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What was your coolest moment in the game?


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It's the music from the Dantooine temple from Kotor 2 that does it, isn't it?



I could listen to that forever. It just.... condenses the entire SW universe into music.


Oh, thank you, thank you! I couldn't find my Kotor 2 soundtrack CD anymore and I was desperately looking for this particular tune. Now I have it again. This song is so beautiful, I could cry. It is in one line with the short throne room theme from Episode VI and one part of Anakin's Dream from Episode II. These 3 = <3


On topic... there were too many big moments for me in this game. I think the final questline of the trooper story on Corellia was so epic, that I would choose this one if I would be forced to name one.

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For me it was when i was leveling my Jugg through Alderaan. I've been playing WoW for the past few years and i knew all about knockbacks off of cliffs. I was doing the same thing in SWTOR too with inquisitors, BHs.


BUT the best one had to have been from my Jugg cause it was just so funny to see it happen. I was fighting some mobs on a mountain, there was a cliff about 5 feet away from me and my current target...but the cliff had a rock wall a few feet high. But the mob i was fighting was standing on a small rock and i was on the ground so he was a foot or two higher then me. I didnt intend for it to work this way, i was just going to force push him up against the wall. But because of the angle, him being higher then me, when i force pushed him he actually went up and over the wall.


There were other moments like that too. The Jundland wastes on Tatooine, the Czerka transmitter next to the Repub base. It was on top of a dune, and one side of the dune was a steep incline. I was fighting a sand people...person...and i force pushed him. But he was also on a rock/box but he was much higher then the other guy above. When i force pushed him he went into a 30 degree arc, close to vertical over the edge of the dune. He caught some serious air...

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Mine was actually two moments.


The first was one that is hard to admit, as it's a bit silly. I first saw Star Wars in a drive in when I was 10 years old, and the moment when I assembled my first saber and the Star Wars music played in the background choked me up a bit. It was awesome.


The second very satisfying moment was when I killed my instructor on Dromund Kaas. Though I think it would have been perfect had I walked away in the same fashion as Darth Baras at the end of the Deceived while the Imperial March played out in slow motion, it was still thrilling.


I like being the bad guy.

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My three favorite moments:


1. Arrival on Coruscant, just as described before.


2. First time in Eternity Vault, first raid for me ever (got invited by the leader of the guild I later joined after a nice round of joking in fleet chat).


Just in awe seeing those epic boss encounters, hearing the menacing audio during the fights and having seven people around me mastering the encounter like a well oiled machine. Me basically being pulled through. And fascinated.


That was the experience that made me want to learn how to play my role in a raid properly and gave me motviation for the 1,5 years to come.


3. Being last man standind in TFB HM on our first kill of the dread guard council with my sentinel, having used guarded by the force, hit one last Dispatch on Kelsara, killing him, and having 147 life left. Reviving the healer and then one by one my guild mates under cheers and huzzahs :-))

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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There's many.



I think the best feeling and moment in the entire game was at the very end of the bounty hunter's last chapter when you get to murder a Sith lord (Darth Tormen), and just casually get away with it.



Another one was shortly after launch when I rolled my first Republic-aligned character (smuggler) and arrived at Coruscant. The Senate building was quite awesome, and the whole environment there promised a great adventure.

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The one that sticks with you? That made the game stand out just a bit more than the rest you've played?


Mine happened during Game Test. I was playing a Knight, Guardian at the time, mostly because I didn't want to "spoil" the Consular story for myself.


I completed everything on Coruscant and was directed to the hangar to get my ship. When I got there, it was a complete geek-out moment. I knew what the ships looked like, of course, but that moment in the game was something totally immersive and cool. I watched the cut-scene play out, then I walked around the ship, slowly checking out every inch of it. That scene, that moment, pulled me into this game like no other moment in any other game ever did or could.


I would like to challenge the development team to come up with another moment like that, for all of us.


OK, now you. What's yours?


Same thing here, but for me it was the bounty hunter (and not during testing, but after release). Also had that awe-inspiring moment with the ship cutscene and exploring every inch of it :)

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Mine was probably my first time on Taris (Republic) and seeing all the KOTOR connections:



This includes everything from exploring the crashed ruins of the ship, fighting off rakghouls, and the Outcast questline in the caverns. The speeder quest near Brejik's Run during the bonus totally had me geeking out ;)


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Coolest moment would probably have to be yesterday when I tanked both Kel'sara and Ciphas in TFB when our tank DC'd on the pull. Survived 43 stacks from Kel'sara. Thanks go out to both the healers for being able to keep me up through that, they were both awesome.
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On my Imperial Agent at the very beginning of Chapter 2, when


onomatopeia happened


I was vested in the story enough that I got actually angry that those ***** for even DARING to do that to me.


Yeah, that's a great one, too. That one freaked me out and fully immersed me in that story line. Best in the game. Alexander Freed is a god among writers.

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