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EA signs exclusive SW rights with Disney

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TOR must really have started making some serious $$$ again if Disney went with EA for this deal. I'm quite surprised actually.


No but the information in the press release practically guarantees a Star Wars FPS on Frostbite 3 engine from DICE. Looking forward to it, excluding all the microtransactions, day -1 DLC and the usual EA stuff.


Talked to a friend of mine who works at NCsoft in Austin, he told me that everyone is trying to get a gig with Bioware because TOR is making money hand over fist and has gotten three games green-lighted by EA.


So much for "OMGzors servers closed in one year!!!!" :rolleyes:

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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EA makes good games, it's their practices with said games that is in question.


I'm hoping EA picks up on some good Star Wars games like Battlefront, Empire at War, and the Jedi Knight series and does some good reboots/new games.


I also hope they experiment on some new ideas.


I agree, looking forward to what the future might hold for both new games and movies, Star Wars will once again rule the galaxy :)

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EA makes good games, it's their practices with said games that is in question.

Nope. EA doesn't make games(not anymore). They publish games made by studios under their control. They might own some studios that can make good games if allowed, but that by no means makes EA make good games by itself.


And while bad publisher can't easly kill good games(if they are really good), it can make life of players that want to play those games real nightmare.

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Nope. EA doesn't make games(not anymore). They publish games made by studios under their control. They might own some studios that can make good games if allowed, but that by no means makes EA make good games by itself.


And while bad publisher can't easly kill good games(if they are really good), it can make life of players that want to play those games real nightmare.


"EA" still has their own production houses. They mostly make the sports line but EA does still have developers working under them.


And for all of you who say RIP STAR WARS...remember, if you don't like it, don't buy it or play it.


I hate EA's business practices as much as the next guy but to say they produce nothing but terrible games is nonsense.

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Nice of you to try to think for me. I don't let anyone do that. So nice try.


Actually, yes, I would innovate. And I'm being honest about it. I don't think the way most people do. There's more to life than the almighty dollar. Once I have enough money to support my family, the rest is all about making people I care about happy.


I don't think I COULD do it for very long in a monstrous publicly traded organization like EA, but I damn sure WOULD for as long as it took them to fire me. And if it took long enough, I bet I'd show the industry a better way to make MORE money. :cool:


Actually, considering that every other indie developer who tried that either ended up having their games pirated and lost money or sold their studio to the big name corporate giants like EA and Activision and the industry is still the same crappy place, you probably would end up OWING money for your "innovation".


You can't trust gamers to buy your game fairly at asking price because they feel entitled to it for free and they will just bash your product anyway because it won't have X feature or Y gameplay aspect. They'll accuse you of ripping off common game designs and any unique features will be labeled as "pointless and a waste of development". You'll be ripped apart on internet forums, with a very scant number of genuine supporters, who will most likely point out flaws in your game and offer a ton of suggestions that you will find financially questionable. You may try to explain why you couldn't do it, but they'll quickly turn on you and accuse you of laziness because "It's so simple to implement and you're just trying to gouge us", thus making you the bad guy.


Because that's how the industry works. Your customer is a massive moron who has zero clue what they want and they will assume that you are a money grubbing soulless corporate shill with no passion for the wares you sell.


Why? Because both sides are utter and complete dillholes with the brain cell count of a potato chip.


Thanks, human evolution!

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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true. Edited by ChickenWangs
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Nope. EA doesn't make games(not anymore). They publish games made by studios under their control. They might own some studios that can make good games if allowed, but that by no means makes EA make good games by itself.


And while bad publisher can't easly kill good games(if they are really good), it can make life of players that want to play those games real nightmare.


Tell that to the millions who buy Madden and Battlefield titles.

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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true.


What are you talking about? When have they ever done that?


oh right, I forgot that the Hulk became a pacifist when he became angry in The Avengers... and that new Deadpool game where he just sits in a chair and doesn't kill people or even look at women....

Edited by Xeta
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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true.

Your fears are coming true after Disney sings a deal with a company that makes plenty of games that include violence and sexual themes?



Edited by Pietrastor
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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true.


What? You do realize that Disney helps make movies like The Avengers? Which had plenty of violence and sexual suggestions?


Disney does not automatically equal kid friendly things.

Edited by spectreclees
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Nice of you to try to think for me. I don't let anyone do that. So nice try.


Actually, yes, I would innovate. And I'm being honest about it. I don't think the way most people do. There's more to life than the almighty dollar. Once I have enough money to support my family, the rest is all about making people I care about happy.


I don't think I COULD do it for very long in a monstrous publicly traded organization like EA, but I damn sure WOULD for as long as it took them to fire me. And if it took long enough, I bet I'd show the industry a better way to make MORE money. :cool:


Nice of you to try to make it seem like I'm attacking you as a personality and not talking about anyone who's trying to make it in the industry while working for a big corporation (and I think I pointed out that I'm not talking about indie developers) that has shareholders and budgets of millions to consider.


But, just in case you are not simply trying to avoid answering honestly, let me clarify that this was not an attack on your personality, your worldviews or even the things that you consider sufficient to make you happy.


Like it or not, big corporations do not care for you or me enough to innovate and keep us interested.

They want easy money and that's what safe decisions get them, until people get bored with the safe things they've been giving them and then they have to find something else to serve us.

Making an innovative game that people end up enjoying is a happy accident, that they can PR the hell out of afterwards, not the endgame. Most of the time, however, they just make small changes to already successful IPs and present them as brand new.

And that's not their fault (people are buying them, after all).

So you could make a thousand games that are innovative and great, but if people are not buying them you cannot keep a company afloat.

