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PvP Guild Premades


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...in unranked warzones.


I'll not be naming names, but honestly, how sad do you need to be to take full teams of people whose full-time job is PvP and go up against PUGs for three hours a day? Go back to the big kids' playground where you belong, please? What you're doing would be roughly comparable to a team of Underworld-geared raiders hunting starter-planet World Bosses (except, you know, with real players instead) for little more than a weekly and the warm, fuzzy feeling of accomplishment.


True, everyone's entitled to enjoy the game however they choose, and some people just want to finish their weekly with as little effort as possible, but a lot of these people who get tired of the game and quit are those who only take the path of least resistance and blow through the content like it's a chore.


Games are meant to be challenging; that's what makes them fun. Give yourselves a challenge sometime. I guarantee it will be more enjoyable for you than triumphantly carpet-bombing herds of comatose lobotomy patients.


Rant over. ^-^

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Go back to the big kids' playground where you belong, please?


Too bad nobody does ranked warzones on this server...Had a couple fun games against Uncensored last night, but bugs and server lag kinda ruined it.


Games are meant to be challenging; that's what makes them fun. Give yourselves a challenge sometime. I guarantee it will be more enjoyable for you than triumphantly carpet-bombing herds of comatose lobotomy patients.


I think most people can agree that totally facerolling a team is NOT FUN. Yet people think we have fun doing it? I look forward to hard fought wins/losses....but I'm usually disappointed because most players don't know how to play the game.


Also lolpremadeqq

Edited by Rynis
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Rynis is right. nobody does ranked on this server so where else are the pvp ppl supposed to go if they cant do ranked? Yea it sucks getting facerolled, but youd think after awhile ppl would learn from the facerolling and get better, but nobody does, they just sit on the forums and *****.
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Rynis is right. nobody does ranked on this server so where else are the pvp ppl supposed to go if they cant do ranked? Yea it sucks getting facerolled, but youd think after awhile ppl would learn from the facerolling and get better, but nobody does, they just sit on the forums and *****.


Aye, though we can probably all sympathize with the OP as it can be quite absurd when you're pugging and seemingly get continuously matched against full premades (4 or 8) against your mismatched pure random group. At least it's over fast (usually). In the current state of affairs, solo pugging generally requires thick skin and a healthy dash of self masochism, more so than before.

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Where are all these premades? In 10 or so warzones last night, I think I was queued twice with a premade. Tuesday was not much of a different story either. Did get to see beer thirty 5-6 times though.


Perhaps there is something wrong with the queue system, I feel that I am up against a lot more imp premades then get partied with pub premades.

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LOLZ.....PVP E-peen stroking on a PVE server is always hilarious.


I have a marauder on pot5 and I can confidently tell you that regs on JC > regs on pot 5. Imps on pot 5 all have a Warlord Troyy size ego and give up immediately if things turn sour. Party on the off node.:eek:

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Rynis is right. nobody does ranked on this server so where else are the pvp ppl supposed to go if they cant do ranked? Yea it sucks getting facerolled, but youd think after awhile ppl would learn from the facerolling and get better, but nobody does, they just sit on the forums and *****.


I'm not saying the op is right, but you aren't serious about expecting ppl to learn by getting facerolled and spawn camped, are you? sure, you could pick up some stuff, but if you're getting stomped and spawn camped, the "keep Qing, tiger! you'll learn." is pretty infuriating.


op: the best way to learn is by talking to and working with better players. unfortunately, most of the very good players are, in fact, elitist and would rather mock or give advice in acondescending way. so you'll have to deal with slightly better. then slightly better. so on and so forth. welcome to the anonymity of life online.


only a couple guilds queue for ranked, and they still Q for regs cuz the ranked Q is always empty. you really need to get over that.


edit: for the op again: I suggest you roll a toon of every single class and play with every single spec. the more you know about the spec, the more you'll know what the opponent is trying to do to you and how best to neutralize it (what to interrupt, what to let go, when to run, when to fight, etc.). i

Edited by foxmob
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I'm far from elitist, I will try and help anyone who tries to get better. Rotation and gear optimization are about all you can ask help for though. You need to have common sense, and the ability to pay attention to your surroundings, that is unteachable.
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i'm far from elitist, i will try and help anyone who tries to get better. Rotation and gear optimization are about all you can ask help for though. You need to have common sense, and the ability to pay attention to your surroundings, that is unteachable.


so true!

