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★ All Ranked Teams: Transfer Same Server ★


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Before we all go crazy with server transfers, let's all try to go to the same server for ranked pvp competition. Take into account your time zone compared to the server you want to go, and test the latency of your target server by making an alt there.


I'm thinking POT5 for EAST Coast. Edit: Ranked Warzones occur daily at 9pm EST according to my sources.



What do you guys think we should do?

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Yeah understand peeps..this isn't a PoT5 vs Bastion vs insert server here issue...this is about all the Ranked teams trying to come together and make the best of what we have left for Rankeds.


In the end, it will come down to HOW the paid transfers even work (what gets taken with you, legacy, buffs, etc), how much it costs per toon, ping, etc. Right now, we really don't have any "legitimate confirmation" this will even happen, although I don't think that's the case...but still.


Be cool if some of the PvP peeps here could keep this thread bumped, so we can get an official word and some possible information regarding paid transfers...once we get that...we can work on getting everyone on the same page as best as we can.

Edited by Pistols
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I never see pro-bastion transfer posts.. Is everyone from Pot5 this fanatical about their server? :confused::p


I heard The bastion had the most competitive rwz pvp teams.. i heard...

Edited by paowee
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bastion... not only do we have some teams that fight to compete against but we have a lower populated server and it wouldnt be chaos unlike having guilds transfer to a average high / full server(pot5).

go to el bastion

Edited by iPvP
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Also, I'm not advocating "hey everyonez come PoT5 we bestess RWZ's" at all...;)


Just trying to see what others think...and get a feel on the best course of action...


In the end...we're on the same team...server roleplay need not apply.



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Ive ask around and i think most if not all the ranked teams are going to stay on the bastion. Thing about rateds on the bastions is we dont start till late around 10 pm and can go on till like 3 am at times. Having the option to late and still have top competition to play against is a plus. So if you guys wish to join us, cool, if not, we'll live. IMO West coast teams should just go bastion and east coast to pot5. Truthfully we can argue for days, but pot5 players wont leave pot5 and the same with bastion.
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Ive ask around and i think most if not all the ranked teams are going to stay on the bastion. Thing about rateds on the bastions is we dont start till late around 10 pm and can go on till like 3 am at times. Having the option to late and still have top competition to play against is a plus. So if you guys wish to join us, cool, if not, we'll live. IMO West coast teams should just go bastion and east coast to pot5. Truthfully we can argue for days, but pot5 players wont leave pot5 and the same with bastion.


Perhaps. :rak_03:

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From what I heard from a PvP guild that transferred over to POT5 from Bastion is that there are more guilds that do RWZs on POT5 but that they are all mediocre, while on the Bastion there are fewer guilds that do RWZs but the guilds are better. They say that if we transferred over to POT5 that we'd mostly be getting a whole lot of free rating and comms stomping a lot of the guilds there.
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I never see pro-bastion transfer posts.. Is everyone from Pot5 this fanatical about their server? :confused::p


I heard The bastion had the most competitive rwz pvp teams.. i heard...


Oh god it is the worst server ever (exaggerating much ?), I heard so much about it so I decided to roll an alt there (originally from the prog EU).

Everyone seem to think insults are the best way to deal with defeat, winning and scratching their noise, extreme disrespect for everyone else and a general smugness. Thanks but no thanks!


Edit: Talking about POT5 and general WZs

Edited by znihilist
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From what I heard from a PvP guild that transferred over to POT5 from Bastion is that there are more guilds that do RWZs on POT5 but that they are all mediocre, while on the Bastion there are fewer guilds that do RWZs but the guilds are better. They say that if we transferred over to POT5 that we'd mostly be getting a whole lot of free rating and comms stomping a lot of the guilds there.


I played on POT5 and Bastion. High level pvp rateds are the same level of play. Different strategies and different comps, but the level of play is around the same. I wouldn't say it would be free coms. Casual was the best team on PTS by the end of it, but MVP was on the same level. TBH it is just sad that each server has only 3-4 competitive teams and there is no way for us to play eachother without rerolling or transferring.

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I think you see more POT5 guys here because most of us Bastioners are from the west coast... or more specifically california for the most part.


Why does that make a difference you ask?


Well... the answer is simple. Most californians are well known to smoke the reefer, which makes us lazy, un-motivated dirty hippies who have no preference in anything other than choosing between cool ranch and spicy nacho.


So it's not that we're not nearby nor that we don't have an opinion... it's more that we're really... really high and asking us to type out our thoughts and opinions... well that's asking a lot.

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I think you see more POT5 guys here because most of us Bastioners are from the west coast... or more specifically california for the most part.


Why does that make a difference you ask?


Well... the answer is simple. Most californians are well known to smoke the reefer, which makes us lazy, un-motivated dirty hippies who have no preference in anything other than choosing between cool ranch and spicy nacho.


So it's not that we're not nearby nor that we don't have an opinion... it's more that we're really... really high and asking us to type out our thoughts and opinions... well that's asking a lot.


True, I post all the time at work because they do not like it when I take a "smoke break". Guess what's the first thing I do when I get home.

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I think you see more POT5 guys here because most of us Bastioners are from the west coast... or more specifically california for the most part.


Why does that make a difference you ask?


Well... the answer is simple. Most californians are well known to smoke the reefer, which makes us lazy, un-motivated dirty hippies who have no preference in anything other than choosing between cool ranch and spicy nacho.


So it's not that we're not nearby nor that we don't have an opinion... it's more that we're really... really high and asking us to type out our thoughts and opinions... well that's asking a lot.


Spicy Nacho, like totally maaaaannnnn.

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