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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who feels like a valued subscriber?


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Yes, I feel like my subscription has value and is worth the money. If I did not, I would stop paying for it.


That doesnt answer the question. You may feel you are getting your moneys worth..thats great.


But how do you feel as a customer?

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That doesnt answer the question. You may feel you are getting your moneys worth..thats great.


But how do you feel as a customer?


I feel pretty valued as a customer. I pay money, I get what I want. Do I care if it's a gamble, not in the slightest. If I get doubles of stuff I already have, I'll sell it on the GTN at a fair price so others can get the item without buying CC. Sometimes I even advert in General and trade for items I don't have, like bracer sets and Jawagrams. I spend money on CC because I have a job and disposable income, so it's no real inconvenience to me. All in all, I feel pretty valued because I see myself for what I truly am to the business: A generous buyer. I don't expect Bioware to be my friend. They don't send my Christmas cards or poke me on Facebook. I just give them 40 bucks and they give me 5500 CC. That's about it. Anything after that is my choice to spend or save.


That's all it is.


But I imagine you're just going to say "That's not the question" or "Oh shut it, Biodrone", which will just show that you have no intention of listening to anyone unless they share your dissent about Bioware. To which, this discussion will be going absolutely nowhere, so therefore it is over. Everyone out. I have my pink cone flashlight thing and I am now going to use it.


*pokes people with cone thing*


Allons-y, Alonzo.

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I feel pretty valued as a customer. I pay money, I get what I want. Do I care if it's a gamble, not in the slightest. If I get doubles of stuff I already have, I'll sell it on the GTN at a fair price so others can get the item without buying CC. Sometimes I even advert in General and trade for items I don't have, like bracer sets and Jawagrams. I spend money on CC because I have a job and disposable income, so it's no real inconvenience to me. All in all, I feel pretty valued because I see myself for what I truly am to the business: A generous buyer. I don't expect Bioware to be my friend. They don't send my Christmas cards or poke me on Facebook. I just give them 40 bucks and they give me 5500 CC. That's about it. Anything after that is my choice to spend or save.


That's all it is.


But I imagine you're just going to say "That's not the question" or "Oh shut it, Biodrone", which will just show that you have no intention of listening to anyone unless they share your dissent about Bioware. To which, this discussion will be going absolutely nowhere, so therefore it is over. Everyone out. I have my pink cone flashlight thing and I am now going to use it.


*pokes people with cone thing*


Allons-y, Alonzo.


Dear god, I giggled harder than when I got tickled on the footsies by a feather when I read this......

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If you feel you aren't valued and get by as a preferred account then by all means do so. They owe us nothing beyond what we already get. I expect nothing more because I get everything they promised already.


Well ... technically ... you don't!



Scroll down to ""Subscribe Now to Get Full Access to Game Content and Features""


The title alone is a complete fallacy considering subscribing DOES NOT grant me FULL access

to the game's content and features. Nor is the statement a little further down ""Enjoy access to the full spectrum of character races in the game"" true.



Edited by Witnezz
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in reply to the original posts first sentence,


if I was a dame developer, or designer, and i spent days weeks months etc on a feature for the game for which company i work for


and i implemented this feature, and 3/4 of the games player base complained and or hated it


id be terribly upset and feel subpar, stupid and like an idiot... .then when the next feature i added gets the same response, and it keeps happening over and over, id eventually quit my job and find a new career..... which is what i think all bioware/ea's game designer's should do


because they don't get the hint that they suck.


dye system is awful even if it was free.... whats with all these stupid combos and wahtnot.



Heres how it should work... i pick a slot, i pick a color, i click apply... done.... just liek EVERY other game that has a dye system,,, all the way back to EQ1 (which also has one) i dont get this floppy flimsy system, i cant get two colors i want to match or look a certain way because its half assed, and the handful of colors (what 10 full actual colors) arent enough...



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well as someone that just want to run operation, fp and warzones without being restricted, i gonna say i feel good as a customer.


Good for you, but personally I don't think subscribtion is just for not being restricted. Buying the game is for that. Subscribtion should be primarily for getting updates and new features. No restrictions should be automatic and minor part of it. I'm not saying this is absolute unshakeable truth, but it is my opinion.

