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Who is the oldest Geezer here?


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You all made me feel young at 53, ha ha ha


I started with the old pencil and dice D&D andd evolved to the electronic versions and really liking the MMORPG format, especially for the flexibilty to play solo, grouped, PvP, etc.


Like many elders I play third view, from a few above and behind me, but then I care very much how I look, so after I gone thru so much trouble, I want to see myself :<) Just give this old lady a little room for vanity, ok?



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42 here. I've been gaming as a hobby since the 1980s while in high school, starting out with D&D and then moving on to Battletech and Mechwarrior. Didn't play too much after I got married in 2000 and started my career and family, but SWTOR got me back to gaming.
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While I might not be old enough to make an impression in this thread (I'm 45), I recently ran into some data on this subject that suprised me, and might interest some of you.


I considered my self a part-time player until about a month ago, when I suddenly found myself the leader of a guild I joined in January. The officership just quit playing. So, I decided to make a good-faith effort to re-build the guild. I deputized a few of the remaining members and we all went to lowbie zones and spammed general chat for members. Once in the guild, we sent them to the website to register, and one of the application questions asked for the players age. Turns out we had more players over 40 than we did under 20, and 2 or 3 were in their 50's.


It's not exactly scientific, (Many of the players didn't register, a few of those who did skipped the age question, and we mostly recruited after 10pm), but I was pleased to learn that our player-base tended toward the more mature.

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Well, this august I will turn 50..... Been playing games on computers since DoS 3.0. Played First person shooters for quite some time, then switched to MMO's in early 2000. Love the interaction and group a lot. Hoping for many more years of Online Gaming.:D
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Was KIA in 'NAM, I don't even exist now, and my name isn't even on this account. I hate this guy that has the name Khe-san as he doesn't even know what it really means, or doesn't even know that it's from Vietnam, boy it pizzes me off when he logs in-game. I love Star Wars sometimes, as I think in the future this planet will be like Coruscant with what i know.


My Brothers were in Khe-san when the Tet offensive began, the damm kids these days don't even know what happened there.


Not able to play the game as I used to, I have 1 lens in my glasses, have trouble walking, and heart problems along with other things.


What I did is Classified.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Was KIA in 'NAM, I don't even exist now, and my name isn't even on this account. What I did is Classified.


And your name isn't on the wall either, so claiming you were KIA is a slap in the face to those who were, including people we both knew. I know people sometimes get fixated on their days of glory so that is all they talk about. I've encountered you before, and I think you are one of them. The sad fact is that few people know the facts of the Vietnam war. We lost, you'll remember, so maybe people just want to bury the memory. But the same people who don't remember the Tet Offensive also don't remember when Kennedy was killed, don't remember the moon landing, and don't remember when the first shuttle blew up. It's the same with us. We don't have a personal memory of Pearl Harbor, which was a seminal event on our parents' memories. And we don't remember when Lincoln was assassinated either, which is what our great grandparents remembered and were a part of.


This time, here, we're talking about the oldest geezer here, playing SWTOR, which has little to do with real life. To most of the players here, WE are their grandparents ages. Several of us have mentioned the difficulties of aging where poor eyesight and lack of lightening swift reflexes can affect gameplay. If nothing else we're putting the younger "old geezers," the 40 year olds, on notice that their time will come. :p


Now, do you win the prize or not? We have two people who are 70. If they'd come back with their DOB it might be time to crown a winner!

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The person who set me up in my SWTOR account and paid for my subscription was born in 1946. He’s always saying how he’s as old as you can be and still be a baby-boomer. He’s still playing SWTOR, apparently, but he won’t come on here and fess up to his age ! ! :rolleyes:


He claims his first computer game was “Star Trek” on a mainframe, where you played the Starship Enterprise on a 2-D array of the universe, which was printed out on a “dot-matrix” printer. No video screens, he says. Stars were asterisks on the grid, Starfleet bases were Bs, and Klingon ships were Ks and so on. Then his next game (also on a mainframe, I think) was called Colossal Cave or Adventure or Adventure in the Colossal Cave (he keeps calling it something different) and in it you typed out directions for movement and looking at things and picking them up, and the game responded by telling you what happened when you did that. Does this make sense to any of you geezers out there?

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It makes sense to me, although I never played games back then. I began playing in the 90s, that means that I started when the era of the earlier computers was already over (C64, Amiga, Sinclair, Atari ST etc. ...).

I was born in the year of Woodstock.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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He claims his first computer game was “Star Trek” on a mainframe, where you played the Starship Enterprise on a 2-D array of the universe, which was printed out on a “dot-matrix” printer. No video screens, he says. Stars were asterisks on the grid, Starfleet bases were Bs, and Klingon ships were Ks and so on. Then his next game (also on a mainframe, I think) was called Colossal Cave or Adventure or Adventure in the Colossal Cave (he keeps calling it something different) and in it you typed out directions for movement and looking at things and picking them up, and the game responded by telling you what happened when you did that. Does this make sense to any of you geezers out there?


