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Does anyone else hate RED ERROR TEXT as much as me?


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swtor 'looks' great. love it... but when your in pvp, or a op or flash and pounding away to get the next shot off it completely covers your work.


and by pound i mean, i tigger ambush, then wait 500ms to start pushing follow through and then snipe. when this is done you get the red text. now before the hate rolls in.. follow through and take down


DO NOT QUEUE in the .25-1 second ability queue so in PVP or a op to get the MOST EFFICIENCY .. you must start tapping away.


solution >

please make the *system messages* a panel that is movable.


giant red text COVERING your character pretty much makes the game really ugly ... even when it is two or three lines or when you are in pvp and it is 10 lines.


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!



it visually ruins the game.. covers the opponent your fighting. and looks awe-full. if we could move it and or re-size it we can solve that issue if it "can't go away". And or like in wow, disable the text all-together for "ability spamming" in pvp when your less concerned about "timing your rotation" and getting off your spell asap... but leave the system messages for when your using a quest item in "not the right spot". (it looks like the code is tied together for ability spam and quest item use.).


it would be a shame to not be able to see all the work you have done because it is all behind this :


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

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Wait, hold on.




You mean that red text error spam, right? Because, since I'm not dedicated to hating SWTOR over stupid things, I have never noticed this in SWTOR. If you hate a game so much you have to complain about every little thing, spend your money and time elsewhere.


Sad troll.

Edited by Glumish
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swtor 'looks' great. love it... but when your in pvp, or a op or flash and pounding away to get the next shot off it completely covers your work.


and by pound i mean, i tigger ambush, then wait 500ms to start pushing follow through and then snipe. when this is done you get the red text. now before the hate rolls in.. follow through and take down


DO NOT QUEUE in the .25-1 second ability queue so in PVP or a op to get the MOST EFFICIENCY .. you must start tapping away.


solution >

please make the *system messages* a panel that is movable.


giant red text COVERING your character pretty much makes the game really ugly ... even when it is two or three lines or when you are in pvp and it is 10 lines.


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!



it visually ruins the game.. covers the opponent your fighting. and looks awe-full. if we could move it and or re-size it we can solve that issue if it "can't go away". And or like in wow, disable the text all-together for "ability spamming" in pvp when your less concerned about "timing your rotation" and getting off your spell asap... but leave the system messages for when your using a quest item in "not the right spot". (it looks like the code is tied together for ability spam and quest item use.).


it would be a shame to not be able to see all the work you have done because it is all behind this :


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!


Just stop playing stupidly and you won't get the red text spam. I know you won't do this though, so I am no longer going to follow this thread. Good luck trying to L2P.

Edited by TheSkate
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is genuine concern about a problem that has plagued this game since launch.


In the UI update that enabled all the UI to be customizable, this red error text window was the only thing not addressed. The dev's knew there was concern over this since launch. There have been enough threads and even a dev's response stating that it was a known (though not a major) issue, yet nothing has been done to enable those that notice this red text to disable/remove it from the center of their screen.


To those spouting the usual l2p crap, really, why should everyone play the same way you do? What makes you think YOUR method of playing the game is better than everyone else? Are you unbeatable, i doubt it? Why should this red text window not be movable like EVERY other part of the UI? Why spout the l2p crap instead of saying something useful that would contribute to the discussion? All i see when a post has l2p is a selfish, closed minded, lack of thought.

Edited by uppen
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If BW has this bugged or listed as an enhancement request its low like a priority 1, severity 1. (Assuming they use a 1-5 scale). Just because the OP continues to stomp his feet about it anyplace he can doesn't change the fact it's low priority on their list and leads to the forum ban of happiness.
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The current text can be a bit much. Melodrama aside, I see nothing wrong with offering some kind of option to change it's size or color.

For you, the game should pause and then SCORPIO's voice should come on:


"Artemis, what are you doing? You just tried to use an ability during global CD. Why would you do that? You know it won't work. Can we make a list of reasons why you might have done that? Then we can go into them one at a time and discuss them at length, just to be thorough. And the next time you do it, we will grow the list by one."



Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's likely cause you're not a spaz on the keyboard.


Well actually I hadn't noticed what the OP is seeing either so I went in game and spammed my keys just to see it and at most you get it 2 Not Ready Yet with one of those already fading before the second one will appear. I think it must be related to other error messages or something that scoundrels get other than the Not Ready Yet one

Edited by Aestel
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For you, the game should pause and then SCORPIO's voice should come on:


"Artemis, what are you doing? You just tried to use an ability during global CD. Why would you do that? You know it won't work. Can we make a list of reasons why you might have done that? Then we can go into them one at a time and discuss them at length, just to be thorough. And the next time you do it, we will grow the list by one."




I think I could use that global CD and voice in quite a few things in my life.... ;)

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  • 2 months later...

The only texts I hate


At #2 arriving at a planet and red text popping up



WHAT? The planet is not available? WTH?


at #1



Herpaderp, didn´t I just walk through a green door? Does this need to be announced in the chat window AND in the middle of my screen? Sure, break my immersion a little more, why not.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Just throwing it out there. I don't have an issue with this. Now that you have pointed it out, I recognize it. It is definitely not across my whole screen or game breaking.


Is there any possibility that it is your video card / resolution settings?


If your resolution settings are off or you have a crappy video card, I could see how it would be a lot bigger and more annoying that it would be for me.

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Just throwing it out there. I don't have an issue with this. Now that you have pointed it out, I recognize it. It is definitely not across my whole screen or game breaking.


Is there any possibility that it is your video card / resolution settings?


If your resolution settings are off or you have a crappy video card, I could see how it would be a lot bigger and more annoying that it would be for me.


this is what I see except it is a constant stream of red text that is expanding and contracting depending on the length of the RED TEXT.



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In fact I hate all sorts of texts popping up in the middle of the screen, and people have asked for an option to turn it off since late 2011


"You have entered a rest area". Duh.


I feel the same way.


I tried to play with the UI turned off but none of my skills worked even when I used hotkeys!


I feel like part of this game is still stuck in BETA!

Edited by illgot
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I feel like part of this game is still stuck in BETA!


e.g. the flickering loading screens remind of it every time I play, I remember during beta I thought those dull logo screens are just placeholders for some cool animation coming later on. haha boy how wrong I was



anyway an option to turn off the fat red and yellow texts in the middle of the screen would be great for a start

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Using macros to activate two or more abilities with a single key press is against the ToS.




I use macro's because I have a G13, G15, and Razer Naga.


Let Bioware or EA ban me for using that. Then they can turn around and ban every other user of those devices and be left with handful of players.



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