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Vesper Sniper


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So I was minding my own business playing a civil war today, and this sniper named Vesper made the claim "not a single one of you fa***** [could] take me 1v21." See this video at 2:20:04 http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac/b/402403356.


Yet in that exact same warzone, I got the 1v1 medal against guess who?

See this video of the same exact warzone: http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac/c/2272057


Now Vesper, if you are going to use derogatory and bigotry remarks to assert you are the best, you may want to add a little skill into your rotation so fresh 55s who click their skills don't kill you.

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Honestly, Vesper was on my original server on launch and every day we pooped on him for being the worst sniper/player in the game. To this day, Not even lying, i still make fun of him whenever i see him for being an over-all terrible player.
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So I was minding my own business playing a civil war today, and this sniper named Vesper made the claim "not a single one of you fa***** [could] take me 1v21." See this video at 2:20:04 http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac/b/402403356.


Yet in that exact same warzone, I got the 1v1 medal against guess who?

See this video of the same exact warzone: http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac/c/2272057


Now Vesper, if you are going to use derogatory and bigotry remarks to assert you are the best, you may want to add a little skill into your rotation so fresh 55s who click their skills don't kill you.


Does this qualify as an official *shots fired* ?

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On a distant planet I visited many ages ago called tatooine, I recall a pit that housed some of the most vicious outlaws and foes known to man.


This place had a faint smell of blood and glory. Once I stepped on the battlegrounds I felt the heroic memories of victory and defeat. The tears of fallen Jedi and sith still faint in the sand, their lightsabers scattered across this vast desert battlefield as if their guosts still linger for another chance at victory.


This place I speak of is called outlaws den.

Honor your fallen brethren and fight on the sand of blood!!!!

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This surprises me. I've played with/against him since early-access in 12/2011. He's a very mediocre player who puts in tons of hours and often was server first to titles/gear, so I have made fun of him quite often, and seen him made fun of quite often. He has always taken the jabs quite well and I never got a sense that he is arrogant. Maybe he was drunk?
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Vesper is cool as it gets, 99% of the time he keeps his head down and just grinds WZ's for fun. There are probably only a few that WZ as much as Vesper, and I'm certain even fewer contain their frustrations as well as he does.

OP, you made your point, and others piled on, but he's a consistent top sniper on the server like it or not.

Edited by Boops
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What makes a sniper.. or at least a PVPer "good good"? Is it total damage done at the end of the warzone.. or...dueling skills?


I always see Deft always doing 3v1 on the other side of voidstar and wins with around 50% hp left. I think that's good!

Edited by paowee
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Don't feed the trolls... Vesper is a good sniper and prob one of the guys who talks the least trash. It took 3 guys tunneling and taunting him to actually make him mad. Which I should know is tough cuz I talk trash to him all day in TS and he's a really mellow dude.


If there was a point to this other than trolling... I don't see it.

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