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Why did Jeff Hickman lie to subscribers about the future of the game?


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You aren't getting charged to play new warzones are you? Not yet.


You aren't getting charged to play new Operations are you? Well kind of, since in order to do the new Operation you had to buy the "expansion".


You aren't being charged for new content. Shiny costumes, baubles, and fluff are not "new content" except to many people.


Fixed that for you.

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ahhh yes the old "yeah well your stupid rebuttal".


well played sir well played. :rolleyes:


however you still missed the point of the post. it had nothing to do with McDonald's it had to do with the fact that frivolous lawsuits are accepted and won everyday about the most ridiculous crap.


but if it makes you feel better go ahead and continue to fling insults around at anyone who doesn't take your word as law. :p


Someone is mad they don't actually know what happened.

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Was it so we wouldn't bail for 6 months so you could continue to use subscription dollars to finance building up your cartel market and F2P system?






That couldn't have been written any more clearly. All additions to the game, even after the implementation of F2P, would remain free to subscribers. This was written to subscribers to belay our fears in the transition. It was done so to maintain our trust. Your 2.1 update is in violation of this guarantee and you have violated the trust established between you and your subscribers when you decided to move to F2P.


Well, you can access all the additions to the game. Subscribers get an allowance of Cartel Coins at no additional cost. You just need to save up and purchase what you want. I admit that it isn't practical because it would take an incredibly long time to save up enough CC to buy everything but technically you can. Therefore, no one was lied to.

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Well, you can access all the additions to the game. Subscribers get an allowance of Cartel Coins at no additional cost. You just need to save up and purchase what you want. I admit that it isn't practical because it would take an incredibly long time to save up enough CC to buy everything but technically you can. Therefore, no one was lied to.


it was stated unlimited access, if it takes years just to unlock the mounts in collections i wouldnt class that as unlimited. I just class the stipend as a semi get out of jail free card that alot seem to advocate.

Edited by Shingara
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Fixed that for you.


You didn't "fix" it, you shaded it in bias and propaganda. They are not charging for new warzones. They expansion is an expansion, not just a new operation. Of course new content is going to be made for the current level cap, this isn't new to MMOs at all and isn't "bad business" and "lying" by EA.


Costumes and baubles are not CONTENT, they are FLUFF. New content are things you can do in the game. IE: Warzones, Flashpoints, Quests, and Operations.

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it was stated unlimited access, if it takes years just to unlock the mounts in collections i wouldnt class that as unlimited. I just class the stipend as a semi get out of jail free card that alot seem to advocate.


Content is not gated for you. You have access to all content as long as you subscribe, your fluff is going to cost you.

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Why not give the crafters this so called fluff? Ohh wait no one cares about crafting ....They continue to amaze me and the new generation of gamers just think that this is just the way it is and will pay more for less. WoW is successful because they make it worth a sub. BTW don't play WoW just stating a fact. Edited by Philastra
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Well, you can access all the additions to the game. Subscribers get an allowance of Cartel Coins at no additional cost. You just need to save up and purchase what you want. I admit that it isn't practical because it would take an incredibly long time to save up enough CC to buy everything but technically you can. Therefore, no one was lied to.


Not only that, but in the very same Developer Blog that OP links to, Jeff Hickman states:

With Cartel Coins you can purchase convenience items, boosts, visually unique gear, collectibles, and more. The new Cartel Market gives you the option to add to your game play experience with items that fit your play style and allow you to customize your character.

I don't disagree with the opinion that some of the cosmetic changes to characters (such as hair styles and colors) should have been made available with credits, but what was said in the Developer Blog isn't in any way inconsistent with what is being offered through the Cartel Shop vs what one gets as a subscriber.

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Yet, you're mad about Jeff Hickam posting on a forum.


don't know where you are getting that i am mad from.


is it the smiley faces?


was i being rude or insulting? nope


did i say i was upset about anything? nope


only thing they have done that made me mad was moving away from individual class stories.


so you must be projecting a emotion i am not having at the moment on to my post despite it not being there.

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This is nothing new, Bioware says things and then change it to the exact opposite. Like when they told fans that there would be no ABC ending for ME3.... Well most of us know how that turned out.


They didn't lie... It was Red, Blue and Green not ABC :p

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6 months ago I told my mom I was planning on going to school to get an MBA. Now I changed my mind and don't think its worth the money. Does that make me a liar?


