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Name enforcement on RP servers


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Please for the love of all things holy start enforcing proper name use on RP servers. Seriously seeing names like "Manofdarkness" or "FattyMcCheeseburger" automatically turns off the feel for RP. Set some stricter rules or put some guidelines in place when it comes to name use on RP servers so we don't have idiots running around using gamertags instead of proper names.
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While I do agree, that your examples should go the way of the wookiee, there unfortunately is a real big group of names, that are in a grey zone and a hundred roleplayers would have at least 90 different opinions on the definition for a "correct" name.


Take the name of my main for example: "Jhoira Pryde".

It does sound like a "normal" name, but it is actually a combination of two names that have been in gaming/writing for a long time already. Jhoira is a character from MagicTG and Pryde is a blood name from battletech.


So would that be a "correct" name, yes or no ?


And even if the majority of players could agree on a reasonable name ruling, who would pay the absurd ammount of people, who would be needed all day and night to enforce it ? A rule that is not enforced is vain.

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Really they need name enforcement and RP enforcement. Have an OOC channel, for the random non RP stuff.


I play on an RP server, I've seen RP in general once in the last two weeks that stayed as RP. Last night I did some in Belsavis, one out of the 6 people in general "Got it".


But yea the amount of "Ihealzjoo" and "AwesomeSith" names are about 40-50% of what I see overall. ~50-75% depending on the time of day in Warzones.


And no, the "Jhoria Pryde" stuff would be fine. The "I'Pwn"Like'McDonalds" shouldn't be. I would have went to a regular PvE server if I wanted to see that all day.

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I'd argue the problem is exacerbated by names that are currently sitting idle on unused level 1 characters. The player might have tried every proper name they wanted and after exhausting these possibilities, a gamer-tag was the only way they could come up with something unique.


Plus they're only one word names. If the First Name + Legacy Name constituted a unique name there would be many more chances to pick a decent name as there are many more combinations available, but alas this is not the case. I do however agree with your premise, but not the practicality.

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Having an RP server with no enforcement is nonsensical. What exactly differentiates these servers from any other? It's just a cynical attempt to placate players that don't want to deal with xXxsmokeweedeverydayXxX69Xx, without actually doing anything.
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I used to be in favour of name enforcement on RP servers, but then I realised the down side;


If you don't let the ******* have retard names, then how do you know who the ******* are? Those names are like a big sign saying "Don't group with me, don't talk to me, for god's sake don't try to RP with me. You wouldn't enjoy it".

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What I don't understand is why do people use these stupid names in the first place. It would bother me to the highest level to play with such character, let alone on the RP server. Fortunately I don't see that many of them around, maybe 10-20% or so. Edited by zzoorrzz
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My two cents.


First of all, this isn't a new problem. I complained about this already at launch, after seing people like darthjake and jedimaster running around. Skip ahead until present day, and we are still talking about the exact same problem. Nothing has happened so far, and the longer they wait to give us strict naming rules, the harder it'll be to enforce them. Think it's difficult to enforce rules at launch? Wait until there are a hundred times more players, and then try to enforce it. It won't work. So sadly, I don't think this will ever be solved.


Second, the whole discussion about "it's not possible", "who decide what a legal name is?", "We have only one name, so what choice do we have?" and all that is pointless. Other games have had naming policy on their RP servers, and it worked great. Lord of the Rings Online, for instance. If you saw a name there you didn't think was suitable on a RP server, all you had to do was report it, and the name would never be seen again. Plus, the whole "legacy name" thing is something I've never seen in other games at all. Using LotRO as an example again, we had to stick to just one name for a long time. I think we could get a surename at lvl 10 or 15, but it's been a long time since I played it. But the point is, it worked there, so there's no reason why it won't work here. Except, of course, that BioWare don't bother even try. They get their money, so they are happy. Who cares about us players?

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When I first started this game, I went straight to an RP server. I was so excited, thinking that I'd be able to get immersed with great RPing & a lot of fun players. The second I get there, I see people running around with ridiculous names, spamming duel requests, & whenever I did try to RP, I'd get the F2P little twelve year olds completely ruining it.


