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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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And what, exactly, is wrong with leveling "slowly" if you dont play very often? Why should you be entitled to fast leveling when you admittedly don't put a lot of time or effort into these goals? Why is it that players such as yourself feel entitled to things you don't wish to work to obtain?



This is the problem with modern MMO design. They try to appeal to the casual mainstream individual that feels anything that doesn't create instant gratification must be some sort of design flaw.


mmorpg are nowadays designed for mainstream and hate to say it mainstream for mmo are no longer hardcore.they are families and people who have limited time.

Which is a good thing ,i for one am not ready to sit in front of a computer playing a game 14 hrs a day to achieve something.

Edited by ranlaen
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People level that quickly because the game ALLOWS us to level that quickly. We play in accordance with the game system Bioware has designed. It is a design fault, NOT the fault of the player.


Show us your character list in a screenshot. I feel like you're trolling so I'd love to see your 50s you got without playing all day long every single day.

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For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


It's way too fast. What shall Bioware do now, as those players with such a stuff will just outrageously dominate the other players in the battlefield ?


You do realize that over leveling and too fast are 2 different things? The reason you are overleveling is because the xp is done in such away to allow people who don't have time to do flashpoints, don't like PvP, and who may have trouble finding a group for a heroic quest don't have to sit on a planet and grind for 6 hours straight to keep at the right level.


You are over leveling the content because you are doing optional content that though fun to do is not forced because well not everyone has time to do flash points and not everyone likes PvP and not everyone likes Starfox 64.


As for speed its set at a nice pace of not so fast your 80% leveled in a day like how some other unnamed MMO has become throughout its expansions, yet not so slow to where you feel like you have to grind for days at a time to get a single level. Its at a rather nice pace, and the other thing people need to remember is the game doesn't end very second you hit 50, your barely 1/2 way through your storyline at that point and there is still a lot more content to enjoy at 50... leveling is not the goal its just part of the journey, they want you to be able to have your character with all skills and talents long before you reach the end of your storyline, which is what they did.


Its not "oops Im 50 guess that means its either time to raid or roll ant alt" its "oh hey look Im 50, well I still have a ton more storyline to play and Ill get around to raiding or rolling an alt but I want to see how the rest of my story goes since I am barely 1/2 way through it"

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My problem with the experience gain is not that I will reach 50 to soon, it's that I enjoy space missions, PvP, and flashpoints/heroics, aswell as doing every pve mission. This leaves me seriously outleveling the content. I reached Taris (32-36) when I was 39. It's not ideal really.


So, I would want to turn my xp gain completely off. I want the option to make me not gain more xp. This would allow me to always keep in the level range of planets, to stop me from outleveling my friends while still being able to play that toon, and wont make me feel bad when I do some PvP and space missions and make my class quest grey.

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Somebody just stared a thread talking about leveling up and never picking an advanced class. The game actually lets you get away with it, you can still level and do your main class quests and you can buy the abilities of your class as you level, you just don't get EITHER of the advanced class' traits.


Can you say: HARDMODE ?


If you really want to have to complete EVERY quest, AND do lots of PVP and space battles and flashpoints as you go, then you're going to have too much xp.


They designed this on purpose, so you DONT HAVE TO GRIND. I can do a few quests on this character, the ones I like, and then move on. Next time, on a different character I can see the other ones, and skip the ones I've done. Its great!


If you really have to do everything all the time on a single character (I'd suggest rolling an alt, and flipping back and forth) then maybe try rolling a char and not picking your AC.


I bet even outleveled for the area, you have more of a challenge completing quests! So maybe it'll all balance out for ya.


Me, I'm still in my mid 20s, but I hear that the game gets MUCH harder and slower 30+

The game 1-10 was definitely easy, but that is good, it was the starting area. Already now flashpoints are starting to require some real co-ordination, and solo PvE I can't just fight forever without fear of dying, I have to use my abilities situationally.


Balance feels GREAT to me. If you need more challenge, maybe there's another way. Or maybe just don't do EVERYTHING on just the 1 character.

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My problem with the experience gain is not that I will reach 50 to soon, it's that I enjoy space missions, PvP, and flashpoints/heroics, aswell as doing every pve mission. This leaves me seriously outleveling the content. I reached Taris (32-36) when I was 39. It's not ideal really.


So, I would want to turn my xp gain completely off. I want the option to make me not gain more xp. This would allow me to always keep in the level range of planets, to stop me from outleveling my friends while still being able to play that toon, and wont make me feel bad when I do some PvP and space missions and make my class quest grey.


