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Leaving a Warzone offers no gain vs staying.


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I don't get it, personally. I mean, I strive to win every time, but as a PVP PUG player, I accept that it isn't always going to happen. Honestly, on Sundays or Mondays, you might not win a single match if you PUG. Why? Because there are lots of premades out there, partial and otherwise.


Anyway, there is no sense to leaving a Warzone. Let's take for example, an average 55 PVPer. Here's a breakdown of events:


#1 Joins a Warzone.

#2 Soon realizes that over half his team is wearing War Hero gear, and they have no other healer.

#3 After an initial push. player sees that the other team has 4 members of the same guild, and 3 total healers.

#4 Player quits the warzone.

#5 Warzone ends 12 mins later. Please note, the queues are 15 minutes long. The players who lost got some valor, tokens, and practice.


The player who left, is still in queue chasing that white whale Warzone that will give 4 billion valor or whatever. His next WZ, the premades are still rolling strong. He starts to get stomped and leaves again, and again, and again. This is why I pride myself on having a fairly high PVP rank. It shows that you are wise, practiced, and thoughtful.... Moreover, you are not a useless quitter who wastes his/her own time, and the time of the group.

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People seems to think when they leave the next game they get into will be the game the team is up 5-0, though of course usually you do get into such a game, but on the side with the 0.


Losing fast is sometimes better than winning fast, especially given you can definitely guaranteed the former and you'll have a hard time guaranteeing the latter even with the strongest team you can possibly assemble. Getting 30 comms in 2 minutes is like getting 180 comms in a 12 minute game, which is not even possible as the most comms you get is around 140 (+a few more for MVP) for winning.


I mean sure if you're in full Conqueror and have nothing to play for maybe you don't care about the comms, but of course the leavers are usually anything but full Conqueror geared guys who have nothing to play for.

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Anyway, there is no sense to leaving a Warzone. Let's take for example, an average 55 PVPer. Here's a

there are most definitely pros to leaving, but most of them are psychological, and they're rarely good for the community at large.

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Subtract from any "gain" the cost of consumables because your team is so full of bads that staying condemns you to 1v8, and it's actually possible to end up with negative comms for staying.


Unless you believe that turtling at your own node and instantly giving up is a good idea, but really if things are THAT bad, your team is probably so horrible that it got 3-capped and has no hope of getting defender medals, either.


The alternative to this frustration is to form premades, so you can only have 4 bads instead of 7. I haven't quit a wz in a very long time because I very rarely subject myself to the idiocy of full pugs. (Though if I'm solo queue in lowbie, I reserve the right to leave matches the system tries to make me backfill, but I won't leave a match that I play from the start.)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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It is not as much about losing, it tends to more be along the side of being carried. You will notice that it is the self claimed good players that often are the first to leave. They don't want to be shown out as bad players by not having the team to back up free casting numbers.
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Basically everything I do in warzones is based on statistics and success ratio so when i see people do stuff I know, statistically, most likely will fail I'm out of there. Sure, they might be able to pull it off in one game out of 100 but I'm not going to waste my time on the 99 failures. If the team however is playing in a rational manner I will stay, regardless of outcome.


Examples of where I will quit within the first ten secs of the game, even before I've seen where it goes:

*People spreading thin on CW and Novare with no regard to the roster. It's always the good class that you could have used at mid that leaves everyone els hanging too by going on a side mission. It's fine when you have other good classes but if your team is stacked with commandos you better *********** help them instead of walzing off.


*The majority of the team dropping on one side on VS defense long before they've seen where the enemies are going. What most likely will happen is that they will just stay there while eight enemies are steamrolling their three or so team mates.


*When I notice that I'm stuck with a gang of pit warrior in huttball. The majority of assassins and juggs are apparently allergic to the ball. Way better that the sorc carries it right so you can kill that one enemy on the other side of the map? Or throwing the ball to the healer when he just healed you to full health. Goodbye, you deserve to lose and I'm not going to be there when you do.

