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Columi and Rakata gear appearence


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Hello guys, it's been a rough day in the forums and I was thinking about make a complaint post( about the awful new dye system) but there' s enough of that all over the place already. Anyways, I really liked some of the old gear looks, like the Imperial agent rakata gear for example. My question is, do we have any dev response to that? Are they even planning to add that old stuff back in the game? I play since launch but just now i got my agent to 55 and is kinda sad if they don't plan to add this in the future ( hopefully not in the CM for 1600 coins). Thx in advance guys ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Really loved the look of Rakata gear on the Sith Warrior. I just hope Bioware adds them in the future and I wouldn't mind if they put it on the CM.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Mine is that this is competition for the worst with the Sorcerer Rakata. I was so glad when we could move set bonuses and I wasn't forced to wear that ugly gear to be competitive.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Mine is that this is competition for the worst with the Sorcerer Rakata. I was so glad when we could move set bonuses and I wasn't forced to wear that ugly gear to be competitive.


I know everybody is entitled to have their own opinion but I have to agree with you. I didn't really like the look on Sith inquisitors. Maybe bioware should release them as shells in the future. That will make everyone happy:D

Edited by XCoOKiExMoNSteRX
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Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Mine is that this is competition for the worst with the Sorcerer Rakata. I was so glad when we could move set bonuses and I wasn't forced to wear that ugly gear to be competitive.


That was impressively awful stuff, it had some stiff competition from other candidates, but I agree it was head and shoulders the nastiest.


Agent and Trooper stuff on the other hand looked rather good and the Smuggler hat was epic apart from the damn silly side of the face bits.

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  • 1 month later...
I want the Rakata main hands to come back like, The lightsaber of Xoxan and Exar Kun's Double-bladed Lightsaber and Bastila Shan's Double-bladed Lightsaber etc...


Doubt it will happen, since one of the reasons we got stuck with what we have now, was the fact that a lot of people apparently bought the wrong weapons by accident, since they couldn't be bothered to check the weapon's stats.

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