This idea where YOU decide to turn XP off seems the ideal answer for everyone as it will allow those who believe it's too fast to disable it, and those who sy its fine to keep it.


I enjoy Flashpoints too or try to but it is VERY hard to find a group willing to stick with it until the end before they just bail. (out of curiousity approx how much XP is given for the flashpoint Hammer station or others like it) I've not completed one so I do not know...

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This idea where YOU decide to turn XP off seems the ideal answer for everyone as it will allow those who believe it's too fast to disable it, and those who sy its fine to keep it.


I enjoy Flashpoints too or try to but it is VERY hard to find a group willing to stick with it until the end before they just bail. (out of curiousity approx how much XP is given for the flashpoint Hammer station or others like it) I've not completed one so I do not know...


Yes, that is why I suggested it. Giving the players more options to customize their own playing experience is never a bad idea, forcing them down one path is. At the moment, I feel forced to skip PvP'ing, and skip the space missions, becuse if I dont, I wont be able to enjoy my class quests. It gets boring if it's to easy.

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The reason you are overleveling is because the xp is done in such away to allow people who don't have time to do flashpoints, don't like PvP, and who may have trouble finding a group for a heroic quest don't have to sit on a planet and grind for 6 hours straight to keep at the right level.


You are over leveling the content because you are doing optional content that though fun to do is not forced because well not everyone has time to do flash points and not everyone likes PvP and not everyone likes Starfox 64.


Because we enjoy the optional content means we should have the inferior experience of playing the story quests in easy mode? The story is the key hook in the game. If a simple button to toggle of exp gain, it wouldn't impact you in the slightest but allow the people who are overlevelled to let the game catch up to their character.

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Can the OP please read this,


Some of us have other things to do as well.


If you run out of things to do you probably play too much.


Now, thats your fault not the devs.:)


No, that would be the devs fault. This is an MMORPG. It is a persistent game world. People are encouraged to play as much as they want, at the times they want. If there is an end to the game, it is not an MMO.


Power leveling... Playing for 12+ hours a day if they got it to play has always been a type of player in these games. They are not johnny-come-latelies. they have been here since the inception. To ignore that fact just paints your team as new and inexpierienced.



There are college classes for game design now. Part of every course in the curriculum includes psychology classes. If you are designing for a population, it is good to study what the population will be, and how they will act. It is why these classes are mandatory in the bachelor degree of Game Design.



The problem, and it is the devs problem... is that they made too much static content and not enough dynamic content. They wasted millions upon millions in their budget creating the most expensive content that is the fastest consumed. Players play the game. Developers choose the path they take.

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That is one solution. I like it. It's simple.


But I want something fancier. New MMO. I want something different from the rest of the crowd.


Yeah but what if they allow the button as a "in between option" until they find something that will explode them to the "different then the rest of them" group


It would certainly put an end to this debate for the time being (but likley spawn the "An XP on off button is so Passe") debate.


People will always complain no matter what is done. human nature

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i believe the issue at hand is NOT how much time a person spends on playing this game, but the amount of content/questing needed to reach lv 50.


per se, at lv 49 - you need about 500k experience to reach lv 50.


yet, you get maybe 10% of experience by exploring the new quest zone; another 10-15% by killing trash mobs by getting to quests hubs; and then each quest would yield 15k to 20k (3-4%) experience, not to mention those easy bonus quests that gives another 6k to 7k experience each.


so, at lv 49, you may only need to complete 15-20 quests to hit lv 50. Considering how easy some quests are, leveling is fast.

Edited by alexishomer
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They are banking heavily on people making LOTS of alts. The fully voiced aspect is also going to make new content slower to put out as well. I am curious how they are going to try to handle people easily reaching 50 inside the trail period.


nice try


they actually said it won't be a problem considering they have a plan for putting out content on a steady stream.


in fact in JAN we're already getting new content.


troll harder next time.

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People level that quickly because the game ALLOWS us to level that quickly. We play in accordance with the game system Bioware has designed. It is a design fault, NOT the fault of the player.


I disagree, im playing at a normal speed and im 25, your 50 or almost.

The flow of the game it takes time to get to 50. the flow of the game is not 3 days, thats just total bs.


Listen, if you dont like it, then simply cancel your account and go somewhere else,

Devs please lock this.

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The problem, and it is the devs problem... is that they made too much static content and not enough dynamic content. They wasted millions upon millions in their budget creating the most expensive content that is the fastest consumed. Players play the game. Developers choose the path they take.


I agree a lot of the development is static content.. and I assume you are referring to, in part, the hefty story and voice acting?


