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Cyborgs don't count as human... lame.

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Bought the new hair pack and was excited to use it, until I noticed that my Jedi, who had 2 barely visible implants around his ears for extra effect, counted as a Cyborg and was not considered human, and because of that, the hair was not available. That is just... cmon. No fair, Bioware. (That rhymed) Cyborgs are human too!
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Bought the new hair pack and was excited to use it, until I noticed that my Jedi, who had 2 barely visible implants around his ears for extra effect, counted as a Cyborg and was not considered human, and because of that, the hair was not available. That is just... cmon. No fair, Bioware. (That rhymed) Cyborgs are human too!


Mine's only half human, the other half is Miraluka :p


But agreed! This was one of the lamest things on BW's part.

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My GF bought the extra hair packs for her cyborg too, and was pretty close to quitting the game when she found out that she couldn't use them (women!). However, I agree, it really is very sucky indeed.
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I thought this was really lame too. I can see Miraluka not getting all of the new hairstyles, because they don't get a lot of human styles due to mask clipping issues, but for Cyborgs, Mirialans, and Chiss?


The only reason I can possibly imagine them not having access to the "Human hairstyles" is so that they can put "Cyborg hairstyles", etc as separate unlocks to buy in the CM. If I'm being generous, I'd say it was a technical thing and that they couldn't make the styles work for multiple species in time . . . but I will be very (pleasantly) surprised if in a future update they make it so the human hair unlock applies to other species that use human hair styles as well.


And it is even more ridiculous that Cyborgs and Miraluka can't use the new human hair colors, since they are just humans with implants and humans with blindfolds and there is absolutely zero chance of clipping with, y'know, colors.

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Yeah, I was bummed when I realized I couldn't use the new hairstyles on my cyborg gunslinger without giving her a species change. That's what I wound up doing, and then put the red scanner thingie on as her headgear to give her a semi-cyborg look, but it's definitely not the same.
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I actually think they should offer a refund on this item- it's misleading. Chiss I get, but by definition cyborgs are NOT a different race. They are humans with some cybernetic enhancements.


Very annoying and feels a bit like being cheated. Between this issue and the inability to get abandoned planet questlines back my GF simply hasn't been playing and is very close to cancelling her sub.

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Cyborgs should never have been a species on its own anyway, but a customization option, or maybe the result of making certain decisions on key missionchains (mission 1 option A: left foot, mission 7 option C: right hand, mission 13 option C: left eye, etc).
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Um... let me see if I get this: When you start the game, you pick a race. Your choices are, among others: human, sith, chiss, cyborg... It says it irght here. Human. Cyborg. They don't count as the same race. Then we go to the cartel market and buy... Human Hairstyles. Human. Hairstyles. Not Cyborg Hairstyles. Human. What part of "human hairstyles" sounds like it would work on any other race than human? And why on earth should you get a refund for not understanding that the cyborg-race you picked in the beginnign are not human?
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Um... let me see if I get this: When you start the game, you pick a race. Your choices are, among others: human, sith, chiss, cyborg... It says it irght here. Human. Cyborg. They don't count as the same race. Then we go to the cartel market and buy... Human Hairstyles. Human. Hairstyles. Not Cyborg Hairstyles. Human. What part of "human hairstyles" sounds like it would work on any other race than human? And why on earth should you get a refund for not understanding that the cyborg-race you picked in the beginnign are not human?


Because some players just didn't think that way? Because they're basically humans with little face cybernetic implants?


While, I didn't make the mistake others have, it was still one of the stupidest things BW did, by making Cyborgs their own species, instead of face cybernetics as a customization option for all races, and then another blunder on their part for not giving the hairstyles to all the other races that are basically "human with different skin color options"

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I agree that it's weird the cyborgs are their own species, but you had to pick them instead of human when you created your character. You didn't pick human first, then cyborg as a sub-species. So again, I really don't see the issue here? Plus, if you really, really need the new human hairstyles, why not just change your race to human?
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I agree that it's weird the cyborgs are their own species, but you had to pick them instead of human when you created your character. You didn't pick human first, then cyborg as a sub-species. So again, I really don't see the issue here? Plus, if you really, really need the new human hairstyles, why not just change your race to human?


Because then you lose the really nice imperial cybernetic :p I'd like the one hairstyle humans got, but since I couldnt use it on any of my characters, I didnt bother to buy it, as I didnt want straight human.


