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Games with better dye systems than ToR


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SWG had awesome armor customization.


Rift also has some good armor color mechanics.


i just dont get the way they did this. it doesnt make much sense from a basic problem solving process


It does make sense. It forces people to buy the dye module packs.

EDIT: For those that want to change their gear color.

Edited by Echriado
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Dark Age of Camelot


Dye vendors for cloth (light) Leather (medium) Armor (heavy)


they had about 30 or so different colors and they cost as low as 25 silver for the bottom end stuff up to 30 gold for the most popular. There were also player crafted dyes that were more rare and they were for armors and weapons and they could cost a few hundred gold


if they had released something like this there would have been much happier people on here yesterday

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Dark Age of Camelot


Dye vendors for cloth (light) Leather (medium) Armor (heavy)


they had about 30 or so different colors and they cost as low as 25 silver for the bottom end stuff up to 30 gold for the most popular. There were also player crafted dyes that were more rare and they were for armors and weapons and they could cost a few hundred gold


if they had released something like this there would have been much happier people on here yesterday


I agree with that right there. DAOC has a better dye system despite being 10+ years old. Warhammer Online dying is pretty limited with primary and secondary colors but it could be made to work.

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First, this is not a complaint thread, this is a constructive criticism thread.


Second, the vast majority of people on the forums and in the game agree that the new dye system is a disappointment (to put it mildly).


So let's create a list of games with superior dye systems than our new one.


I'll start it off




Game: Guild Wars 2


System for dye acquisition: Purchasable with real currency in a pack or individually in-game through an auction house.


System for dye storage: In-game item until redeemed, then the dye is unlocked in a color-pallet UI element.


System for dye usage: Each piece if armor has up to 3 dye slots where the user assigns a color to each slot through the color-pallet UI element.


Why you feel it is superior: Easier to use and allows for full customization of colors with no fear of losing colors on armor.




Feel free to copy this form for ease of use.


GW2 system of Armor Dye would be quite nice, but, I'm fine with the system as is if they don't implement it. Not a game breaker for me.

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I haven't bothered with the dye system at all. What I'm really wondering is when they will add fundamentally new content?


Recycling the Gree and Rakghoul events is to be expected. In addition to that, how about dejarik, cross server pvp/pve, space pvp, new warzones, pvp seasons, small scale matches. New flashpoints would be nice. I wouldn't mind nightmare-difficulty rehashes of existing flashpoints too.


It seems that all the new pvp/pve content they are releasing was already in the can in a rough state at launch and that they are slowly pacing their release on a pre-defined schedule over the course of two years. This mimicks vanilla WoW's 2 year content release from Molten Core to Naxxramas (which had been in alpha phase since release).


After they release the last of this pre-canned content around November 2013 (assuming they are following a 2 year plan), the real test begins- do they still have the budget/talent to generate brand new creative content (art,sounds,classes,mechanics,worlds,stories,dialogue,music,gameplay,etc,etc) from scratch in a cohesive sum that is consistent with the game's existing quality and with the Star Wars mythos? Note that this is quite different from issuing patches or spinning out reskins. It would be great if they could improve the core game as WoW did up until Lich King though just being consistent is fine. But based on the updates we're seeing so far I'm not optimistic.

Edited by Projawa
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I remember LotRO having a dye system that worked okay. You clicked the dye and select what part of the item you wanted dyed. Was easy to understand.


That is not how it worked. You just selected one piece of armour and dyed it, you could not select what part was dyed.

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and i would just like to add City of Heroes. While it was not a dye system there is no game that will ever compare to COH/V when it comes to customizing your toon, and i never once felt ripped off when i bought when of their special packs.


I really miss city of heroes.

Edited by Fergz
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First, this is not a complaint thread, this is a constructive criticism thread.


Second, the vast majority of people on the forums and in the game agree that the new dye system is a disappointment (to put it mildly).


So let's create a list of games with superior dye systems than our new one.


I'll start it off




Game: Guild Wars 2


System for dye acquisition: Purchasable with real currency in a pack or individually in-game through an auction house.


System for dye storage: In-game item until redeemed, then the dye is unlocked in a color-pallet UI element.


System for dye usage: Each piece if armor has up to 3 dye slots where the user assigns a color to each slot through the color-pallet UI element.


Why you feel it is superior: Easier to use and allows for full customization of colors with no fear of losing colors on armor.




Feel free to copy this form for ease of use.


To elaborate on GW2, you get a random dye color as loot on any mobs roughly once every 45 minutes, so you can collect or trade colors over time, and the cooking profession allows you to craft colors from a specific spectrum, i.e. if you made a Red Dye, it would be any of the red dyes in the game, from a light salmon or pink down to bold or dark reds.


and i would just like to add City of Heroes. While it was not a dye system there is no game that will ever compare to COH/V when it comes to customizing your toon, and i never once felt ripped off when i bought when of their special packs.


I really miss city of heroes.


I liked getting the extra animations with some of those, like the ninja-run on all characters with the ninja pack, or the transformations with the mutant/science parts.

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I cant remember a game with a worse dye system than this.... i rather wish they did not add it, as now I have to deal with Jedi's or Sith in Pink robes..... no respect for the Star Wars setting at all. Edited by Merwanor
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wow who the **** cares about dye


Every tootsie who wants to look dashing in pink or look like a rainbow. Also, every emo wants to wear black because it really brings out the pale skin and yellow eyes.