This analogy is utterly idiotic and meaningless. If she gave you money and THEN you didn't attend, then it fits, and then you would be a liar. But nobody here gives a rats *** about your personal life until you brought it up.



This 'content patch' added things and then locked it behind a gate you have to pay to really take part in it.


Like... dyes... there are only a few to craft and purchase. But if you want one of the more wanted ones, like black/black, you don't quest or raid for it. Oh no, you have to buy a gambling pack. And then you might get it. Might not.


Character customization kiosk. Costs money. There is NO WAY around it. There is no way to use credits to modify your appearance. So it may as well not exist if you don't use the market.


Finally, cartel collections. You can buy this with credits, and you can aquire all the items with credits. This is literally the only acceptable part of the patch, because it isn't locked behind money, (though someone, somewhere, MUST spend the money, or these items would NEVER EVER EVER be a part of the game.)



I'm not ok with this. Is it fluff? Yes. Is it acceptable Are they wasting their development time on fluff and then charging for it when I and many others, who do not use this market and see it for the scam it is, are forced to go even longer without real content I can take part in?


Completely unacceptable cash grab.

Edited by maxetius
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Not only that, but in the very same Developer Blog that OP links to, Jeff Hickman states:


I don't disagree with the opinion that some of the cosmetic changes to characters (such as hair styles and colors) should have been made available with credits, but what was said in the Developer Blog isn't in any way inconsistent with what is being offered through the Cartel Shop vs what one gets as a subscriber.


Its nice how you did that but the part you should be looking at is


. First, you can continue as a subscriber, which gives you unlimited access to all game features and future Game Updates at no additional charge.
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Was it so we wouldn't bail for 6 months so you could continue to use subscription dollars to finance building up your cartel market and F2P system?


That couldn't have been written any more clearly. All additions to the game, even after the implementation of F2P, would remain free to subscribers. This was written to subscribers to belay our fears in the transition. It was done so to maintain our trust. Your 2.1 update is in violation of this guarantee and you have violated the trust established between you and your subscribers when you decided to move to F2P.


It's not lying, it's marketing.


They've just changed the definition of "additions" like they have changed the definition of "content".

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Guys please...just stop. When he said subs would gain access to all of the game's features he was obviously referring to those that were available at the time of his interview. Is it really that hard to get? Come on.


EDIT: oops, made a fool of myself. Hadn't read the "future game updates" part.


Proceed with the bashing...

Edited by Machine-Elf
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Guys please...just stop. When he said subs would gain access to all of the game's features he was obviously referring to those that were available at the time of his interview. Is it really that hard to get? Come on.


He said "future game updates." You can't enjoy most of 2.1 without spending extra money on top of your sub.

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Its nice how you did that but the part you should be looking at is


You can't simply dismiss his quote like you want to. Your argument hinges on "features" including fluff. But the quote in the person's post you're replying to proves that assumption wrong. Fluff customization is optional and not free with sub. It's stated right there in the same blog.

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Although EULA's are notoriously tricky creatures in a court of law (and which court of law? The game is played and advertised in a number of jurisdictions), EA/Bioware can in fact basically mislead the player with statements like this with little or no real ramification.


They can argue the definition of content, they can cite the existence of the stipend, they could retroactively apply a moratorium to the statement, or any number of other things.


Is it illegal? Not particularly. Is it a great way to alienate some of your customers and create quite a wave of bad publicity? Hells yes it is. The qualities that were going to make this game unique (player choice, class stories, equipment customization, epic feeling for individual action) are, in my opinion, slowly falling by the wayside. Bioware sees that the CM is the most lucrative part of the game, hence, they are going to concentrate on that to the detriment of the rest of the game. They will try to hide it behind double speak and conditional promises to keep their pool subscribers of up, but it is not going to change the trend.


There are some who are fine with this, although having read the forums it seems they almost view getting their own money's worth as part of the game as well, i.e. wringing enjoyment out of the restrictive system is part of the fun and anyone who is either too stupid/lazy to do this doesn't deserve to complain about it. That's fine, rock on. If you are not o.k. as a player, there is nothing you can do about it. Except un-sub. My subscription (my first non-6 month subscription) runs out in a couple days. I will not be resubbing for a number of reasons (CM cost for barbershop, delay of free character name change, change in policy for legacy/guild name changes and so on). Bioware doesn't care, you don't care, but there is no point in giving them more money.

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