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[Petition] Re-customization with in-game credits for subscribers


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The title says it all. Most of the subscribers have voiced their opinions and its time for BW to wake up.


We aint paying CC for stuff we already paid to be developed with our monthly subscriptions. Simple as that.

We should pay normal in-game credits though, for the basic customization options such as, hair, tattoos, eye color etc. As long as the prices are reasonable and not in the range of millions of credits.


Changing species and the Cathar should be paid with CC.



Sign it up peeps so we can open their eyes and make them realize that we are their most valuable customers here.


*edit* Was in a hurry to leave work and didnt have the time to properly write the post.

Edited by ZombieCow
More clarification on the issue.
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The title says it all. Most of the subscribers have voiced their opinions and its time for BW to wake up.


We aint paying CC for stuff we already paid to be developed with our monthly subscriptions. Simple as that.



Sign it up peeps so we can open their eyes and make them realize that we are their most valuable customers here.


While I agree that I wish Subs got something out of the kiosk for free. I really don't care. It is just the way it is.


And I wouldn't say most. I would say "a vocal minority on the forums" are complaining...


I really wish people would stop trying to speak for the "majority" it is really annoying and insulting.

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The title says it all. Most of the subscribers have voiced their opinions and its time for BW to wake up.


We aint paying CC for stuff we already paid to be developed with our monthly subscriptions. Simple as that.



Sign it up peeps so we can open their eyes and make them realize that we are their most valuable customers here.


What AAA mmo allows complete recustomization for free? If I'm not mistaken even wow is $10

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What AAA mmo allows complete recustomization for free? If I'm not mistaken even wow is $10


If you change gender, race or faction, yes. But changing your hairstyle, haircolor, tatoos etc is done with ingame currency (gold). Seems a bit greedy to charge CC for this stuff - considering how often people would like to change something when getting new gear (or is just in plain mood for a change).


New species, new hairstyles etc is fair enough to charge for. But the "old" stuff that doesn't make your character a totally different character should be free for sub's.


For all I care they could take away the 500 CC each month if we just got the usual stuff within our sub. I very much prefer to have one payment pr. month and do everything with ingame currency (unless I want to rename, change race etc).

Edited by PanikSpreder
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If you change gender, race or faction, yes. But changing your hairstyle, haircolor, tatoos etc is done with ingame currency (gold). Seems a bit greedy to charge CC for this stuff - considering how often people would like to change something when getting new gear (or is just in plain mood for a change).


New species, new hairstyles etc is fair enough to charge for. But the "old" stuff that doesn't make your character a totally different character should be free for sub's.


For all I care they could take away the 500 CC each month if we just got the usual stuff within our sub. I very much prefer to have one payment pr. month and do everything with ingame currency (unless I want to rename, change race etc).


Subs get a discount and 500 coins a month.


I haven't seen prices on changes for hair style & color, tattoos, or other purely cosmetic stuff so I guess I'll have to reserve judgement. I expect it to be very low CC cost though.

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While I agree that I wish Subs got something out of the kiosk for free. I really don't care. It is just the way it is.


And I wouldn't say most. I would say "a vocal minority on the forums" are complaining...


I really wish people would stop trying to speak for the "majority" it is really annoying and insulting.




The haters always feel they are the majority while at the same time if anything, ANYTHING is said to support the game you're a fanboi.

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Subs get a discount and 500 coins a month.


I haven't seen prices on changes for hair style & color, tattoos, or other purely cosmetic stuff so I guess I'll have to reserve judgement. I expect it to be very low CC cost though.


Its around 80 CC to change hairstyle (as a sub). Each attribute you change adds up. So if I want to change hairstyle, skincolor, tatoo it quickly adds up.

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It's awfull that subscribers have to pay for such minor eastethical changes!

I also would like to have one specie change for every character for free :( but I can understand you have to pay CC for it, although a bitt cheaper would be nice...

Edited by Moemoeng
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Its around 80 CC to change hairstyle (as a sub). Each attribute you change adds up. So if I want to change hairstyle, skincolor, tatoo it quickly adds up.


Sort of in line with my expectations, though it sure would have been nice to be able to, say, change things for only credits that my wife can change on her own just for a trip to the store or salon like hair dye and style.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Charging real money / cartel coins for basic customization options such as, hair, tattoos, eye color etc is borderline stealing.

But its honestly my own fault for actually thinking Bw/Ea would come up with a decent and rational system for this.


Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

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Personally, as long as I can buy tokens off the GMT, I'm happy. haven't seen the in game options yet, but at the least they should provide tokens for the various cusomtizations and make them BoE. problem solved. you buy token off the GMT that someone else bought off the CM. win/win
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Yeah, I was excited for the features until I learned that they were going to rack up some serious cash...10$ just for a measley name change? No thanks! Especially when subs were promised FREE name changes over a year ago!

When it boils down to it, we pay 15$ a month, that's 180$ a year, and at elder game, you're basically just paying that in order to do pvp & flashpoints, so that doesn't seem worth it and I've been toying with the idea of unsubbing for a while now. This is just a real kick in the rear, it's almost like there's more incentive to unsub now because if I did, I could use that extra 15$ I'm spending on features I barely use on the customization items...

Come on Bioware, shape up would ya? I love SWTOR, but the Cartel Coin obsession is wrecking this game. Things are way too overpriced for what you get with your coins. If you really think about it, every 100cc is 1$

Now think about just how much money you're spending on these very minor touches. One has to ask themselves if it's worth it, and this isn't coming from a frugal cheapskate, this is coming from someone who has actually dumped hundreds into the pockets of Bioware employees, so if any employee reads this, listen to me when I say that this is not the way to go and that it will eventually lead to the death of the game. The 500cc a month for subscribers is nice yes, but I realize I'm paying 15$ per month for 500cc when I could just unsub and spend 10$ a month for 1000cc. You guys are really encouraging people to go the f2p option, which will eventually cause a substantial dip in your profits as more and more people wise up to this. I'm going to remain subbed for another month or 2 and hope there's a little more appreciation for the people that act as support beams for this game, and if not, well...might just be time for the building to come down.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm a little livid at the moment!:rak_03:

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BW! Wake up you have a pretty good game, but screwing stuff up like this, forcing subscribers to pay more for stuff like this is dumb and you may end up loosing subscribers!


As a company you should be focusing on things to increase sustained profits, through subscribers, make being a subscriber worth while so more players will want to switch from F2P.


For instance, you have it were if i want Armour i have already purchased on one toon, now i must buy it with cartel points to have it on another character... make the sets universal for subscribers, or make it transferable through purchase with Credits. Things like that will make players switch.


Your honestly killing this game, I personally am already on the fence about this game, but when you do stuff like this.. it makes me want to more so cancel my subscription with you because i feel you don't care about the subscribers.. cancel and go back to world of Warcraft or other games who get it, character customizations in wow are payed in gold at a barber shop.. Transmog etc.. Gold..


Time to Wake up and Grow up BW, if you want swtor to stand the test of time you need to realize a simple truth "If you take care of your people.. Your people will take care of you!"


Take care of your subscribers BW, and will take care of you.

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I would argue that a species change "might" warrant the cost of cartel coins. But getting a haircut and being charged CC's is ridiculous. Credits for everything else.

Edited by Korithras
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