Edited by MidichIorian
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With the 3 mind numbing defend this defend that WZs PvP is more like a chore. Now since the PvE gear is better than the PvP i don't even need the comms anymore, so it's absolutely pointless to stay in a no fun, already lost WZ. Edited by sauerkraut
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Basically everything I do in warzones is based on statistics and success ratio so when i see people do stuff I know, statistically, most likely will fail I'm out of there. Sure, they might be able to pull it off in one game out of 100 but I'm not going to waste my time on the 99 failures. If the team however is playing in a rational manner I will stay, regardless of outcome.


Examples of where I will quit within the first ten secs of the game, even before I've seen where it goes:

*People spreading thin on CW and Novare with no regard to the roster. It's always the good class that you could have used at mid that leaves everyone els hanging too by going on a side mission. It's fine when you have other good classes but if your team is stacked with commandos you better *********** help them instead of walzing off.


*The majority of the team dropping on one side on VS defense long before they've seen where the enemies are going. What most likely will happen is that they will just stay there while eight enemies are steamrolling their three or so team mates.


*When I notice that I'm stuck with a gang of pit warrior in huttball. The majority of assassins and juggs are apparently allergic to the ball. Way better that the sorc carries it right so you can kill that one enemy on the other side of the map? Or throwing the ball to the healer when he just healed you to full health. Goodbye, you deserve to lose and I'm not going to be there when you do.


Wait so you would rather leave and get no comms, valor, exp or credits? Highly irrational.

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Hed rather leave than waste his time. A lot of people could care less about the valor credits or comms they want to have fun and fun isnt spending 10 minutes being the only person who has any clue what theyre doing and getting rolled by the other team repeatedly because no matter how good you are you wont win 1 v 8 or even 4 v 8.
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I'm not sure why hopping from one losing game to another is anyone's definition of fun. You do know that the most likely game you get into when you solo queue is the one where your team is badly losing?


There's really no gain whatsoever for leaving and people trying to rationalize are just finding excuses. If you have to leave fine, but you're coming out way behind on this. WZ consumables are dirt cheap now anyway. You get 5 of each type for finishing the second daily and it'd usually be obvious when using them isn't going to turn the tide at all.


If anything the kind of game you should be leaving are the game where you know it's going to end in 10-0 Alderaan and you're on the side with the 0, but bizarrely enough very few of the self-proclaimed pros ever actually quit in such a game, even though this is complete waste of time in every sense of the word. You'll be fighting for 20 minutes and ultimately losing without any realistic shot at winning for about 100 comms which is pretty much the worst possible way you can spend your time. Heck, sometimes I want to quit even when I'm on the winning side, as 140 comms for 20 minutes of fighting is still pretty bad.

Edited by Astarica
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Wait so you would rather leave and get no comms, valor, exp or credits? Highly irrational.


Yes, because BW doesn't reward losses. The money is already too low, even for a win, a loss is just a joke. Valor - who cares?


I'd much rather leave in the first 30s and watch tv, or read news on the second monitor than waste my wz medpacs and adrenals on a horrible team.

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Btw i never quit because I enjoy the challenge of trying to carry people who dont know what theyre doing but i cant blame people who do quit, it can be quite frustrating playing matches with people who literally dont seem to understand this is an objective based game and kills mean nothing.
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Yes, because BW doesn't reward losses. The money is already too low, even for a win, a loss is just a joke. Valor - who cares?


I'd much rather leave in the first 30s and watch tv, or read news on the second monitor than waste my wz medpacs and adrenals on a horrible team.


If you can't tell your team is so bad that you shouldn't be wasting your WZ consumables on, you might be part of the problem.

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Myth. Leaving is the biggest waste of time there is, for him, and the group. If he thinks otherwise, he is an R-tard.


I was just in this warzone. In Novare Coast it started off that myself and another concealment op took west while someone just tagged east. They took south and sent 5 east to take it back. We called it out. No one reinforced and lost it. All of our force went south except me and probably the poor soul that died while they capped east. I called out in chat *** the game is %80 to %50 (us loosing) and 7 people killing 3 people at south while defending. We lost from there on out. For many of reasons.