Obviously, you don't care about big companies, but this is what I was talking about:

Big companies trying to make money, not small indie developers trying to make art.


Other than that, pretty much what Darth_Moonshadow said.

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Because that's how the industry works. Your customer is a massive moron who has zero clue what they want and they will assume that you are a money grubbing soulless corporate shill with no passion for the wares you sell.


Why? Because both sides are utter and complete dillholes with the brain cell count of a potato chip.


Thanks, human evolution!


This is sweet golden nectar of truth. :D


In any case, this news isn’t particularly worrying. It certainly doesn’t represent a grim twist or any real change from Disney retaining licensing discretion. The argument that granting exclusive rights stifles competition is a bit off the mark in this particular industry, because studios are loath to compete anyway, especially within an IP. Disney or LucasArts or whoever holds the cards at any given time would avoid simultaneously licensing two big Star Wars MMOs, because that would devalue the license. Likewise, studios don’t want to enter into such direct competition, and the competitive edge of their properties usually depends critically on difference.


So those hoping to see two games of this type with the same IP competing in the open and constantly bettering themselves as a result would probably disappointed, exclusive rights or not. SWTOR will instead continue to compete against other MMOs with different IPs.


I don’t know what this means for the future of Star Wars games; I’m still hoping 1313 will see daylight in some fashion. However, this is good news for the state of SWTOR and its prospects. I hope to see more investment in it as a result. :)

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Can't say I am surprised.


I guess this means Obsidian won't be making that SW-RPG they were shopping about a few months ago, for which I am bummed out. I'd like to have seen what the Fallout chaps could do with SW IP. ("Star Wars. Star Wars never changes" :)) But on the up side, now they can out all their energies into Fallout 4, which is some compensation.


I'm a bit surprised at the vitriol on this board for ME2/3 and DA2 here - I mean, they were not perfect, with the cookie cutter areas in DA2, the ending debacle of ME3, *insert bugbear of your choice here*. But they were good, and in some cases, better than good, games, technically, artistically and story-wise. Strong characters, solid-if-standard plots, decent balance and play options. Oh well, haters gonna hate, I guess.


I guess we'll get a wide variety of games and playstyles with the SW logo on them, which is something. Here's hoping some of them bring the quality as well.

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Wouldn't say it's great news, yano. Competition is always good and having another Star Wars mmo out there would defo make the devs here think about it and try and keep players in here. I wouldn't count on more regular expansions and many changes. Considering that EA will have a monopoly for Star Wars mmo, they can just sit back and really lazy about it since they won't have any competition. ;/


There will never be two Star Wars MMO's on the PC at any one given time.


@Andryah Except you can't blame EA for the mobile gaming side , because they aren't doing them :) Read here :-







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I guess this means Obsidian won't be making that SW-RPG they were shopping about a few months ago, for which I am bummed out. I'd like to have seen what the Fallout chaps could do with SW IP.


They already have been in the Star Wars IP, they made KotOR 2.

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Can't say I am surprised.


I guess this means Obsidian won't be making that SW-RPG they were shopping about a few months ago, for which I am bummed out. I'd like to have seen what the Fallout chaps could do with SW IP. ("Star Wars. Star Wars never changes" :))l.

they did something in SW it was called KOTOR 2. it was buggy and incomplete but great so... par for the course with obsidian

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they did something in SW it was called KOTOR 2. it was buggy and incomplete but great so... par for the course with obsidian


I'm aware - I'm currently playing through the restored content version of KOTOR2 and loving it truly, madly and deeply.


But they had been pitching an RPG set between the existing Trilogies, late last year, and early this year. Before LA was closed down, anyway. I'd have liked to have seen it - I know Obsidian drives us all crazy with the bugs, and tends to rush things, but they do brilliant work. Oh well. Them's the breaks.

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Next, Disney will buy EA, and then people will say its the end of video games. :p


Star Wars will die when people stop spending money on Star Wars merchandise.


Seeing how that has never happened IN OVER 30 YEARS OF STAR WARS MERCHANDISING, I think its safe to assume, Star Wars will be around for awhile.


I am, however, taking bets on this rights deal killing SW:TOR.


I only accept large wagers of Cartel Coins over 100.



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Next, Disney will buy EA, and then people will say its the end of video games. :p


Star Wars will die when people stop spending money on Star Wars merchandise.


Seeing how that has never happened IN OVER 30 YEARS OF STAR WARS MERCHANDISING, I think its safe to assume, Star Wars will be around for awhile.


I am, however, taking bets on this rights deal killing SW:TOR.


I only accept large wagers of Cartel Coins over 100.



I'd rather bet money on EA and Disney having some type of deal going with Microsoft for the new Xbox.

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Next, Disney will buy EA, and then people will say its the end of video games. :p


Star Wars will die when people stop spending money on Star Wars merchandise.


Seeing how that has never happened IN OVER 30 YEARS OF STAR WARS MERCHANDISING, I think its safe to assume, Star Wars will be around for awhile.


I am, however, taking bets on this rights deal killing SW:TOR.


I only accept large wagers of Cartel Coins over 100.




Why would EA, the publisher of SWTOR, getting exclusive rights to making Star Wars games, kill SWTOR, a Star Wars game?


Like...I'm really curious as to your thought process on that one.

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Disney could effectively attempt to shut down swtor because they think its too violent/controversial (sex in the game). I was worried that disney would try to disneyify everything they could get their hands on, and it seems my fears are coming true.


Disney makes R rated movies all the time.


But anyhow, this doesn't change that fact that this is a very dark path for Star Wars is walking now. Almost seems like each day the franchise I've loved is dying a slow, painful death.

Edited by Eillack
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