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I'm far from elitist, I will try and help anyone who tries to get better. Rotation and gear optimization are about all you can ask help for though. You need to have common sense, and the ability to pay attention to your surroundings, that is unteachable.


Tbh, I think people underestimate how important a good key binding set up is. This was my first mmo, and I got my setup from a guy on the forums way back in beta and have used it/expanded upon it ever since. I thought everyone used the same setup, but I keep seeing people with 1-9 and = on their top quick bar and it just makes me cringe.


Honestly I'm thinking of making a short thread about it, I think it would help people tremendously who don't use a Naga mouse like myself. Being able to waste 0 gcd's and use an ability as soon as you want to is key to playing at a high level.

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I have a marauder on pot5 and I can confidently tell you that regs on JC > regs on pot 5. Imps on pot 5 all have a Warlord Troyy size ego and give up immediately if things turn sour. Party on the off node.:eek:


You're missing 1 or 5 Warlords in his name. :D

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Tbh, I think people underestimate how important a good key binding set up is. This was my first mmo, and I got my setup from a guy on the forums way back in beta and have used it/expanded upon it ever since. I thought everyone used the same setup, but I keep seeing people with 1-9 and = on their top quick bar and it just makes me cringe.


Honestly I'm thinking of making a short thread about it, I think it would help people tremendously who don't use a Naga mouse like myself. Being able to waste 0 gcd's and use an ability as soon as you want to is key to playing at a high level.


Yes this as well, there's such a difference from going keyboard turning clicker to a keybind mouse mover. It's like night and day.

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I have a marauder on pot5 and I can confidently tell you that regs on JC > regs on pot 5. Imps on pot 5 all have a Warlord Troyy size ego and give up immediately if things turn sour. Party on the off node.:eek:


I will back Cap up with this one. I laugh when people say that the pvp is better on a pvp server because outside of more ranked it isn't the truth.


I'm far from elitist, I will try and help anyone who tries to get better. Rotation and gear optimization are about all you can ask help for though. You need to have common sense, and the ability to pay attention to your surroundings, that is unteachable.


This is also something I've tried to do in the past. I admit to raging during warzones, I hate to lose and will voice my dislike for it. I know I am far from the best around and have plenty of room to improve. I have offered words of advice to people before and even helped some out. But, most of the time any advice offered falls on deaf ears, blind eyes or the intended person takes offense because they feel above it.

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I'm far from elitist, I will try and help anyone who tries to get better. Rotation and gear optimization are about all you can ask help for though. You need to have common sense, and the ability to pay attention to your surroundings, that is unteachable.

common sense is a highly subjective thing, believe it or not. situational awareness in a wz is as much a strategy issue as zooming your camera.


and let me give you an example of one of my encounters with a NICE elite player about...


I'm going to work on a tank spec for my PT/VG and I've been mulling over some sort of hybrid and/or tank spec with dps gear. an obvious question, then, is which stim to use. is the extra hp gonna do anything (since it's not mitigation stats)? or should I go with main stat to help out with the dps.


me: "what stim do you use for your tank"


elite: "command"


<moments of silence pass, as I have no desire to be teased and consider the attempted conversation ended>


elite: "there's only one tank stim."


me "I wasn't sure if you went with main stat in pvp or not"


elite: "when your a tank, your job is to tank. maximize your potential in that role."


that was a NICE conversation. and even that was condescending. it's "common sense" that a tank uses fortitude...but no. that's not really common sense. sins run around in tank spec with dps gear all the time (or did prior to 2.0). which stim were they wearing? same for VGs (much fewer in number).


I've asked a few healers questions over the past 12 months and get pretty much ignored. If a dude's not a guildy or a friend, a meaningful in game convo is pretty rare...unless you wanna get mocked, talked down to or raged on.

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Funny... I can never find any of these helpful people at all. Many questions I ask of better players are met with silence or at best I'm told to "google" lol. And asking in /1 is basically asking to be trolled. There are quite a few useful guides on these forums, but most people who need 'em ain't checkin for 'em.


Either way, Foxmob is right... there's only so much that can be learned in being facerolled. Also some people just need to come to grips with the fact that at best you'll just be "alright" and never elite at pvp and get over it. It helps, lol.


It would be nice to be an astronaut, but someone's gotta be the garbageman, too.