And it might create problems, but it was an active choice to do this. To provide Kotor 3-10 stories to play through. And they marketed this feature a lot. So I hope and assume many players are here for the story. AKA we came for the static content, but we will need some dynamic content later to hold us here while we wait for more Story.


Again I agree with what you say, but in this case all this static content was a huge selling point for the game.


And I assume BW will be providing plenty of new content in the weeks, months, and years to come.

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Yeah but what if they allow the button as a "in between option" until they find something that will explode them to the "different then the rest of them" group


It would certainly put an end to this debate for the time being (but likley spawn the "An XP on off button is so Passe") debate.


People will always complain no matter what is done. human nature


I agree with everything you said.


-Give us the button now.


-Give us something cooler later


-There are those who will not be happy.

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Because we enjoy the optional content means we should have the inferior experience of playing the story quests in easy mode? The story is the key hook in the game. If a simple button to toggle of exp gain, it wouldn't impact you in the slightest but allow the people who are overlevelled to let the game catch up to their character.


I never said anything against a turn xp off toogle, I was just pointing out he worded his complaint wrong because his issue isn't leveling to fast, his issue is over leveling due to doing optional content.


Yes being able to turn off XP would be great to allow those who want a challenge but also want to do all optional content to do so, I know I would use it. But to say "lower XP on all quests and flashpoints, and PvP matches, and mob kills, and exploration, and everything else because I do optional content and am out leveling it, and make everyone who doesn't do all this optional content be forced to grind mobs to catch up" is just as silly of a statement, and that is what he is suggesting, to force people to grind or force people to do optional content just because he is out leveling the content for doing optional things.


Option to turn off XP, yes definitely love the idea... OP idea of nerf all xp so that people are forced to do optional content so that everyone has to do exactly the amount of PvP/Space Combat/Flash Points as him to not fall behind in levels... yeah no that's a bad idea, don't force people who don't like PvP/Space combat/Flash point times to grind for hours on end just because someone else is over leveling content by doing it.

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And what, exactly, is wrong with leveling "slowly" if you dont play very often? Why should you be entitled to fast leveling when you admittedly don't put a lot of time or effort into these goals? Why is it that players such as yourself feel entitled to things you don't wish to work to obtain?



This is the problem with modern MMO design. They try to appeal to the casual mainstream individual that feels anything that doesn't create instant gratification must be some sort of design flaw.


I have no issues with this. I played for 30 minutes last night. I was more interested in some.....ahem...quality time with my GF. :D I'm not going to cry foul because I prioritized RL concerns over a game and didn't put the time to level required.


I put a TON of time into the game since early access as I was on vacation, now that I'm back to work...my game time goes back to normal. I'm not going to blame the game or devs when I only play 1-2 hours during a weeknight. I'm just gonna enjoy the journey and not stress about reaching an endgame that doesn't exist after 9 days of the game being live.

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They weren't expecting everyone to break their spacebar in half. They underestimated the love for instant gratification among this new generation of gamers.


I'm guilty of this as well. I catch myself mashing the spacebar on quests I haven't even done yet.


It's a shame, because the cutscenes I have watched have been pretty good. But I only have so much time to play and I want to move on up to stay competative. Time consuming story does not replace content in the MMO world. This stuff would be fine in a single player game because that's really the only reason to play single player, the story.

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But to say "lower XP on all quests and flashpoints, and PvP matches, and mob kills, and exploration, and everything else because I do optional content and am out leveling it, and make everyone who doesn't do all this optional content be forced to grind mobs to catch up" is just as silly of a statement, and that is what he is suggesting, to force people to grind or force people to do optional content just because he is out leveling the content for doing optional things.


Option to turn off XP, yes definitely love the idea... OP idea of nerf all xp so that people are forced to do optional content so that everyone has to do exactly the amount of PvP/Space Combat/Flash Points as him to not fall behind in levels... yeah no that's a bad idea, don't force people who don't like PvP/Space combat/Flash point times to grind for hours on end just because someone else is over leveling content by doing it.


Couldn't agree more! Our choices in how we play games are usually very limited, and removing choices by forcing people to do all the "extra" content is a bad idea. Even though it would not affect me, since I do more or less all the content, I would still not want it. Maybe I dont want to do all the extra things with an alt? Maybe then I just want to streamline my story progression, with the occasional Flashpoint with friends?


In short, more options in how we play is good. A toogle for XP gain will unlock more options to how we play. Lowering XP gain will remove options to how we play. Guess which idea I am supporting?

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