Oh, yes. I remember that. It was translated to an Apple ][ where I played it on a screen. I remember the ****** for Klingon bases. There was a very good variation out for the Atari 400 which came on a cartridge. Adventure was strictly text. the cave was in your mind. It was quite challenging for its time. Another mainframe oriented game was "FoxRab" (Foxes and Rabbits) where you attempted to set up an island for ecological survival by balancing resources. The thing is, those "mainframes," which cost millions, had about as much memory as a TRS-80. The first disk drives I bought for a "mini" computer cost $40,000 apiece. I needed three, which bought me a whopping 900MB (megabyte, not gigabyte) of memory. When a disk crashed and you had to replace a cartridge, it was $1200.

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I remember Star Trek - Kobayashi Maru on the Commodore 64 and the huge 5 inch floppy. 1981 or something ?


LOL! Thank you for saying that and I hope the rest of you will forgive a bit of nostalgia. A "huge" 5-1/4" floppy is just kind of funny since the REALLY old geezers had 8" floppies! Or even cassette tapes before floppy drives were invented. I still have the cassette player I bought with my Apple ][ in 1979. I kind of wish I still had the Apple, but I've turned into a hoarder in my old age--but only two cats!

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The person who set me up in my SWTOR account and paid for my subscription was born in 1946. He’s always saying how he’s as old as you can be and still be a baby-boomer. He’s still playing SWTOR, apparently, but he won’t come on here and fess up to his age ! ! :rolleyes:


He claims his first computer game was “Star Trek” on a mainframe, where you played the Starship Enterprise on a 2-D array of the universe, which was printed out on a “dot-matrix” printer. No video screens, he says. Stars were asterisks on the grid, Starfleet bases were Bs, and Klingon ships were Ks and so on. Then his next game (also on a mainframe, I think) was called Colossal Cave or Adventure or Adventure in the Colossal Cave (he keeps calling it something different) and in it you typed out directions for movement and looking at things and picking them up, and the game responded by telling you what happened when you did that. Does this make sense to any of you geezers out there?



I don't think of ppl even over 100yrs to be old, when u think about it, in the Billions of years that has gone through, we are not even a hair in time. I have a lot of History in me that most ppl will never know. You were looking for an age, well, it's a lot better to keep ppl guessing I think.


Time isn't what ppl think it is. Age isn't what it always is unless u have learned that sometimes the old ways were always better with exception of civil rights. I grew upwith a Black and white TV, and 50s Television shows that still make up who I am today, most things on TV now is truly trashy at best.

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Kennedy was killed in '63 in a motorcade when.......... I don't remember his name shot Kennedy's head off. The Challenger blew up in '86. I remember Kennedys Assassination most because right after that was when we publicly started the Vietnam War under President Johnson because of the Gulf of Tonkin' incident. the other thing u mentioned I could give u a year to.


As u thinkin' u know me, u don't have a clue kid. I play this game with bad psiatica and take very powerful pain pills that just don't make the pain worse. I also take heart medications and also am barely able to read things because I only have 1 lens because I lost the other which u can draw ur opinion of me on those things to.


My Father was in SAC at Homestead AFB which stupid politicians closed, and Met JFK 2 weeks before he was killed kids. My Father had the key to the keys to launch our Nuclear weapons. These new Generations are Idiots at best....... Most of them. they don't know how close this planet came to be deathly Husk of a planet burned surface and Radiation sickness if u weren't lucky enough to have been killed in a Nuclear War. Do ppl remember 9/11. Most ppl these days don't. And they should remember it.



Oh, and the Moon landing was in '69. And there was nothing glorious about the Vietnam War I can think of. We were just "Toy Soldiers" to stupid Politicians which have no place in knowing how to run a War. Gen. Curtis E. Lemay broke North Vietnams back in Linebacker 2 because the NVA ran out of air to air missiles to down our B-52s Bombers, in which we made craters in places that we bombed looked like the surface of the moon. If we would've Unleashed Generals like Lemay, then the War would've had a much different outcome. It's not good to try and forget Wars because we have to take Meds from Post traumatic Stress Disorder, that I have gone through.



Ppl that were told to forget about it usually had mental problems and hundreds of Men from Vietnam killed themselves or go out and kill ppl because this Country owes Vets their lives. There has been shootings from some Vets, and that because our Current President has cut most vets from PTSD, and never get the help they need badly.

Edited by MandFlurry
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i turn 37 in august and play so 9 years mmorpg

bevore that i play alot of rpg on consoles


my first rpg was Phantasy star 4 on the mega drive

was rely adicted to it :)


you can say am a real rpg freak :eek:


Suikoden 2 is stil my favorite rpg of all time on the PS1 :)

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This was fun to read love it to I am 56 been playing RPG games since Sega lol love this game cause its a lot like ultima assent ion a really kick but game. I to do a lot of stuff by my self but do help others.:p:p
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