Moral of the story is this WZ was a waste of my time. I pvp for the fun. The coms and everything else come with it. I am fine with loosing, but there is a point when your just paired with bads and its quicker to leave and hopefully get a group that can do more the 100k dmg and knows how to play the wz.

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If you can't tell your team is so bad that you shouldn't be wasting your WZ consumables on, you might be part of the problem.


What does that even mean? We should stay in the game and waste medpacs because otherwise we're bad?


Were you trying to say something brilliant but couldn't come up with anything other than telling people they must be bad?

Edited by Monterone
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Wait so you would rather leave and get no comms, valor, exp or credits? Highly irrational.

In contrast to many of the players in this forum, based on the posts I've seen, I'm playing for the expereince and not the rewards. I still havent figured out why those people are playing if the rewards are all they care about. What are they going to do when they're in full Conq? Anyhow, my servers have fairly quick pops so I'm not going to sit through 10-15 minutes of something that best can be described as a manifestation of clinical retardism just because of some comms at the end. I don't feel like I'm at fault for leaving under such circumstances, I blame the complete lack of a matchmaking system. The absence of a MM system makes it unbearable to play more than a few games because for every game like that you'll accumulate a will to never play the game again.


And yes, I'm getting equally annoyed by the system and players regardless of outcome. Node trading is something of the worst I can encounter so even if we happen to win I'll probably stop Q'ing for the day. That stuff would never happen if I had been teamed up with or against people my own skill. And I'm not saying that I'm God's gift to gaming but I know better than to send three man for third when we barely could take two nodes, i buff in the spawn and I know how the gametypes work (examples of things I keep encountering in game after game). Even valor based ratings would be better than no ratings because it would eliminate the risk of ending up with lvl 55's who have never played a warzone before.

Edited by MidichIorian
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What does that even mean? We should stay in the game and waste medpacs because otherwise we're bad?


Were you trying to say something brilliant but couldn't come up with anything other than telling people they must be bad?


Using a medpack when you're fighting 1on8 probably isn't going to turn it around. If you can't tell that you might be part of the problem.


With the cost of WZ consumables crashing I don't see why people would even complain about them as a cost anymore.

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I'm not sure why hopping from one losing game to another is anyone's definition of fun. You do know that the most likely game you get into when you solo queue is the one where your team is badly losing?


There's really no gain whatsoever for leaving and people trying to rationalize are just finding excuses. If you have to leave fine, but you're coming out way behind on this. WZ consumables are dirt cheap now anyway. You get 5 of each type for finishing the second daily and it'd usually be obvious when using them isn't going to turn the tide at all.


If anything the kind of game you should be leaving are the game where you know it's going to end in 10-0 Alderaan and you're on the side with the 0, but bizarrely enough very few of the self-proclaimed pros ever actually quit in such a game, even though this is complete waste of time in every sense of the word. You'll be fighting for 20 minutes and ultimately losing without any realistic shot at winning for about 100 comms which is pretty much the worst possible way you can spend your time. Heck, sometimes I want to quit even when I'm on the winning side, as 140 comms for 20 minutes of fighting is still pretty bad.


Good post. Selective quitting never happens. It's always these stupid rage quits, which set the quitter behind.

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Leaving warzones and leaving games is another way for gamers to pride themselves to be elitist didn't you know.


The same excuse a leaver uses is "It's everyone else's fault, and I am not puting up with it"


I find it ironic because those same people I run into daily that quit on a regular basis are the same people in general chat and ops chat belittling every single person in that warzone.


And the the end of the match when its time to look at the progress of your group, those people are doing less than 100k damage, no protection points, and no objectives.


People that quit warzones actually have a quitter mentality in all things in life, and its a actual borderline disorder come to think of it.


Doctors have found quitters to have a social anxiety sometimes leading to ADHD which is a whole ball of wax topic and I don't need to get into it.


You get the point.


Bottom line is Bioware is aware of it because they added the option to leave.