I am surprised that BW didnt want my money by giving me the option to have white eyes and new hairstyles on my cyborg tho.

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Yeah, it's a bad design choice for bioware, if we need to deal with a cyborg race, why don't you give us cyborg arms, legs, chest, whatever? as it stands, cyborg is just a couple of cybernetics on the face and that's it. We cannot grow a beard while being a cyborg!
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Yeah, it's a bad design choice for bioware, if we need to deal with a cyborg race, why don't you give us cyborg arms, legs, chest, whatever? as it stands, cyborg is just a couple of cybernetics on the face and that's it. We cannot grow a beard while being a cyborg!


This. When I first played the game and heard "cyborg" I immediately thought "cyborg"... i.e. half human half machine. What I didn't think was "stupid facial jewelery" with no real differences from human other than LESS customization options (all focused on stupid facial jewelry).

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Because some players just didn't think that way? Because they're basically humans with little face cybernetic implants?


While, I didn't make the mistake others have, it was still one of the stupidest things BW did, by making Cyborgs their own species, instead of face cybernetics as a customization option for all races, and then another blunder on their part for not giving the hairstyles to all the other races that are basically "human with different skin color options"


Agreed- it's a very easy mistake to make. Sure, it's the user's error, but decent companies don't go out of their way to punish users for easy mistakes when using their features (especially if misleading or there is margin for misunderstanding).

It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that, in the case of my girlfriend, is contributing to a general feeling of ill will towards the company that is killing her desire to play the game at all.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This issue, combined with the inability to regain planet questlines after removing them has subsiquently caused her to unsubscribe.


I have a feeling that if customer support had taken the time to address her issues individually and tactfully, instead of cutting and pasting the same response to each of her enquiries she might have been happy to continue despite these problems. As it is, she felt annoyed with the aforementioned piftalls, and thoroughly uncared for as a paying customer (due to the lack of personalised response to her nine separate and very polite support tickets).


I'm not a member of the "moan about everything" club that seems to be prevalent on these boards, but for me this is definitely a triple fail on the part of Bioware.

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Yeah, it's a bad design choice for bioware, if we need to deal with a cyborg race, why don't you give us cyborg arms, legs, chest, whatever? as it stands, cyborg is just a couple of cybernetics on the face and that's it. We cannot grow a beard while being a cyborg!


You may have noticed that 'a couple of things on the face and that's it' is what every playable race gets.


As to the main topic; It said human hairstyles and you got hairstyles for human characters. EA/Bioware pulls a lot of sketchy stuff, but this isn't one of those times.

Edited by Kaiserkain
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Aside from Twi'lek and Miraluka (due to bangs/fringes being a no-no for some odd reason) ... all hair customisations should match up - period.


This *should* also apply to eyes (minus Chiss and Cathar) as all aside from those two have the same eye system/skin(s).


I know they are out to make money, but seriously... there's limits to how greedy you can be before it gets beyond a joke.

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Because some players just didn't think that way? Because they're basically humans with little face cybernetic implants?


While, I didn't make the mistake others have, it was still one of the stupidest things BW did, by making Cyborgs their own species, instead of face cybernetics as a customization option for all races, and then another blunder on their part for not giving the hairstyles to all the other races that are basically "human with different skin color options"


They have tiny facial implants as far as YOU know. You don't have a full body x-ray of the cyborg. That little slab of metal over an eye may be just the surface peeking through. Cyborgs are like Icebergs. You see just a small chuck out in the open that hides it's true mass underneath.


Cyborgs are a separate species because their artificial parts outnumber or replace most of the organic systems. You don't just replace a foot with a plastic falseie. There are telemetrics, you'd have to rewire the brain to accommodate a transceiver to make the limbs move, replace the lost nervous system with a bionic circulatory system than can uplink with the brain so it does what it asks, etc.


These aren't humans with metal glued to their faces. These are machines that run on the same power source humans do. It's really cool, the whole "what makes you human?" aspect that cyborgs make you question.

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If you've played the Bounty Hunter class quest, a lot of what Mako (the only, to my knowledge, cyborg companion) says would contradict what you've just said. She describes them as "implants" that her parents had installed, not as the tip of the iceberg of her totally remodelled mechanical/electronic body.


