to have missed the part where this game is PvP with PvE elements.


OH, that's right. It's PvE with PvP elements.


Deal with it.


PvP has never been a main focus for the content updates, and I highly doubt it ever will be. The PvP update will come when it comes, and crying harder about it won't make it happen any faster. They have a schedule and a plan, and they're sticking to it. Keep your crybaby mouths shut and deal with it like mature adults.


Unless, of course, you're all a bunch of PvP happy 14 year olds who whine and cry and complain when something doesn't go your way. Which I think is the more likely story, with the amount of crying you people do on the forums.


If you quit, trust me, you won't be missed. :cool:


If there was a game breaking PvE mechanic coming into this game the amount of tears and qq would take the forums offline due to server overload.


p.s you don't seem to be taking this like a mature adult you sound like you just hit puberty

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I love this game but I truly believe they're done now. With ESO coming out in the fall and Wildstar coming in the Holiday season, SWTOR is going to lose a large portion of their subs. Edited by ohto
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I love this game but I truly believe they're done now. With ESO coming out in the fall and Wildstar coming in the Holiday season, SWTOR is going to lose a large portion of their subs.


The only thing MMOs have to fear are themselves. The Next Big Thing™ is never relevant, and the general MMO playerbase simply moves like a cloud of locusts from Next Big Thing™ to Next Big Thing™ over and over and over.

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I disagree, Logisitics. I love graphical updates...


At the expense of performance upgrades?!


You can have the most beautiful game in the world but if it runs like **** who would play it?


I feel that it is long over-due that they sit down, and think seriously on how to fix some of those problems the engine is causing them and how to fix it. If they honestly don't know how to overcome the problem, then ask for outside help. It's better to set aside their pride then watch the game continue to be bogged down with technical problems


Going, "Oh hai guyz LOOK WE MAKE NEW SHADOWS FOR YOU!" is not gonna cut it

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So, like, there's....gonna be more....right?? :(


Doesn't look like it. When an announcement spends 3 lines expressing how uber fun a new difficulty is on a 9 month old Operation with no mention of any other content in that patch...you know you're being put on a content diet.

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I love this game but I truly believe they're done now. With ESO coming out in the fall and Wildstar coming in the Holiday season, SWTOR is going to lose a large portion of their subs.

Why do people say this? They said that when TSW came out... and GW2... people leave because they dislike this game... but it's silly to think that people playing this game are just waiting for the next great thing to come along. I'd say most new MMO's that come out will perhaps be played by that "restless minority". A small portion of those stay at the new game... but some will also come back while the majority of those people will continue to be restless because no game is going to cater to what they're looking for.

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I love this game but I truly believe they're done now. With ESO coming out in the fall and Wildstar coming in the Holiday season, SWTOR is going to lose a large portion of their subs.


Seeing how this game is focused on PvE and ESO being the same, a huge dent to SWTOR fanbase will happen when ESO comes out. IT will happen if Bioware continues the way they treat their subscribers.

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At the expense of performance upgrades?!


You can have the most beautiful game in the world but if it runs like **** who would play it?


I feel that it is long over-due that they sit down, and think seriously on how to fix some of those problems the engine is causing them and how to fix it. If they honestly don't know how to overcome the problem, then ask for outside help. It's better to set aside their pride then watch the game continue to be bogged down with technical problems


Going, "Oh hai guyz LOOK WE MAKE NEW SHADOWS FOR YOU!" is not gonna cut it


I would phrase this less aggressively, myself, but I do agree with the sentiment. I can't play with maxed settings, as is. I should be able to. I can crank up games that are several magnitudes more technically demanding than SW:TOR. But I still cannot turn shadows or even, mind-bogglingly, nameplates on without reducing the client to a slideshow at best.


Granted, they fixed that memory leak that had been plaguing the game since closed beta, but on the whole, my load times and such have actively become worse as the game has progressed. I can't enjoy the game if I'm sitting in a loading screen or looking at a version of the game as drawn by my 5 year-old brother-in-law.

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To little to late.... im off for new games


^^Pretty much this. Ive played this game since early access and frankly i'm tired of hearing what's planned for the future...only to see the same ole stuff in every patch aka tons of cartel updates and little if any actual content (or drastically needed pvp fixes/reworkings) for subs. Each and every patch has made me feel like i'm getting less and less for my $15. I pay for an "expansion" and get all of 1 new planet (that has a terrible layout and mediocre story at best) a few new dailies and a bunch of recycled content in the form of fp's/ops. Oh sorry that's right there was 1 new op. Yipee.


It's so unfortunate too, because like many of us i waited with great anticipation 6 long years for this game. I would say that unless things drastically improve for the better by FF xiv launch in august im done...but that would be silly. Nothing has improved since launch (with the exception of legacy rewards, which are still quite weak), so why would anyone expect it to start now? I keep waiting and waiting for 'the next patch' as i'm so often told to do...only to get a bunch of cash shop updates and little else. Looking forward to final fantasy, where the devs care so much about subscribers getting value out of their $15 they went to the trouble to rebuild their game, instead of going the cash shop route like some companies do...


To sum it up...quit telling me what you're gonna do, like u have been since december '11 and actually show me something. Just once make me feel like u actually give a damn about the $15 i pay u ever month. Just one time...one time make me think my subscription money matters to u equally as much as some kid using his mom's cc to buy more coins does!

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2.4...? There goes my sub, sorry Bioware, but this is just... no.


Yeah I might have to bail to, at least one new warzone, its so dam repetitive now, just a little variation is all I'm asking for. I could care less about ops and boss mechanics. I just don't understand why pvp is so neglected. I really hope they understand that some people only play for pvp.

Edited by Aewu
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There's been 6 raiding weeks since April 9th... Assuming your guild cleared the first week the game came out with EA. That's 6 of each token + 6 add'l ones from TC. That means you might have all the better Ult Token enhancements, but they're not BiS unless you kept getting the right drops...


... or other pepole in your guild are have only gotten a small amount of token drops so you could get the rest.


I could be wrong... and it's really not important. Kudos to you if you are actually BiS with token gear... I'm missing the pants token right now and a couple BiS enhancements still.














Oh yeah...most of my settings are low or med...so apologies for that.



We do 16man HM S&V and 16man HM GF.


Also...my guild uses a point system for loot so it's all fair. :) It is very possible to have BiS mods already.

Edited by Radzkie
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Heck im not a pvp heavy guy and think that is ridiculous wait time for anything new. For the PVE crowd this is bs as well with basically a 4 month wait for content. Only the hardcore raiders are getting anything and its recycled content and repeat of the gree event... woopie. So 4 months for some big content update.


What happened to the 6-8 week smaller updates?


You just added a new operation in 2.0, why is the next update after it another operation focused one?


We are supposed to play the same 4 hard mode flashpoints for 4 months? its already getting boring to play them over and over, we had more variety at 50 at least.

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I'm all for graphics improvements, although I'll probably see no difference. I've been running max settings since launch.


And I don't want a new tier of gear. I'm always playing catch-up. I never get to enjoy the best gear because they're always throwing a new best gear at us.

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pvp in 2.4 which will optimistically come out in early September...oh goody :mad:


and nice try on the enthusiasm Bruce but the content that you present in this post is just :| no matter how much you try and dress it up.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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The fact that 90% of the people who says they will move will not move. You are not convincing anybody and this includes Bioware. They know you are not going anywhere. Everybody who would quit already did that.
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