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Change your patch notes Bioware - Scamper is still broken


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Basically what the title says.


"Please explain how this happens"


Slows/roots/whatever seem to cause my character to become stuck, HOWEVER...


I used scamper on the fleet and became stuck, so yeah, there is a greater problem here.

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  • Dev Post

Hi SithEBM: Does this happen every time you use the ability or did you only have it happen once? We'll absolutely want to investigate if there are instances where this is not fixed.


For others: Please post if you've seen problems with this or any other dive-based abilities after Game Update 2.1. The patch note reads:


  • Players who are killed or rooted while using dive–based abilities (such as Scamper or Covered Escape) will no longer become indefinitely stuck in place.


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Hi SithEBM: Does this happen every time you use the ability or did you only have it happen once? We'll absolutely want to investigate if there are instances where this is not fixed.


For others: Please post if you've seen problems with this or any other dive-based abilities after Game Update 2.1. The patch note reads:


  • Players who are killed or rooted while using dive–based abilities (such as Scamper or Covered Escape) will no longer become indefinitely stuck in place.



It happens to me on the fleet, and in warzones. I am not stuck in place, or being rooted on the fleet, so I believe there is a different problem here.


As for the warzones, usually when I am rooted or slowed/killed, then I will become stuck.


So far after the patch, this has happened to me 14x. This needs to be fixed ASAP, because nobody likes being forced out of warzones when we can't move in the spawn.


*Edit* - Look into the fleet issue and I believe you will figure out how to solve the problem. There is no reason why I should get stuck in place on the fleet.

Edited by SithEBM
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It happened to me in Huttball last night. I was rooted at the same time I was using Hightail It and was permanently stuck. A Sage guildmate even pulled me to see if it would fix the perma root, but it did not and I died. I sat in the cloner until the warzone deserter timer ran out and I was kicked out of the warzone, where finally the perma root ended.
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This bug has also happened to our operative healer in a ranked WZ on huttball a few nights ago. He was rolling across the fire pit to score when he became bugged and died. He went back to spawn, was still suck, and then was kicked out of the WZ because of the Deserter Debuff. Safe to say, we lost the game. Edited by revcrisis
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The details are still the same. Any time I am CC'ed or killed during a roll I get stuck in spawnpoint and then kick out of the warzone. The Harbinger server. Toon: Abbrachmann. Scoundrel Healer, 12:45am PST Voidstar. Best description that I could possibly give.
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Also happens if you get a short lagspike, so you kinda double roll and snip.


I can confirm that this happened to one of my friends yesterday.


So let's see, lagspikes, Roling on the fleetl, CC, knockbacks.... What doesn't break scamper?

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Has happened to many times since the supposed fix:


5 times in HB (twice while carrying ball)

3 in VS

2 in AH

2 in NC

and just now the first time in CW.


Everytime same thing. I am attacked by multiple players, I spam scamper to escape. Roots and slow and stuns abound. I die and get stuck in respawn. /stuck doesn't change anything.


One time in HB I didn't die. Popped DA, but was still stuck in place til found a little later found and killed, heh. Then stuck in respawn.

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Happened to me yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks. AH West pylon, got knocked back by an assassin's overload while rolling, became stuck and rooted in place - I died in the blast a while later and was still stuck in spawn, so had to leave warzone. Wrote a bug report with detailed time and location while waiting for my friend to finish that warzone.
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Was just fighting in ilum, used scamper(Without being cc'd, knockbacks, or whatever) and got stuck in place for no reason.


After I died, I was forced to relog.


12:15PM Ilum-instance 1


Prophecy of the Five

Edited by SithEBM
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Got stuck in huttbal when rooted in a fire. Also on Civil war got rooted in random place.


Got stuck in a huttball match, near the acid pit(Rooted), and Voidstar when I was scampering once the bomb went off(rooted/slowed)


Also, bumping this thread because people are making other threads when they should be posting in here.

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  • Dev Post

Hello folks,


If you're still seeing this issue after Game Update 2.1.1, can you please post with details about what ability, where you were, and whether or not you were under the affect of any CC or slows? Thank you!


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On huttball, i just roll to the ramp and then just stuck. :(


Hello folks,


If you're still seeing this issue after Game Update 2.1.1, can you please post with details about what ability, where you were, and whether or not you were under the affect of any CC or slows? Thank you!



2 weeks more and still without "investigating"? :confused:

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6/1/13: Was running Explosive Conflict Hard Mode. (Operative)

I was on Stormcaller on the opposite side of firebrand. Defensive systems channeled was in the middle of Exfiltrate when knock back happened. Stuck in place. My Character wasn't doing any animations. I could still put kolto probes on the tank that was running the electro towers. I could see the probes coming down but my arm pointing at them wasn't happening. I died from being on the ground, mechanics killed me. Sorc dps rezzed me i accepted still no movement at all. SC & FB were close to death but the glitch surprise and lack of heals, we wiped. I used cloaking screen which dropped aggro. But again I couldn't move. Used /stuck killed me (was still standing in same position) and I went back to fleet and could move!


We went back and killed them shortly after.

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