I respect what you're saying about the coolness of the cyborg in classic sci fi questions such as "what makes us human", but i just don't think there's any evidence of that whatsoever in the depiction of cyborgs in SWTOR.


Lobot was a cyborg, clearly. He "switched on", and was clearly wired in to the Cloud City mainframe.


Vader? Maybe, but less so/ only in a physical rather than psychological way.


Luke? No, I don't think so. One prosthetic doesn't make you a cyborg.

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If you've played the Bounty Hunter class quest, a lot of what Mako (the only, to my knowledge, cyborg companion) says would contradict what you've just said. She describes them as "implants" that her parents had installed, not as the tip of the iceberg of her totally remodelled mechanical/electronic body.


I respect what you're saying about the coolness of the cyborg in classic sci fi questions such as "what makes us human", but i just don't think there's any evidence of that whatsoever in the depiction of cyborgs in SWTOR.


Lobot was a cyborg, clearly. He "switched on", and was clearly wired in to the Cloud City mainframe.


Vader? Maybe, but less so/ only in a physical rather than psychological way.


Luke? No, I don't think so. One prosthetic doesn't make you a cyborg.


Mako may simply be the exception, and without spoiling too much of her story, her parents may not have been entirely truthful about how far the machine goes. She may fully integrated and not even know.

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They have tiny facial implants as far as YOU know. You don't have a full body x-ray of the cyborg. That little slab of metal over an eye may be just the surface peeking through. Cyborgs are like Icebergs. You see just a small chuck out in the open that hides it's true mass underneath.


Cyborgs are a separate species because their artificial parts outnumber or replace most of the organic systems. You don't just replace a foot with a plastic falseie. There are telemetrics, you'd have to rewire the brain to accommodate a transceiver to make the limbs move, replace the lost nervous system with a bionic circulatory system than can uplink with the brain so it does what it asks, etc.


These aren't humans with metal glued to their faces. These are machines that run on the same power source humans do. It's really cool, the whole "what makes you human?" aspect that cyborgs make you question.


Seriously? o.O You're going to let that count?


"Oh! You just don't see the rest of the cybernetics!"


Pffft. :p Cyborgs would not be an alien race (as the game says) and Mako doesn't come off as "I'm an alien!"


In fact, if I recall correctly, there's cybernetic NPCs who consider themselves human.


It was a bad move on BW's part, and either one they have no intention of fixing or can't fix because it's to late (though I don't know why they can't just give all races cybernetic implants and then give them all a free race change).

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Seriously? o.O You're going to let that count?


"Oh! You just don't see the rest of the cybernetics!"


Pffft. :p Cyborgs would not be an alien race (as the game says) and Mako doesn't come off as "I'm an alien!"


In fact, if I recall correctly, there's cybernetic NPCs who consider themselves human.


It was a bad move on BW's part, and either one they have no intention of fixing or can't fix because it's to late (though I don't know why they can't just give all races cybernetic implants and then give them all a free race change).


Cyborgs are considered a separate race in many prominent sci-fi franchises like Defiance (The Volge) Doctor Who (Cybermen, Daleks) and Battlestar Galactica (Cylons). Just because you personally choose to remove them from your idea of alien race doesn't make it so.


The NPC's considering themselves human is, again, part of the great question that comes with cyborgs. What makes (you) human? Is it because it possesses a soul. because it has an organic brain, etc.


Cybernetic implants do not make a cyborg. It requires a deeper and more invasive set up than "Here's a metal eye." Read up on cyborgs and what makes them different from your run of the mill android. It's quite a fascinating research venture.

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Cyborgs are considered a separate race in many prominent sci-fi franchises like Defiance (The Volge) Doctor Who (Cybermen, Daleks) and Battlestar Galactica (Cylons). Just because you personally choose to remove them from your idea of alien race doesn't make it so.


The NPC's considering themselves human is, again, part of the great question that comes with cyborgs. What makes (you) human? Is it because it possesses a soul. because it has an organic brain, etc.


Cybernetic implants do not make a cyborg. It requires a deeper and more invasive set up than "Here's a metal eye." Read up on cyborgs and what makes them different from your run of the mill android. It's quite a fascinating research venture.


Cyberpunk and Shadowrun! Humans with cybernetics are still...human!


Cyborg, from Teen Titans (who doesn't love that cartoon?!) was still human.

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