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Good to know, but that wasn't the question.


I certainly don't. I don't feel like Bioware cares one bit about any subscriber - the only thing they're focused on is bringing more players to the CM. They appear to have no long term goals for this game either, just short term money grabs. They've added nothing to improve gameplay for subscribers or to try to extend their enjoyment of the game.


while i agree with you TUX, just to play devil's advocate, there is that "super secret space project" which that last i heard a dev talk about was actually in a playable and testable build. perhaps they only have the ability to pursue one long term goal at a time lol

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That doesnt answer the question. You may feel you are getting your moneys worth..thats great.


But how do you feel as a customer?


Fine. Kind of tired this morning, my dog woke me up early needing to go out. How are you?

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I've never felt like a valued customer to an MMO company. Not when I played SWG, not when I played WoW, not when I played GW/GW2, and not now. But I still pay, and I still play.


You should play EVE online, pretty amazing customer service there.


You can also earn game time in the game itself

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I feel like I get excellent value for my $15/mo. I have not spent a dollar on coins, and probably won't. I wouldn't rule it out but my monthly free coins have been more than enough. I have bought everything I want and still have close 700 coins left.


But I don't feel particularly valued as a customer. That is OK though. That happens to me most of the time. If I buy gas, or a soda from a gas station I usually don't feel valued. When I go grocery shopping I don't feel valued. My insurance guy treats me great though and really makes an effort to make me feel valued as his customer. Same with a couple local restaurants I frequent.


It is OK if I don't feel valued as a customer. I will still shop there if the price to product value is there. I won't have any loyalty to them though, and that is how it is with this game. I am not particularly attached to it. I have plenty of fun playing and my $15/mo is a great value, but the second I don't feel that way, I'll unsubscribe. In fact, I did unsubscribe for about 7 months. I came back a few months ago and I am having fun, but I'll quickly get burned out.


In a different MMO I used to play, I would get burned out and not play for several months, but I would keep my subscription because I felt like the company really appreciated their customers. I even used their pay store and spent money above my subscription over there.

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and i implemented this feature, and 3/4 of the games player base complained and or hated it


Please show me that 75% of the player base are upset about this - not the forums trolls and Gen Chat heroes, but the actual player base.

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You should play EVE online, pretty amazing customer service there.


You can also earn game time in the game itself


and I get to target, track, and kill the chat channel heroes that do nothing but find fault with everything in the game - many of us who play EVE love being able to help the "rage quiters" actually quit :D

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"Who feels like a valued subscriber?" Not I. I have not felt like a valued subscriber in a very long time. I keep on going "like a boss" like a member said above, but often wonder why? The game keeps getting more and more broken/neglected as time passes.
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Very few businesses in the world actually make you feel like a valued customer. Not sure why swtor should be held to a high and mighty standard.


Because Star Wars is probably one of the most iconic franchises on this planet.


EAware have just butchered this game. It had so much hype. They shut down Galaxies for this game lol...

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I only pay 15 dollars a month. A movie and Dinner costs me more than that.


So for 15 dollars, the number of hours entertainment I get from SWTOR is great value.


If you dont think its good value, unsub and play for free. No ones forcing you to sub.


This. OP you seem really mad. You should do something about it like suggested above and un-sub until something happens that you like. That way your not so stressed out.

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while i agree with you TUX, just to play devil's advocate, there is that "super secret space project" which that last i heard a dev talk about was actually in a playable and testable build. perhaps they only have the ability to pursue one long term goal at a time lol


Assuming they are still working on the SSSP, I'd believe that, as I can't imagine they have a staff over 20 people any longer (minus artists for the CM).

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This. OP you seem really mad. You should do something about it like suggested above and un-sub until something happens that you like. That way your not so stressed out.


Already have unsubbed :)

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Assuming they are still working on the SSSP, I'd believe that, as I can't imagine they have a staff over 20 people any longer (minus artists for the CM).


Im shuddering what they are going to charge in cc for the sssp, thats if they charge cc at all for it.

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