The fact that there is no RP Enforcement completely baffled me. I'd make a comparison, but there's nothing to compare it to since there is no enforcement at all! Playing NWN or something of the like, the RP Servers are extremely well maintained even to this day, with regularly playing DM's & great RP communities. So to say that game which was abandoned by Bioware long ago, & is now much more successful (in my opinion) in terms of RP, all thanks to mod devs & so forth, is a pretty spectacular thing.

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I did 10+ wzs last night. Each one had at least 2 gamer tags on my side.


2 of them had ALL gamer tags except me. Different people each one of those wzs too.


I caught about 2-3 gamer tags on the opposition side per wz. TBH It's hard to watch while blowing people away and trying not to die.


I found a perfectly fine RP name, and I started almost 3 weeks ago. So lack of names available aren't an issue (not to mention, it suggests names).


(Of note, the Imperial side sucked last night. Won a whole two matches. I'm gonna hit 1000 kills with like, 25 wins....)

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I'd argue the problem is exacerbated by names that are currently sitting idle on unused level 1 characters. The player might have tried every proper name they wanted and after exhausting these possibilities, a gamer-tag was the only way they could come up with something unique.


Plus they're only one word names. If the First Name + Legacy Name constituted a unique name there would be many more chances to pick a decent name as there are many more combinations available, but alas this is not the case. I do however agree with your premise, but not the practicality.


You would argue that.. But you would be incorrect.. You do realize that people have a right to make name holder characters?? The level and activity of a character is irrelevant to a name.. It isn't justification to strip someone of a name, nor is it justification for your to complain about it..


People complaining that it is always a lvl 1 that hasn't played in centuries is really getting old.. Not to mention irrelevant.. There are countless names available..


As for name enforcement?? How about the RP community enforce their own rules.. You don't like someone's name, don't play with them.. It think it is a bit ridiculous that you all attempt to dictate to people what their names should be and complain that someone has the name you want.. I know.. A lvl 1 character that hasn't ever played.. Not even once right?? :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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the thing about Star Wars and lack of names, is it doesn't make sense.


This isn't City of Heroes, where people will want what is a more typical sounding superhero name. This is Star Wars, where the pool of names is increased dramatically.


PapaSmurf for a characters name is immersion breaking, though I guess one could do Pa'Pas'Murf and say it's the typical Chiss naming convention :p But really, we as players know better.


That said, I wonder if it's this terrible naming convention that is why I've seen some of the worst RP on the RP servers. Or if it's just the RP community in TOR. Seriously, RPing being a Tank/Healer/DPS? *facepalm* Not to mention the mix of OOC with IC. Maybe when the RP community fixes that, we'll see better name conventions from players on the RP server (doubtful, but I like to hope).

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You would argue that.. But you would be incorrect.. You do realize that people have a right to make name holder characters?? The level and activity of a character is irrelevant to a name.. It isn't justification to strip someone of a name, nor is it justification for your to complain about it..


People complaining that it is always a lvl 1 that hasn't played in centuries is really getting old.. Not to mention irrelevant.. There are countless names available..


As for name enforcement?? How about the RP community enforce their own rules.. You don't like someone's name, don't play with them.. It think it is a bit ridiculous that you all attempt to dictate to people what their names should be and complain that someone has the name you want.. I know.. A lvl 1 character that hasn't ever played.. Not even once right?? :rolleyes:


The level 1 thing is kinda a meh. However other games had solutions with that - email warnings, etc. Use the toon or lose the name. Why are you holding the name? Just because?


Also, I'm gonna be direct here and say flat out: Your solution is not only unworkable and not well thought out. If I was to /ignore everyone I see with a gamer tag instead of a name on an RP server, I'd never see the inside of a warzone again.


You may think its ridiculous to dictate what names people should have, but I imagine your mommy explained how you're a pretty snowflake and should do whatever makes you happy. The real world disagrees, good luck on your career if you continue with that attitude. You're part of a community, not a stand alone single player console game. You're not alone though, every MMO has people like you - and they're rarely monetary or in game contributors to the health of the game.


