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Everything posted by -CROME-

  1. Is it so hard? We want it back!
  2. Well I think I support this. Wake up Bioware!
  3. I really think almost everyone hopes that. So many people want the sets back. Although it would be nice if the items would get a small makeup.
  4. It's always good, if you can wear what you like.
  5. Hi, vielleicht bin ich nicht up to date, aber habe einmal ne Frage. Habe mich eben eingeloggt und die buffs: Koordination, Zeichen des Jägers und nochwas gehabt. Neben meinen Standart buffs (Speed und unnatürliche Stärke). Mich wundert dass, da ich nur einen Mainchar habe und nie andere Chars für diese buffs gelevelt habe. Vorher wurden die buffs außer natürlich in pvp games auch nicht angezeigt. Es sei denn ich war gerade in nem pvp. Habe mich aber 2 Tage nicht eingeloggt und jetzt sind 3 buffs halt noch da die sonst nur nach pvp zu sehen sind. Ist dort was geändert worden? Hat man diese jetzt permanent? Bin Sith Juggernaut. Viele Grüße
  6. Waow, I am really stunned by all the responds here. I 'm happy, that so many people support. Would be so sweet to get this armor back. Please also vote stars for this thread on the right down side. Thank you all.
  7. I really don't like all the "let them craft it" talk here. Why would I craft something? I am not a sync. Just make them available like any other armor too. Period! They were in the game and many people liked them. That should be enough. Ofc they should be a little bit "boosted" A little makeoup is always nice
  8. Actually I am much interested in the juggernaut heavy armor. This one: http://s1.directupload.net/images/130816/c5yrfkbx.jpg And I must admit that the promotion one on the first picture looks great. But the ingame armor was changed. There were shoulder adds and the shoulders didn't look that massive. So if they bring it back, I hope, they will give them a boost and work a little on the look, to make them more attractive like on the picture.I mean the basics are awesome.
  9. But as they said: Never say never. Lets hope. They could also create some nice new armors with style.
  10. I have actually no idea, as I am a pvp player. But I'd really like to have an information about that. (Regarding to the armor I posted above).
  11. You have my support! Also look and support here for the same topic: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=670991 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602897&page=7 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=618275
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