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star wars galaxies the ultimate dye system

crafters craft them with gathering resources

u could change 2 colors in a piece with a very big palette


Man, selective memory ROCKS.


Comp armor had 4 or 6 choices. Jedi ran around in a bathrobe with no options whatsoever. Most clothing had a dozen choices at best with few exceptions.

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I honestly do not understand why they couldn't just add 2 slots instead of this primary and secondary color crap combination crap.


That option will be available in the next patch for an additional 600 cartel coins! Arnt you so excited!?

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Guild Wars 2


GW2's gameplay and story may not be to everyones taste, but there is one thing they totally got right and that's their dye system. It is a lesson in how it should be done.


The amount of colour variations and permutations is incredible. There's hundreds of dyes to choose from and every armour piece has several different zones and the colours react differently based on material. It's possible to fine tune colour schemes just as you want.


GW2 has also made discovering and obtaining new dyes fun, not just some horrible cash shop lottery. Yes they sell dye packs in their cash shop and there's some luck involved. However, here's the difference compared to SWTOR - in GW2 you can gain any dye as a drop while adventuring. Kill enough mobs and you might get lucky and find a rare dye. Or you can buy at the Auction House, where there's always a healthy trade in dyes. Plus there's also the Mystic Forge if you fancy gambling.


Another reason the GW2 system is satisfying is that once you've unlocked a dye on your character, its yours to keep and reuse on new items. None of this one-shot nonsense.


The GW2 dye system makes profits for Anet via the cash shop but it does so in a way which doesn't milk the players. Most of all it is a >>FUN<< system which allows the players to get the colours THEY want, not the colours the devs thnk they want.


Now I realise that SWTOR probably has technical reasons why they can't create a similar system to GW2, but surely there has to be a better way than the current horror story?

I think GW2 is spot on for dye options, there are lots and lots of colors with subtle variations to keep the cash shop sales up and they are reusable so once you get a color you can use it as often as you like. This makes guild uniforms a real possibility there.

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and i would just like to add City of Heroes. While it was not a dye system there is no game that will ever compare to COH/V when it comes to customizing your toon, and i never once felt ripped off when i bought when of their special packs.


More descriptively, you went into the tailor, and for each costume part you got a choice of primary and secondary colors from a 160-color palette; if all you were doing was changing your costume colors, you paid only the basic tailor charge, which was a sliding cost based on your level, but was almost always less than you'd get from the mobs you defeated in a single mission. But the single biggest difference about character customization in City of Heroes was that because all your abilities were inherent, your costume was entirely cosmetic, so you could have costumes that truly reflected how you wanted your character to look, instead of having 90% of your appearance dictated by your gear.


There's no way that we'll get that amount of customization in SWTOR, though, because of its gear-based appearance. I think that it would have been better to have skipped the dye packs, and allowed characters to pick which primary and secondary color they wanted from a table of the colors that the game engine could handle; if Bioware wanted to make coloring your armor cost cartel coins, it could be managed by creating a colorization token item that you would need to initiate the colorization and was consumed in the process, the same way the 'reconfigured assembler core' (IIRC) is necessary to allow you to break down a matrix cube, and have them be a cartel-market item.

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wrong question imho... it should been like " Is there actually any game that has not a better dye system than this rip off scam attempt ? "


the answer is as easy as it is quite sad... there is probably not a single one.


few examples:

EQ 1 ( a decade old title) better

GW 2 guess what? better...

Champions online... hands down best of all when it comes to customisation of your chars/ gears appearance


Diablo 3 (yap... very sad that even this is better and at least working in favor of the players)

Edited by dyarshin
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wrong question imho... it should been like " Is there actually any game that has not a better dye system than this rip off scam attempt ? "


the answer is as easy as it is quite sad... there is probably not a single one.


few examples:

EQ 1 ( a decade old title) better

GW 2 guess what? better...

Champions online... hands down best of all when it comes to customisation of your chars/ gears appearance


Diablo 3 (yap... very sad that even this is better and at least working in favor of the players)


Indeed. Even DAOC, another decade old title, had at launch (and still has) a better dye system than SWTOR.

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Game Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO)


Not better, but much better at being able to recolour hair. It costs the equivalent of SWTOR's Cartel Coins, though - but on the other hand it can be earned within the game to some extend, too.


Armour cannot be coloured, but it can be made look differently by the use of so-called "Armor Kits" which consist of both a new colour + a new look for the armor. It kind of replaces the current armor's look.


Didn't play it for half a year, so I can't say what has changed there since then.

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More descriptively, you went into the tailor, and for each costume part you got a choice of primary and secondary colors from a 160-color palette; if all you were doing was changing your costume colors, you paid only the basic tailor charge, which was a sliding cost based on your level, but was almost always less than you'd get from the mobs you defeated in a single mission.


Not to mention the fact that you had multiple costume slots, and they were constantly giving away free costume change tokens. I literally had hundreds of those on my level 50 characters.


I actually made a Luke Skywalker clone in CoH, complete with his black outfit from RotJ, a pretty decent looking X-Wing pilot outfit, his Dagobah training outfit, and a "with the blast shield down, how am I supposed to fight?" outfit. They were good enough that I was constantly getting stopped by people asking to take screen shots (I'm still amazed that he never got "generic'd).

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