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Everything posted by Duravian

  1. I agree. My companions are all color coded and dressed as my personal cultists (So I have a bit of an ego, whatever). I want to adorn the halls with my personal army, but they turn into holograms when im not on my main. That, and the npc limit have severely limited my creative capabilities. No standing army and/or cult following for me I guess. ..yay strongholds.. yaay...
  2. 1) Legacy Storage needs to allow credit deposits/withdrawals so we can just pile all our money into one single entity. God that would be the most convenient thing since quick travel. 2) More basic items that don't require an annoying amount of effort to get. Leave the FP/op/achievement stuff to the really good decorations but at least add enough easily obtainable items to be able to make something. My stronghold is barely decorated and I have to grind fps relentlessly for newer items. 3) Make most of the items interactable, or at the very least all couches/chairs/beds. Lining my *** up against a chair and hoping my emote looks like its part of the actual chair is kind of lame and ugly. I don't really have many more complaints other than the price of flagships but I get why it must be that way. Still.. this certainly isn't a feature that caters to small guilds like my own. We're moving up in cash sluggishly but I suppose one day we will have what we need.
  3. This thread needs to be seen by everyone, mostly BioWare employee's. My thoughts are that normal sitting and lying down and all that stuff should be given to everyone. Otherwise you'll have situations where only one person came up with the will and cash to buy the emote and suddenly he/she looks out of place. It'd be too much of a hassle buying the emote on all your characters anyway. Plus it'd be a slimy move on BW's part.
  4. So I just spent the past 5 - 6 hours creating something I'm very satisfied with. This is a video introducing my 3 main characters, the Torell family legacy. I promise you it won't suck. Check it out and give me some feedback, thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxOUi9bktQg&feature=youtu.be
  5. Bought the new hair pack and was excited to use it, until I noticed that my Jedi, who had 2 barely visible implants around his ears for extra effect, counted as a Cyborg and was not considered human, and because of that, the hair was not available. That is just... cmon. No fair, Bioware. (That rhymed) Cyborgs are human too!
  6. SW - Broonmark is utterly useless. I forgot why he is still with me. Whatever, good parking lot for my old gear. BH: Apparently everyone hates Skadge, I haven't gotten that far but I watched my friend get him and he seemed funny at the time, so idk... JK - I didn't even get a chance to use Rusk before I got Scourge, so he never even had a moment of use. Probably the most useless companion ever, but he's kinda cool as a person I guess. Also, T3 is just a signature astromech R2-D2 replica that has a completely uninteresting story that I almost just want to space bar through. Sm - obviously the signature Chewbacca/Zaalbar ripoff, Bowdaar. Oh my freaking god all he does is complain about slavery. Kind of reminds me of real... never mind. Tr - The Gand guy is annoying and ugly, stupid bug people suck!! In fact most of the companions for Trooper seem kinda tossed in without much thought. I absolutely LOVE Elara though (and she loves me ). Jorgan is... interesting enough. The rest of the classes I haven't played enough to judge accurately but Khem Val is only cool after Act I, I know that much...
  7. Jeff Bennett who does Revan in swtor and Kyle Katarn in both Jedi Knight games.
  8. All of the Legacy Era crap about sith returning makes me wonder just what Anakin did. The prophecy was that he would bring balance to the force, nobody knows what that even means. Balance as in leaving only a Jedi? That doesn't seem balanced. Was it just to rid the Force of it's Dark Side? Then why do Sith keep popping up afterwards? How was being the Chosen One important at all??
  9. I'd gladly replace Quinn with Thana after his little play in which I was forced to completely go against my character and spare him in order to not upset game balance....
  10. Duravian - Dur/Dura = strong, tough(endurance, durable, etc.) Avian = bird, airborne, etc. Duravian = Strongbird = my ship.
  11. This isn't about which one brings back the most nostalgia... A New Hope was boooooring. Period. I think ROTS is a close tie or one above TESB. It is a really good movie.
  12. What are you even doing here? Your sig looks like you're out to get Bioware. And many people, not just women, like to have an awesome looking character. Some use gear just for the numbers, but alot more people use gear to look cool as well. I think there should be many upgrades to the dressing room, such as a reset button, movable window, zoom in and out, etc.
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