Flaming aside, BW should enforce/support RP servers or get rid of the name "RP" on them. It's just like PvE and PvP server behavior. Either support your label or get rid of it.

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When I see 'HanYoloSwag' I want to take a literal 30 wheeled truck, find his address, ram into his house, find his computer, and run over it about ten to twenty times...


Bioware needs to create a certain point where we can report his name and either demand he makes a reasonable one, or if he refuses to do that, we'll put him through a random name generator until we find something that's not completely stupid and force him to stay with the name.


Yes, there are out of character people on roleplaying servers who want to play with a good community, that's reasonable, but you also have to respect there are roleplayers here and try to find a reasonable name as to not break their immersion and therefore gaming experience.


Otherwise, how would that person be any better than the very people they are trying to avoid by coming to an RP server with a good community?

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When I see 'HanYoloSwag' I want to take a literal 30 wheeled truck, find his address, ram into his house, find his computer, and run over it about ten to twenty times...


Bioware needs to create a certain point where we can report his name and either demand he makes a reasonable one, or if he refuses to do that, we'll put him through a random name generator until we find something that's not completely stupid and force him to stay with the name.


Yes, there are out of character people on roleplaying servers who want to play with a good community, that's reasonable, but you also have to respect there are roleplayers here and try to find a reasonable name as to not break their immersion and therefore gaming experience.


Otherwise, how would that person be any better than the very people they are trying to avoid by coming to an RP server with a good community?


I agree, it's like people don't even pay attention to the server that they join, & their ignorance can really ruin it for other people.

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I'm ok with name enforcements on RP servers but only if they police all the ERP people in the cantinas/fleet. Dont forget about the trolls, credit spammers, and whatever else isnt supposed to be there in game.


There are worse things out there in game besides names that arent 'RP'. Personally i think all of them should be policed not just naming policies. But i know that probably isnt going to happen because it means BW will need to have resources and manpower to deal with those.

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If ERP bothers you, there's not much they can do about it. You take lots of risks by exposing yourself to an MMO. Turn on the Profanity Filter if it's that bad; better than nothing I guess.


I'm still for more enforcement of names in an RP Server however; like I said before, people's ignorance can ruin the experience for other players, especially when they blinded, or sometimes willingly, join an RP Server & have no intentions of RPing.

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The thing is, the "Naming Policy" they have in place doesn't ONLY apply to RP servers; but it SHOULD be enforced on RP servers. I just had a convo about this on Begeren Colony's Tatooine. Most people (outside of the people who have terrible names like "lordsithmaster") agree.


Here are the key points that need to be enforced of the EXISTING naming policy:


You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


I would add to this, excessive use of apostrophes, using accented/ascii characters to copy other names, and unquestionably anachronistic names (i.e. Darth Wiggles, Lord Fluffybunny).

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If ERP bothers you, there's not much they can do about it. You take lots of risks by exposing yourself to an MMO. Turn on the Profanity Filter if it's that bad; better than nothing I guess.


If people werent so bad at RPing/ERPing i would mind so much :p


But seriously, i'm not new to MMO's i see someone or something i dont like i ignore it. I dont even /ignore people...i see something, i dont like it, i turn my attention to something else. But with people trying to RP/ERP they carry on a conversation in emotes. And it seems like a lot of people are showing it off as if they have an audience watching their every emote. For those it will catch my attention, i give it one maybe two eye rolls, then i turn my attention to something else hehe.


err but anyways back on topic

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If people werent so bad at RPing/ERPing i would mind so much :p


But seriously, i'm not new to MMO's i see someone or something i dont like i ignore it. I dont even /ignore people...i see something, i dont like it, i turn my attention to something else. But with people trying to RP/ERP they carry on a conversation in emotes. And it seems like a lot of people are showing it off as if they have an audience watching their every emote. For those it will catch my attention, i give it one maybe two eye rolls, then i turn my attention to something else hehe.


err but anyways back on topic


I think, they should have channel specific emotes period.

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