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So I can answer the above easily, it's like asking Colonel Sanders for the secret spices. I know, it's all visible when they're stimmed or geared up, but maybe they want their "R&D" for themselves (now, this is in hopes that they're not truly a receptacle for excrement.


HOWEVER, why not use Google or be friendly with players so that questions don't just come out of no where. While I'm not out doing body shots off the LD-50 crew, I've chatted with a few of them and feel I can ask them questions here and there. I also post on their forums.


Being "the best' comes with it's baggage and while it's BEYOND hard to have a unique build, it's easier to try to keep it like that...or be a DB. :)


I personally Google everything. I read stickies, feed backs, experiences, post 2.0 number crunching and tea leaves. So far, no change in my ****** dps, but my heals on my scoundrel are solid. :)




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but I keep seeing people with 1-9 and = on their top quick bar and it just makes me cringe.



That all depends on the person playing i use the basic 1 through = bind because my hand sits from the ~ key to the 8/9 comfortably and it doesn't slow down my game play, granted i also use a naga for 16 other binds as well, it all just depends on the persons preference.

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That all depends on the person playing i use the basic 1 through = bind because my hand sits from the ~ key to the 8/9 comfortably and it doesn't slow down my game play, granted i also use a naga for 16 other binds as well, it all just depends on the persons preference.


If your left hand isn't resting in WASD then you can't react quite as fast and some of your abilities have to be used while stationary. However, since you have a naga mouse, this may not be true for you.


I just use my keyboard so my binds on that end are more important. I bind every ability a class has except 1 or 2 useless ones, and none of them require me to move my hand from WASD.

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eh, I'm a half keybind /half clicker.. some of my lesser used abilities that aren't apart of my rotation or have a very long cool down I usually click to make sure that I don't use them at an improper time. It works for me because of my reaction time and the fact that my mouse is set on my computer to move as fast as a button press. One day, I'll actually get a gaming mouse and gaming keyboard... one day!
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As said earlier Situation Awareness is unteachable but if you need help with gearing/spec/rotation you could always ask questions. People would always rather have you ask than to have you suck it up in a WZ. The problem with this game is people do terrible at it but they either don't know it or don't care. Not enough people who can look at the scoreboard and say "WOW (insert name here of somebody of the same class) is doing significantly better than me so I need to figure out what I am doing wrong and fix it."


LD50 is generally made of people who're constantly re-evaluating how they play based on their performance and try to prioritize objectives over anything. Nobody in the guild does anything that anybody else couldn't do.


Gets quite annoying seeing people who play classes that are really good but still do below 300k damage in a full voidstar. These generally are the people who hate "Elitest" Guilds when really if they were at least decent at the game nobody would have said anything rude to them.

Edited by Daskillz
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As said earlier Situation Awareness is unteachable but if you need help with gearing/spec/rotation you could always ask questions. People would always rather have you ask than to have you suck it up in a WZ. The problem with this game is people do terrible at it but they either don't know it or don't care. Not enough people who can look at the scoreboard and say "WOW (insert name here of somebody of the same class) is doing significantly better than me so I need to figure out what I am doing wrong and fix it."


LD50 is generally made of people who're constantly re-evaluating how they play based on their performance and try to prioritize objectives over anything. Nobody in the guild does anything that anybody else couldn't do.


Gets quite annoying seeing people who play classes that are really good but still do below 300k damage in a full voidstar. These generally are the people who hate "Elitest" Guilds when really if they were at least decent at the game nobody would have said anything rude to them.




You probably don't remember :rak_02: but I had a lot fun in those 2 huttballs earlier :D

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Asking questions helps, I ask questions a lot, even to players not in my class. I mostly play my sage, Surrena was an amazing sage dps so I picked his brain some and learned a few things, which made me a better sage dps.


When I play my slinger I will ask other slingers I know are solid some questions.


When you're trying to become better look at a few things first.


1) Are my stats near or where they should be at my gear level. 15% alacrity and 30% crit isn't going to do too amazing on your vanguard tank for instance.


2) Is my rotation good or can I improve it? Am I tab dotting and being useless? Or am I wrecking **** with Force lightning?


3) Am I willing to do whatever outside of hacking/cheating to win. Will I be like the great xanxas and go guard a node? Am I willing to count my enemies and notice we're 5v1ing on east while west is being taken?


4) Am I hear to win or farm numbers?

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