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PvP Still not fun


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I agree... I have been playing since pre-order.

The sub 55 WZ's are WAY BETTER than when you reach 55. Much more level playing field.


Last night, I joined 6 different 55 WZ's and 5 of the 6 were losing battles, joined due to deserters. Does anyone else see this as a problem ? Joining a losing battle sucks but when you join a losing game every time, how is that fun ?


A deserter penalty/timeout needs to be implemented.


There is no balance in the 55 PVP at all... the Marauders are COMPLETELY BROKEN and a sniper can only shoot 30 or 35 meters ? How retarded is that ? De Duh Deee.

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10+min warzone.. heal has to be 1mil+.. dmg 600k+


then you are doing ok..

You are wrong! My group of 3 friends premades win at most 98% of WZs lvl 55 if other team is all pug.

Problem is really premdes groups played normal WZs and i see also many times double premades of 4+4

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What did you use on Tswifty a *********** tickle batton? he got 791k healing and zero deaths. Looks like you needed to coordinate a bit more on focusing both of the healers at the same time. Looks like its a pug group so maybe its not your fault


I know from experience facing Tswifty they will get their healing numbers no matter what you throw at them. Tswifty is a dang good healer and they belong to a very strong guild too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I know from experience facing Tswifty they will get their healing numbers no matter what you throw at them. Tswifty is a dang good healer and they belong to a very strong guild too.


This just made my day :) and i am a female by the way not a he.

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How can anybody consider this fun?


Dang straight it is still fun. It looks like you found yourself embroiled against Unicorn Stampede and lost. It happens. You can continue to look at this as "it ain't fun" or you can make the best of it and enjoy the challenge of playing players instead of robo-mobs. You could look for a guild (if your not in one) that does PvP along with PvE and group up. I do both. I solo quite a bit and team up. I recommend the same. Otherwise, the alternative is to Unsub, delete the game, and move on to the mystical green pastures all the other games promise, yet some how fail to deliver.

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This just made my day :) and i am a female by the way not a he.


My apologies, ma'am. Still, I tip my hat for you. I've been working hard to get my Sorceress up in her healing abilities (even though she's primarily dps) after watching you, Healmagician, Pillowz, and others.

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I lol'd at "3am-6am"


I almost pictured him peaking out of a sewer drain and his buddies behind him... "is it safe yet?"


Honest question though.... have you guys tried... Not sucking?


I don't enjoy things I'm not good at either.


These include swimming, cooking, making the bed, cleaning, my job, and exercise.

One of the best answers i have seen here. While it kinda sounds like the OP is blaming gear, wich would be quite silly due to bolster...

I think it is a big case of learning your class, and learning what every other class can do.

To the OP, PvP is not simple and should not be simple. Think, learn what your abilities can do and what counters your moves and what you can do to counter those counters etc etc. You have a long way to go young sithling, better get to it.

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Ya, everyone has "friends" when it comes to easymode farming pugs. But if you were in a queue facing other premades, all of a sudden your "friends" would have dailies to do, or an alt to level, or some such thing, when you came calling to group up for warzones. The same BS excuses you give each other like "can't make it that night", or "are too tired" when it comes to forming up a ranked team.


Who's fooling who.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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So, I remember pvping before hitting max level, it was a rather level playing field and it was fun. You at least stood a chance at winning. Now that once again I am max level, its stupid unless I randomly get placed on a team that is mostly a premade. Now, its this https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bz3mri07KWFOdzM5VE9GT09KTU0/edit?usp=sharing


How can anybody consider this fun?


I would advise keybinding your Guard ability and using it to protect healers on your team. A tank's job is not to do DPS - it is to protect. If your protection number is only 15k then you probably didn't guard anyone and aren't doing your job.

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Premades are good at focusing on players, try to do the same.

Judging from their kill counts and your low death counts, they were focusing you down with great skill, I bet gear and bolster had nothing to do with it.

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I know from experience facing Tswifty they will get their healing numbers no matter what you throw at them. Tswifty is a dang good healer and they belong to a very strong guild too.


Yep that's are tswifty she rocks the unicorn. Coming to a stampede Near you

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now let's drag the conclusions:

1. half of your guild is there, you are a bad premade

2. regarding those numbers, all the healing done is actually overhealing

3. only 1 mail? swtor is serious business, only successfull businessmen play this game, and only them will survive, find another job, i mean another game, sorry

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laddpool, "You are right.... pvp end game are too stupid ...i stop paymend this game" Yep, sure, the same situation. Bioware f u c ks us, lets f u ck them too. They r like some idiots that didn't test endgeme for all classes or special do this to make money on disbalance. Classes r not balanced at all. And I'm sure they know it. Maybe it is special method to get someone to rerole to more effective class compared to other classes. Why one class is better than another on pvp? This is balance? This is piece of s h i t. Force classes and snipers|gunslingers now better than others. And if one team have more of this classes than another team they win by default. And to check this is very simple. Make duels between different classes and see what happens. There is no probability to win with 50% between some unbalanced 2 classes when they have the same gear level equipment. More effective class win with probability of more than 90% and maybe even with 100%. That is real "balance" from Bioware?. Want to have fun from pvp at least don't buy add-on Rothc, because lvl 55 is stupid and content on lvl 55 will not cost your nerves in pvp final content. And this is not a problem in bolster, bolster is amazing, the problem is in classes and unbalance between individual classes and as result the unbalance between different composition of formed teams. Edited by -Esper-
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Being one of the people in that list, I have to point out I almost got highest dps in tank spec, and there wasn't anything to tank.


Imp PvP especially, but to a lesser degree Rep, is horrible when you get majority pugs. As others have mentioned, kids need to learn classes and counters to their class, and not whine about it. They can learn. From what I have seen 99% of pugs in this game are the definition of insanity - that is: "Trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result".


AVERAGE DPS player pre 2.0 would put out 100k. Not that that is any good. But still. post 2.0 the AVERAGE DPS should put at least double that up. Healers should do at least double as well. people who were doing 7-800k heals are putting up 1.5 mil +, and people that would put up about 600k damage about 1.2 mil fairly frequently.

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