Was it retarded to give people a choose to leave without punishment of course, and its the sole reason they need to rethink keeping it long term.


Specially since its gets abused and abused.


Bioware is enabling a quitter attitude in its game without no consequences which to me is a poor way to have a game.


Whatever. :rolleyes:

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Using a medpack when you're fighting 1on8 probably isn't going to turn it around. If you can't tell that you might be part of the problem.


With the cost of WZ consumables crashing I don't see why people would even complain about them as a cost anymore.


I still don't know if you're serious, I view you as a quality poster so I'm just not sure.


And how are the prices crashing, they've been 10 comms each since the game launched and still are. :confused: And yes, I know we get 10 per day for the dailies now, but I can go through 10 of each in one game. Doesn't help very much, but it is appreciated.


Edit: I get it, you're talking about buying stacks from other players, which I'm not in the habit of doing. Regardless, prices on my server haven't moved, people still sell them for 900-1000 per, as they always have.

Edited by Monterone
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I'm not sure why hopping from one losing game to another is anyone's definition of fun. You do know that the most likely game you get into when you solo queue is the one where your team is badly losing?


There's really no gain whatsoever for leaving and people trying to rationalize are just finding excuses. If you have to leave fine, but you're coming out way behind on this. WZ consumables are dirt cheap now anyway. You get 5 of each type for finishing the second daily and it'd usually be obvious when using them isn't going to turn the tide at all.


If anything the kind of game you should be leaving are the game where you know it's going to end in 10-0 Alderaan and you're on the side with the 0, but bizarrely enough very few of the self-proclaimed pros ever actually quit in such a game, even though this is complete waste of time in every sense of the word. You'll be fighting for 20 minutes and ultimately losing without any realistic shot at winning for about 100 comms which is pretty much the worst possible way you can spend your time. Heck, sometimes I want to quit even when I'm on the winning side, as 140 comms for 20 minutes of fighting is still pretty bad.


I quit whenever I feel like the team is garbage, doesn't understand objectives or just simply wasting my time.


And truth be told, I really don't give 2 chits about it.

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I still don't know if you're serious, I view you as a quality poster so I'm just not sure.


And how are the prices crashing, they've been 10 comms each since the game launched and still are. :confused: And yes, I know we get 10 per day for the dailies now, but I can go through 10 of each in one game. Doesn't help very much, but it is appreciated.


Edit: I get it, you're talking about buying stacks from other players, which I'm not in the habit of doing. Regardless, prices on my server haven't moved, people still sell them for 900-1000 per, as they always have.


Why would you need to go through 10 of them in a game that's obviously hopeless? It's usually rather obvious if your team has no chance of actually winning within the first 5 minutes of the game. You're limited to 1 adrenal and 2 medpacks at this point just as a function of CDs, and you more than get that back if you stay since it's trivial to get 30 comms. If you quit, you're just behind by 3 consumables.


If you go through 10 of them a game on a regular basis without buying them then you have to be fully Conqueror geared. In that case I guess you really don't have much to play for, but the quitters are very rarely guys with full Conqueror gear that have nothing to play for.

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I quit whenever I feel like the team is garbage, doesn't understand objectives or just simply wasting my time.


And truth be told, I really don't give 2 chits about it.


I don't care if people think their team sucks and want to quit, but I don't like people pretending this somehow improves their position.


Usually if you're in a team that really has no clue whatsoever, it'd be over really quick anyway. It's only a problem like say you're up 500-300 with 2 turrets, and then people stopped defending and you end up losing 50-0, so you basically wasted a lot of your time for 100 comms. The problem with these games is that since you clearly got 2 turrets somehow to start, you really can't know for sure your team is going to lose the game since you started out in an awesome position so something must have gone right. By the time you figured out your team is really stupid you already have too much time invested in that game. Of course, if people are this worried about getting into a long loss, then they should immediately quit on a game of Alderaan when the score is say, 500-490, but most people would never do that.

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I don't care if people think their team sucks and want to quit, but I don't like people pretending this somehow improves their position.


It indeed improves my situation, there isn't any pretending about it.

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